Maharaji: Unlimited Clarity DVD/S030-S, 2005
This video was shown on the Gold Coast on the 25th and 27th June 2005 as part of the local premie community's ongoing public presentations of Maharaji's speeches.
This speech given to a very appreciative audience begins with a story of him passing a car crash in heavy fog and continues with the 'fog' being a metaphor of the blindness and ignorance that normal people live within. Only premies have the possibility to see with unlimited clarity. It is notable for one of his clearest expositions of the effects of Knowledge on his Premies/Pwks: "Knowledge doesn't bring clarity believe me. It brings a beautiful clarity. It brings some beautiful simplicity. This, this and the rest of it. Nice. Clean. Simple. And you know it only can be the person who is involved with Knowledge that can bring you a message like that. Not everybody can. They can, they can use words, they can get close. They're gonna get close. But they've never driven without the fog. They've never driven without the fog." This was not a video that could be shown to the public as it could be considered offensive.
- Having fun and feeling contentment are not mutually exclusive except in Maharaji's world, a world where you have make constant effort every day for a mythical unlimited joy and clarity.
- It is not a impossible objective to have peace in this life - Nearly everybody is at peace within themselves and externally - Maharaji promises a mythical peace, above and beyond. All his speeches are to his followers who have been convinced the have no peace but they need His 'Peace'
- people hear the word peace and they think of the world and peace, world peace, World Peace! - Maharaji, I remember you and World Peace
- Nobody is willing to take a look at themselves - They dare not judge themselves according to M. I understand why He feels that way
- A duck walks into a bar - one of his best told jokes though its relevance is negligible: when the person feels threatened, they will do anything in their power to circumnavigate that threatening position. Does Maharaji really think life is full of threats?
- It's called thought pollution and person in their lives is constantly being bombarded - Pwks are also constanty bombarded by Maharaji's message as well
- Maharaji reveals a bit about himself in the guise a quip - good changes. I like to let everybody know that that was planned
Maharaji: Unlimited Clarity DVD/S030-S, 2005
Today we have this chance this opportunity to listen and most importantly to be reminded again of what is really, really important in this life. Coming back from India last year and it doesn't seem so long ago. I arrived, landed at this airport and then after we landed these people told us "Oh, you're really lucky you got in because right after you landed, they shut the airport down because of the weather." I said "That was nothing unusual." Everything was fine. We didn't hear anything like that and then started to go towards the hotel and it was really, really foggy. Needed to drive real slow. You couldn't see much because the fog was really dense and it was going up a hill in a winding road, going slowly and this fog had completely shrouded from any view, whatever there was. And to me when I was in it, it was very thick and it was like soup. When I was in that fog. It very much reminded me of what happens to us.
Because when that fog comes, it obstructs the vision. It obscures. It stops us from seeing what we need to see, to proceed on this path of life. And this is important. It is important because this is but one life. It is important because this isn't just a question of here I am. But this is everything. This isn't a question of comparison of my problems, my dramas, my traumas. Who's better? Who's off? Is this a better day? Yesterday was a better day. Is tomorrow going to be a better day. It isn't about that. It is about that you exist. It is about that you are, that you are alive. It is about listening and understanding your own passion. Your passion. What your heart is telling you. It is for that moment to be quiet enough so I can begin to hear what my heart is trying to tell me. So world's a big place. There's a lot of things that are going on. There are a lot of things that call on me to say "Do this. Do this. Do this. Do this."
