Prem Rawat's Teachings About Buddha - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat's English is and was poor and very idiosyncratic. When he was still calling himself Guru Maharaj Ji he referred to himself as the Perfect Master or Satguru and explained that there was only ever one unique person alive on Earth at any one time who was the Perfect Master and that this Perfect Master comes in(to) the world time and time again since time immemorial to reveal to humans the Knowledge that allows them to realize God. His phrase for this incarnation or manifestation of an avatar was "comes in(to) the world". He claimed that he is and his father had been the Perfect Master as had Jesus, Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Swarupanand (his father's guru) and others of that ilk. Other synonyms for Perfect Master were Guru Maharaj Ji, Maharaji, Balyogeshwar, Satguru, the Saviour, the Lord, etc. Since around 1990 he has referred to himself as "the Master" rather than "the Perfect Master" but he still claims to be the unique source of the Possibility of Peace in the world today through his techniques that are "more than meditation" and that only he can inspire. In India he still refers to himsef as "Guru Maharaj Ji" and this is translated into English by the Raj Vidya Kender translators as "the Master".

Prem Rawat Teachings About the Divine Light

Hans Rawat (Prem Rawat's father and predecessor as Perfect Master), India
Mohammed would have been asked what was his religion by the people of his time. Do you think that he would have replied that his religion was Islam? (Actually he would have) Likewise, people would have asked Jesus Christ about his religion and do you think that he would have named Christianity as his religion? Would Lord Buddha have said that his religion was Buddhism? What is that religion which they all followed themselves and which they spread for the sake of all mankind? … In fact, we all are sons and daughters of one and the same Almighty Father. We should love, respect and serve each other. You know that Jesus Christ imparted the knowledge of Divine Light and Holy Name. He also healed sick people, gave bread to hungry people and money to poor people. Today people believe in Jesus Christ, they spread Christianity but they do not know the Knowledge which he imparted to his disciples.
Manav Dharam website downloaded on 1st April, 2009

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Hans Rawat (Prem Rawat's father and predecessor as Perfect Master), India
Lord Buddha left his kingdom, his wife, his son and everything to find the Truth. He saw that this world is an ocean of grief and miseries. He knew that he would leave this world behind one day, so why not leave it now to find true happiness? He searched for Truth, got it and then spread it. That is why it is said that only what is available at the present time is valid. Only a living doctor, political leader and Spiritual Master can do good for people. We will benefit from asking the living Master who is here now.
Manav Dharam website downloaded on 1st April, 2009

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Hans Yog Prakash, The Magnum Opus of Shri Hans Ji Maharaj
You remove the fear of this world. You are the very incarnation of good fortune, and filled with blissfulness. You are Shiva, the one who lets endless nectar flow. You are Generator, Operator and Destroyer, You are the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, the most High. I do not know how to remember You nor how to meditate upon You. You are Lord Shiva incarnate.
My Guru is the incarnate Lord of this time. I bow before my Guru, who is greater than Christ or Buddha, for each of them was the servant of his Satguru.
He who gives us the lamp of true Knowledge is Satguru, He is God incarnate
. If someone took Him to be an ordinary human being, his ignorance would make his whole life fruitless.
We cannot see God except in human form. No one has ever seen the Lord in any form except that of His Incarnation. We haven't seen God, and even if we try, we will not see Him. Why should we even speak about seeing Him, when we cannot even paint His picture without distortion.
Hans Yog Prakash

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Questions and Answers, October - November 1971, London
If Jesus Christ wasn't crucified nobody would have respected him. Everybody can remember Jesus Christ because he was hanging up on the cross. And that was the crucification, and if that crucification had not taken place nobody would have respected Jesus Christ.
Q: Are they going to respect you?
A : Yes, I'm going to be strict about it
Q: But the Bible, The New Testament, tells that Jesus is living now.
A: So Jesus is living, right! Jesus is living. Ram is living now, Krishna is living now, Buddha is living now, but they all have been united. All their powers have been united into one very, very, very, very powerful power. And then this power spreads it's hand, you know, like this, something is going to happen. All this, all the things that are going on wrong in this world are going to be abolished.
Affinity, June 1979, Issue 52

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, November 24, 1971
Buddha Bhagwan said, "I would like to have a glimpse of that Holy Knowledge." And thus, Sujata revealed that knowledge. If this knowledge were available without a Guru, then Buddha Bhagwan himself would have kept quiet and would have continued sitting. As soon as he took knowledge, as soon as he was enlightened by Sujata he started making his disciples and he started telling them, giving his agya (command) to them to go and spread this Holy Word of God.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise, 1972

