Prem Rawat's Teachings about The Savior (Saviour) - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat or or Maharaji (Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's has no compunction stating he is a unique person with power possessed by nobody else alive. He is the Savior, the incarnation of God Himself, who comes to Earth to save humankind - without his presence on the planet there would be an instant apocalyptic catastrophe. He is the Satguru or Perfect Master, the Creator, the Lord, the Master, the Living Master, the Lord, the Incarnation of God, the Manifestation of God, the Embodiment of God who come(s) in(to) the world to save mankind. Exactly how he could be both Prem Rawat, the Guru Maharaj Ji in a physical human form and Guru Maharaj Ji the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer and/or the Generator, Operator and Destroyer of the universe and formless God is something he has never completely explained but, after all, it's not an easy thing to do.

Peace Bomb speech, New Delhi, India, November 8, 1970
"These tears are not because I am remembering my Father, but because I am feeling so much power in me. They are tears of strength. I have come so powerful. I have come for the world. Whenever the great
come, the worldly oppose them. Again I have come and you are not listening. Every ear should hear that the savior of humanity has come. There should be no chance for anyone to say they haven't heard of Guru Maharaj
Ji. Those who come to me are already saved. Now it's your duty to save others. Shout it on the streets. Why be shy?
The Golden Age, Issue 49

Alta Loma Terrace, Hollywood, California, August 15, 1971
I was so much confused before I got this Knowledge, so much confused, that remember, sometimes I used to hate the works which my father was doing! I used to hate them. I used to hate God; I used to hate all the creation of God. "What is this? Nothing. Nonsense." But as soon as I got this Knowledge, I even started loving my enemies! So how can I repay Him? And at what moment He has saved me, I can't say. Each and every moment He has saved me. That's why I call Him a Savior. …
So if you also love Him, He will save you. He is the Savior of whole world. He has to save. He will save us. So remember, we can't describe it; we have got very small intellect. We just sing some glorious songs about Him, and some words, some words, few words, and we think that is the glory that we have sung. Not at all. That is not it. We can't sing His glory at all.
He does whatever He does for the good of public, good of people. He came, and He is curing people, giving that technique through which mind will be completely stopped. Where mind will be completely stopped, people will be saved. That's why His first nature is to save people. When He comes into this world. He saves people.
Élan Vital, Spring 1978, Volume II, Issue 1

August 18, 1971
As long as we haven't seen God, we can't have faith in that. It is our Father anyhow, but we haven't seen Him. How can we say what His nature is and how can we have faith that He is the Savior of the
whole world? We may believe that He is saving this whole world but we can't realize it because our mind is flickering. Until our mind settles to one point, we can't realize how God is saving this world. We can't have
faith that "Yes, God is the real Savior."
Élan Vital, Winter 1979, Volume III, Issue 4

Why does a Perfect Master have to have a living body to give Knowledge? Why is it necessary?
Are you feeling thirsty? Can you see that photo of Lord Shiva? You see the water coming out from the top of his head? Drink that water. Drink, drink! Can You? You can't drink that water. It is a picture. You need everything
living. If you have doubts, you cannot ask Lord Krishna questions. That's why you need a living Master, for the circumstances of the world today. When Jesus was here there were no nuclear bombs. But now there are nuclear
bombs, and the Perfect Master, the Perfect Savior, has come to save you from nuclear bombs.
The Questions, Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?

Seattle, Washington, February 12, 1974
It's really nice to see you. And the reason that we have all assembled here is because, you might say fortunately, we have a relationship. And the relationship is that the Knowledge which is within
inside of us has been revealed. And thus, it makes a relationship. It forms a relationship which virtually cannot be broken. It is like this, that if somebody comes when you are drowning in the river, and saves your life,
now immediately there is a relationship that's formed. And that relationship is not of a brother, is not of a husband, is not of a sister, is not of a wife. But the relationship is something else. And it is greater than all
the relationships that we have formed and we have created. That is the greatest relationship that ever can be formed between two people. And you call Him your Saviour. And it's like, the love you have towards Him is
greater than you have towards your parents. It's greater than anything. And this is the reason why devotees love their Lord so much. Because there has been a relationship formed which is virtually unbreakable. Because why
does a Guru come here? Why does a Perfect Master, why does a Lord, come here? To save His devotees from drowning in that ocean of this materialistic world. And if really we are lost in it, man, forget it. Just forget it.
Because, its not only hard, but impossible, to come out of it.
Élan Vital, Autumn 1977, Volume 1, Issue 1

