Prem Rawat's Teaching about the Apocalypse - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat often spoken of "the Apocalypse" in the first phase of his career from his early Montrose satsangs to his late 1970's talk of running out of oil (God had made a mistake and did not create enough dinosaurs) and the apocalyptic effect if the Perfect Master, ie himself, stopped coming in this world, ie incarnating into a human body.

Maharaji's Teachings About The Apocalypse

Montrose, Colorado, July 25 1972
"If there is a father, supposevly (sic) I'm a father and there is fire burning here and my child is crawling towards the same fire, right? And he is very near to the fire and almost he is in the fire and I'm still watching him, am I a father? I have got no right to say myself I am a father because if I am father I have got many responsibilities on him myself, and one of the responsibilities is to protect my child. Don't you tink (sic) that we have already entered this fire? Vere (sic) it is getting out of control? Everyone is coming, a bullet comes and shoots you, no-one cares for human life. Haven't we entered this fire? And it's a very very very bad fire we have entered and God can still watch you think? That the human race will be destroyed and God will still watch? He is a father? If he is going to watch and world being destroyed he is not a father, something else but he is not a father. But no, God has manifested Himself because if He manifestses Himself after one year, it will be too late, too late."
Satguru Has Come DLM film

Maharaji's Teachings About The Apocalypse

Montrose, Colorado, July 25 1972
But, ladies and gentlemen, you must realize one thing. You say, "Christ is coming … I know Christ is coming." Okay, believe God is coming. Okay. But maybe God has already come, because it is so dark. Suppose I am a father and there is a fire burning here, and my child is crawling towards the fire. And he is very near to the fire, and he is almost in the fire, and I am still watching him. Am I a father? I have no right to say that I am a father. Because if I am a father, I have many responsibilities, and one of the responsibilities is to protect my child. Now don't you think that we have already entered this fire, and it is getting out of control? Someone can come with a bullet and shoot you. No one cares for human life. Haven't we entered this fire? And it's very, very bad fire we have entered. And do you think that God can just watch while the human race is destroyed? Is He a Father? If He is going to watch the world being destroyed, He is not a Father. Maybe something else, but not a Father. So God has already manifested Himself, because if He manifests Himself a year from now it will be too late. According to many prophecies, maybe seven or eight prophecies, God manifested Himself a long time ago. One prophecy says that in the last months of this year, Truth or peace will reign over evil. Now if this is going to happen, how will it be done? It's not going to be like magic, where a magician puts his hat on the table, says something, and a rabbit comes out of it. It has to be practical. And this Knowledge is practical.
And It Is Divine, Volume 1 No. 6, April 1973

Maharaji's Teachings About The Apocalypse

Third World Peace Tour, Louis Armstrong Stadium, New York City, July 28, 1973
This position is right now. There are B-52's ready to blast off. There missiles ready to blast off, there are submarines ready, everything ready. If you try to run into ocean, they won't leave you. Everything is just ready to go. But somebody, something is holding it back. Obviously there's something and what is it that is, that is holding that thing back not letting the world destroy? And well, that's, that's the big mystery. (jet flies overhead) And this thing that is just making everything wait and giving world a chance. You know, that's it, you know, that's, that's, that's the, that's the whole thing. That is and we have to realize that.
Affinity, February 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Almighty

Toronto 1971
The time for famine, thunder, death and bombs is getting very near. Every time you see a watch, see the second hand, how smoothly it is going on, and so fast. The time is coming nearer and nearer. For the bombs will explode, and there will be great famine and thunder; many of these terrible events will happen. Many people will die, only those people who'll be in the ark, which is Light, will be left, otherwise everybody will be finished. Everybody will just finish.
The sayings of Guru Maharaj Ji, © Divine Light Mission 1974

