Prem Rawat's Teaching about Time Immemorial - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat's English is and was poor and very idiosyncratic. When he was still calling himself Guru Maharaj Ji in the 1970's he referred to himself as the Perfect Master (Satguru) and explained that there was only ever one unique person alive on Earth at any one time who was the Perfect Master and that this Perfect Master has come into the world again and again since time immemorial to reveal to human beings the Knowledge that has existed since time immemorial and that allows them to "realize God" or as he now explains it, the "possibility of peace." While "time immemorial" is reasonably non-specific I'm sure it's a very long time ago. In the current century he has used it to describe how long humans have felt the unrequited yearning for peace.

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Discourse - Param Sant Sadgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj (Prem Rawat's father and Perfect Master of His time)
So, during the human life-span, actions can be performed as well as enjoyment experienced. If one does not acquire Spiritual Knowledge and meditate while he is in a human body, then he is bound to fall into the clutches of birth and death. It has been happening since time immemorial. … Do not waste this human life, which has the potential for such marvellous actions, in lust for worldly pleasures. Do not waste it for nothing. Search for that meditation and remembrance which is called Shankar Bhajan, by doing which human life becomes meaningful.
Manav Dharam website (June 2007) downloaded 9 May 2009

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Discourse - Jagatjanani Shri Mata Ji (Prem Rawat's mother who deposed him due to his "playboy lifestyle")
Devotees, even though they had to suffer from time to time, always continued their devotion with unflinching faith, searched for the truth and meditated. Saints emphasise the path of devotion. Religion is to be practiced within. People fight on the name of religion but true religion is universal and has been since time immemorial. It is meant to give us salvation, but people are fighting due to ignorance. Manav Dharam website (November 2007) downloaded 9 May 2009 (no longer online)

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Discourse - Param Sant Sadgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj (Prem Rawat's father and Perfect Master of His time)
To remember the Holy Name of God is the only essence in this world. That Name was one in the beginning, now also it is one and after the creation comes to an end, it will remain the same. That 'Name' is true since time immemorial. All other names given by people are false. All incarnations, Masters, Saints and devotees who came into this world, imparted the Knowledge of the True Name and Divine Light to sincere seekers, but this world is such that people ignore the present divine Masters and after they are gone, celebrate their birthdays without knowing the depths of Spiritual Knowledge, and think that this is all that has to be done for salvation. They are not concerned in the least with what our great Incarnations talked about and taught the devotees of their time.
Manav Dharam website (July 2008) downloaded 9 May 2009

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Discourse - Param Sant Sadgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj (Prem Rawat's father and Perfect Master of His time)
How did the saints become great? Because all of them remembered God's Name and meditated upon His Divine Light. People are engrossed in illusory things and have forgotten God and hence suffer from various worldly problems. A devotee wants to meet God but worldly illusions keep him away. It is well known that the soul is indestructible. So the souls of all creatures, whether living on earth or in water or in the sky, are indestructible. Moreover, new souls are not made, all of them have existed since time immemorial. It is also written that there is such a thing as salvation. Souls worthy of salvation achieved it and the remainder are bound to the cycle of birth and death. Those who did noble works got heaven. So, where have the liberated souls gone? Guru Nanak Dev Ji says, "Light has merged in Light". Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, "There is no difference between Me and the gyani". So, we should also search for the true Master and acquire Spiritual Knowledge from him.
Manav Dharam website (January 2009) downloaded 9 May 2009

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Discourse - Sadgurudev Shri Satpal Ji Maharaj (Prem Rawat's eldest brother and Perfect Master)
People have discussed the Ganges since time immemorial, but have not understood its secrets. We sit on the banks of the Ganges but we do not jump in. Our saints compared satsang to the Ganges. In reality we should take a dip in satsang. The Ganges washes away physical dirt but not the dirt of mind. But what happens when we bathe in satsang? Saint Tulsidas says in this regard, "Majjan phal pekhiye tatkala. kak hoy pik bakau marala. Suni ashcharya kare jani koi. Sat sangati mahima nahin goi." It means that the effect of taking a bath in satsang is immediate. A crow-like person becomes swan-like. All this is the grace of God. Manav Dharam website (January 2008) downloaded 11 July 2009

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Alta Loma Terrace, Hollywood, California, August 15, 1971
But if I want to go to Guru, if I go to Guru and beg Him, He says, "Okay, take God!" That's why he said that if you go to God, He will give you some wealth and some ordinary pleasures, but if you go to Guru, He will Himself give you God. Guru is that man that gave you the key for hidden treasure. Hidden treasure, that you were searching from time immemorial. Today we just read book and ask questions about that. But remember that His every second, every quarter or half of a second, is precious. Because can you think of something higher and holier than God? And He is Himself everything. He is God. Say, "You are Creator of whole universe, you are Destroyer of whole universe, you are kindness, you are Peace, you are Light, you are everything for me."
Élan Vital, Spring 1978, Volume II, Issue 1