Hans Jayanti, 1974
This is the joy, this is the wonderful, beautiful experience those saints had, those fortunate premies had, who were able to realize the Perfect Master. Like John was able to realize Christ. Like Arjuna
was able to realize Krishna. Like Hanuman was able to realize Ram. They could understand that their Saviour, that their Father, that their shelter was still there, and that they could still run to it. Premies, it's
said that in this world we have always needed a Saviour, because this world has constantly been changing and changing and changing and changing.
And It Is Divine, Volume 2, Issue 7

Hans Jayanti, Rome, Italy, November 12th, 1977
And it's so beautiful and it's so fortunate that Guru Maharaj Ji's here to be able to protect us, to be able to save us. That is why, in that movie that you saw, said Shri Maharaj Ji's the
Saviour, the Creator, the Lord. It's because I got saved. The same thing could have happened with me. And it was almost like destined to happen like that. But then it all got changed, because he saved me. He saved me from the
craziness of this world.
The Golden Age November 1978 Number 49

Guru Puja Festival, Tucson, Arizona, Friday, July 14, 1978
So obviously, if there is somebody who is not to be blamed, it's the Creator. But we are. We are in that vulnerable position. Because we are the people who are making the boo-boos, and keep on making
the boo-boos, that keep on making more boo-boos and more boo-boos, till it puts you right to the end of the pits. And Guru Maharaj Ji comes to save you. Because even to have the possibility of this happening, of us
drowning, Guru Maharaj Ji's there. So I mean, it's like the perfect creation. And it is the perfect creation. Because with everything, also the Saviour, also the person to come and save.
The Golden Age, Issue 48

Dortmund, Germany, September 29 1978
And why does Guru Maharaj Ji come into this world? That reason is very simple. Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world to make you who you are, to make this world what this world should be. And again, and again, and again, and again, Guru Maharaj Ji comes. I mean, that's why people have said, the Perfect Master is the Saviour. What does the Perfect Master save? Save what from what? Perfect Master saves the humanity. Perfect Master saves the mankind from that chaos, that man walks and talks himself into.
Guru Maharaj Ji's World booklet, 1980

Dortmund, Germany, October 1 1978
No, there is also Guru Maharaj Ji. And there is also Knowledge. You dedicate to that. Not to this world! Because what are you going to dedicate to this world? Your life is way too much precious. You are
too much precious to get caught in a leash of a situation, and to be ground up, merely be eaten by some iron jaws. And you see thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people devoured every day, literally, in
the vault. But Guru Maharaj Ji is that saviour and we have to have that trust, and we have to have that faith. And you know, I can't wait for that day when 20,000 of us will be sitting in Orlando, all over again,
just to be there in satsang and service. So much service, lots and lots and lots of service, and to be able to just do it, to be there.
The Golden Age, Issue 51

Ventura, Californi, 21st January, 1979
But in the spiritual life, where you are trying to sustain yourself away from the river of ego, from this maya, from this illusion, and you go up to somebody to help him, and he starts drowning you, he starts making that
stuff rub out on you; then it is very, very obvious that help will be on its way, but maybe you're not exactly the person who should help him. And Guru Maharaj Ji has come to save exactly everybody, not one person.
The people who cannot swim. The point is, if everybody could save themselves, would you really think there would ever be a word called "A Saviour"? The whole reason why there is a word "Saviour" means that
there are people who cannot be saved, who would not be able to save themselves. And that is why there is a person who can save those people who cannot save themselves, called a "Saviour". But we have to have that
The Golden Age, Issue 52

