Prem Rawat's Teachings about the Lord - In His Own Words
In the 1970's the young Prem Rawat was hailed as the Lord of the Universe and publicly proclaimed and advertised as such despite the derision of the media and the masses. His followers sang "The Lord of the Universe has come to us this day" but did he declare that he was the Lord?
Prem Rawat or Maharaji (the Ultimate Ruler) as he prefers to be addressed or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's had no compunction stating he was the one and only living Perfect Master. He now refers to himself as "the Master", a vaguer description which is less controversial. However while he is more circumspect with his public claims there has no been no real change in his teachings about himself, only in the language he uses. In India he stll refers to himself as "Guru Maharaj Ji" and this is translated into English by the Raj Vidya Kender (Raj Vidya Kender is Rawat's main Indian organisation) translators as "The Master". The language he uses to decribe his power has changed but he is the Master, the Savio(u)r, Guru Maharaj Ji, the Perfect Master, the Lord, the Living Master, the Incarnation of God who manifests in a human body and come(s) in(to) the world to reveal the Knowledge.

Mahatma Gurucharanand
The supreme Lord knows human weaknesses, therefore He manifests Himself in the form of Satguru to reveal the mystery of His own Divinity and to give to His devotees the opportunity of performing service at His Holy Lotus Feet.
Those who have been blessed with the Divine presence of Satguru will undoubtedly be saved and never be abandoned to the clutches of birth and death. Such devotees are always in peace and attain the state of immortal bliss.
Let us beg Him sincerely to grant us His devotion and love and nothing else. Really blessed are those devotees who have bathed in the intense love and the unalloyed devotion of the Lotus Feet of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji, who is the highest manifestation of God and the embodiment of truth, love and compassion.
Divine Light magazine, Volume 1, Number 5, February 1972

Hans Rawat aka Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj
But without finding his Satguru, he will never know the secret of Truth. After he has found his Satguru,
a disciple should serve Him as a son serves his father, opening his heart, and regarding Him as God personified.
The Lord God has said, "Know your Guru as Myself, the Lord." We should understand that Guru is the most powerful manifestation of the Lord.
If we understand this, our minds will automatically turn to our Guru before we start to do anything.
Hans Yog Prakash

Prayer of Shri Hans Ji Maharaj Ji to His Perfect Master Sarupanand Ji Maharaj
O my Guru Maharaj Ji, Lord of all Lords, I ask nothing more than to serve You day and night. If only I might see my living Master, I would tell Him all my sufferings, weeping, and rest my head on His Holy Feet. I would tell Him everything.
Affinity, June 1979, Issue 52

Hans Yog Prakash, The Magnum Opus of Shri Hans Ji Maharaj
You remove the fear of this world. You are the very incarnation of good fortune, and filled with blissfulness. You are Shiva, the one who lets endless nectar flow. You are Generator, Operator and Destroyer, You are the Lord
of Lords, King of Kings, the most High. I do not know how to remember You nor how to meditate upon You. You are Lord Shiva incarnate.
My Guru is the incarnate Lord of this time. I bow before my Guru, who is greater than Christ or Buddha, for each of them was the servant of his Satguru.
He who gives us the lamp of true Knowledge is Satguru, He is God incarnate. If someone took Him to be an ordinary human being, his ignorance would make his whole life fruitless.
We cannot see God except in human form. No one has ever seen the Lord in any form except that of His Incarnation. We haven't seen God, and even if we try, we will not see Him. Why should we even speak about seeing
Him, when we cannot even paint His picture without distortion.
The Incarnate Lord, who has always worked in this way, and who has never had any desire for the fruits of His actions, remains eternally free. And so it is with anyone who lives in this way, no matter if he lives in
a great city where vice and corruption abound, viciousness cannot touch him. A lotus leaf floats on the surface of the water, but still it does not become damp. In the same way, a man such as we speak of can remain free of
sin even if he is dipped in the sink of iniquity.
Hans Yog Prakash

"Peace Bomb" speech, November 8, 1970
In the Bhagavad Gita, the Lord says that whenever religion becomes corrupted and evil increases, He takes a human body and manifests in this world to destroy evil and to protect His devotees. All of you
must know very well what is happening to religion and Knowledge in the materialistic age. All the time, the latest models are being built, the latest fashions are being designed. Day by day men are striving to improve the
quality and appearance of their inventions. And today I have to say with sorrow that the Knowledge which was once firmly established in this land of India has been slowly disappearing. But when the Lord saw that the
troubles His devotees were having to endure had reached the final point, He said, "My devotees can bear it no longer", and then manifested Himself in a human body. So He has now come to reveal the lost Knowledge and to
restore true peace. The Lord, the True Saint, the True Guru Maharaj Ji has incarnated in this world.
Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Boulder, Colorado, August 18, 1971
What is the difference between a Satguru and an Avatar?
Same. What is the difference between H2O and water? Some people say "Mercy," "Lord of Mercy." Some only say "Lord," some say "God," some say "Lord Christ." Same thing.
Élan Vital, Winter 1977, Volume I, Issue 2