There are a lot of things that disguise themselves as "fun." This is fun. This is fun. Do this. Do this. Do this but my life my time my existence is not about the fun. It is about feeling that contentment. It is about feeling the joy. These are the needs of every single human being. These are the wants. These are the desires. These are the wishes above and beyond everything else. And how cleverly everything gets disguised because you know you were, you were watching that video. I was, as they said, the MC said, you know, in 15 minutes you will watch the uh 15 minute video, you will see what Maharaji did in 2004. Somebody was standing right next to me. I said "Well, we're going to watch one whole year's worth of effort fly by in 15 minutes." This is what you did and then there was, you know, a little pause and maybe a lot of you thought "That's it. It was quick ha ha." (laughter/applause)
But there was one of the questions that was asked, you know, "What about, what would you say to the hungry people?" You know, I thought about that a lot. "What has peace got to do with hunger? What does peace got to do with anything else in this world? What is peace got to do with all these attractions and distractions that we place in front of us?" Nothing! Nothing! Peace has something to do with the very fundamental cry of every single human being. Every single human being. Think about it. This is what your life, your life and you know up till now so many people hear the word peace and they think of the world and peace world peace, World Peace! Peace and somehow you imagine someone else who you think needs peace and I want you to discard that and start understanding that it is you, you who needs peace and the beautiful thing is that not only do you need peace but you can do something about it. It is not a impossible objective to have peace in this life. It is very, very possible.
That's what we are here for to learn, to grow, to understand and to make that peace a reality and it is a constant effort. Why is it a constant effort? Think about it. If it's raining, if it's raining and it's really raining raining raining raining and you get an umbrella, you won't get wet, because you have an umbrella in your hand. You won't get wet? See a lot of people think exactly that. All I need is an umbrella and they get an umbrella. They are holding an umbrella and they're still getting wet and they're wondering why am I getting wet? I got an umbrella. Open the umbrella. (laughter) I know this is funny. It's not meant to be funny because it's not default, I've got an umbrella. No, you gotta open the umbrella and then if you open the umbrella, can you then close it and everything is fine. You need to not only open the umbrella, but place the umbrella over your head for as long as it is raining. Merely to go through the gesture. I got an umbrella and I opened the umbrella and I closed the umbrella and I'm still getting wet. Yeah. And there was that time, few minutes, in which I didn't get wet. But I didn't realise, I was not getting wet because I was already soaking. And then umbrella gets blamed. Bad umbrella.
Nobody is willing to take a look at themselves. Nobody. And why? Because you think you will be just as judgemental with yourself as you are judgemental with others. Scary thought. Because for everybody else, you've got absolutes. For you, aaagh. You know, to me, so much of the human condition, and there is this little analogy.
It's a little joke, but it's this great little joke. There's this duck. A duck. And he walks into the bar. And he sits down and the bartender comes to him and says "What will you have?" And the duck says "You got grapes?" And the bartender says "No. This is a bar. We sell alcohol here. Not grapes. Go away." Next day, the duck walks into the bar again. Sits down. The bartender says "What will you have" And the duck goes "You got grapes?" Bartender said. "Listen, I told you we don't sell grapes here. We sell alcohol. Now you keep this up. I'm going to take a bunch of nails, drive them through your bill and nail you to this bar. Get out of here." The duck leaves. Next day the duck comes back, sits down. The bartender says "What will you have?" The duck says "You got nails?" The bartender says "No." The duck says "You got grapes?" (laughter)
So, everything in this life. When I, when I read that joke, I really liked it. Because it's like, this is what I'm going to do. Person takes it upon themselves in this life. This is what I'm going to do. This is how I want it to be. Completely overlooking what the reality is and then when the person feels threatened, they will do anything in their power to circumnavigate that threatening position. Just like that duck. He just wants to make sure that he doesn't got nails. Got nails? No. Got grapes? Hey, this guy doesn't have grapes.
What is it? What is true accomplishment? What is true reality? What is beyond that far? Because then when I woke up the next morning, the fog had lifted. And it was the most gorgeous, most beautiful sunrise that you can possibly imagine. Just playing and playing in the light was incredible. And what a contrast from the fog to clarity. Do what I couldn't see. Do what I can see. In that fog. So much. I mean, you know, the other day, I was thinking about it. People talk about noise pollution. They talk about, you know, air pollution and they. But there is a real pollution. It's called thought pollution and person in their lives is constantly being bombarded. This, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this and and a person allowing themselves to be thrown in that river, sucked into that river and going with the flow. Yes, this. Yeah, that's important. That's important. That's important. That's important. Yeah. Yep. That's important. Yeah. That's important.
