Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Perfect Master Coming In(to) This World - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat's English is and was poor and very idiosyncratic. When he was still calling himself Guru Maharaj Ji he referred to himself as the Perfect Master or Satguru and explained that there was only ever one unique person alive on Earth at any one time who was the Perfect Master and that this Perfect Master comes in(to) the world time and time again since time immemorial to reveal to humans the Knowledge that allows them to realize God. His phrase for this incarnation or manifestation of an avatar was "comes in(to) the world". He claimed that he is and his father had been the Perfect Master as had Jesus, Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Swarupanand (his father's guru) and others of that ilk. Other synonyms for Perfect Master were Guru Maharaj Ji, Maharaji, Balyogeshwar, Satguru, the Saviour, the Lord, etc. Since around 1990 he has referred to himself as "the Master" rather than "the Perfect Master" but he still claims to be the unique source of the Possibility of Peace in the world today through his techniques that are "more than meditation" and that only he can inspire. In India he still refers to himsef as "Guru Maharaj Ji" and this is translated into English by the Raj Vidya Kender translators as "the Master".

Hollywood, California, August 11, 1971
And in that function there is a supreme function which has been recommended by God, when a man was made. And that is to realize that Omnific Word. That's why He comes time after time in this hell. To make it heaven.
Élan Vital, Volume III Issue 3, Autumn 1979

Alta Loma Terrace, Los Angeles, August 15, 1971
But now He has taken a form to refine this whole world, from one corner to other corner of the whole world. He has come. And what does He do? He gives people such a technique, such
a method, which is perfect, and gets them away from sufferings, the causes of sufferings of this world. God made the mind, but He never made a stoplight. And when He saw that "There is no
stop in this mind which I have made," He was very sorry. He had to take a form. The form of Guru is nobody but Himself, the whole that you want to see. The whole power is now in the form
of a body. That is the body which is Supremest of all, and its duties, works are not like those of humanity. Humanity does everything for stomach -- selfish purpose. But He is not
selfish. He does whatever He does for the good of public, good of people. He came, and He is curing people, giving that technique through which mind will be completely
Élan Vital, Spring 1978, Volume II, Issue 1

Johannesburg, South Africa, 29th April, 1972
So how are we going to recognize God if He comes on the Earth? Are you going to ask to see His identity card or passport? See if it says, "Name … God. Occupation … Generator, Operator,
Destroyer." That is foolish! …But the test of the Perfect Master will be that which is undeniable to everybody and that is the experience of Himself which He can give, and this is the
true Knowledge.
The Golden Age, Issue 54 and Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?, Bantam

Questions & Answers, Delhi, India, 1972
What is God? See, there is a very thin membrane between us and God, and this is a membrane of illusion. A Guru has a device so he can cut this membrane and it becomes practical and easy
for us to see God. … Guru means the one who takes us away from darkness and puts us into Light. He takes us away from ignorance. Whenever our Perfect Master comes in this world, he has never just stayed in the caves or in his room, but has always come out and shouted before people, "Come and realize, come and know, come and understand." It is our duty to understand.
Light Reading, Volume II, Issue 1, June 1979

Embassy Hall, Los Angeles, 17th June 1973
We say Jesus was nailed, but Jesus was never nailed. We say Jesus died, but Jesus was never dead and he gave a practical proof to it, practical example to it. Because, you see, this is the thing, when they write a story they say, "and Jesus died." Full stop. Then a comma, then they start, "And then a great thunderstorm started coming in," and this and that. But why don't we understand that Jesus never died? Because if he was dead, how could he come again, back again? But still we repeat the same thing.
Perfect Master Tape 005

Third World Peace Tour, Louis Armstrong Stadium, New York City, July 28, 1973
What we need today, and what every Perfect Master comes in this world to reveal, is Knowledge. Now what is Knowledge? This is a big question. You might have heard the Mahatma Ji
giving satsang and talking about Knowledge. Maybe you've read posters talking about Knowledge. Many people came onto this stage and talked about Knowledge, and then maybe you go hit
somebody's bumper and he talks about Knowledge. You watch a television program which talks about Knowledge. and you see a news article and it talks about Knowledge. What is Knowledge?
Knowledge is that inner experience, that inner energy, that source by which we realize inner peace. It is that inner experience which we need.
See, when a Perfect Master will come to you, he will not be stamped on his forehead saying, "Perfect Master: identified and witnessed by God, signed God." No! When he comes here, we have to realize him. Today everybody prays to Jesus and says, "Jesus, you are my Lord." What about the time when he came? There were very, very few people who said, "You are my Lord." People were saying, "Oh, no, he just can't be it, it's just impossible for him to be the Lord."
Affinity, February 1980

