Guru Maharaj Ji aka Prem Rawat: Miami, Florida, January 16, 1981
His speeches were not written or prepared but they are certainly not unrehearsed. The speeches preceding his current one are the rehearsals and his speeches following evolve gradually using the same store of tales, premie gossip, clichés, life events, recent tv shows and stock phrases. He invariably garbles his first attempts at new "insights" and and it is these sections that were edited or removed when his speeches were published. His publisheed speeches have all been edited and give a false picture, His thinking is much more disorderd than they show. My transcripts are word for word and give a more realistic picture of his thinking.
In this chaotic speech in 1981 Rawat was less exuberant than in others and there was no general hilarity. As usual, there was little continuity and progression and non sequiturs aplenty. Rawat made this speech at a 'program,' an unusual one-day meeting of his premies (devotees)on a Friday so everyone listening already has a basic understanding of his teachings (as far as anyone can understand him,) tries to practise Knowledge and worships him. He is as ignorant as you would expect a person to be who left school at 14 and has literally never read a book. He has learnt much about life from TV cartoons but has started watching Nature dcumentaries as well. Nevertheless it is quite true that all his speeches are somewhat different though they are also very similar and are certainly not absolutely unique. He makes as many claims that need to be taken on faith as any other religious teacher though he claims everything he says is based on 'experience.' It would beggar belief if his speeches were written or prepared but they are certainly not done without rehearsal. The speeches preceding his current one are the rehearsals and his speeches following evolve gradually using the same store of tales, premie gossip, clichés, life events, recent tv shows and stock phrases. He invariably garbles his first attempts at new "insights" and and it is these sections that were edited or removed when his speeches were published. His publisheed speeches have all been edited and give a false picture, His thinking is much more disorderd than they show. My transcripts are word for word and give a more realistic picture of his thinking.
- "when Jesus went smashing through the market" he confused those who had concepts about the Perfect Master. So have no concepts and just surrender.
- The Perfect Master can do anything, be anything. Once He even Incarnated as a dog, just surrender
- for some maybe they read a poster in '71 and that was it - For many premies, meditation was not important, they were true believers for the getgo
- An unhappy sister of crazy premies was told by her priest "Look you know, this is it. Just keep having that faith and everything will be alright" - countless millions of Christian have done just that and everything was alright … enough
- Maharaji says "have that trust, have that faith, it's a gift and all we have to do is just enjoy" - Tens of thousnds of one-time premies tried that and were not satisfied, that is why there are far more disillusioned ex-premies than … the true believers in Prem Rawat
- Maharaji says "have faith in me because I give you this experience" - so if he can convince you, you have an "experience" and if he can convince you he gave it to you, and if he can convince you that its something special and unique, if you believe all that then your faith is based on concepts & ideas & philosophies
- The Perfect Master of his time doesn't come in this world and hand out scriptures
- He had to study hard for his IFR exam and Citation type ratings he only got 9 hours sleep a night, he thought he would fail but a Grace miracle, got him a 97
- "Guru Maharaj Ji comes to save us in this world" but it is not our right, he has the option not to accept an unworthy person.
- You must humbly beg and if the Perfect Master wishes to, he imparts you the Knowledge - you have no right to receive Knowledge
- a practical and a true experience is given to us now but we must have faith and surrender our expectations
- He says "Guru Maharaj Ji" 78 times in this speech but who's counting?
- Between 1978 and 1981 he often used the phrase "you know." It is not published in the DLM transcripts. He said it 80 times in this speech and often whispered it
There is no inkling in this speech that there was any radical change in DLM and Guru Maharaj Ji's public persona coming up
Prem Rawat playing Guru Maharaj Ji:
Perfect Master Tape (PMT) #171 transcript - Miami, January 16 1981
(shouts and cheers and Bolie Shri Satgurudev Maharaj Ki Jais) So, this is a special ???apps program on this tour. And I just see one way. It's been really wonderful in one way It's really wonderful. We're starting this going from here and you know in one sense it was strange and then the same thing you just see that satsang starts to come. You're not feeling that's really feeling inside starts to bloom and that experience starts to materialise for you. Then you can see it's like when you don't have any problems. You don't have any - It's like you can wake up at 3:00 o'clock in the morning and you need to turn on every single light in your house just about to see. And you have to strain your eyes to look outside and you have to everything. And basically under that influence of that darkness. The darkness prevails and we in that time and that mode where where its very hard to see anything. And then when that sun comes out when that sun shines then all that goes away Then we don't have to strain our eyes. We don't have to turn up any light on. It's all there. And this is where I see that that is Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace. That is why I see how this Knowledge works for a human being.