But do you realise what is being sacrificed? Your time on the face of this earth. Your possibility of being fulfilled. Your possibility of being fulfilled every moment is being sacrificed. And it is only you can answer this question. Can you afford that? Can you afford that? What is the most important thing to you? I realise that I cannot afford the fog. And that's a good realisation. All the things. That's a good realisation. Drama comes, trauma comes. I can't afford that. Yeah. I want to understand the passion of my life. Everything will change. As it does. Nothing in this world is exempt from the touch of change. Nothing. Don't don't believe what the world hammers into you. Oh yeah. This is timeless. Nah. Time has watched this earth being made cooldown. Has watched the oceans appear. To it. It has infinite patience. Infinite patience. It has watched everything change and change and change and change and change. Cannot even begin to tell you the power of that time. And somehow that this person was created and given the sense to feel and of all the things that I can feel. I can feel that joy, that I can feel that peace, that I can feel that feeling within inside of me and that is the most magnificent.
I have in this life the possibility of being affected by all the changes. See, it is not the changes that are bad. It's only those changes that I don't want are bad. The changes I do want. I call them good changes. And of course when those changes come, I like to let everybody know that that was planned. (laughter) And when you really realise, what do you plan? What do you plan? Here imagine and it's very sad. What happened to all these people who got affected by this incredible seismic event. One place somewhere in the on the ocean floor. It broke loose. Invisible. Created these incredible tides and everything that it could touch. It went ahead and did it. Now you imagine somebody making their perfect impeccable plans. You plan, you see, you see one of the biggest things about that calamity is people got a little humbled. Whenever calamity strikes people get humbled. Wow. Mother Nature.
Rest of the time we're trying to bury it. Mother Nature. Rest of the time. Not Mother Nature. I'm going to take that and I'm going to move it. I'm going to remove it. I'm going to change it because I can. And when that fury hits "What? You're still bigger than I am?" For a moment. Everybody goes. Maybe not. You think it's going to stay that way? Nope. Plans will be drawn. Plans will be drawn to do exactly what was happening before, to happen again and the explanations will come out. And what are the explanations? What are the statistical chances of this happening again. The fact that it just happened. Oh, another 200,000 years. Because this is where we live. We live in explanations. We have explained where God is. Not felt, but explained. He lives up there. It's an arbitrary direction. There is no science to God being up there. And there are people. "Well, that's where God is. That's up there. That's where heaven is. God lives in heaven. Heaven is a nice place. Everybody has wings and they fly around." Just imagine. What a nightmare in terms of traffic that would be.
I mean, aeroplanes weren't invented basically that long ago And there is already so many of them. People have been dying for much longer time. E-e-magine. And can you imagine if they all want to hang out in the same place? And here they come. No navigation system. Nothing. Got wings will fly. (laughter) Here I come. But it's an explanation An explanation that we need to have. In the long line of other explanations that we need to have because those are the big explanations and they don't really affect us everyday. But then there's the explanation that begins when you wake up and your eyes wake up and you are up and the explanation begins. Today I've got to do this and I got to do this. You better get up. Gotta do this and got to do this and got to do this and I got to do this and I got to do this and I got to do this and I got to do this and most fortunate are the ones. We say "You know what I got to do today. I got to be in peace today." Because for them an explanation isn't required, an explanation is not needed because those, who understand that possibility, that they can be content are truly the most fortunate. Because that is possible. To go inside and feel, not the fog but clarity, not a conflict but life.