Denver, Colorado, 8th July, 1975
This is what people should understand, if anything, and this is what people should do: you can do more service to humanity by realizing this Knowledge, propagating this Knowledge, giving
people satsang about this Knowledge, than by doing anything else. Even if you become emperor of this whole world! Because who is Guru Maharaj Ji? Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect. And this
perfect Lord doesn't come down Himself one day, grab everybody by the throat, and say, "You better realize Knowledge, otherwise I am going to chuck you out into hell." He doesn't do
that. He even comes down into this world, bears that physical body, bears the pains, bears the suffering of this physical planet, and gives Knowledge. But if you look at Him, He is
the ultimate. He doesn't need to come into this world. He has got so much power, He could manifest Himself in front of everybody in this world and ask everybody personally a question,
He wouldn't even have to come down into this world. All He would have to do is come down out of the clouds and speak loud one day, and say, "People who are not going to receive
Knowledge are definitely going to hell." He never does that, because that's just the way it is.
The Golden Age Number 39, July 1977

Guru Puja Festival, Caracas Venezuela, 23rd July 1975
You know, I was in Denver, and I was giving satsang about Perfect Master. And like, a Perfect Master, when we call him a Perfect Master, we have just said something that we really
don't sit back and try to understand. When we say Perfect Master, when we say this, this person who is infinite, call him Guru Maharaj Ji, call him Perfect Master, call him Lord, call him
anything you want, he doesn't need to come into this world. You see? He doesn't. Because he is perfect. All he has to do is one day get up and just scream through the blue skies, and say,
"You! Everybody! Realize Knowledge. Otherwise I am going to do something to you guys you never dreamed of." And then he could do something that would sort out every person who
realized Knowledge and is meditating, and every person who has not realized Knowledge. He could do anything he wants, because we just called him perfect, and he is perfect. And in
fact, he could very well do that. He could, with a blink of his eye, make the people who haven't really realized this Knowledge, who are really into darkness, stand up two feet from
the ground. And so you can trace them exactly, wherever they are, and turn them this funny color. And then you can really imagine what a big ego hit that's going to be, what a mind blower
that's going to be. Because everybody will be able to see: "Oh, you didn't realize Knowledge, eh? See what you get for that?" But he doesn't do that. He comes into this world, and
bears a body just like everyone, and comes in and knocks at everybody's doors. Doesn't pressure anybody, but begs them. Doesn't make a rule, but begs them to realize this Knowledge.
Tells them what it can do to them. Tells them how beautiful it is.
Élan Vital Summer 1978 Volume II Issue 2

Pacific Guru Puja, Capitol Theatre, Sydney Australia. October 18, 1975
We do the very mistake of understanding the perfectness, of really realizing what that source of Truth is. We make that mistake of forgetting, that how it really is every time. And we
make that mistake again, and again, and again, and again. I'll tell you, we've got all the scriptures that we believe in in front of us and then we do the same mistake again. And
that's man. And you see, times and times Perfect Master comes and just imagine this world to a jungle and he comes and he tells people, "Don't do this, don't you know. Go and tell other
people also, not to do this." And he sets an example every time he comes into this world but then again man, lo and behold, after everything he does, gets caught in his own
contraption. And the thing he knows is that he is going to be caught up. So premies, this is why there is such a great importance, there is such a great role of Guru Maharaj Ji in this
world. This is the reason why we need him. So that he can guide us properly in the direction that we need to be in. So that he can point us that correct road that we need to be on"
The Golden Age Number 24, November 1975

Argentina, 7 January 1976
But there is something very, very important in this life. We come into this world just so that we can realize this life, so that we can learn to lead it properly And Guru Maharaj Ji
comes, but who is Guru Maharaj Ji? Guru Maharaj Ji is a person, because he comes in a body, and what he does is show us the way, the path to salvation. So that this life doesn't just
end six feet under the ground or in the holy River Ganges or lit up by fire. He shows us that there is a definite meaning to this life, so that this precious life is not just wasted: that
is why Guru Maharaj Ji comes. In one sense, "Guru Maharaj Ji" is just a Hindi name that became very popular. But you can also calI him "Perfect Master," because he has perfected
perfectness, he can teach us perfectness, and he can guide us along those lines. We call the person who teaches us a "Master," and if he teaches us perfectness, we can call him
"Perfect Master." And that's what he is. He comes into this world to help us find the meaning of this life.
And It Is Divine, Summer 1976, Volume 3, Issue 2