Because in this world what is there? No. In one sense I can say look, it's my theory. But it's not my theory. This is what I have practically experienced. This is what I have practically realised. The man goes on in his life is never touched by anything around him because today look I look at the technology today. It's so advanced. There is so much of it and yet how how has the individual life changed by that. Sure many not half the change. Maybe the things I can do. Maybe I can push a button here. Maybe I can push a button there and maybe these things will happen. But my life which is a part of that gift which is a gift just goes on and nothing in this world that I can do physically that will actually touch it. There is nothing I can create. There is nothing I can invent. There's nothing I can manufacture. And why is that? Because from the time of Romans or the time even before that or the time before even the first man. Of course there were all these left that a man had, that a human being had. Maybe I'd like to be sheltered from this. Maybe I'd like this or maybe I'd like that. Or the conquering of fire which changed the whole evolution of human beings. This animal called man is where he's separated, where he tried to start to accumulate and started to have the nature work for him.
And he survived so much. So many times there was just a narrow escape for this animal called human being, where he just would have not have survived But it goes on. It continues on. And today it's completely different. We don't have to bother about you know, and we don't have to bother about all those things. I mean, I don't see how those beings at that time could have even survived the cold. And personally I don't like, you know, cold weather, cold is cold and then we ended up in Montreal. It was cold and before we had taken off from here I'd heard that it was minus 30 degrees centigrade. And that's cold. And we got there. Yes, sure enough. It was, you know, it wasn't 30 but it was close. Twenty-five. Twenty-two degrees. Everything was frozen. And there was the second day I thought I was gonna take a walk. So it would be good because the house you know the house just gets really stuffy and everything. You turn on your heating. There's hardly any fresh air coming in and you're still just like in close. And it was so cold. I couldn't believe it. It hurt. It hurts to breathe. It hurts to walk. It just hurts. So it's just outside. And man has even survived that. And now man has conquered the elements and doesn't make any different possible risks out there. But this life just goes on? Because this only one human being, only one being in this world can touch that life. Can change that life. Can change that destiny. Can change that experience. Guru Maharaj Ji.
Other wise life without that experience is very mundane. The experience is so common. There is the misery. There is the sadness. You know and there is the happiness too, which is constant. I mean, the happiness of the world experiences today might as well not even be there because it's so accompanied so closely accompanied with that sadness. 6:02 But then what? What is the evolution? I mean, it doesn't make any difference. Now there are so many scientists to them it's like Einstein came up came up with the theory of relativity and he came up with so many fantastic ideas and theories that they have tested and they're accurate to like 1% and that's incredible. But to me that doesn't all make a difference at all because we were alive before Einstein ever came up with this theory and after he did come up with a theory we're still alive.
Because that life just goes on, this soul that has to exist in this frame that has to exist in this structure. And what makes sense to me is when (unintelligible) (Indian sage?) says" It's really simple." It's simple and that's why it's beautiful because he says that in this in this world comes a realised soul, comes the enlightened soul and today I was looking the meaning in the dictionary of Knowledge. What is Knowledge? I mean we have so many ideas. You know we have our own interpretation of Knowledge I suppose with Knowledge means someone look it up and I looked it up and then actually said exactly the same thing as we call it Knowledge. So it had all the other you know it had all the other explanations it they talked about how Knowledge is this and you can acquire this and that but then at the very bottom is Knowledge and the truth and that by having that Knowledge it enlightens one, one becomes enlightened and that's the enlightenment that that one soul comes into this world that we call Guru Maharaj Ji or we call Perfect Master we call call anything because he has that experience because he can give us that experience and he comes and he takes that experience that he has. It's just like a lamp and you can light from one little lamp, you can light thousands and thousands and thousands unlit lamps because there is no limit there is no stop and this this being comes into this world to give us that experience which in a sense, in itself is so simple within itself is so profound. That's what Guru Maharaj Ji is. To a devotee what does Guru Maharaj Ji is. Why? Why does there have to be a darshan or why does they have to be even? Why is it, just simply, why is it that every time there has been there has been a Perfect Master and there have been devotees that devotees have always wanted to see their Perfect Master? (clears throat)
Why has it been like that? You know if it's not a new thing. It's a very old ancient thing because this this enlightened soul, this Perfect Master, this Guru Maharaj Ji comes to save us and if you put it in this concept if you put it in the context for instance that why would premies like to see or why would devotees like to see their Perfect Master? It's a question, right, why? But the answer to it is also very simple, why shouldn't the human being see his saviour, the one who has come to save him, the one who has come to enlighten him, the one who has come to bring him that experience of that joy, the one who has come to give him the experience of that, of that - we can call it truth, its truth, because what is truth? We don't know what truth is. We are simply in the terms of A, B, C, D in our process and going to kindergarten to our university. We are taught what truth means. It's one of those things that really nobody dwells on just like many other words and truth is that what is opposite of lie or truth is when you are sincere, you know, and yet what is sincerity?