This life is not a conflict. It's this beauty that is dancing for you. Not an explanation. Not a condition. Not a statistic. Not an equation. But to witness the most amazing dance. To witness the most amazing surprise. To witness the most amazing thing that ever will be and to be that day fulfilled, fulfilled. Without the worry of tomorrow. Without the worry of yesterday. Look to be fulfilled. And I can tell you that when that fulfilment is there, that is the only timeless thing there is. Everything else is bound by that. It becomes timeless. When the heart is full because it has felt that most beautiful feeling. The thirst is quenched. The thirst is quenched and the being has become simple. Simple. Every moment matters. Every moment brings another fruit of joy. Joy. Otherwise. you will be so busy explaining and you will be explaining and explaining and explaining and explaining and you will never reach the end of explanation. And you will have to explain another day of why you wasted, you know. It doesn't have to be like that. It doesn't have to be this chaos. It doesn't have to be the fault. There is a life. There is a simplicity. There is an understanding. There is a joy. There is an answer. Life doesn't have to be questioned.
And when I say all this it is not just meant to be words. It has to be real for you. That's what it matters, when it is real for you. I know that a lot of people have come from wherever you have come from and you know it's been a while maybe since you've been to a live event. A lot of video events happen and it's wonderful to listen to that. It's wonderful to be here to see each other eye to eye, (applause) to look at each other and say "It's not a TV. It's not a TV." Because this this is what it is. You are alive. Be alive because you are alive. Be alive. Don't be alive and pretend to be dead. When it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. What is that basic wish that already has been given to you. Listen to it. Understand what it is saying to you. How it is addressing you. Be quiet. Listen. Listen. To what that need is, then you can go and fulfil it. But first you need to know what it is. Has always been the same. You've gotten older or you've gotten younger. If you centre yourself on that wish, you will find you haven't aged today. You will. And if you centre yourself on the world, you will find you have become very old and accelerating.
Which one is your centre point? Which is the axis on which your world revolves. Because if it revolve from that centre that is real. It'll be smooth. If it is off axis, it'll sit there and it'll wobble and wobble and wobble and wobble. And then it will be one day this man was just praying and praying and praying and praying and praying and praying to God. (snaps fingers) And God answered "Yes. What is it?" The man said "I was just wondering. It's like, what's like, you know, a million years to you?" God said "Well, my one second is your millions of years. It's just a second to me. Nothing. Quiet. And this guy said "God what is like $1,000,000 to you?" God said "Well, that's just like a penny. Dead silence. "God" "Yeah." "You think I could have a penny?" and God said "Yeah, just a second." (laughter)
So see that? I don't know if I was getting through with this time business, but I thought that, see that puts it in perspective. Because to me and to you. Unless that one thing is fulfilled. I mean, all the explanations can be there. All those ideas can be there. All those things can be there. But if that basic and fundamental need is not fulfilled, then what is the point and who are you going to rely on? This is something that you have to do. You have to do! You have to understand and it is possible to understand. You have to understand that this is your life and you can make it happen. Where there is that joy. Where there is that beauty. Every day in your life. You can, not can't. You can and here's the fun part. It's really easy. It is. It really is very, very easy. There's a lot of people think the only way it's gonna happen is if I change the world around me. That's not easy. You know and there are people, people in this, "Well, maybe I need to change my kids." So they start changing their kids.
By the time they think they've almost gotten their kids moved out. You know one day you realise you're looking up at the kid instead of down. So that's when you go "Well. Okay. That was a dead end. That's not happening. Let me see what else I can change. Ah let me change my job. I'll get a job that I re-a-lly like." Then you finally find a job that you really like. And when then you realise that what you really like is the days off from the job. So then you say, "Well, you know, maybe what I need to do is I need to retire. But how can I retire? And that's where you become "God. Can I have a penny? So I can retire." God says, "Yeah, just a second." Waiting. Just think of all the things you're waiting for. Don't wait anymore. You don't have to wait anymore. You don't have to change all those things out there because you can't. You can't, because when you do change them, they will try to change you. And when they do, you won't like it. You won't like.