Denver, Colorado, 20 February 1977
We have to open up to Guru Maharaj Ji. Because by opening up ourselves to Guru Maharaj Ji, what follows Guru Maharaj Ji? Knowledge. But Guru Maharaj Ji's a physical focal point
where we can really concentrate, where we can really focus, and through that - through Guru Maharaj Ji everything can manifest for us. And that is the only reason why even Guru Maharaj
Ji comes in this world. Knowledge is always there, but Guru Maharaj Ji comes for us, because he provides that focal point in our lives. That is something we can communicate
with, that is something we can see, something we can perceive, something we can experience - and through that, Guru Maharaj Ji then weaves us into the experience of Knowledge - gently and
slowly and beautifully - and then helps us.
Golden Age, April 1977, Issue 37

Holi Festival, Miami, Florida, Sunday, March 20, 1977
When is this humanity going to come together? When is this humanity going to pull together, and really recognise the Grace of the Perfect Master? Why does a Perfect Master come into
this world? There is a Being that comes into this world to grace us with this Knowledge, with this experience that so many scriptures have described, that so many saints have
come and tried to describe it for us. This Knowledge is now available, and now - that same Knowledge, by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, has been revealed to you.
Golden Age, May / June 1977, Issue 38

Hans Jayanti, Rome, Italy, November 12th, 1977
See, Guru Maharaj Ji's purpose in this life, Guru Maharaj Ji's coming in this world is not only for just giving you Knowledge and that's it and goodbye and shake hands and say,
"Okay, you will get my bill tomorrow." No. It's not that. It's nowhere close to that. Guru Maharaj Ji's purpose in this life is to make sure that you hear satsang, get interested in
Knowledge, receive Knowledge, and after you have received Knowledge, to see you through to your destination. And that's the purpose of Guru Maharaj Ji.
The Golden Age November 1978 Number 49

Kansas City, January 22, 1978
And that is the way it is after every Perfect Master comes in this world. He says, "Come to me. Come to me before! Come to me before you go on this crazy ride. Come to me before
the fear forms in you. Come to me and I'll help you." Okay, when we talk about Jesus, and when we go into those kind of conversations, what we talk about him is what we have read in the
Bible. And yet there is a very simple fact that remains, and that fact is that, okay, there was Jesus, and Jesus had something to reveal to the people of that time. And also there is
another fact that he came and he gave people this thing. Not everybody accepted it. Not everybody got it. And the people who got it had a definite change in their lives. Okay. So I
mean, this is something that you can just see. Like Perfect Master after Perfect Master, this is what has happened.
Golden Age, April 1978 Number 44

London, England, March 5 1978
I'm talking about the mirror of life. The true mirror. Have we ever looked at ourselves in that? No. We never have. And when we will, someday, by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, we will find
that we are no more than just a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, very, very tiny speck of dust. Nothing. But everything. Everything so beautiful. Everything. So tiny that it
doesn't even matter. So tiny that it doesn't even exist in a ratio. And yet so big, and yet so incredible, that even the Lord himself comes for that tiny speck of dust. Maybe one,
maybe a thousand, maybe hundreds of thousands. And so that's how tiny, and that's how great we are. But it all depends. If we slam our door shut … …It's not now - not '78, not
'74, not '82, this century: Concorde, Rolls Royce, Mercedes - that brings Guru Maharaj Ji into the world. It's you! It's premies that bring Guru Maharaj Ji into the world. And does Guru
Maharaj Ji ever come into the world for himself? There is no reason to, because there is no point to. And yet, the only reason why Guru Maharaj Ji is Guru Maharaj Ji, is because of you.
And when you come, and when he comes, and when we all come, we make the most beautiful garland.
The Living Master

