Prem Rawat's Teaching about "Manifesting" - In His Own Words

manifest: Clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment;
manifestation: An appearance in bodily form (as of a disembodied spirit); A manifest indication of the existence or presence of some person; A clear appearance

Prem Rawat's English is and was poor and very idiosyncratic and all his teaching is given in the form of off the cuff speeches so there is little clarity, some contradictions and excessive repetition. He claims to be a completely unique phenomenon and uses many words to describe himself: the Satguru, the Perfect Master, the Master, the Saviour, the Lord, Maharaji the Ultimate Ruler and Guru Maharaj Ji. He claims to be God manifested in a human body as Prem Rawat, the Almighty, the Creator, the All-Powerful in a human body. His father and previous such manifestation said, "Guru is the most powerful manifestation of the Lord." He has called himself "the highest manifestation of God" and included this proclamation in hundreds of thousands or millions of monthly magazines. He claims to be the last in a lineage of Perfect Masters or Satgurus and explains that there is only ever one Master alive on Earth at any one time and that he comes in(to) the world time and time again since time immemorial to reveal to humans the Knowledge that allows them to realize God, the infinite that is keeping them alive within inside themselves.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Mahatma Gurucharanand
The supreme Lord knows human weaknesses, therefore He manifests Himself in the form of Satguru to reveal the mystery of His own Divinity and to give to His devotees the opportunity of performing service at His Holy Lotus Feet. Those who have been blessed with the Divine presence of Satguru will undoubtedly be saved and never be abandoned to the clutches of birth and death. Such devotees are always in peace and attain the state of immortal bliss.
Let us beg Him sincerely to grant us His devotion and love and nothing else. Really blessed are those devotees who have bathed in the intense love and the unalloyed devotion of the Lotus Feet of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji, who is the highest manifestation of God and the embodiment of truth, love and compassion.
Divine Light magazine, Volume 1, Number 5, February 1972

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Hans Rawat (father of Prem Rawat quoted in Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj)
The Arya Samajists did not believe in the principle of Avatar Vad, while Maharaj Ji had full faith in the principle of the incarnation of God. The unmanifest God can only be realized through the grace of the manifested one. He often used to quote the Gita, "Whenever virtue subsides and wickedness prevails I manifest myself. To establish virtue, to destroy evil, to save the good, I come from Yuga to Yuga." "Fools deride Me in my manifested human form, without knowing My real nature as the Lord of the universe". Such is Shri Krishna's declaration in the Gita on incarnation.
Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Hans Rawat aka Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj
But without finding his Satguru, he will never know the secret of Truth. After he has found his Satguru, a disciple should serve Him as a son serves his father, opening his heart, and regarding Him as God personified. The Lord God has said, "Know your Guru as Myself, the Lord." We should understand that Guru is the most powerful manifestation of the Lord. If we understand this, our minds will automatically turn to our Guru before we start to do anything.
Hans Yog Prakash

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Hans Rawat aka Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj
Every man has within him the eternal essence. He is in fact, part of the totality of its essence. This word of God has the ability to manifest itself in a potent form in order to bring mankind closer to its truth. This manifestation is called Guru, or the Spiritual Master. While as a spiritual master is in the human body, he is not human. He is the Word made flesh. While living in the world he is not of the world.
Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Shri Mata Ji, Satyalok Ashram, 14 April 1970
The Lord always helps those people who devote themselves to the Holy Name. Look at the case of Raja Harish Chandra, a king who was a great devotee of the Holy Word and was also a giver of charity. Nobody ever returned empty-handed from him. He was a disciple of the Satguru of his time. And when the Guru is really a great manifestation, the disciple is also great. Just as the obedient son of a father will make his family name lustrous, so the devoted disciple makes the name of his Guru lustrous and great. Many people become disciples of Guru Maharaj Ji, but the real disciple is the one who does service with selfless devotion
Divine Light magazine, Volume 2, Number 3, December 1972

