Prem Rawat's Teaching about Being All-Powerful - In His Own Words

'All-powerful' wasn't a major part of Prem Rawat's vocabulary. He much preferred synonyms like the Almighty, the Lord, the Savio(u)r, the Perfect Master, the Satguru, the Creator, the Master, God and Guru Maharaj Ji. But nevertheless "all powerful" had it's place, a minor place, in his teachings about himself as well.

Maharaji's Teachings About being All-Powerful

Hans Rawat (father of Prem Rawat)
Oh my Guru Maharaj Ji, You are all powerful, and the only guide on the right path. You saved me from unreality and made me pure and high, by taking me away from my lower nature.
From now on, whenever you see someone who is speaking against the worship of God, stop and ask him "How much do you know about God, beyond the fact the He is all powerful, that He is everywhere, and that His love is unlimited?
Hans Yog Prakash

Maharaji's Teachings About being All-Powerful

Hans Rawat (father of Prem Rawat)
As his message spread, Maharaj Ji would give open Satsangs, especially near the bank of the Jamuna River. Maharaj Ji had his own natural and novel way of speaking to the people. He was against all outward show and shunned the pomp that many 'Sadhus' and 'Mandaleshawars' would indulge in. He never posed to be a religious man. He simply lived religion. He opposed all outer forms of worship such as counting of prayer beads, penances, fasting and the like. Once, when he was coming back from the Jamuna River followed by some of his admirers, he saw a Mauni Baba sitting on the sandy bank with crossed legs, answering the questions put to him by writing on the sand. Maharaj Ji approached and sat before the Mauni Baba. He folded his hands in prayer, raised his eyes to the heavens and spoke, "Oh God, Thou who art omniscient and all powerful, perfect and the creator of all, I see that even Thou can make mistakes. For why have you given this Baba a tongue when it seems as if he has no need of it?" At this, all were startled and the pretensions of the Mauni Baba collapsed into anger as he shouted, 'What ! What is this you are saying?' At once all the spectators broke into laughter.
Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj

Maharaji's Teachings About being All-Powerful

Hans Rawat (father of Prem Rawat), June 1966, at Dehra Dun, India
Today marks the celebration of Krishna's birthday. Many people say that God doesn't take birth. Why should God take birth? Why should He do that? Devotion. God cares about his devotees. God is the object of devotion and He takes birth for the pleasures of devotion. People who say that God doesn't take birth, say as a challenge that God's all-powerful. But for the same reason, people leave all doubts behind to worship that all-powerful God. When God can do everything, then why can't He take birth? If there's even one work He can't perform, then how is He all-powerful?
The Golden Age Number 24, November 1975

Maharaji's Teachings About being All-Powerful

Marolyn Rawat nee Johnson aka Durga Ji (wife of Prem Rawat), Pacific Guru Puja, Capitol Theatre, Sydney Australia, October 18, 1975
But then Knowledge comes and Knowledge is all powerful, Knowledge is the power that is creating and sustaining this whole universe, this whole creation. It is power itself and when the mind can be merged in that power there's no problem. Then Guru Maharaj Ji comes and he, he says, "Listen, take my hand" and he goes, "Stand up. If you stand up," really because we are nice and tall, "You don't have to be wallowing in the gutter. Just stand up and step over here a little bit, walk over here.
And It Is Divine Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 1

Maharaji's Teachings About being All-Powerful

Marolyn Rawat nee Johnson aka Durga Ji (wife of Prem Rawat), Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando, Florida, 9 November 1975
Can you imagine all the trips all of us combined have been through? All of us. We've been through so many things, so many different things, going almost infinitely out there. And we all come to that point of going, "Is this it?" There is something that is really calling us deep within. We feel that it's God, it's a power, it's an energy, a force, or whatever you call it, that's sustaining our lives, and somehow we're really drawn to that because it is all-powerful, and we know that we are just human beings. All men are really, really drawn to that, seeking for something that's perfect. Maybe we go out externally, but the one who is that energy and that power and that love lets us realize that it's not out there. It's something that is with us all the time. We always have it, it's just that we didn't know.
And It Is Divine Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 1

Maharaji's Teachings About being All-Powerful

"Peace Bomb" speech, November 8, 1970
Shiva Ji left that place, doing his pranam to Guru Maharaj Ji and saying in his heart, "O Guru Maharaj Ji, you are all powerful. What can you not do? You can do anything. I surrender myself at your Lotus Feet. Protect me, please," as you should pray in your heart when you do pranam before Guru Maharaj Ji or His picture.
Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Maharaji's Teachings About being All-Powerful