Malaga, Spain, Sunday, 26 March 1978
And there is just one set purpose of life. And everybody comes into this world, and every Perfect Master that has come in this world so far has pointed out that purpose of life.
And it's been exactly the same, again and again and again and again. And so when we realize that Knowledge … I mean, it's like theories and words and they can only take you so
far. But the experience takes you miles beyond. That experience takes you even further and further and further and further.
And this world would just completely collapse if Perfect Master stopped coming. I can't possibly even imagine or foresee what this world would be like. Because it would be
completely incredible to just see the beginning and the end of the world in the same minute, in the same second, in the same hour. It'd be just gone! Finished! I mean, with the Perfect
Master in this world there's enough problems. And with him not here, it just feels like the whole thing would just go and that would be it. And when Perfect Master comes into this
world, what does He try to do? When Jesus came into this world, did He say, "Oh, My children, go to moon and you will find peace"? Or did Mohammed say, "Go to Mars, and there
you will see the scene that you've never seen before"?
So every time the Perfect Master has come into this world, where has he directed that attention? Why has he said, "What we need to do is to bring peace into this Earth?" It's
"bring peace into this Earth." Why has it been always "peace into this Earth"?
Golden Age, April 1978 Number 44 and Divine Times,
Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Philadelphia, 25th August, 1978
First of all, whenJesus comes in this world, a miracle happens. Star is there. A beautiful, incredible thing happens. All the ESP goes down the drink. Nothing. Nobody ever senses
it: "Lord is here." No, nothing to do with it. And no scripture. Nothing happens in this whole world.
Then the Lord goes out and starts preaching about the Holy Name, starts telling people what this life is all about. And it's just like: "Man, he's nuts. He's crazy!" Questions and
questions and questions and questions. Nothing else. Nobody really accepts him except a few devotees. except a few people.
Divine Times - September/October 1978 Volume 7, Number 6

Geneva, Switzerland, September 8, 1978.
And it's just like all the concepts … I mean really a lot of, lot of, lot of, lot of, lot of, lot of concepts. And we live in those. And this is the reason why Guru Maharaj Ji comes
in this world. That is the importance of a Perfect Master in this world.
We do need Guru Maharaj Ji in our lives, we do need Knowledge in our lives. Because without that, without the assistance of that, and without us surrendering into that, we aren't
surrendered. Because to begin with we are nobody. Everything that we see around, like I said, is all relative. It's good or bad, it's all relative. And that is why again Guru Maharaj
Ji comes in this world. And what does Guru Maharaj Ji say? Like I was saying, maybe my understanding of Guru Maharaj Ji is unique
Golden Age, December 1978 Number 50

Geneva, Switzerland, September 10, 1978.
Because what is Guru Maharaj Ji? Guru Maharaj Ji is not a parcel. Guru Maharaj Ji is not a package deal. Guru Maharaj Ji is Guru Maharaj Ji. Guru Maharaj Ji never brings himself into
this earthto adapt to you. Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this earth, always, but you have to then go to him. You have to then accept him. That's the difference. It's almost like a
yo-yo. A little hit and the yo-yo rolls out, a little pull and the same energy is directed and it comes up. Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world … but tell me something, Guru
Maharaj Ji is one -- that's it. How many of us are we?
Guru Puja, Geneva 1978

Dortmund, Germany, September 29 1978
And why does Guru Maharaj Ji come into this world? That reason is very simple. Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world to make you who you are, to make this world what this world should
be. And again, and again, and again, and again, Guru Maharaj Ji comes. I mean, that's why people have said, the Perfect Master is the Saviour. What does the Perfect Master save? Save what
from what? Perfect Master saves the humanity. Perfect Master saves the mankind from that chaos, that man walks and talks himself into.
Guru Maharaj Ji's World booklet, 1980

Malibu, California, January 7th 1979
But we have, we have to really, we have, we are premies, look there's nothing to be ashamed about, you know and the purpose and the goal and the and the everything that we have to do I mean what tell me one thing that we have to be ashamed of in this world? We, if we are premies, you know, then the world should be ashamed. Those people should be ashamed who are not premies, not us. We should be proud we are premies not ashamed that we are premies or be shy in any manner that we are premies. We premies of Guru Maharaj Ji and that's our realization! You know, so we should be proud and what we have to do in this world to spread this Knowledge in this whole world is nothing to be ashamed about it is the greatest thing that that can ever happen and recognition of Guru Maharaj Ji is nothing to be ashamed about, it is the greatest thing that ever happened to this world. And you know that every time a Perfect Master comes that is the greatest thing that ever happens to this world. And every time a Knowledge is spread into this world that's the greatest thing ever happens to this world.
Malibu Ashram Satsang video transcript