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Patna, Bihar, India, December 25, 1971
God did not make Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian, "This is this; this is that. I am this; he is that." All these differences are the creations of men. From time immemorial up to this period, many battles were fought. These battles were due to the narrow-mindedness of religion. Today, the war between India and Pakistan is going on due to the thought of religion.
Élan Vital, Autumn 1977, Volume I, Issue 1

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Argentina, 7 January 1976
Sometimes, when I come to give premies satsang, the microphone is in front of me, and I am giving satsang, and then all of a sudden there is nothing more to say. You have Knowledge, and I have told you to do meditation, well, do it! And satsang, and service. You have to do that. I mean, this is not a new thing that we are introducing. At the time of Jesus Christ, what do you think John did? He gave satsang, he did service, and he did meditation. From time immemorial, premies have had to do satsang, service and meditation. And if they don't do satsang, service and meditation, they will really be missing out on a major part of it.
And It Is Divine Magazine, Summer 1976, Volume 3, Issue 2

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

San Francisco, California, 17 July 1976
I guess for so many years, I've got this habit of saying, "satsang. service and meditation." I guess I've just formed a habit and I think it's a very good habit, because we still need to keep on going, we still need to keep on doing satsang, service and meditation, because that's what has trucked us through so far, and that's what's going to truck us through 'til time immemorial. But it's just so beautiful, because it can really happen. It's up to our determination. If we don't have it, we don't have it; if we have it, we have it. We just have to keep on truckin', we have to just go. It's not a matter of conditioning any more, because there is an experience that really exists there. If a person has really for one moment in his life truly done meditation, then he knows that the experience exists. If that person for maybe even one moment of his life has done service, then he knows that experience exists. If even one moment of his life, he has heard the right satsang … because again, in Orlando I drew the line between chit-chat and satsang, and there's a lot of chit-chat, believe me. But if, even for one moment we have listened to satsang, then we know the experience of that. It's just all so beautiful.
The Golden Age, Number 34, November 1976

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Atlantic City, New Jersey, December 18 1976
This is the Court of Love, this is where love happens. See, this is the point: that this is the issued order, not from just this time but of time immemorial, that in this court, whenever this court assembles, there's only one thing happens and that is love. And if you don't do that in this court, then you're degrading the court, and the court can turn around and file a suit against you and you'll be in deep trouble. Only thing this court can do is exclude you. But not really excluding you, but putting you in a spot where you will exclude yourself from this court. It's a tricky subject. Courtroom won't exclude you, because the doors are always open.
And It Is Divine Magazine, Spring 1977, Volume 4, Issue 1

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Holi Festival, Miami, Florida, Friday evening, 18 March 1977
So premies, this is really an opportunity for us. We have no barrier. I and you have no barrier, simply because you're my premies and I'm your Guru Maharaj Ji, and there's only one reason why we are here. You might have a lot of different reasons, I might have a lot of different reasons. You might be able to explain them, I might be able to explain them. But when it comes to Knowledge there's something we have really understood to be as true as it is; in this world there is only one reason. And that one reason why we are all here is because we love each other. Is because I love you and you love me is the greatest reason in this whole universe to be here, and to always show up again and again and again, in time immemorial, as Guru Maharaj Ji and devotees, 'til there is the blue sky, until there is a brown earth, until there the ocean roars. So premies, let it go on, let it flow. It always - all the premies in the whole lifetime have wanted to have satsang, have wanted to have darshan. Well, we went through a lot, well, we're back again, and we're back again home. I'm here and you are there. I don't want anybody in between, and I'm pretty sure you don't want anybody in between. If you want to unite with me, you have now an opportunity to do so by satsang, service, and meditation, and by the opportunities provided by these satsang programs to you now, premies.
The Golden Age, May/June 1977 Number 38

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Malibu California, January 1979
I know that a lot of people have dreams that someday they're going to be realized souls. Someday it's all gonna happen where you can be then certified as a realized soul and when that happens, when you can be certified as a realized soul then there would be no necessity no more any necessity for an ashram and therefore you can move out. You have now synched yourself to the experience, okay, of satsang, service and meditation. Well that's just like taking a rock that's been at the bottom of the ocean for zillions of years, I don't know if there have already been zillions of years, but time immemorial and you bring that rock up and you put it in front of the sun and it dries up and you go "My God, what happened?" What happened? You know what happened. We, see in our system that we live in. We live in a system and in our system we are not allowed, we are not permitted to accept and soak in what is a phenomena. We are not allowed in our system, there are no contingencies given on our system for us to go out into that realm that no man has ever explored before.
Malibu Ashram video transcript