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

"Peace Bomb" speech, November 8, 1970
In the Bhagavad Gita, the Lord says that whenever religion becomes corrupted and evil increases, He takes a human body and manifests in this world to destroy evil and to protect His devotees. All of you must know very well what is happening to religion and Knowledge in the materialistic age. All the time, the latest models are being built, the latest fashions are being designed. Day by day men are striving to improve the quality and appearance of their inventions. And today I have to say with sorrow that the Knowledge which was once firmly established in this land of India has been slowly disappearing. But when the Lord saw that the troubles His devotees were having to endure had reached the final point, He said, "My devotees can bear it no longer", and then manifested Himself in a human body. So He has now come to reveal the lost Knowledge and to restore true peace. The Lord, the True Saint, the True Guru Maharaj Ji has incarnated in this world.
Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Alta Loma Terrace, Hollywood, California, August 15, 1971
I told you yesterday: Who is Guru? The highest manifestation of God is Guru. So when Guru is here, God is here, to whom will you give devotion? I want that the general should sign some papers. I needn't go to his office when he is sitting in my home. Is it necessary to go in his office when he is sitting in my home? When God has come here, then what is the need to give devotion to God there? Why didn't Jesus say -- or does it say in the Bible anywhere -- that He would manifest Himself again? For future generations, so they could have a living God? He has said. He has given you a hint, but you want everything in perfect state. He has given you a hint -- you don't recognize that hint. In Mark, Chapter 13, he says that One would come after him, not the son, not an angel, not a messenger, but the Father.
Élan Vital, Spring 1978, Volume II, Issue 1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Alta Loma Terrace, Hollywood, California, August 15, 1971
We have to give our whole devotion to Satguru, because He Himself is full. … Satguru is divine. Guru is divine. The most divine.Is it not true that the Satguru is within us all, within our hearts? God is within your heart. Guru is outside. God is within us all, but His highest manifestation takes place outside.Such a high thing, such a high power, has come. "I was seeking for God, but God has come in body! What can be higher and holier than that?" We think that God is the highest and holiest thing. But listen: God has come in the form of human man, form of you and me! What can be higher than that? Such a high person took the same form as the lowest thing. No shame at all! For our benefit. I came here for benefit of you. I left my school. I left everything to give you something.
You call God a form of kindness. He is kind. He took a form to refine this whole world, to make sufferings easier for His people. He wanted to go and do that work more and more Himself to make it easy, and first make more and more sufferings on His head, instead of anybody else's. God manifested Himself fully into a form. Not a part, but wholly into a form, to cure people from the disease of sufferings. He came into this world; nobody recognized Him. For He never came like a flash or something, so that people could recognize Him. He came as the law of nature was; He came very silently. But what He was doing side by side, it was rather impossible for people of any time to recognize Him. People of this time also can't recognize what He is doing. They can't recognize what His works are. They can't respect Him. But when He will finish up, and the whole result will be added up, people will pray.
Guru is that practical thing that can say: "Okay, come on!" Light has got no hands to use. That's why, because we have got no words to put him in a word, we say, "Guru is the highest manifestation of God." Remember, Guru is God. Bigger than God. Bigger and bigger than God.
Élan Vital, Spring 1978, Volume II, Issue 1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on June 4, 1972
So, I want to tell people to understand and realize a way which you can know your Lord. The Lord is always manifested. Understand that form. … This Knowledge is manifested more in plants than in rocks, even more in insects than in plants, even more in birds than in insects, even more in animals than in birds, and even more in human beings than in animals, and it is fully manifested in the Perfect Master.
And It Is Divine magazine, Volume 1 Number 7, May 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Guru Puja Festival, Montrose, Colorado, 26 July 1972
So a Perfect Master always manifests himself into this human form. If he comes as a dog, we are going to chain him and put him in our house. If he comes as a cat, we are just. going to pet him and that's all. If he comes as a buffalo, we are going to shoot him. That's all. So which is the most appropriate form for him to manifest himself? He does not manifest for cows, for dogs, for sheep and so on; he manifests himself for the human race. And it's not a question that God has manifested himself for one age only. Over centuries and centuries, years and years, ages and ages, God has come here. But, because of our simple ignorance, we couldn't realize him. He never made any philosophies. He never wrote any books. Jesus didn't write a book. Other people wrote the Bible. Jesus taught something to us and what he taught is not in the scriptures.
Divine Times, Millenium '73 Edition