Birthday Satsang, December 11, 1971, Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar
All the saints of India, even Jesus Christ, even Mohammed, have emphasized love because love is the greatest cord in the world that can unite you and the Lord, Who is perfect, perfect for all. And he who goes to Him and
asks Him for His love, He never hesitates to give this love to him. Maybe he is the lowest person in the world; maybe he is the highest person in the world. The Lord is the embodiment of love and you must realize
Him. Not only realize Him, but be one with Him; because He can create you as many times as you like. So be careful with the golden opportunity He has given you.
So today in this frustrated darkness in this world, only the Perfect Lord is the bright shining sun for every darkness in the world. And if you have known Him, far-out. There is nothing that can be more than That. It is
the endless limit if you have known the Lord of the time. So, through the knowledge, you realize Him. This knowledge is the medium through which you realize who the Perfect Lord is. And through meditation and service we
serve Him and be one with Him. So, what I have told you just now I think is important.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise, 1972

Patna, Bihar, India, December 25, 1971
Only the Supreme Lord, Saint of all saints, Omnipotent and Almighty, can close the mouth of the
whole universe and shower the Knowledge of self-realization. Otherwise, the small whistles are not heard in the midst of
such big drums. Therefore, my dear aspirants, now that you know that Knowledge of Self, fulfill your aim. That is the only aim; that is
the only goal. If a man knows that goal and recognizes it perfectly, he can come in perfect contact with God Almighty, his own Supreme Father, whom he has forgotten.
If you have got the Knowledge of that Word, then meditate constantly. Do service under the Lotus Feet of your Lord, and listen to satsang patiently. It is written in the Ramayana that when a man is very fortunate, only
then does he find satsang, and when he finds satsang and attends it, he is liberated without any effort. Again, it is said, "Have darshan of Guru Maharaj Ji." Why? Because it is written in all Vedas and Ramayanas to
have darshan. So touch the Lotus Feet. "Lay yourself down in the vast, unbounded ocean of Mercy underneath. Bathe and swing on the waves and sink inside. Drink the nectar of Mercy and Grace and Blessings, and be free from
all sins."
Élan Vital magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 1977

Third World Peace Tour, New York City, Louis Armstrong Stadium, July 28 1973
See, when a Perfect Master will come to you, he will not be stamped on his forehead saying, "Perfect Master: identified and witnessed by God, signed God." No! When he comes here, we have to realize him.
Today everybody prays to Jesus and says, "Jesus, you are my Lord." What about the time when he came? There were very, very few people who said, "You are my Lord." People were saying, "Oh, no, he just can't be it, it's just impossible for him to be the Lord."
There was a time when Jesus was standing, and many, many people were coming up to him. Some were saying, "Well, we believe he is the Lord, he is the one who is supposed to come." Others said, "Oh no, he can't be it."
Everybody was using their intellect, which again is limited -- is very, very limited. So how do we understand, how do we understand when the Lord comes to us? By the Knowledge he reveals.
John realized Jesus as being his Lord because of that Knowledge. Jesus' coming did not mean anything to other people
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 12, October 1973

Denver, 8th July, 1975
So realize the Knowledge and the Grace. Because Knowledge has always been there; what we want to realize, our goal, has always been there, but sometimes in this world, two things are missing - Our Lord, our Master, and
His Grace. It's like the ship is always there, and the destination of the ship is always there, but sometimes the wind and the skipper aren't. When they aren't, it can't go anyplace. Grace is what blows the wind, and
the skipper is what guides the ship. So now it's very lucky for us that here we are sitting in this age in the midst of the whole thing, where the worst is worst, and the best is worst. Because if we really look at the
whole situation, we couldn't have asked for Him any other time. This is when we need Him, and this is when we need the Grace, and we've got them both now.
Because who is Guru Maharaj Ji? Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect. And this perfect Lord doesn't come down Himself one day, grab everybody by the
throat, and say, "You better realize Knowledge, otherwise I am going to chuck you out into hell." He doesn't do that. He even comes down into this world, bears that physical body, bears the pains, bears the suffering of
this physical planet, and gives Knowledge. But if you look at Him, He is the ultimate. He doesn't need to come into this world. He has got so much power, He could manifest Himself in front of everybody in this world and ask
everybody personally a question, He wouldn't even have to come down into this world. All He would have to do is come down out of the clouds and speak loud one day, and say, "People who are not going to receive Knowledge
are definitely going to hell." He never does that, because that's just the way it is.
The Golden Age Number 39