Maharaji's Teachinhgs About being All-Powerful

Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando, Florida, Evening, 9 November 1975
I mean, I can't even imagine how man can be as crazy as he is! The Lord Himself reincarnates, reincarnates, reincarnates Himself for the very purpose of saving us. And we do not even realize who gave us the authority to refuse Him! Who are we anyway? From which field do we come that we can reject, that we can refuse, that we can deny our Lord? That is something that I cannot answer. And we do it every time! Because we have got a stupid ego. Because of one simple reason - we have got our stupid mind that's always telling us. For one simple reason - we do not understand, we cannot comprehend His beauty, His perfection. We just don't know that we are His puppets. The world says, "I can do this," and "I can do that." But if it weren't for Him … I think a lot of times about Apollos, about this earth, about a lot of yachts, and I think about cars. And I think if all of a sudden the Lord, the Creator, to whom all this belongs, were to pull the air out of the atmosphere, what would happen to these incredibly expensive jets? I wonder, how would they fly? If this Lord, who has got all the power to do it, did that, we could be screaming as loud as we can, and not do one single thing. He can pull that road, He can pull the whole earth and leave us suspended in this atmosphere. I mean, you tell me: can't He? I'm not saying He is going to. Again, I am not prophesizing that. Maybe He will. You tell me: can't He? I certainly think He can, because He is all-powerful.
Divine Times Magazine, Volume 4, Issue 10, December 31, 1975 and Golden Age magazine, Number 25, January 1976

Maharaji's Teachings About The Apocalypse

Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando Florida, Evening November 9, 1975
Let me give you one example. There might be people here who do not believe in the Bible, and there might might be people who believe in the Bible and who have read it. If Lord could ruin this world, flood it, like this (snapping fingers), then I ask you: couldn't He do it in 1975? Have we got a contract between us and God that He is not going to flood the world in 1975? We certainly don't. Or I haven't heard about it. But probably we don't. So when Lord comes to us, accept Him. And Lord is here. He has always been here. How can we make a statement, "The Lord is gone," and then turn around and say, "Lord is omnipresent"? We are contradicting ourselves. He has always been here. He has always been saving us, but it's us who pull out of His shelter. It's us who leave His home and go out and wander in the woods and get lost. But even when we do, He comes along and He saves us, He protects us. Well premies, that's the glory of Him. I just want to caution you about something. Because the way He is, the way He does His things, He just might decide not to go around lookin' for you. And if He does, you have had it. That's it. It's called "finito." I need not say any more.
Divine Times, December 1975 Volume 4, Number 10

Maharaji's Teachings About The Apocalypse

International Directors Conference, Carlton House Hotel, Orlando, Florida, November 11, 1975
So premies, we have a problem that we have to deal with. And you premies are responsible for it. You are the very people that I hold responsible for it. So go out and do your job. Do it. Because this is the time to do it. This is when everybody is looking for Knowledge. This is when the world is in crisis and really looking out there for some thing.

World in Crisis

Maharaji's Teachings About The Apocalypse

Portland, Oregon on 30 January 1977
And here we are. And really, I am not trying to overstate anything or understate anything, this is what I have read and what I have heard, this is what is happening. And a long time ago, people did predict that we are going to run out of oil reserves, and if we were any smarter than anybody else, we would have known that. I mean, if we have read anything about geography, we know that this earth is not full of oil, it's got crusts in it, it is not just full of oil. And here we are. So today we face a problem. The problem is that all this that we call our own, all this that we say brings us happiness, the main core of our happiness is running out. Very soon, we won't be able to drive our cars. Poof! There goes your nice Cadillac. Very soon … I mean I was just thinking about what a catastrophe it is going to be. What is going to happen when food cannot be transported from city to city, from farm to farm, because there are no trucks? What is going to happen? What is going to happen to all these crop dustings, because supposedly your plants go wild if you don't do that. I mean, here it goes. And the thing is, if everybody starts using nuclear power, it's going to be super super dangerous. So premies, here we are. Your mind has taken you for a ride, and now it just so happens that you can very clearly see, where is the core of that ride, what is that happiness, what is that thing that you think is happiness. Because we live in this world, we boast about this and we boast about that. People say, "No! I am happy!" I would like to see them happy still in 1985 when we run out of oil, when they go to turn up the thermostat and it just goes click click, and nothing happens.
Golden Age, Issue 37 and Divine Times, March 1977 Volume 6, Number 3

Maharaji's Teachings About The Apocalypse

Portland, Oregon, 30 January 1977
When I first came to Los Angeles I would give some satsang and it was like, "Man, this is just not happiness, this is all going to go away, this is not true, this is not sincere." And at that point a lot of premies understood, and a lot of people understood, but majority of them just didn't understand what I am talking about. Well, here we go: It is predicted that by at least 1984 our oil reserves are going to run out in the Middle East. In New York the president goes, "Well, the situation of heating is not a temporary one, it is permanent." What do we have? All these orange crops got completely ruined in Florida. It was snowing in Miami. In the Bahamas it was blowing, there's not a fruit on the trees, there's not a leaf in the trees. Here we go, world. Why don't we just call it that this is it? Because there are all these alternatives; okay, you can run your car on solar energy, but what about these millions and millions and millions of cars that are supposed to run on gasoline? What's going to happen to them? I mean it's like, what is going to happen?
Golden Age, Issue 37 and Divine Times, March 1977 Volume 6, Number 3