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Johannesburg, South Africa, 29 April 1972
Every satsang is a discussion on one subject, and that is the true Knowledge which brings peace of mind. Many great saints got fantastic experiences from this wonderful Knowledge and just wanted to spread it to all people. In every age a great saint like Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Mohammed, and Christ has taken birth on earth for this purpose, to give this Knowledge to other people, because, in their time, the truth had declined, spiritual understanding had been lost. As far as spiritual matters go, they were ages of darkness. … I don't mind the difficulties that are being put against me. Whenever he comes to the world the Perfect Master has to tolerate many difficulties. I have come to spread this Knowledge and that is what I am going to do. Understand this and believe it. Are you hesitating to receive this Knowledge? Why? It is very simple Knowledge. It will give you complete peace of mind. It will give you infinite bliss. Do not complain later on that you were never told about this Knowledge. Again and again, I do nothing but to tell you all to take this Knowledge.
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Sydney Lower Town Hall, Australia, 6 October 1972
What is the fundamental or basic thing that the whole world exists on? Energy. See, when we take the smallest particle of anything, the so-called atom, and when we divide the atom, energy breaks out. And the definition of energy which scientists describe, you'll find, is that energy is never created and never destroyed. Energy is the thing which is everywhere, supporting everything. We are existing today, let's say we are breathing, that's why we exist. But breathing is not the only thing. If our heart stops, then what will happen? The heart is not the only thing. There is still something and then there is still something, then there is still something. We think that the heart, the breathing system, and the eating system make us alive. But if you dissect a dead body, you will find all these things there. So what is this thing that makes us alive? What is it? Doctors have been trying to search for this thing for years and years and years. They have never been able to find it. The day they will find this thing, they will be able to make a dead man alive. But they are still searching. Really it is right inside of us, but how to know it? How to understand that which is the nearest thing to us? The retinas of our eyes with which we see are the nearest parts to our eyes. But can we see our retinas without a mirror? Can we see our face without a mirror? Can we see the tip of our noses without a mirror? And they are the nearest parts, very near parts to us. Can we see them? Can we see the tip of our nose, our eyelids, without a mirror? No. In the same way the nearest thing to us, this energy, cannot be seen without a mirror. But which mirror should we apply? Not these materialistic mirrors, but the mirror of Knowledge, the mirror of enlightenment, is the only mirror which can lead us to this light, which can lead us to this energy.
When they asked Lord Buddha, "What is Brahma, what is the thing that makes us alive? What is Brahma, what is the energy that is inside us here? What is the energy that makes everything exist?" Buddha kept quiet. People thought He had gone crazy. He kept quiet and did not answer. But it is beyond anything you can speak. it is beyond your human intellect. It is beyond human imagination.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 8, May 1973

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Palace Of Peace London, 23rd September 1973
And this exact condition with this, with this, with our, with ourselves. Why? Because we have been lost in illusion, we have been so much in darkness that when somebody invites us and says, "Okay lets, lets go you know, there is a point that you can understand truth, where you can understand that greatest wisdom of your life and we go there but with that little ego of ourselves, with that little darkness, live that little un-understanding and then we go there and we react, we try everything out and, "It's, it's all the same, doesn't matter. Beat it. It's all the same." That is why, that is why many many many many people come in this world and they try to explain it to us each, each way, each different way. Lord Buddha came in this world, he left this world, he he completely left all his, all his materialistic positions and he became like a, like a monk and he went and he and he preached this Knowledge while on the other hand Lord Krishna, he didn't do that so it means in every every view we want to see. Lord came to present us the best view possible of this Knowledge that is within inside of us but we are never able to understand it because that little bit of ego is still there, that little bit of un-understanding of that full understanding is still there.
Perfect Master Tape #009

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Denver, Colorado, 20 February 1977
That Knowledge, that experience makes you premies and makes me Guru Maharaj Ji, because I impart that Knowledge to you and you experience that Knowledge. And today, my role in this world is to do, to impart that experience which I have imparted to you to everybody else who exists in this world. This is why I feel I am here - and there's no other purpose. Yes, of course, I go to sleep and I get up in the morning, but there's a little bit more than that. Why I go to sleep and why I get up has to do with the experience of Knowledge, imparting it to every individual in this world. And premies, today is the time. Today, in our lives, right at this moment we have an opportunity to put that difference, to put that mind aside and really, really experience Knowledge. This is why Jesus came, this is why Ram came, this is why Krishna came, this is why Mohammed came, this is why Buddha came. I have a practical experience of Knowledge, and I will never deny that. And nobody can come up to me and shatter that experience of Knowledge that I have. And I know it is beautiful. This is not a hypocritic thing; this is not a fake thing, this is a true experience of Knowledge that I talk about - and I want you to have that, period. Why? Because you're humans and you're alive. Isn't that a good reason? That is the only reason: because you're here, you have been born here. And to me, the only reason that we get born here is to plug back into that infinite source, into that infinite energy.
Golden Age, April 1977, Issue 37