Guru Puja Festival, Caracas Venezuela, 23rd July 1975
You know, I was in Denver, and I was giving satsang about Perfect Master. And like, a Perfect Master, when we call him a Perfect Master, we have just said something that we really don't sit back and try to understand. When we say Perfect Master, when we say this, this person who is infinite, call him Guru Maharaj Ji, call him Perfect Master, call him Lord, call him anything you want, he doesn't need to come into this world. You see? He doesn't.
Because he is perfect. All he has to do is one day get up and just scream through the blue skies, and say, "You! Everybody! Realize Knowledge. Otherwise I am going to do something to you guys you never dreamed of." And then he could do something that would sort out every person who realized Knowledge and is meditating, and every person who has not realized Knowledge. He could do anything he wants, because we just called him perfect, and he is perfect. And in fact, he could very well do that. He could, with a blink of his eye, make the people who haven't really realized this Knowledge, who are really into darkness, stand up two feet from the ground.
And so you can trace them exactly, wherever they are, and turn them this funny color. And then you can really imagine what a big ego hit that's going to be, what a mind blower that's going to be. Because everybody will be able to see: "Oh, you didn't realize Knowledge, eh? See what you get for that?" But he doesn't do that. He comes into this world, and bears a body just like everyone, and comes in and knocks at everybody's doors. Doesn't pressure anybody, but begs them. Doesn't make a rule, but begs them to realize this Knowledge. Tells them what it can do to them. Tells them how beautiful it is.
Élan Vital Summer 1978 Volume II Issue 2

Public Program, Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando, Florida, Afternoon, 9 November 1975
When we take all the history of all the Perfect Masters coming into this world trying to reveal this perfect Knowledge, combine it together and put it in one book, in one page, in one
sentence, it sounds crazy. That is when everybody goes and says, "Jesus. How could there be people like that?" This is when the people turn around and say, "They must have been out of their
mind." And, they were. The question is, do we ever get up ourselves and face this question: If the Lord is omnipotent, if we all understand that He has the power to do anything in this
world, and He controls everything in this world, He controls us, and it's because of His Grace that any structure is here (because you have seen the movies of earthquakes, haven't you?);
if because of His Grace this earth is here, and the sky is here, that power can adapt Himself. Because it's infinite, it can adapt itself to any shape, any form, any time, in any way. Have
you ever thought of that? We know He is all-powerful and He is all-graceful. So see, what He might just do, is He might love one of His very close devotees, He might just love us, and He might also love that
delivery man. So one day He says to the delivery man, "I'll save you the trouble, boy. I'll deliver this milk to my devotee. He loves me very much." He comes knockin' at your door, and what
have you got there? The Lord Himself, standin' with a bottle of milk.
And It Is Divine Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 1 and Light Reading, 1980

Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando, Florida, Evening 9 November 1975
"How many times are we going to deny our Lord? I mean, I can't even imagine how man can be as crazy as he is! The Lord Himself reincarnates, reincarnates, reincarnates Himself for the very purpose of saving us. And we do not even realize who gave us the authority to refuse Him! Who are we anyway? From which field do we come that we can reject, that we can refuse, that we can deny our Lord? That is something that I cannot answer. And we do it every time! Because we have got a stupid ego. Because of one simple reason - we have got our stupid mind that's always telling us. For one simple reason - we do not understand, we cannot comprehend His beauty, His perfection. "
Divine Times, Volume 4, Issue 10

Lisbon, Portugal, May 14, 1976
But then comes service, because there's satsang, service and meditation. That's meditation, and then comes service. Now what is the part? Why do we even need to do service?
I mean, where does service fit in? And it's very fine. It's very beautiful, but very fine. Because the whole idea, the whole basis, is on surrender.
And if we really and truly surrender ourselves, then what do we become? We become a servant. And it's not a servant of Mr. Joe Blow, but it's servant of Lord, servant of Almighty.
Élan Vital, Volume II, Issue 3, Fall 1978

Hans Jayanti, Rome, Italy, November 12th, 1977
And it's so beautiful and it's so fortunate that Guru Maharaj Ji's here to be able to protect us, to be able to save us. That is why, in that movie that you saw, said Shri Maharaj Ji's the
Saviour, the Creator, the Lord. It's because I got saved. The same thing could have happened with me. And it was almost like destined to happen like that. But then it all got changed, because he saved me. He saved me from the craziness of this world.
The Golden Age November 1978 Number 49

Malibu, California, June 11, 1978
Look, it's beyond liberation. It's beyond all those things. Beyond all our concepts. In this lifetime, we have the
opportunity to realize, to be with, Guru Maharaj Ji. Be it not Guru Maharaj Ji -- you know, maybe they didn't call him
Guru Maharaj Ji -- maybe they called him Lord. Anything. To be with that power. To be with that thing. To be not
infinite, and yet to be with the infinite. To be here as individuals, and yet to be able to be next to the person who is
everything; in which everything is, and he is in everything. Guru Maharaj Ji. The Lord. All-powerful. We are here.
And only by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace can we realize that, and see how divine this whole plan really is.
Divine Times - June/July 1978 Volume 7, Number 4

