Prem Rawat's Teachings about the Physical Form - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat or Maharaji ("Ultimate Ruler") as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's has often said he is a unique person with power possessed by nobody else alive. He declared himself, and was declared by his devotees, the Lord of the Universe and the Perfect Master and taught he was going to usher in a millenium of peace on earth. He teaches that God is formless energy and can incarnate with form in a human body and that this physical form is necessary to save mankind for without it the Knowledge cannot be revealed.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Physical Form of God

Yogiraj Param Sant Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, June 1961, Prem Nagar, India
In the same way, the divine Light which is self-existent in all beings is God without physique, whereas the Satguru of the time, or the realized soul, is God with the physique. Submersion of the mind into the divine light; obedience and service to Satguru together with supreme love for Him; consecration of body, mind, and all activities to Him; together with a great anguish for the slightest forgetfulness of Him, constitute sublime devotion. Hence perpetual peace, eternal bliss and salvation within the lifetime are ensured. There is absolutely no other way to achieve them. This is universally substantiated and experienced by every saint, no matter where and when he lived. It is written in the scriptures, "One who desires to have happiness without Bhakti (devotion) is a great fool. To reach real happiness by other means is like trying to cross the ocean without a boat. Bhakti is a most precious diamond. One who has this diamond in his heart knows not even the slightest misery."
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?, 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Physical Form of God

July 29, 1966
So many times, Guru Maharaj Ji has come to this world. There have been many, many Perfect Masters and each one has revealed the very same Knowledge. You have not understood. Each Divine Incarnation has gone away and still you have not realized the Knowledge he brought. Now, if you want to know the Truth, then get that Supreme Knowledge, because this body will be destroyed one day. You have got to get Knowledge as soon as possible, otherwise the shop will be closed. This Knowledge will grow more and more expensive; it will not remain cheap. Today you people think that Guru Maharaj Ji is not here. Again you have not understood his true form, but I will explain everything to you. If you do not realize God within, then Guru Maharaj Ji, the Perfect Master, will manifest again and again in this world and you will see him in the form you like. When a Perfect Master comes, he cannot be bound by the rule of government, but we know that if we have to explain this to the world, people will not understand. Even when people of this world see a true saint, they do not recognize him. Every time the Perfect Master comes, some people think that he is true, some think that he is false.
Millenium Issue, And It Is Divine Magazine, November, 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Physical Form of God

Alta Loma Terrace, Los Angeles, August 15, 1971
Now He took a form to refine this whole world. Jesus came. He was trying to do all that in Middle East. But now He has taken a form to refine this whole world, from one corner to other corner of the whole world. He has come. And what does He do? He gives people such a technique, such a method, which is perfect, and gets them away from sufferings, the causes of sufferings of this world. God made the mind, but He never made a stoplight. And when He saw that "There is no stop in this mind which I have made," He was very sorry. He had to take a form. The form of Guru is nobody but Himself, the whole that you want to see. The whole power is now in the form of a body. That is the body which is Supremest of all, and its duties, works are not like those of humanity.
Élan Vital, Spring 1978, Volume II, Issue 1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Physical Form of God

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India, November 24, 1971
So now, because the Lord was not here with His physical form everybody was saying, "O Lord, come with your physical form, O Lord come with your physical form." And now, because the Lord has come, they say, "We don't need you anymore." You know, devotees are always thinking that the Lord is like a door. When the Lord is not there they say, "O Lord, please come. You are formless, we want you in form." And when God comes in form, they say, "No God, we want you to be in a formless position." So this is the play, the joke that devotees are playing with God. Remember he has said one thing in this world and that is, "Oh God, You are formless, and you won't change form." That is why God is here. And then he says, "Without Guru, we cannot receive this knowledge." So the sweet Guru comes in physical form and through His physical form they can realize this knowledge. You have a physical form. You need a physical body to realize it. Now, if you have a formless God then you require a formless Guru to give you this knowledge. Because you have a form, you require a form of Guru to give you a form of a devotee.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Physical Form of God

Patna, Bihar, India, December 25, 1971
Why do you have this human body? To know this, we will have to take the shelter of Guru Maharaj Ji. Guru Maharaj Ji knows all. Guru Maharaj Ji is Brahma (Creator). Guru Maharaj Ji is Vishnu (Operator). Guru Maharaj Ji is Shiva (Destroyer of illusion and ego). And above all, Guru Maharaj Ji is the Supremest Lord in person before us.
Élan Vital magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 1977

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Physical Form of God

Johannesburg, South Africa, 29th April, 1972
We read the scriptures without understanding what they are saying. Indian people read the Bhagavad Gita and in this Lord Krishna, the Living Master of His time, said clearly, "Don't recognize me by my external appearance for this is perishable. My true form has no beginning and no end. Believe it or not, the fact is that God is supreme and pure: The people are lying on a bed of ignorance and dreams and doubts. They expect God Himself to come (they pray for it, they ask for it, they announce about it) but when He comes, they fail to recognize Him. And not recognizing Him in His physical form, they cannot recognize Him within themselves.
The Golden Age, July 1979, Number 54

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Physical Form of God

Palace Of Peace London, 23rd September 1973
that's the condition that's applied with us right now because we are going so fast and we have to land, we want to make a really short stop and for that we need, we need, that's why a perfect, that's that's that's the only reason why a Perfect Master manifests himself into this physical planet and comes for us it's to, it's to be a net for us as to as to act as to a net for us so he can stop us at that proper distance, can stop us for that, at that distance and and and that's why he comes on this planet, that's why he comes with the physical body on this physical planet.
Perfect Master Tape #009