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Montreal Canada, Friday April 29 1977
And so this whole quest. this whole chase of humanity is just going to go on. I mean, obviously, Jesus came, Ram came, Mohammed came, Buddha came. And today we follow their footsteps. Great. Fantastic. Do we also know what happened at that time? People rejected. People refused. Now, have we taken preventive measures" Have we been quarantined against this? Have we had our innoculations so that when Lord comes this time everybody is going to say, "Right on! I accept you ….
Divine Times, July 1977 Volume 6, Number 6

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Albert Hall London, May 28th 1979
Yes, you can go to one religion after another religion after another religion and never end up with a realization. Never. One religion says, "Mohammed. That's who". And one religion says, "No. Krishna. That's it." "Ram. That's it," One religion says, "No, no. no. Wait a minute. You're all wrong. Buddha. That's it." Other one says, "Listen, you've had enough. It's about time for you to be quiet. Christ. That's it",
DLM Pamphlet

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Guru Puja festival, Lingfield, England, June 21 1979
God. Everybody has a picture of God. You know, children (sucks snot up nose) they have a picture of God, This bi-i-i-ig, hu-u-uge man, you know, that's got, that can fly in a leap you know able to cross tall buildings in one leap, faster than a speeding bullet, just immaculate thing, immaculate being. We have it, in our own ways. People who believe in Ram, people who believe in Krishna, people who believe in Mohammed, people who believe in Christ, people who believe in, in Buddha have their own Gods in their own different formats. I mean, everyone of us has our different ideas of what that Creator really is. Everyone of us thinks that we know, we are right and yet, all it is, is just our painting. And Guru Maharaj Ji comes, you know, Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world and everybody thinks that Guru Maharaj Ji is also going to pick up a piece of canvas, a bunch of paint brushes, paint and start painting a picture and we'll all see the picture and Ta-da, that'll be it. And ??? Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world and we all think that we know the kind of picture that Guru Maharaj Ji is going to paint and when Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world, that's true, always comes into this world but he doesn't paint a picture, no. We translate, after a Perfect Master leaves, disciples take what he has said and try to paint it into a picture but never the Perfect Master. Perfect Master never paints a picture cause he knows there isn't a picture to paint. That picture that he would paint is already within every one of us. That thing, the ultimate goal of life is already within all of us and yet we're ignorant. We do not know. We are unaware and that's no sin, that's no crime. If we do not know, we do not know and that's the why every time the Perfect Master comes into this world to give us, to give us, to teach us perfection. If we all knew, do you think a Perfect Master would come? Guru Maharaj Ji shows us something which is real, which is true because Guru Maharaj Ji brings us into this world and shows us something, gives us that realization, shows us what God really is. In its true form. That God that has no religion, is bound to no religion, is not abducted by a religion because that's what the religions do, they abduct God, they steal Him, get a copyright on Him. If you don't do things a certain way you don't believe in God. You have to go to a church every Sunday. If really we knew, us human beings knew a place where God lived, wouldn't we all move there? God, the Creator, the omnipresent, the omniscient, the omnipotent.
Guru Puja Lingfield England 1979 video

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Guru Puja, Miami Beach, Florida, Saturday, 21st July, 1979
You know it seems so evident that by now everybody would understand, that everybody would understand all the mistakes human beings have made in the past with the Perfect Masters and would not commit the same mistakes again. Too many stories and too many examples. The cost of every living Perfect Master who has incarnated into this Earth. Look at Krishna. Look at Ram. Look at Mohammed. Look at Buddha. Guru Nanak.
You know, we think there are so many experiences out there. But every living Perfect Master has come to reveal one experience. After all, there is something behind it. Isn't there? And how simple does Guru Maharaj Ji make it? Tell me, how simple did Jesus make it when he came?
The Golden Age, October 1979, Number 55

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Olympia, London, Guru Puja 23rd August 1980
Everybody's just an idiot, nobody understands anything, you need that! You need all this stuff to kill one another. I think when they say this ('V' peace sign with 2 fingers) and call this an indication of peace they mean 2 missiles, one from Russia, one from America and that's what's holding the whole thing together. It seems like it, isn't it? And no that is not the peace that Jesus came to teach in the world, that is not the peace that Buddha came to teach, it is not Buddha's action, it is not Jesus's action that have created the missiles. It's a very, very dumb human beings who have created the missiles, the ones who'll be sitting in that 747 45,000 feet high, smoking a big, fat ceegar and sipping on their coffee while we'll be biting on a bullet shell, you know, or a piece of our house that's just fallen on our face when the whole thing happens..
Olympia, London, Guru Puja video