Denver, 25 February 1979
I think it's completely stupid to think that God's going to do whatever you think you want Him to do. But that Almighty is going to do whatever He wants to do. That Power is going to
manifest Itself in any form It wishes to, any time It wishes to, anywhere It wishes to. Who's going to tell It, "You can't do that"? Who? And yet there is a fact related to that, and the
devotees dictate that. The devotees in fact dictate. Because they are the receivers who want to tune into the frequency. Manifestation of a Savior is going to happen to save the ones
that have to be saved. That omnipotent Power will manifest Itself, establish devotion, for devotees, period. It cannot for Itself, because there has to be a two-way transaction. The
devotees have been the single most strong, powerful thing.
Divine Times - Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Holi, 7th April, 1979
And Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world, every time. Jesus came. Mohammed came. Guru Nanak came. Shri Maharaj Ji came. Guru Maharaj Ji. For devotees, everything. God is a myth.
Guru isn't. Because in the whole realm of "God" there can be people who believe in God and don't believe in God. But in the case of Guru Maharaj Ji, it isn't like that.
Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world. There are devotees. Because, tell me. Is there a possibility that people need not be saved? That is not a phenomenon. That is impossible. People of
this world always need to be saved from their mind, from their ego, from their hesitation, from their confusion, from their trips.
Holi Festival '79

Holi, 7th April 1979
Guru Maharaj Ji sends his devotees first before he comes, so there can be some devotion which can bring him down, which can bring him into this world. And so the devotees come in this
world first. And then comes the Perfect Master. And maybe those devotees who come first aren't really devotees yet, but are destined to be devotees. And when the Perfect Master comes into
this world, it's just like two great big magnets. The attraction becomes faster and faster and faster and then "klunk." It happens. And what an opportunity, what a setup, what a stage is
then, in fact, created. We all come. All the devotees get together and with that sincere love, pray to Guru Maharaj Ji, pray to that Savior, pray to that Perfect Master to help
Élan Vital, Summer 1979, Volume III, Issue 2

Marbella, Spain, Thursday, 26th April, 1979
And Guru Maharaj Ji, a Perfect Master, always comes in this world and says, "Look. It is fine to have a kitchen. And it's fine to have a dining room. And it's fine to have a toilet
that flushes. But is that all that you need in this life?
We come in this world, and yet we get so lost. And Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world to save us. Because there is a necessity, there is a reason why we need to be saved. Because
we always get lost, we always lose track, we always lose that path. And Guru Maharaj Ji comes and says, "Look. Here is the path that you should walk. Here is a path for you. This
is your path. In this path you will find that tranquillity that you are looking for everywhere else. This is the path and if you walk this, it'll bring you that Peace."
The Golden Age, July 1979, Number 54

Guru Puja festival, Lingfield, England, June 21 1979
God. Everybody has a picture of God. You know, children (sucks snot up nose) they have a picture of God, This bi-i-i-ig, hu-u-uge man, you know, that's got, that can fly in a leap you know able to cross tall buildings in one leap, faster than a speeding bullet, just immaculate thing, immaculate being. We have it, in our own ways. People who believe in Ram, people who believe in Krishna, people who believe in Mohammed, people who believe in Christ, people who believe in, in Buddha have their own Gods in their own different formats. I mean, everyone of us has our different ideas of what that Creator really is. Everyone of us thinks that we know, we are right and yet, all it is, is just our painting. And Guru Maharaj Ji comes, you know, Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world and everybody thinks that Guru Maharaj Ji is also going to pick up a piece of canvas, a bunch of paint brushes, paint and start painting a picture and we'll all see the picture and Ta-da, that'll be it. And ??? Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world and we all think that we know the kind of picture that Guru Maharaj Ji is going to paint and when Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world, that's true, always comes into this world but he doesn't paint a picture, no. We translate, after a Perfect Master leaves, disciples take what he has said and try to paint it into a picture but never the Perfect Master. Perfect Master never paints a picture cause he knows there isn't a picture to paint. That picture that he would paint is already within every one of us. That thing, the ultimate goal of life is already within all of us and yet we're ignorant. We do not know. We are unaware and that's no sin, that's no crime. If we do not know, we do not know and that's the why every time the Perfect Master comes into this world to give us, to give us, to teach us perfection. If we all knew, do you think a Perfect Master would come?
Guru Maharaj Ji shows us something which is real, which is true because Guru Maharaj Ji
brings us into this world and shows us something, gives us that realization, shows us what God really is. In its true form.
That God that has no religion, is bound to no religion, is not abducted by a religion because that's what the religions do, they abduct God,
they steal Him, get a copyright on Him. If you don't do things a certain way you don't believe in God. You have to go to a church every Sunday.
If really we knew, us human beings knew a place where God lived, wouldn't we all move there?
God, the Creator, the omnipresent, the omniscient, the omnipotent.
Guru Puja Lingfield England 1979 video