Maharaji's Teachings About The Apocalypse

Denver Colorado, February 19, 1977
But to me, look: Truly, we're just about approaching the end of this century, okay? Doesn't matter what you think, doesn't matter what you believe, I know one thing. There's only so many dinosaurs that lived. And there's only so many dinosaurs that produced oil. And there's a lot more cars than there were dinosaurs. And I think we are just about at the verge of it all. There have been predictions that by 1985 - which I think might be an over-calculation or might be an under-calculation. But around that time, let's figure it (five or six years is a drop in the bucket) - this world is supposed to be out of gasoline
Élan Vital Volume II Issue 4 Winter 1978

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About The Apocalypse

Holi Festival, Florida, March 20, 1977
this whole world needs to have Knowledge. And now it's becoming very apparent. Because 'til now the world has been - "Well, look. This car runs on gasoline, not on your - some god's Grace!" And it's just like, it's very, very simple. Either God miscalculated and made too few dinosaurs for twenty-first century and we ran out of them - and obviously that has to be the only solution. Because he didn't do it right! He just - he figured somehow - his calculator went wrong, his batteries went flat on it or something must have happened where he didn't produce enough dinosaurs and so now we are out of them and, poof! That's that. And all we can go up to God and say, "God, you made a terrible mistake! And you got to pay, you know, penalty for it! You got to start raining oil again."
The Golden Age, May / June 1977, Number 38

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About The Apocalypse

Malaga, Spain, Sunday, 26 March 1978
And this world would just completely collapse if Perfect Master stopped coming. I can't possibly even imagine or foresee what this world would be like. Because it would be completely incredible to just see the beginning and the end of the world in the same minute, in the same second, in the same hour. It'd be just gone! Finished! I mean, with the Perfect Master in this world there's enough problems. And with him not here, it just feels like the whole thing would just go and that would be it.
Golden Age, April 1978 Number 44 and Divine Times, Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Maharaji's Teachings About The Apocalypse

Shower of Grace Festival, Malibu California, June 10 1978
But there is a little bit of difference in my explanation of the same thing - but what I'm trying to say is that Guru Maharaj Ji is always there. You can't say, "Well, and then there's Guru Maharaj Ji." No. Guru Maharaj Ji is always there. And then there is you - well, you are there, in that time period given. So then, what bridge has to be "gapped" so that you can in fact become a devotee? You know, you can't say, "Well, first of all Guru Maharaj Ji has to be there." That's a given fact. Guru Maharaj Ji's always there. The day Guru Maharaj Ji would disappear, just about - not just about - this whole thing would disappear, whatever it is.
Golden Age August 1978 Number 47

Maharaji's Teachings About The Apocalypse

Holi, Miami Florida, April 8, 1979
You look at the craziness of this world. Yes. Everybody has to really have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji. The more you look at this world, the more you see how deep this ocean really is. The more you see how dangerous and wavy and incredibly crazy this world is, the more it's, "Guru Maharaj Ji, help! Help! Help! Help! Help! Take me away. Take me away from this craziness. Take me away from this thing. And give me that shelter. Make my life beautiful. Make me a tool. Make me an instrument. Make it real." Because really, if that's all reality is - killing each other - if that's all reality is - doing all these strange things in the world that man does every day - if that's all that reality is all about, then we have all had it. Then it is unquestionable that this whole human race is bound to doom."
Divine Times, May/June 1979 Volume 8, Number 3

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Apocalypse

Holi, Miami, Florida, 8 April, 1979
Why does a Perfect Master come into this world? If everything is A-okay with this world then why do you think a Perfect Master comes in this world? Look, that is automatically an indication that everything is not okay in this world. As a matter of fact, everything is to the last limb of it. Everything, in fact, is a matter of shattering any day.
Divine Times, May/June 1979, Volume 8, Number 3

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About The Apocalypse

Rome, Italy, Ashram Satsang June 25 1980
Look when there is going to be Guru Maharaj Ji in this world, whenever Guru Maharaj Ji is going to come in this world, and has, and will, and you know by his grace will keep coming again and again and again. Cause it's not guaranteed either. He can skip a term and that'll be the devastation of this entire planet.
Ashram Satsang video, June 25 1980