Today as I was coming here "Now should I take my computer?" Then I asked myself "Why? Why do you want to take your computer? Oh, but something important might happen." "Yeah," I said to myself, "most important thing is happening. You're gonna go and you're gonna talk from your heart. and try to bring a simple message to some people and spend three days in an incredible place in an incredible environment. That's the important thing that's happening. (applause) So then the computers were all shut down and I laughed. Because it isn't the changes that I want. The change has to be here. One thing I can change. I can change everything. But there's one thing I can change and all I need to do is change my list of priorities. See. That's why I'm saying it's easy. You're not throwing anything out. Just rearrange, rearrange. Of all those things that have taken up the priority. Take this one priority. to be content and put it right at the very top.
That's all. Leave all those priorities to me because the world has told you many times. Oh, if you do those things, you have to sacrifice for peace. You will have to sacrifice if you want that state. And then people have come and given that state a explanation. That is the state in which you know everything. Think about it. Just think about if you know everything, you would go crazy. No, just just just all of a sudden. Just imagine. Imagine all of a sudden you know the thoughts of a-a-all the people and all what they are thinking is going inside your head. And not only today but yesterday and tomorrow. Everything that they're going to be thinking is going "zzzz." I mean drive you insane. Have you ever been to New York in a traffic jam where everybody honks their horns That's enough to drive you nuts. This is just a few cars honking their horn "hank, hank, hank. Can you imagine the whole world? And you are listening to all of that. Why is the need to know everything? Its so I can figure out what's going to happen tomorrow. Is tomorrow going to be just as bad as today?
If today was a wonderful day. Incredible day. I was fulfilled today. I don't care about tomorrow. Today was great. But if today was bad, I want to know if tomorrow is going to be just as bad as today. Because if it is. What can I do to improve the situation? Maybe I stay in bed. But when the day is good. See when you get bad news. You wait for good news. When you get good news, you don't need another one. It's not like you get good news and you go "Well I need another one. Another new good news. Another good news." No, it's like, "Oh, great. Thank you. Wonderful." So there is a good news. Good news is that you are alive. Good news is that your heart wants to be content. The good news is that you can be content. The good news is that all this is possible and most of you who are here have this gift of Knowledge and how wonderful, how fortunate you are that you have that. Stay with it. You got a garden, garden, garden, your own garden. Manicure your own garden. Take care of your own garden. You've been taking care of other people's gardens and here, all the vermins have been eating yours. You can't have that. Take care. Groom. Take care of this beautiful garden that you have been given, of this beautiful life that you have been given. Take care of it.
And how do you take care of it? You take care of it by accepting, not finding faults with it but accepting, not by comparing it, but by admiring. How many of you compare? How many of you compare? "Oh, but I wish I was like that. I wish I was like that. I wish. I wish I had his house and I wish I had his car and I wish I had his kid and I wish I had his wife (laughter) and I wish I had his this" Listen. Why are you comparing? How about, how do you know? How do you know if he isn't got problems? No. The most fortunate is the one who is in life's harmony. Most fortunate is the one who has understood it. A lot of people, they compare. A lot of people, they measure. A lot of people, you know, they want explanations. If you want to be in that joy, it is simple. It's not about explanations but trade the explanations for feeling. Feel. Feel every day. Nobody's asking you. Nobody's asking you here to make motions. And that's enough. No, it is to get to that place of joy. A lot of people say, "Well, just keep reading this book. You know, keep keep doing that one day you'll get it." No, this is not, Knowledge is not like that. Practise from your heart and let that heart be fulfilled. And dance in the appreciation and appreciate what you have.
Your problems, my friends will come. They will. Problems wouldn't be problems if they didn't have victims. So think about it. You know, so think about it, you know, the problems also have "victim seeking assistance." And it is good. They've had millions and millions of years to hone themselves on it. I mean, dinosaurs had problems. They really did. You know, you got, you got, you got these buffaloes and they're huge and they take on, they'll take on lions, no problem. And they don't have to go to an office. They don't have to put up with traffic jam umm they don't have computers. No emails, no faxes, no cell phones. Umm their kids basically take care of themselves umm and grow up pretty much correctly and, you know, go through it all. They've got problems. You ever seen a buffalo and they're trying to shoot the flies away. I mean, my God, they got problems.