Guru Puja Festival, Rose Bowl, Miami, Florida, July full moon (or thereabouts), 1979
Guru Maharaj Ji comes again and again and says? "Wait, there's nothing here! Let's go. Let's go my place. Let's go to my world. Where you can live, you can really live, where you
can really experience, where you can be away from doubt."
Picture captured from video showing Mahatmas Jagdeo (discredited padeophile) and Gurucharanand dancing at front of crowd
Guru Puja 1979 DLM video

Guru Puja, Miami Beach, Florida, Saturday, 21st July, 1979
And this is the same thing when this Perfect Master comes in this world. We are already in an accident. The accident happened a long time ago. It just didn't happen now. You know
there are people who call themselves very intelligent. Smart. People who developed the automobile. People who developed calculators. People who have modified math. Geniuses. Einstein. All
of them put together couldn't figure out a simple thing, that at one given point this Earth wasn't there and then at one given point there were only so many dinosaurs.
And Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world and he doesn't (pauses) Okay, we listen to all the satsang about how miserable this world is. We all know this world is miserable.
It's our creation. It's our Frankenstein monster. Here we have it. All of it. And Guru Maharaj Ji has the compassion. Guru Maharaj Ji has the mercy, to come into this world and show
us a way out.
Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world and says, "Wait a minute. Wait." Guru Maharaj Ji says, "There is a way out. Let me take you. You don't have to burn here. You don't have to
burn" I mean it's such a practical thing.
Guru Maharaj Ji doesn't just come and say, "Hey, everybody! Here is the Truth. Here is the Love. Here is the Peace. Here is your God." Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world
for just such a reason. He doesn't say, "Listen. I'm going to reveal you the God described in the Koran. I'm going to reveal you the God described in Gita. I'm going to reveal you the God
described in the Bible." No. Never. "I'm going to reveal you the Truth. I'm going to reveal you the Knowledge. I am going to reveal you the Noor Elahi, the Divine Light, the Bhargo, Divya
Prakash." Unanimously. But all Perfect Masters came and said, "I'm going to reveal you something above and beyond."
Guru Maharaj Ji doesn't ask all that. Perfect Master, when he comes into this world, doesn't ask all that. Very, very simple thing. "Look at me. Come to me. Open up to me. You will
find no place in this world that you seek shelter in. There is no place that this world has to offer you. This world has nothing to offer to you."
The Golden Age, October 1979, Number 55

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 10, 1979 -- Evening
Yet remember one thing: that that Guru Maharaj Ji, who is creator, who is the Sustainer, and who is the Destroyer, has love enough for his devotees to come onto this Earth for his
devotees; then absolutely, unquestionably, there are no bounds to what can happen. All we have to do is to become that devotee, to have that devotion. That's all: that faith, that
surrender, to Guru Maharaj Ji, that love that is sincere, that comes from our hearts for Guru Maharaj Ji. Not in our imagination, but in reality. If we can become a devotee … If there
is Guru Maharaj Ji and then a devotee, when they join, then there is devotion. And it is said that when that happens, when Guru Maharaj Ji and a devotee are bound together by devotion,
then the purpose of that soul that devotee has been completed. That's it. There is no more to be done. There is nothing left to be done. It has received the stage beyond liberation. It
has received, it has joined, it has merged in the state which is beyond, above and beyond -- joined its Creator. It has joined its Owner. It has joined where it came from; it has joined
back to its own.
Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world -- of course, I don't think there is anybody living at this point in this whole world that understands Guru Maharaj Ji. Because to us, we have
a concept of God. And then when somebody tries to tell us what a Perfect Master is -- just as we have to acquire, for some reason, a concept for everything and I don't know if it's
necessary or not, but somehow we end up having a concept about everything -- we also end up having a concept about Guru Maharaj Ji. What Guru Maharaj Ji is, how Guru Maharaj Ji is, what
Guru Maharaj Ji does. Because it is too hard maybe, or to difficult maybe, for us to make sure that surrender really happens that Guru Maharaj Ji's talking about and see Guru Maharaj Ji
the way Guru Maharaj Ji wants us to see him, the way really Guru Maharaj wants a devotee to look at him, to see him.
Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world. First of all, why does Guru Maharaj come into this world? There is absolutely no reason why Guru Maharaj Ji should ever come into this
world. In scriptures it's very clearly said that Guru Maharaj Ji is the Creator, is the Sustainer, and is the Destroyer and is that One who will take us away from the darkness and
bring us to Light -- controls all the elements in this universe. Now for a power, for an energy, that controls all the elements in this universe, well there is absolutely no question
that -- in our rationalization -- that would be absolutely stupid for a person like that to ever come on this Earth. Because this is the stupidest place you can get to.
… And yet Guru Maharaj Ji is above and beyond all that, above and beyond all our questions, all our reasonings, all our doubts, all our confusions. Because we get confused, does Guru
Maharaj Ji get confused? When we say a "Why?" does the reality of Guru Maharaj Ji get questioned? No.
Affinity, February 1980