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Denver Colorado, 25 February 1979
Look, it's very simple. A realization, your experience of Knowledge is, by far, stronger than all the elements of this universe put together. This Knowledge is so strong that it defeats all the karmic laws of this universe. That's how strong the experience of Knowledge is. Be it a sin committed on the moon, Mars - anywhere. It defies the entire structure. It's made for that. It takes you above and beyond everything and shows you a realization of Knowledge. of Itself, of that Truth which nobody, nobody ever can deny. If the whole world turns against you. if the whole universe - including the Martians, if there are any - turns against you. still your weight on the scale will be heavier. Because you have realized Knowledge. That's how powerful. that's how strong, that realization really is And it is that way. It has been that way since time immemorial. It is that way on February 25th of 1979. It will be on the 26th, 27th, and 28th. And for time immemorial. Even when the Earth phases out. sun diminishes, everything goes to wherever it goes to, your experience of Knowledge cannot diminish. Because it is from where even, you might say. eternity starts. It is the source of all sources. It is It. It is the experience which is beyond death, beyond creation, beyond anything in this world.
Divine Times - Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Royal Albert Hall, London, 28th May 1979
The thing is I'm not here to teach a philosophy. I'm not here to teach a policy. I'm not here to teach scriptures. I'm not here to make scriptures. But in fact I'm here to provide a solution. And the only reason why I want to even offer the solution to anybody in this world is simply because it has worked. And time and time again it has worked. It worked a thousand years ago, ten thousand years ago, twenty thousand years ago, thirty thousand years ago, forty thousand years ago and for time immemorial. In fact, it's always worked.
The Golden Age Special Introductory Issue Number 1, February 1980

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Guru Puja Festival, Miami Beach, Florida, July 19 1979
The Guru Puja celebration - not being celebrated only this year but from time immemorial. A festival that's greater than any man can ever put together - any race, any society can ever put together - and it happens within the heart. Yes, that experience manifests. The joy happens. The love happens. The bliss happens. The harmony happens. The excitement. Everything. Within the heart of a true devotee, every single day of that devotee's life. And we come to worship Guru Maharaj Ji. It's a technicality: "Guru Puja." Quote, "Guru Puja." You tell me, who is in this hall who technically has a right to worship Guru Maharaj Ji or would call themselves a perfect devotee?
Élan Vital, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Miami Magazine, June 1979
Knowledge is neither new, religion, nor cult. Knowledge is the primordial source which sustains us. Knowledge is life, knowledge is truth and knowledge is what our heart wants to know. Knowledge is the true experience of one's self, which is neither new, cult nor religion. That experience has been there since time immemorial.
The Golden Age, July 1979, Number 54 and The Golden Age Special Introductory Issue Number 1, February 1980

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

Olympia, London, Guru Puja 23rd August 1980
We don't see any necessity in have, in for any reason to have devotion, any reason to have devotion but devotion is the only link, the only existing thing, the only interface there is between the infinite, the ultimate infinite and the ultimate finite. And unless that link is linked, unless that connection is hooked up, unless there is true devotion within inside of us the manifestation of that experience is not going to happen for us. That experience cannot manifest for us then we cannot even start to live, only when that happens, only when that connection becomes then does the real essence of life really start to flow. I mean maybe this all sounds a little too wonderful maybe or not so wonderful at all but that's the way it is. You can't do anything about it, that's the way it's been described, (Nectar Technique) that's the way it's been since time immemorial, that's the way it's gonna be a million years from now, trillion years from now. Maybe the whole universe will get devastated and a new one will be created and I'm sure when the new one is it'll still be the same exact way.
Olympia, London, Guru Puja video

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

September 2004
We need peace in this world as we are. We need peace in this world with all our problems. We need peace in this world with everything that goes on. We need peace in this world because our heart desires it. Something very fundamental wants that peace. There has been an attraction to that peace since time immemorial. When it comes to peace in my life, it begins with being ready and able to stand on my own feet. It doesn't end there, but it begins there. For too long, we have looked to world leaders. They try, but succeeding is another story. The noblest gesture we can make is to recognize the possibility of peace in our life and to find ourselves to be the source and the resource.
The Young People's Initiative, downloaded 11 July 2009

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

October 2006
Without peace, whatever structures are built, they crumble. The fighting decimates. These conflicts are a disease. And like any disease, they affect anyone involved with them. The solution does not come from words, ideas, debates. The solution comes from within the heart of each human being. This is our humanity. There is a cry from within every single person that has been there since time immemorial, wanting to reach out and say, "Let there be peace." Personal peace. Individual peace. The peace that is for everyone.
The Voice of Maharaji website and Inspire Volume 3, Issue 111, downloaded 29 April 2009

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

May 2007
Is the hunger for peace an illusion? Or is it real? Is the hunger to be content an illusion? Or is it real? A very good question. And the answer is: It's not an illusion! It touches every single human being on the face of this earth, and it has been an issue since time immemorial. What people have done is to learn how to evade the issue - not tackle it but evade it.
Inspire Volume 4, Issue 124 and The Voice of Maharaji website, downloaded 29 April 2009

Maharaji's Teachings About Time Immemorial

20 September 2007
So is peace something innate that resides in the heart of every single human being? Or is it a state that can be manipulated and brought about? When I talk about peace, I mean the desire for peace that has resided within human beings from time immemorial. And it continues. A voice for peace surfaces again and again, however many times it has been ignored by governments and world leaders. Even in the face of that, the voice for peace continues to call. This is what we have to acknowledge, to listen to. This voice does not belong to a group of people or a country. This is within every human being trying to find that peace in their own way. That's how powerful it is.
Inspire Volume 4, Issue 138, downloaded 29 April 2009