It's like I don't know if it's a true thing or its just a joke but one one definition of sincere is almost like in the Roman days they used to have these pillars that were hollow and it was like a fake pillar and they used to fill them up with wax and sort of the sincerity it started when you could buy a pillar that wasn't filled with wax which was the real thing since the pillar seer the wax, you know, something that could be sincere that could be without that without that emptiness, without the hole-iness yet to us we don't whenever we say sincere we don't think of colours, you know, we don't think of something that's completely outrageous like colours, we think of something that's true. (clears throat) We think of something that is real because look ,in this world we come, and we are always going to be lost. Even in being the lost we are given this false sense of security. More and more we are taken away from our basic fundamental, more and more we wander away from my basic basic thing that we are in our connection, the more lost we are going to be and the more innocent false sense of security.
If you are ever you know wrecked, that shipwrecked or plane wrecked or car wrecked or just got lost the most important thing they say to you in survival, you know, is to take it easy. Just take it easy, try to maintain your temperature. Just try to accumulate that body heat as much as you can because if that temperature starts rising or falling from that temperature that you're supposed to be at, you're going to start becoming delirious, you know, you start, you're going to start becoming delirious and you're going to start seeing things and you're going to start imagining things and this is where all these all these stupid things start coming through and it's almost like you can see that, see that mirage and and go to it and think that that's real and all this is a chimera. To me from our spirituality, from our focus of of this life we get so segregated, we get so separated, that we actually start to believe in all the illusions that we see. We start to believe in every little comfort that comes to us, we start to think that that is the comfort that's gonna really comfort us throughout our life.
Is it? Because to me there is no love like devotion. There is no comfort like devotion. Devotion is that real material that we are made of, inside. The heart, you know we refer their heart has to be pure or you feel it in your heart. Which heart? This heart that pumps blood? This heart that has absolutely nothing to do, you know, with with our love? I don't know why it got so associated with love, probably because its such an important part of our body that they just look at it and first what can I possibly be, you know, (microphone interference) and I know one thing that's really, really important at this moment and that is whoever is playing with those wires, stop! And so it's just we can go on. I'm becoming and believing and respecting the solution and believing and trying to say okay this, is this is all the things that I'm feeling right now are the real things that are the true things and yet it isn't so because who is that one that is safe, that is safe, that is always safe, that is infinitely safe and the world that can say what infinitely to is the one who has become and point us out, point out yourself, look it is yourself from there goes the real devotion and this is actually what I was saying before we had the little problem here that devotion is that, is that real fact. You know because what we feel, what we structure, what we think, what we what we do in this world is in fact segregated from the devotion and when that devotion is brought back into our life, when that true and sincere love is brought back into our life, then it all starts to change, then it all starts to make on a completely different meaning. Then it takes on a meaning of that something that is real, something that's right something, that's true and I'm just - you cannot help but feel that for those people who have this Knowledge, who have this opportunity, its so incredible. You know it's so easy to just lose ourselves and say okay here I have Knowledge and you know it's like it's almost that again that evolution of mind or that evolution of that darkness is coming and starting to scoop us out again, very much so.
Because, you know, maybe first day we come to satsang and a fire was really lit in our hearts to just want to know to try it out. Because there was this letter I received from this one lady and she was just she just write wrote a letter requesting an initiator but she also gave a little bit of her history and that I guess she had a brother and a sister who received Knowledge and they sort of went away from the family you know just further and further and further and further away from the family, the typical story, and she wanted to bring them back and you know make them a part of the family again. For six years she thought they were completely nuts. They were completely crazy. You know that they were into some kind of a weird trip. Any way in the mean time she gets married and she has children and everything and she just starts to feel that there's some emptiness in her heart. She starts to feel that she's missing everything in her life and she had been following, you know, her life by the book, the good book. So she went to her priest and said, you know, "What am I lacking? What am I missing in my life? What is it?" and the priest just told her "Look you know, this is it. Just keep having that faith and everything will be alright" and uh she was just not satisfied by that common rap that people usually just do here and there. Because there's a big difference in faith and maybe we'll talk about that. But just simply keep on going and that wasn't enough for her. So she came. She was invited and she came to the one of the programs and for her it was like "Yes, that was it, that was the thing she had been missing." So anyway her request was to send her an initiator so she can receive Knowledge but I just see that that is the way the life starts.