Hans Jayanti Festival, Kissimmee, Florida, November 5, 1979
See, Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world, Guru Maharaj Ji manifests in this world, for his devotees. Period. And he tells his devotees the way out. And if devotees do not follow,
can they even be called the devotees? When Krishna came, his devotees, his gopis, were completely blissed out. They didn't care about anything else.
Élan Vital, Volume IV, Issue 3, Fall 1980

Cancun, Mexico - January 16, 1980
That's why when Jesus came he couldn't function in this world in that sense. He had to resort to those people who were open to him, to those people who could be the devotees, who could
have that devotion, who could have that understanding. That was it. To other people it doesn't even make sense. That's exactly the thing with devotion. Devotion is that connection that
all those devotees at that time of Jesus had to him, that Arjun had to Krishna, that Hanuman had to Ram. It's that link between what that Master comes in this world for and what we
are here for. It's that ultimate link. That's the devotion. That is devotion.
But when Guru Maharaj Ji comes, he gives a purpose to our birth. For our existence in this human life, he gives us that purpose. He gives us that understanding, why we were born - not to
be just born because we were just born but a reason - and when we leave this world there is then some reason behind it, too. There has been a completion of this life.
Affinity, June 1980

Sao Paulo, Brazil, January 30, 1980
And yet most important: why we are here. When Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world, when a Perfect Master comes in this world …
Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this - a Master comes into this world for every single being and says, "There's a little bit more to it than these little beginnings and ends, beginnings
and ends, and beginnings and ends that we all are involved with. There is in fact a pleasure of life that's completely consistent and constant. Why not have that experience? Why not have
that ultimate experience?"
For most of us it's, "Who cares?" And yet a Perfect Master does. Cares again and again. Comes to show that path again and again. Comes to show that way again and again. And I just
really see the need to open up, to make our little effort.
Affinity, June 1980

Holi Site, Miami, Florida / April 12, 1980
Because what is, what is, you know why does a Perfect Master come in this world? He doesn't come to fulfill our ideas. He doesn't come to fulfill our wishes. We have so many wishes, so many times. And those wishes cannot be fulfilled. But for our destiny that we don't know and this is where we have to stop and look. This is where that surrender comes in. Because you have no other substitute for surrender. There has never been a substitute for surrender. There will never be a substitute. And there never can be a substitute.
That faith, there can be no substitute for that faith. That has to come out of you. It doesn't matter in which form, in which, in which shape, that cloud forms. You know, but what it has in it, you know, be it stratus, be it cirro, be it alto, be it cumulus - it doesn't matter in which shape it comes in. But it's that, it's that thing that it has. And time to time a Master comes in this world. And when the Master comes, the devotees have to listen. And that's it. If we just listen and understand, if we just listen you know and have that feeling to go, then, then there is a possibility that our destiny will be fulfilled. But taking it as our concept, in our different little ways, because Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world for us. For every one of us. It's hard to believe, but for every individual, every little being. You know not as a cluttered group or a mass or anything like that, You know for every one of us. And that's not our identity, but we have to lose that identity and become a devotee. Just become a devotee, just be a premie. Because that's where the start is. That's not the end. That's the start. Become that premie of Guru Maharaj Ji, so Guru Maharaj Ji can take you where he has to take you, where it has to be, in that experience of satsang, service and meditation, in the experience of that love, in the experience of that Truth, in the experience of that peace, you know.
Holi festival of 1980 video