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Shri Bal Bhagwan Ji, Hornsey Town Hall, 13 August, 1972
It is very difficult for our carnal senses, or ordinary senses, to comprehend this moving energy, so for this reason that moving energy takes up a manifestation, incarnates, and comes to us as a manifested being in a potential form. So a Satguru has always been taken for granted. In Indian scriptures it says that Satguru is always the potential manifestation of the ultimate reality. This is why Shankarcharya, a great learned scholar, authoritatively said, "Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara." Guru is Creator, Guru is Sustainer and Guru is Shiva the Destroyer, because when Guru baptises you with Holy Spirit and gives you Knowledge, then Guru becomes like a mother, like a creator. Guru sustains you and Guru gives you Grace. Then Shankarcharya says that Guru is not only Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, but is far more than all these things. What is Guru? Guru is Parabrahman, beyond Brahman, the ultimate reality. This was experienced by Shankarcharya and through his experience he wrote this mantra, he wrote this sloka, "I bow before my Satguru because He gives me the experience of Divine Light."
Divine Light magazine, Volume 2, Number 8, May 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Prem Nagar, India, December 10, 1971
So remember. We have to find that God, that person who is perfect; He is ours and we are His, and we have to find Him. To whom do we belong? We have to find Him, and get together and be one with Him, because if we are two we have got duality. … So remember: we are part of Him who Has manifested Himself as a Guru and who has come into this earth, and now we have to be one with Him. We have to completely merge and make our souls one with Him because He is perfect, and once we merge with Him we will also be perfect.
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Montrose, Colorado, July 25 1972
"If there is a father, supposevly (sic) I'm a father and there is fire burning here and my child is crawling towards the same fire, right? And he is very near to the fire and almost he is in the fire and I'm still watching him, am I a father? I have got no right to say myself I am a father because if I am father I have got many responsibilities on him myself, and one of the responsibilities is to protect my child. Don't you tink (sic) that we have already entered this fire? Vere (sic) it is getting out of control? Everyone is coming, a bullet comes and shoots you, no-one cares for human life. Haven't we entered this fire? And it's a very very very bad fire we have entered and God can still watch you think? That the human race will be destroyed and God will still watch? He is a father? If he is going to watch and world being destroyed he is not a father, something else but he is not a father. But no, God has manifested Himself because if He manifestses Himself after one year, it will be too late, too late."
Satguru Has Come

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Montrose, Colorado, July 25 1972
But, ladies and gentlemen, you must realize one thing. You say, "Christ is coming … I know Christ is coming." Okay, believe God is coming. Okay. But maybe God has already come, because it is so dark. Suppose I am a father and there is a fire burning here, and my child is crawling towards the fire. And he is very near to the fire, and he is almost in the fire, and I am still watching him. Am I a father? I have no right to say that I am a father. Because if I am a father, I have many responsibilities, and one of the responsibilities is to protect my child. Now don't you think that we have already entered this fire, and it is getting out of control? Someone can come with a bullet and shoot you. No one cares for human life. Haven't we entered this fire? And it's very, very bad fire we have entered. And do you think that God can just watch while the human race is destroyed? Is He a Father? If He is going to watch the world being destroyed, He is not a Father. Maybe something else, but not a Father. So God has already manifested Himself, because if He manifests Himself a year from now it will be too late. According to many prophecies, maybe seven or eight prophecies, God manifested Himself a long time ago. One prophecy says that in the last months of this year, Truth or peace will reign over evil. Now if this is going to happen, how will it be done? It's not going to be like magic, where a magician puts his hat on the table, says something, and a rabbit comes out of it. It has to be practical. And this Knowledge is practical.
And It Is Divine, Volume 1 No. 6, April 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Denver, Colorado, 8th July, 1975
And this perfect Lord doesn't come down Himself one day, grab everybody by the throat, and say, "You better realize Knowledge, otherwise I am going to chuck you out into hell." He doesn't do that. He even comes down into this world, bears that physical body, bears the pains, bears the suffering of this physical planet, and gives Knowledge. But if you look at Him, He is the ultimate. He doesn't need to come into this world. He has got so much power, He could manifest Himself in front of everybody in this world and ask everybody personally a question, He wouldn't even have to come down into this world. All He would have to do is come down out of the clouds and speak loud one day, and say, "People who are not going to receive Knowledge are definitely going to hell." He never does that, because that's just the way it is.
The Golden Age Number 39, July 1977

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Kansas City, January 21, 1978
But that experience of Guru Maharaj Ji - yes, maybe one day the physical manifestation of Guru Maharaj Ji has got to go because it's physical. And yet that experience that we experience in darshan is not physical, and therefore it's never got to go, and it never goes away! It's the same experience, it's the same joy that all the saints have described in seeing Guru Maharaj Ji and experiencing darshan.
The Golden Age, April 1978, Number 45