Denver, Colorado, 25th February 1979
Look, it's beautiful. I mean, people have these concepts and people have these ideas. But the problem is, we lock on so tight. just like those people did when Christ came, so that they could not recognize him. They were
locked onto something completely different. "How could this be our Savior?" "How" was the question. "How could this be our Savior?" Nobody could answer how he could be a Savior. They went and did their
own business. And so, premies, we have to open ourselves. I think it's completely stupid to think that God's going to do whatever you think you want Him to do. But that Almighty is going to do whatever He wants to do. That
Power is going to manifest Itself in any form It wishes to, any time It wishes to, anywhere It wishes to. Who's going to tell It, "You can't do that"? Who? And yet there is a fact related to that, and the devotees dictate
that. The devotees in fact dictate. Because they are the receivers who want to tune into the frequency. Manifestation of a Savior is going to happen to save the ones that have to be saved. That omnipotent Power will
manifest Itself, establish devotion, for devotees, period. It cannot for Itself, because there has to be a two-way transaction. The devotees have been the single most strong, powerful thing.
Divine Times, Summer 1979, Volume III, Issue 2

Holi Festival, Miami Beach, Florida, Friday 6th April, 1979.
Because what created the problem when Jesus came? Okay, it was people and their craziness. Of course, it's always that. But what kind of blanket did they hide themselves under? What kind of a blanket
did they pull up? "Look. Here it says this can't be it." And it very clearly said, "Look, there is going to be a Messiah coming, a teacher coming, a Perfect Master, a Saviour, coming." And people, out of the blue, went,
"This can't be it. This can't be him. This can't be the Messiah."
The Golden Age, Issue 53

Holi, 7th April 1979
And what an opportunity, what a setup, what a stage is then, in fact, created. We all come. All the devotees get together and with that sincere love, pray to Guru Maharaj Ji, pray to that Savior,
pray to that Perfect Master to help us.
Élan Vital, Summer 1979, Volume III, Issue 2

Holi 79, Miami Beach, Florida, 7th April, 1979
What I'm trying to say is that in this world this is exactly the way it is. Everybody in this world, not knowing, is yet very thirsty for that Creator, for that Perfect Master to come, to bring that peace and to bring that
joy, to bring that happiness, to bring that tranquility that we all need. And we don't know that. We don't know that that's what a Perfect Master is going to bring us. But a savior, obviously knowing the necessity of
being saved … It's like the prayer of the devotee, "Oh come, save us. Save me in this world." And Guru Maharaj Ji then comes.
Holi Festival '79

Holi, 8th April 1979
But if you will never give me that faith to go ahead with you, then I won't. Because yes, I need your love. I need you and I am here to save you. But two things make a clap, not one. You have to
let go, too. So I can pull you. And so premies, we have to let go. Look. Its very straight. It isn't like you have five, ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty options. You are stuck. And when you are stuck you are stuck. Your tires
aren't touching the ground. The drive shaft has bored a hole in the mud. You are stuck. And no problem. Guru Maharaj Ji isn't saying, "Now that you are stuck then you've had it." Guru Maharaj Ji's saying, "Okay, now here I
come." They have lifeguards. And Guru Maharaj Ji is really the true lifeguard. The true savior.
Holi 79, Booklet

Denver, Colorado, 25 February 1979
What prevented those people from recognizing Jesus Christ as the Lord? Their concepts. I mean, the all-powerful,
all-merciful, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient isn't going to dwindle with our little itsy-bitsy little concept that
comes from nowhere. The concept was, "Look, he just cannot be the Savior. This is impossible."
Divine Times - Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Holi festival, Miami Florida, April 11-12 1980
Nobody is saved. We have to be saved, yes. We can be saved, yes. And we should be saved, yes. We should find that Master, yes. Because Guru Maharaj Ji makes it so simple and we make it so sophisticated. Every single time the Master comes, open His arms and says, "Let me in. Let me in. You know, it reminds me of that song, you know, that the Lord becomes a beggar and
it goes in this, in front of this devotee's house and knocks on the, on the door and the song is just going, you know, saying, "Oh devotee, you know, your fortune is really come, your, your, your luck, your, your destiny is unfolding now. The Creator, the Giver of everything is at your door begging from you. From you." That has created, that sustains, that destroys, that holds this ultimate, this holds this universe in the palm of his hands has come to your door, do not refuse. Which Master didn't come to everyone of these human beings and come to me open up. Regardless of our confusion, regardless of our concepts. But anyway, you know, again, surrender, have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji. What else you gonna do? Nothing. You have to have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, You have to have to have that surrender.
Holi 1980 video, Élan Vital Inc., 1980