Everything, everybody has problems. Those problems have a very, very sophisticated system. So they seek you out. They know where you are. They know how vulnerable you are. More, have you noticed, more vulnerable you are, the bigger your problem. Because they seek vulnerability. They look at you. They've got scanners. They've got everything. and it doesn't matter how good of a face you try to put on. "I'm fine. I'm okay. Yeah." It doesn't work. It really doesn't work. The only thing, the only thing that does work is when you can go to that place and enjoy that beauty that is within you. That's the only thing that works. Will that make the problems go away? No. no. But problems you see, you've only got one lifetime, you know. Do you make it to 100? You're doing good. These problems. They've had billions of years to perfect themselves. You haven't got a chance. They are far more evolved than you are. They have. They've had. They've had everything to work on. They've had mountains to work on. They've had oceans to work on. They've had little bacteria to work on. They've had thunders to work on. They've had dinosaurs to work on. They've had. I mean, they're, they're good. So you think, you know, you're gonna flex a little mush up muscle and make them go away. Don't kid yourself. That's not happening
But go somewhere else where they can't come. That's why, that is why there is a thirst for peace. Because the thirst can be quenched. If there was no way to quench that thirst, you would not have had that thirst. But because there is a way to quench that thirst, quench that thirst, fulfil this life. This is what is important. This is why you are here. This is why you are here. You are here to take another step towards consciousness not unconsciousness, towards consciousness, towards that light, towards that clarity, away from the fog. I mean there are people I know, I mean, they're people who love the fog. "So good. So beautiful. Home." And I say "No." And I know so many people, so many people, who took, took the steps. Took the steps. Took the steps. Took the steps and "(unpleasant nasal noise) forget it. I'm going home. Fog. I'm miserable but I don't have to do anything. I mean there's nothing to look at but thwhew I know what fog is like."
I received a letter from someone, they said "You know I have Knowledge and then I got so busy doing everything else and I stopped and I stopped practising and it wasn't till quite a bit later that I realised what I was missing in my life" but driving down the road and not being able to see everything, back in fog. It's like "Oh my God. The other day I could see. I didn't have to drive like this." Have you ever driven in fog? It's like you don't go very fast. First of all. You really don't and surprise at every corner. Oops. And here's the beauty about fog especially at night. Light makes it worse. You notice that, light is what you need to see. But when there is the fog, it is, it is exactly what makes it worse. What do you do? What do you do? This is what happens and then driving up on that road there was a car that had been overturned. I mean, they had taken the people. I guess they were okay. They were driving slow enough but the car was overturned and there was a big traffic jam backed up and dadadadadada all that typical scenario of the fog and this person said "You know I didn't even know what I was missing." Knowledge doesn't bring clarity believe me. It brings a beautiful clarity. It brings some beautiful simplicity. This, this and the rest of it. Nice. Clean. Simple. And you know it only can be the person who is involved with Knowledge that can bring you a message like that. Not everybody can. They can, they can use words, they can get close. They're gonna get close. But they've never driven without the fog. They've never driven without the fog.
Their version of clarity is what is in front of them. See the steering wheel is clear. I can see it perfectly. My rear view mirror. Very clean and nothing obstructing my view of the mirror. And of course what it is showing is nothing. My windshield is clean. I clean the windshield. Okay, we have a clear windshield. What is this showing you? Thoughts. There are people. There are people who will tell you "Oh, yeah. Clean the windshield." You know, when there's fog, it's really bad. It really doesn't make any difference if you've got a dirty windshield looking at the fog or a super clean windshield looking at the fog. Fog if fog. Fog is fog. All of those elements that a lot of people talk about would be true if there was no fog. Then yes, windshield really should be clear so you can see it as clearly as possible because it is clear. But when it isn't clear why you are cleaning your windshield because it's not going to help remove the fog.