Rome, Italy, Ashram Satsang June 25 1980
"You know. Look when there is going to be Guru Maharaj Ji in this world, whenever Guru Maharaj Ji is going to come in this world, and has, and will, and you know by His grace will keep
coming again and again and again. Cause it's not guaranteed either. He can skip a term and that'll be the devastation of this entire
"When Guru Maharaj Ji Himself, like I said, that power Himself, accepts and will and does, take a human form, so that you can relate, for every individual human being, then what
do you think is left that you can't understand? Do you think He'll come in this world, do you think Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world to make the most incredible thing the simplest
thing and then take the simplest things and make them so incredible that nobody can understand them."
"Those ideas aren't going to be any good if there isn't some substance that can replace the darkness in everyone's heart. That's what's needed, a real solution, not talk, you know. Oh
there's enough talk, there's plenty of talk and what we need is that real solution and always has been, always will be, and is now. Knowledge is the only solution, really Guru Maharaj Ji
is the only solution to bring that peace into this world. That's why Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world.
Rome Ashram Satsang video, 1980

Miami Beach, Florida - July 25, 1980
And even today - that Savior that comes in this world … What will be that Savior's number one enemy? What will he have to fight? I mean, he doesn't have to fight you and me. He
doesn't have to fight human beings. If he starts fighting human beings, whom is he going to save? What does he fight? He fights with our concepts. He fights with our ideas. Because we
have all these ideas, "This is the way it should be. If it is not that way, then it isn't what it should be."
If Guru Maharaj Ji really did come as some of us may have expected, what would our attitude even be? "Oh my God, what is this?" And yet a Master comes in this world for you and me.
The Master comes in a human body, just like yours and mine. Comes in that body so we can relate, we can understand, we can speak to him, be heard, and hear him, understand him.
There is no mystery. There is no mystique.
Élan Vital, Volume 4, Issue 4, Winter 1980

Miami Beach, Florida - November 8, 1980
The whole achievement of mankind have gone looped, up and down, up and down. There have been dark ages, there have been ages of high achievement, there have been ages again of darkness,
there have been ages again of height achievement. If you can just imagine this line going up and down and up and down and up and down. And then a very consistent message coming right
across that didn't go up and down with the message, with the trends but stayed simple, stayed consistent. The message really of the truth, the message of the Master who came in
the world to give us the message.
Guru Maharaj Ji comes for human being, he doesn't come for Himself. Guru Maharaj Ji comes for human being again and again and again and we are the human beings. So have
that trust, have that faith. It's a gift.
Eyes of Faith, © 1981 Élan Communications video

Melbourne, Australia - March 23, 1982
And yet there is one more grace, the grace that Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world to present us, to give us that Knowledge, to show us the experience of this
Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world in a physical form. Why? Why, what is the reason why a physical form is taken? To be able to come in this world and help us human
beings that look like human beings. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing outrageous, nothing, nothing. Just a human being to come to take that form to help every one of us. And
where do we look? That is the biggest miracle, that is the biggest grace, that is the only thing that has happened because through Guru Maharaj Ji, through that grace of Guru Maharaj Ji,
he can open that inside heart, he can open that lock and show us show us what really exists. Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world to help us.
Audio tape

Miami Florida, 31st July 1982
You and me I wanna just be the same sparkle that I was when nothing existed because then I know I was completely content and my Creator gives me a body and yet he wants it to be that sparkle inside, that little thing in his eye which is complete, which is perfect. This is what I am, this is what I can be enjoying this life. Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world, he doesn't say, "Okay guys, start being miserable, never, enjoy." Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this life, comes in this world, he puts smiles on peoples faces.
Audio tape

"Knowledge stays the same, the holy curiosity and curiosity is holy, stays the same, the desire to want to know stays the same and when that fulfillment happens in one's life the joy
of that fulfillment stays the same but we change, our attitudes change, the way we look at things changes and what that Master does,
amazingly enough that it takes that thing, that experience, that Knowledge and makes it real, tangible, comprehendible to the people of his time so that they may experience that as if the
same thing was being experienced by any other generation and therefore Knowledge is kept alive and not thrown in the doctrine, not thrown in the dogma but is kept totally awakened,
alive and separated by that teacher. When that teacher is not there it immediately firms and becomes a dogma and a doctrine. When the teacher comes back he takes it back out of dogma
and doctrine and makes it a living experience for the living people and that's what it's all about." (Heartfelt, awed applause)
Contact video, 1988

Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, Vaishakhi Celebrations (Evening Session), 13th April, 1991.
"Why does he come? I cannot understand. I cannot comprehend why the Master comes in this world. He is not under any obligation to come. He need not come.
So far I have not met anybody who is worthy of this Knowledge and worthy of the company of the Master.

And it's an incredible thing and every Master has come in this world to show us what this life is, to show us what this meaning is, to show us what that love really is, a love that is not based on some reason. A love that is not is not based on because but to love, to love first of all ourselves.
Boundless video, 1996