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Denver, Colorado, 25 February, 1979
I think it's completely stupid to think that God's going to do whatever you think you want Him to do. But that Almighty is going to do whatever He wants to do. That Power is going to manifest Itself in any form It wishes to, any time It wishes to, anywhere It wishes to. Who's going to tell It, "You can't do that"? Who? Manifestation of a Savior is going to happen to save the ones that have to be saved. That omnipotent Power will manifest Itself, establish devotion, for devotees, period.
Divine Times, May/June 1979, Volume 8, Number 3

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Holi, Miami, Florida, 8 April, 1979, afternoon
As I was saying yesterday, the devotees come first to make that path, and then Guru Maharaj Ji comes. And then it all clicks in, it all manifests. But that Knowledge that Guru Maharaj Ji reveals, the manifestation of Guru Maharaj Ji in this world, isn't for any individual per se, but it is for every human being in this world; every single soul that is alive in this world.
Divine Times, May/June 1979, Volume 8, Number 3

Applause For God In the Bod

Caracas, Venezuela, 4th February 1981
The sickness, the trauma that we caught in between of hate and love, just that, that we have that hate in us or express in more preaching type words, the devil, the devil that gets us. A sickness, we are plagued by it, we are all plagued by it and yet what is the answer and what is the solution to it all? That that presence of that Creator can remove it, the knowing of that Creator can remove it and yet do we conceivably communicate, see and understand. What would happen if you got up in the morning, grabbed your newspaper, grabbed your cup of coffee, drank it, grabbed your newspaper and just as you're just about unready ready getting' ready to unlock your car a big thunderbolt strikes that door lock, one about this big around you know in your hand the keys fly off there it is and all of a sudden the car just disappears and this gigantic light takes it's shape making everything it touches infinite because it's infinite. Every finite thing it touches just boom it's gone because it becomes timeless, motionless, shapeless, ageless, it just disappears and there are and it's comin' towards you. What are you gonna do? … You could never sit down in front of that light and say "I feel devotion for You" when you're really trembling and jittering and can't even look at it. "I feel devotion for You. I feel love for You. Teach me everything. Give me salvation. Give me liberation." Light is saying "I'll do it right now, just let me touch you, I'll consume you." And then the prayer changes you know "Give me salvation, give me liberation and a few more hours in this world." But then a very beautiful thing happens because that's not the way it happens. It never has manifested. That perfectness has never manifex manifested itself in that way but on the contrary on a very basic human level, human level right down to earth and as the words put it right down to earth on a human level that Christ came as a human being and so many believe that he was the son of God. With somebody with that powerful of a connection he could have requested anything "Send me down as a thunderbolt lighting. Send me down as a thing that consumes everything." But as a simple human being and crucified, not understood, rejected to an ultimate level because for what he had to say and yet what did he have to say that I have something to offer a very beautifully said "Knock and it shall be opened unto you." Knock. Ask for that experience and that experience will be bestowed upon you. Knock on that door, the door isn't gonna knock on you. Knock on the door. Ask and the for the ones who ask, for the ones who did receive that experience, it was incredible, they had no problem, no problem believing in a simple carpenter, they had no problem believing what he had to say. … They could see, they could hear, they could walk and yet still coming and finding the biggest miracle because what Jesus showed them, what Jesus showed them was that form, that manifestation of that Creator that one received by a human being the doubts go away, the questions disappear.
PMT 173

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Long Beach California, December 1996
Master, to me, is that manifestation of the yearning of the heart. If there was no yearning of the heart, believe me, there would be no Master.

The fact that something within seeks, something within has created the need and the necessity of the Master. So the student is there and the Master is there and it is that the Master begins to show, to introduce that process.

The And It is Divine magazines included the following proclamation in one form or another:

Dear Reader,

By the grace of Almighty Lord, we bring you the magazine And It Is Divine. You will find this magazine very different from others, because it shows not only the suffering of the world, but also a way out for all humanity.

There has never been a time when the Lord of Creation did not manifest Himself in human form, and come to this planet Earth to do away with evil and spread the True Knowledge. But history is a pendulum which is always in swing. There have been so many scriptures, but still people have never been able to understand Him.

Divine Light Mission wants to bring world peace by sharing the Knowledge which is within us by the grace of Almighty Lord. In this magazine, we hope to give information about the peace which lives within us, which Guru Maharaj Ji reveals.

Sant Ji Maharaj

And yes, He, Himself, Prem Rawat aka Sant Ji Maharaj, Prem Pal Singh Rawat, Maharaji, Guru Maharaj Ji, Balyogeshwar Param Sant Ji Maharaj was the manifestation of the 'Lord of Creation' and his signature was on every print of this manifesto.