Miami, Florida, U.S.A. 15 June 1972
God is omnipresent, omniscient. God existed, and God exists and God will exist. God is all powerful, God is almighty, so why doesn't this peace roll out? Why doesn't peace come to every man? Just because he is ignorant of it, and because we are ignorant a man comes, an engineer comes. For example, there are many scientists and they want to build this Apollo. There is one main fault in the design of this Apollo. This Apollo is going to be sent to the moon, but before it goes, something goes wrong with it, and then the engineers come out and start mending it. This engineer is known as Guru. Now, of course, 'guru' is an eastern word, but Guru Himself is not eastern, because He is a mechanic who represents God. He is a mechanic from God, and God is not eastern, God is not western, God is not southern.
Divine Light magazine, November 1979 Volume 2, Number 3

Maharaji's Teachings About being All-Powerful

Public Program, Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando, Florida, Afternoon, 9 November 1975
When we take all the history of all the Perfect Masters coming into this world trying to reveal this perfect Knowledge, combine it together and put it in one book, in one page, in one sentence, it sounds crazy. That is when everybody goes and says, "Jesus. How could there be people like that?" This is when the people turn around and say, "They must have been out of their mind." And, they were. The question is, do we ever get up ourselves and face this question: If the Lord is omnipotent, if we all understand that He has the power to do anything in this world, and He controls everything in this world, He controls us, and it's because of His Grace that any structure is here (because you have seen the movies of earthquakes, haven't you?); if because of His Grace this earth is here, and the sky is here, that power can adapt Himself. Because it's infinite, it can adapt itself to any shape, any form, any time, in any way. Have you ever thought of that? We know He is all-powerful and He is all-graceful. So see, what He might just do, is He might love one of His very close devotees, He might just love us, and He might also love that delivery man. So one day He says to the delivery man, "I'll save you the trouble, boy. I'll deliver this milk to my devotee. He loves me very much." He comes knockin' at your door, and what have you got there? The Lord Himself, standin' with a bottle of milk.
And It Is Divine Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 1 and Light Reading, 1980

Maharaji's Teachings About being All-Powerful

Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando, Florida, Evening, 9 November 1975
I mean, I can't even imagine how man can be as crazy as he is! The Lord Himself reincarnates, reincarnates, reincarnates Himself for the very purpose of saving us. And we do not even realize who gave us the authority to refuse Him! Who are we anyway? From which field do we come that we can reject, that we can refuse, that we can deny our Lord? That is something that I cannot answer. And we do it every time! Because we have got a stupid ego. Because of one simple reason - we have got our stupid mind that's always telling us. For one simple reason - we do not understand, we cannot comprehend His beauty, His perfection. We just don't know that we are His puppets. The world says, "I can do this," and "I can do that." But if it weren't for HimI think a lot of times about Apollos, about this earth, about a lot of yachts, and I think about cars. And I think if all of a sudden the Lord, the Creator, to whom all this belongs, were to pull the air out of the atmosphere, what would happen to these incredibly expensive jets? I wonder, how would they fly? If this Lord, who has got all the power to do it, did that, we could be screaming as loud as we can, and not do one single thing. He can pull that road, He can pull the whole earth and leave us suspended in this atmosphere. I mean, you tell me: can't He? I'm not saying He is going to. Again, I am not prophesizing that. Maybe He will. You tell me: can't He? I certainly think He can, because He is all-powerful.
Divine Times Magazine, Volume 4, Issue 10, December 31, 1975 and Golden Age magazine, Number 25, January 1976

Maharaji's Teachings About being All-Powerful

Malibu, California, June 11, 1978
Look, it's beyond liberation. It's beyond all those things. Beyond all our concepts. In this lifetime, we have the opportunity to realize, to be with, Guru Maharaj Ji. Be it not Guru Maharaj Ji -- you know, maybe they didn't call him Guru Maharaj Ji -- maybe they called him Lord. Anything. To be with that power. To be with that thing. To be not infinite, and yet to be with the infinite. To be here as individuals, and yet to be able to be next to the person who is everything; in which everything is, and he is in everything. Guru Maharaj Ji. The Lord. All-powerful. We are here. And only by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace can we realize that, and see how divine this whole plan really is.
Divine Times - June/July 1978 Volume 7, Number 4

Maharaji's Teachings About being All-Powerful Maharaji's Teachings About being All-Powerful

Denver, Colorado, 25 February 1979
What prevented those people from recognizing Jesus Christ as the Lord? Their concepts. I mean, the all-powerful, all-merciful, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient isn't going to dwindle with our little itsy-bitsy little concept that comes from nowhere. The concept was "Look, he just cannot be the Savior. This is impossible."
Divine Times - Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2