Rome, Italy, 25 June 1980
"My heart that has been constantly been pouncing in the waves of this world will be then docked at Guru Maharaj Ji's feet. You know. Then that will be my salvation, that will be my liberation, that, then, then I will be
content. Then I don't have to make any more journeys because then it becomes my destination and it is my destination."
Ashram Members Satsang Video

Miami Beach, Florida - July 25,1980
And even today - that Savior that comes in this world … What will be that Savior's number one enemy? What will he have to fight? I mean, he doesn't have to fight you and me. He doesn't
have to fight human beings. If he starts fighting human beings, whom is he going to save? What does he fight? He fights with our concepts. He fights with our ideas. Because we have all these ideas, "This is the way it
should be. If it is not that way, then it isn't what it should be."
And what we need - truly, truly, truly need - in this lifetime, for all of us, is a Savior. … We have Knowledge. It's the most incredible thing for a human being, to be fulfilling the purpose of this human life.
What more can be expected of a human being? … How fortunate really we are that we have Knowledge, that we have a solution, that yes, we are saved.
I don't know where all these concepts come from. To me, here is my life. This is a precious life. Jesus came to save the ones on Earth, not in heaven and not in hell. On Earth. A Savior comes to save us right here.
Those Perfect Masters that have come, have come to save human beings.
Élan Vital, Winter 1980, Volume IV, Issue 4

Divine Light Mission even released a video, titled 'You Are My Saviour', produced in 1980. It contains scenes of Prem Rawat dancing, encoring his dancing and "sharing satsang" ie giving impromptu speeches in his inimitable style about being the Saviour and the need for people to be saved by Him among other similar claims.
Despite later Élan Vital propaganda stating that Prem Rawat at no time believed or encouraged beliefs in his own divinity or identity to the God Krishna, this video taken at nearly the zenith of the "super-devotional" period of Divine Light Mission just before it was renamed Élan Vital shows him openly making such claims. It even contains a song titled 'You Are My Saviour', and other songs which feature the interpretative divine dance of Guru Maharaj Ji as he was then known or Maharaji or Prem Rawat as he now calls himself.

The video opens with a pretty straightforward statement about Prem Rawat's role on earth, a song called 'You Are My Saviour', long version @ 4 :55 or 'You Are My Saviour', a short version @ 1:38. The song is played over scenes of Prem Rawat driving one of his many expensive cars and flying in one of his helicopters.
During the playing of that song Prem Rawat's wife is shown crowning him with the crown of Krishna whose costume he is wearing and then doing full pranam (lying on the ground in front of him) and kissing his feet in adoration.

"To experience an experience that Guru Maharaj Ji wants to give us. You know it's very easy to get spaced out in this world. It's very easy to get lost in this world and it's very easy to forget there is somebody called a Saviour. And yet that's our greatest mistake, we forget. We forget that yes we can be helped, yes that we can be saved, yes that we do need to be saved We all really, really, really, really need to be saved. And without being saved in this world where are we going to be?""

"Besides all the little other factors a human being is really fortunate because he can attain all this, (shouting) a Saviour comes for him."
Public Program, Manchester England, 28th September 1981
I'm not gonna look at an airplane and kneel down in front of it and say "You are my Saviour." (laughter) "Look, you have, you've brought me over the ocean without dumping me in it. You have brought me in one piece from point A to Point B. You are my Saviour," No, that airplane is a piece of metal and so big deal. It's somebody up there is just keeping it hung on then I can turn to Him and say "You are my Saviour because You have saved me, You've saved me again and again and keep on saving me. You've saved me till now but you need to save me many million times more than this and every little second that goes by it needs to be saved and man I'm gonna run out of contacts, I'm gonna run out of people, I'm gonna run out of contacts, I'm gonna run out of prayers to say to Him, so many I have to say. Somehow I have to get in with that Creator myself. I have to know Him personally if I do I can say "Hey save me okay?" Ha ha. "You know I need to be saved, look, this is the situation, you know it, I know it, so please. Here I am in front of you, begging."
Élan Vital audio tape?