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Physical Form of God

Denver, Colorado, 8th July, 1975
Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect. And this perfect Lord doesn't come down Himself one day, grab everybody by the throat, and say, "You better realize Knowledge, otherwise I am going to chuck you out into hell." He doesn't do that. He even comes down into this world, bears that physical body, bears the pains, bears the suffering of this physical planet, and gives Knowledge. But if you look at Him, He is the ultimate. He doesn't need to come into this world. He has got so much power, He could manifest Himself in front of everybody in this world and ask everybody personally a question, He wouldn't even have to come down into this world. All He would have to do is come down out of the clouds and speak loud one day, and say, "People who are not going to receive Knowledge are definitely going to hell." He never does that, because that's just the way it is.
The Golden Age Number 39, July 1977

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Physical Form of God

Denver, Colorado, 20 February 1977
We have to open up to Guru Maharaj Ji. Because by opening up ourselves to Guru Maharaj Ji, what follows Guru Maharaj Ji? Knowledge. But Guru Maharaj Ji's a physical focal point where we can really concentrate, where we can really focus, and through that - through Guru Maharaj Ji everything can manifest for us. And that is the only reason why even Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world. Knowledge is always there, but Guru Maharaj Ji comes for us, because he provides that focal point in our lives. That is something we can communicate with, that is something we can see, something we can perceive, something we can experience - and through that, Guru Maharaj Ji then weaves us into the experience of Knowledge - gently and slowly and beautifully - and then helps us.
Golden Age, April 1977, Issue 37

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Physical Form of God

Kansas City, January 21, 1978
But that experience of Guru Maharaj Ji - yes, maybe one day the physical manifestation of Guru Maharaj Ji has got to go because it's physical. And yet that experience that we experience in darshan is not physical, and therefore it's never got to go, and it never goes away! It's the same experience, it's the same joy that all the saints have described in seeing Guru Maharaj Ji and experiencing darshan. And okay, of course, "darshan" is a Hindi word. You might have a different interpretation to it. Now, what are you going to use? "Homage"? What are you going to use? Anything. I mean - and yet, simple enough: "Darshan," if you can understand the meaning of it. Because it really is an experience. And when we experience that, we realize. Then it's very, very clear to us. And we have to be open for that. And yet, to be able to experience darshan, we have to be open to Knowledge. Because without Knowledge, darshan is nothing.
Divine Times, November 1979, Volume 8, Number 6 and The Golden Age, March 1978, Number 43

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Physical Form of God

Melbourne, Australia - March 23, 1982
Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world in a physical form. Why? Why, what is the reason why a physical form is taken? To be able to come in this world and help us human beings that look like human beings. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing outrageous, nothing, nothing. Just a human being to come to take that form to help every one of us. And where do we look? That is the biggest miracle, that is the biggest grace, that is the only thing that has happened because through Guru Maharaj Ji, through that grace of Guru Maharaj Ji, he can open that inside heart, he can open that lock and show us show us what really exists. Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world to help us.
Audio tape

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Physical Form of God

Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, Hans Jayanti celebrations, November 9 1990
This should be told to the engineers. Go and tell them in their college where they get education that there is such a palace which has no support from below and it is illuminated as well. Is that possible? And you go to a medical college and tell those doctors that a blind man goes and enjoys the scenic splendour of that palace and then narrates all his experience. Then, of course, it will be a great fun. And you also go there where there is a music class going on and inform them that there is a place where you can hear the sound of gongs, conches and drums without their being beaten, blown or played by anyone. And then you go again to the doctors and tell them about a deaf person who is so engrossed in listening to those sounds that he has lost awareness of his physical being. Do you know? And then again go and ask the food minister and all these ration-card people whether they have any Knowledge about such a living person who after dying, revives again and comes alive. He becomes hale and hearty with a new vitality in him without taking any food. And then go to an osteologist and tell him whether he knows about a person without arms and legs who climbs an immensely high place without any staircase and there he drinks pitchers full of an ambrosial elixir.
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 2 April-June 1991

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Physical Form of God

The Connection video, 1998
It's a total package. Physically there is a Master so you can connect and internally there is Knowledge so you can connect on both levels. Make the connection."
The Connection video, 1998

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Physical Form of God

Portland, Oregon, Questions and Answers, March 19, 2001
Track 5: Q: ??? Shri Maharaji ??? read satsang about yogis and yoga and I have some questions about um the practice of actual physical asanas in yoga and how that relates or doesn't relate to knowledge?
A: Very clearly, it is described, the Knowledge is Raj Yoga, the king of all the yogas because it is the unity, 'yoga' means unity, 'yog'. It actually doesn't mean physical exercise it just means unity, to become one with something and that which puts you to be in one with that essence within inside of you is the King of all yogas. All the yogas that are there, they are for physical benefit, maybe they put you in touch with different elements. This yoga is to put you in touch with the element of life itself. It is not a physical exercise in that you have to put your foot over your back. I mean look at some of the people who have knowledge, including me, it is obvious we don't do that, ha, ha ha ha. We have a hard time getting up from the chair, much less putting, you know, that's not everybody but it's very clear, it's very clear, clearly defined the two in one you do, you know, a housewife cooks or a houseman cooks, in this day and age, umm, but that feeds the stomach but Knowledge feeds something else, a thirst that is much deeper than that and so there is a very, very clear distinction between all these different things and I think to appreciate that difference, I'm not gonna put down anything, I don't need to, you know, umm, be in this world, do whatever do whatever it is that you do and whatever it is that you have to do but don't forget that element, that breath and in each breath there is that is the witnessing, that is the witnessing of that Supreme Power that makes all of this possible, the whole world, the whole universe, so, it's not a paradox, it's simply a very clear division, the two have nothing to do with each other.
Visions International CD #AC0722EN