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Miami Florida, 9th December 1983
Don't compare me to Jesus. I am not Jesus. If I was Jesus, my name would be Jesus, I would look like Jesus, I would act like Jesus. I don't look like Jesus, I'm not Jesus, I'm not Krishna, I don't look like Krishna, I have a moustache, I'm not Krishna. I'm not Buddha, I don't have those curly hairs, I'm not Buddha. I'm not Ram, I'm not Mohammed. You know and don't some people have that feeling of crisscrossing "Wow wouldn't that be wonderful?" I am me. (Applause) I'm not Mohammed and Krishna and Jesus and and if you want to love Mohammed, if you want to love Jesus then love, do something that will make you love Jesus more. Do it whatever it is, do it, if you want to love Jesus cause there's nothing wrong in loving Jesus and there's nothing wrong in loving Krishna and sometimes it helps to just have an idol or a or a picture or something of Jesus around. Look at all day, look at it as many times as you can. Read the Bible in which he, he says so many wonderful things. That they bring so much appreciation about Jesus but Knowledge is Knowledge is Knowledge is Knowledge is Knowledge. Even Jesus talks about it, yes And even Krishna talked about it yes. Mohammad's talked about it yes. Ram talked about it, it yes.
"Birthday Program", Perfect Master Tape 256

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Brussels Belgium, 8th December 1989
A, a joke that Daya told me, my daughter, my second daughter told me, really cute and actually I'd heard many versions of this joke so she was sitting on the sofa, I had just walked out of my office and she said, "Daddy, you wanna hear a joke?" I said "Sure" and then she started telling me this joke and I was like going like "Oh Daya, hurry up, I've heard this joke. (laughter) I've heard this joke" and so she kept telling the joke anyways thanks to her endurance and she said "Once there was a, a priest, actually it was a monk, believed in Buddha and uh he and a taxi-driver, a doctor, a lawyer were flying in an airplane." I know you think you've heard this joke too (laughter, sucks snot, clears throat) and something happened drastically, something went wrong and the captain picked up his parachute and jumped out. Well the copilot is supposed to follow the captain so he did the same thing. He, he saw the captain split, he picked up the parachute and he jumped out. The lawyer said "Look folks, I've got clients who are relying on me to save them so I have to go." So he picked up the parachute and he jumped out. The doctor said "I've got patients that definitely need me." He took the parachute and he jumped out. The taxidriver and the Buddhist monk were left in the airplane and the taxidriver says to the monk, says "Go ahead, you take it. I'm a taxidriver, what's ever gonna come of my life? But you, maybe you can help people" and the monk says "No, no, no, you see all my life" and see this is where the joke changes. (Slight laughter) all my life I have been praying to Buddha, wanting Buddha, wanting to be with Buddha, praying to Buddha and this is my opportunity to be finally close to my Buddha." The taxidriver said "Okay." (Sucks snot) and so he grabbed the parachute and he jumped out and immediately, as soon as the taxidriver jumped out, the airplane's coming downs to 10,000 feet. The monk got on his knees and started praying and said "Buddha, you know, this is, this is something that I have chosen. I wanna be close to you and this is finally my opportunity to be close to you and I'm so privileged, I am so honored that I have just one request, down there at the bottom, make it quick so that it's painless. Coming through the 5000 feet he gets on his hands and knees again "Buddha (sucks snot) I thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to finally to be with you, to see you, to, to, to, to pray with you, to, to just adore you please just remember, make it quick." (Laughter) Coming through 500 feet "Oh Buddha, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much but please last final call make it quick, make it painless" and the plane is coming through 50 feet and boom a big hand comes out of the sky, picks up the aeroplane and sets the aeroplane on the ground. (Scattered laughter) The monk walks out completely amazed, looks up, says "Thank you God" and the big hand comes and (punches hand) hits him flat. (laughter, clears throat) So, I guess so far he was pointed towards Buddha everything was going just fine and then he went into the general concept and everything fell apart for him and the way it's just games.
Festival Of Knowledge Audio Tape transcript

Prem Rawat Teaching About Buddha

Hans Jayanti festival, November 9 1990
Whenever Masters came, they did not establish any religion. These so many religions were created after they left this world. For instance, Buddhism came into existence after Buddha. So just think of it, how many religions have been created in the name of those Masters ! When those Masters left this world, people said, "Oh, all this must continue." So they hatched up these big religions. Has any Master ever advocated that you devastate the creation of God? Has there been any Master who might have said, "You don't respect anything created by God." Was there any such Master? Actually people have forgotten the teachings of those Masters but have given priority to their beliefs. Because whenever great Masters have come in this world, they have always spoken about the heart. And that is what makes all the difference.
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 2 April-June 1991