For most people, they don't understand the difference of the rest of it. To them, the rest of it is the same. The line is muddled. Your relationship with everything else. This is what they tried to explain to you. Your relationship with everything else. There is no relationship. You are here. You will be gone. That's the relationship. The rest of it will be here bothering somebody else. That's how it is. Good news. That is the good news that this breath comes into you. When you are clear, you will understand and like this person wants to come back to Knowledge. Starting to hear again but I have to say, finding a lot of hope and comfort in that. There's more. Beyond words is that feeling, is that experience. Beyond ideas, beyond explanations, beyond the words is the feeling in your life, you've got to get to that. Feel feel that joy. Feel that simplicity. Feel that beauty in this world. Insight. Insight your heart. Feel that peace. Living in this world, doing what you have to do. Yeah. And being able to go inside and fill it up from that well. 57:02
A lot of people will tell you don't take the journey through the desert. It is cruel. So there's a desert. Take water with you. Take water because you will need that water. It isn't about making the impossible possible. But it is recognising your own possibility. Contentment in your life is very possible. That is your possibility. Recognise it. Understand it. Grow with it every day. There is room for growth. This is one of those things that does not stop growing. You can grow with it. There is no limit. There is no limit to enjoyment. There is no limit to that and how simple and how beautiful it is, so perfect. So perfect in its very nature. There is no limit to clarity. There's no limit to clarity. As far as you can see. As far as you can see. There is a fog, there is a limit. After a little while, you can't see anymore. Well, it doesn't matter. If it gets denser than that, you won't be able to perceive. Clarity. Clear. When it's clear you can see, you can see the stars. Sometimes you look up and you see stars that are not even there anymore. The light is just travelling still. So far, you think there's a limit to clarity. Look out into that infinite space out there. You see these stars. See these stars. See these planets. See these bodies.
No limit. There is no limit to clarity. There is no limit to joy. There is no limit to truest learning. There is no limit to understanding. You never say, I understand this too much. Never. There is a limit to ignorance. You don't know it. I mean that's the limit. I mean ignorance has a limit. You cannot not know about it any more. You have reached the limit. Because. It's like that person who bought a computer was trying to get the computer to print. Computer is saying I can't see the printer. I can't see the printer so they took the computer and turned it so it can see the printer. But why does it keep saying I can't see the printer and printer is right in front of it. Ignorance has its limit. I mean after, okay, can you imagine being the tech guy on the other side getting this call. There was another guy and then and these are some of the stories I was reading from real tech assistance. This guy went and he took, bought his computer and did everything and then he hooked it all up and he said "But I don't see anything" and they went and they troubleshot and they troubleshot and they troubleshot and they troubleshot for hours. Finally the tech said "Well what did you buy?" So. "I bought a computer" and the guy said "and" no screen. So there is a limit to ignorance. I mean, but what limit is there to understanding? Understand every day that there is a beauty that I can fill myself with today. Again and again and again. Wen those become blessings for you, when those become blessings for you. Your life is fulfilled. Then the joy is there. So far those elements remain as foreign elements to you and have not become the blessing, to be blessed. Blessed. To understand in your life that you are blessed. You have accepted and you have accepted that blessing in your life, in your life, is not by my saying but because you know. That's the possibility. That's what needs to happen. That can happen when every day every step counts. That's the beauty of Knowledge. Every step come. You get closer and closer and closer and closer to that. Not the explanations, not the concepts of "Oh yeah. Once I become enlightened, I'll know everything." Blame me. You don't want to know everything. You'll be a bore. That's it. To know. That's one thing. That I have that thirst inside of me that I can be fulfilled." This is what you need to be. That is enough. Not everything else but that "Yes, I can be fulfillled. That's what's important. So, thank you very much. Good night.
This is what I do. I go around the world and this is what I talk to people about. … I go place to place and I talk to people about life Maharaji and his former character, Guru Maharaj Ji, have been travelling since he was young but his message has really always been "Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!" If you want peace, then come to ME! I AM the source of Peace in this world