Guru Puja, Geneva, Switzerland, September 10, 1978
Wasn't Jesus Christ judged, whether or not he was the Perfect Master? Wasn't Mohammed judged? Wasn't Krishna judged? Wasn't Ram judged? Wasn't Shri Maharaj Ji judged? All the Perfect Masters have been judged, as though if we are the real smart cream of the crop of this entire universe, that we have the capability of judging the Lord of the Universe when he does come. Obviously not. But anyway, we judge. And our judgement is based upon different concepts.
One time a lot of so-called intellectual people came up to Shri Maharaj Ji and they said, "What are you trying to do? What are you talking about?" …
You can imagine these guys who are thinking that they're heroes, people of the people, yet they didn't know they were talking to the Lord of Lords. I mean this is stupidity.
Geneva '78 booklet

Denver, Colorado, 25 February 1979
What prevented those people from recognizing Jesus Christ as the Lord? Their concepts. I mean, the all-powerful,
all-merciful, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient isn't going to dwindle with our little itsy-bitsy little concept that
comes from nowhere. The concept was "Look, he just cannot be the Savior. This is impossible."
Divine Times - Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Guru Puja 1979
"Because Guru Maharaj Ji can show that to us now in this lifetime while we are still alive. Guru Maharaj Ji can give us that love, Guru Maharaj Ji can give us that realization now. We have to just let
go to Guru Maharaj Ji, give ourselves to Guru Maharaj Ji, not in a theory, not in a song, not in an Arti that we sing every night. I give you my heart, for in you it will mellow, Maharaji my Lord, my life is your play. I
mean those are pretty heavy duty statements, you know. You are my mother, you are my father. What, what, what are we saying? And yet do we even have an essence of meaning to it? What we sing is right, it's true, it is an
expression of a devotee. This is what a devotee would understand of his Guru Maharaj Ji. That you are my all, he doesn't have to go into specifics about your brother, sister, mother, father, cousin, uncle, aunt. And yet in
a very humble and beautiful way we are trying to express that you are my all, every relations, you are my all, you are above and beyond. You know, and really the whole essence of prayer is let me really give myself to you,
(the song "Always There" joins in the soundtrack) let me surrender to you, you have come singing the glories of Guru Maharaj Ji is what Arti is all about. Oh
Guru Maharaj Ji you are my father, you are my mother, you are friend. I see you in those respect, you need to teach me a lesson, you need to give me the fathering, you need to give me that mothering, you need to give me
that support and yet you are my all, my Lord to me."
Guru Puja 1979 DLM video

Holi festival, 13th April 1980
A devotee has to flow, has to follow his Perfect Master, a devotee has to follow his Lord, a devotee has to follow his Master, a devotee has
to follow his Guru Maharaj Ji, wherever Guru Maharaj Ji goes, in whichever way he flows, we have to follow. We cannot say "Oh Guru Maharaj Ji, this is the way I want everything to be", you know,
"This is the way I want it to be."
Every single time the Master comes, open His arms and says, "Let me in. Let me in. You know, it reminds me of that song, you know, that the Lord becomes a beggar and
it goes in this, in front of this devotee's house and knocks on the, on the door and the song is just going, you know, saying, "Oh devotee, you know, your fortune is really come, your, your, your
luck, your, your destiny is unfolding now. The Creator, the Giver of everything is at your door begging from you. From you." That has created, that sustains, that destroys, that holds this ultimate,
this holds this universe in the palm of his hands has come to your door, do not refuse. Which Master didn't come to everyone of these human beings and come to me open up. Regardless of our confusion,
regardless of our concepts.
Holi 1980 video
The And It is Divine magazines included the following proclamation in one form or another:
Dear Reader,
By the grace of Almighty Lord, we bring you the magazine And It Is Divine. You will find this magazine very different from others, because it shows not only the suffering of the world, but also a way out for all humanity.
There has never been a time when the Lord of Creation did not manifest Himself in human form, and come to this planet Earth to do away with evil and spread the True Knowledge. But history is a pendulum which is always in swing. There have been so many scriptures, but still people have never been able to understand Him.
Divine Light Mission wants to bring world peace by sharing the Knowledge which is within us by the grace of Almighty Lord. In this magazine, we hope to give information about the peace which lives within us, which Guru Maharaj Ji reveals.
And yes, He, Himself, Prem Rawat aka Sant Ji Maharaj, Prem Pal Singh Rawat, Maharaji, Guru Maharaj Ji, Balyogeshwar Param Sant Ji Maharaj was the manifestation of the 'Lord of Creation' and his signature was on every print of this manifesto.