First of all we don't even realise, for how many of us, you know, they are young, they are just waiting to get old. They've just been waiting for that day. Maybe we dread the day in fact but we're just waiting for it. We want to just get old for some reason, you know, but "Yeah when I get old or when I get old? What's going to happen when I get old?" that's hard processing and I'm thinking it's just old old old old because you're young right now and we and we waste all our lives thinking when we're going to get old and we are old, we think about "Oh when we were young" and it always is that vice versa life and it seems like this is the life for that present, for that present, his dream is when is he going to become rich? For at one who is even richer than him, his dream is when is he going to become richer? And for the one that's really rich, his dream is when is he going to become the richest? And for the one that is really richest, his dream is when is he going to conquer the whole world? When the grass is greener on the other side of the hill then that is what we would keep shooting for and nobody in their any position is completely satisfied.
Nobody has that experience. Nobody has that understanding and it's just like round and round and round in the circle we go and there is no experience from that, there is no understanding from that and so maybe that there comes a point where we realise, okay, here here is my dream. Here is my picture that I want to draw, you know. I want to have a family and I want to have my house and I want to have a good career and I want to have a good job. This is my picture, this is what I have painted and when this picture will come alive I will be happy, you know, and maybe by confidence or maybe by the fate of destiny or what have you, maybe that picture does come alive. There you are, you can just finally sit down one day and say "Okay, my car is in my garage, my family is there, this is my house, I have everything. Now what?" And you look inside and it's just like, it's an empty feeling, I don't know, I mean there's so many premies and I don't know how they came to Knowledge? What triggered them to come to Knowledge? What inspired them to come to Knowledge? How the course started?
Its also incredible because I know for everyone sitting here it all happened differently, for some maybe they read a poster in '71 and that was it. No doubt, no questions asked. That was it. That's where it all began. If they would have received Knowledge or wouldn't have received Knowledge, it wouldn't make any difference. They had found their Guru Maharaj Ji and that's where it all ended. From there it was all just formality for some, they maybe with the first program, come to the first program, POW! That's it. You know from there the quest to receive Knowledge really begins. So yeah, I really want to receive Knowledge or some process we get. For some it was they came to a program said maybe they have something to offer me then spend 20 years or that hasn't been along that that long yet but then maybe two years or three years just completely arguing with the initiator. And at that time there was only a few, three or four, and if you argued with them and they got upset with you, goodbye Knowledge (throat) and maybe it was as simple as that and then maybe you finally figured out that there's no point in arguing, you may as well receive it. You may as well get it and you did. Maybe it worked for you. So, you know, there so many different ways that people have come, you know, to Knowledge. Maybe they had a dream because I know there are some that had a dream and in the dream they - I know this one premie in India who had a dream. She really, her husband was a premie and she was absolutely against that, she was absolutely against Guru Maharaj Ji. She was against her husband for doing what he was doing. He was completely completely on the other side of the world. So far Knowledge and Guru Maharaj Ji was concerned and then one night she had a dream in which Guru Maharaj Ji came to her, she woke up the next morning, walked over to the ashram, received Knowledge and from that day it's all been very nice. (laughter) (clears throat)
So maybe the stories are infinitely different of how we all came to Knowledge. But then it's like, okay, the beautiful thing happened, that that one that has come to save us, accepts us, that's the process of Knowledge. To me, that is it. That the one that has come to save us, accepts us, said yes he will save us because it is, it is that person's option, that it is that Perfect Master's option, it is not our right. It is not our right, this is the place we have to always be at, this is the place we always have to understand. That sure Guru Maharaj Ji comes to save us in this world and yet we have to make ourselves worthy of that, worthy of that human being that can be saved in this world. This is what, this is flat out exactly what Krishna said to Arjun. So after all the big satsangs and all the discussions and all the questions and answers Arjun finallly came to the point and he said "Well how do I get this Knowledge?"
[Krishna] says "go, go to the Perfect Master of your time, get rid of all your doubts, get rid of all these things that you have in your heart. Go to the Perfect Master of the time and humbly beg," not just take a ticket and say "Here I am, I'm number 20 just passed so I'm 21. This is my right." No! Say humbly, beg and if the Perfect Master wishes to give you the Knowledge, he imparts you the Knowledge you're right.
Well, that sounds terrible doesn't it? It isn't terrible, because, after all, who's been turned down yet? It's some record. Some centuries and centuries and centuries, nobody has been turned down. It's just a loophole in the contract. (laughter) That's all it is. Because every time that Perfect Master has come, he has come in this world. Obviously people are unsincere. Completely filled with wax inside unsincere, hollow and he has taken that wax out and he has filled their hearts, he has given them the message. He has he has done that miracle for everyone. Grace he has for those that had no inspiration, for the ones that never thought that they were unhappy in their life. He has made them unhappy. (laughter) You know and uh taking that unhappiness away. That's so so shaky. You know taking that happiness away that comes and goes and replaced it with the happiness that's completely permanent. (unintelligible) It's just, it's a very simple thing.
And yet, are the day after we receive Knowledge. It's like okay, now I have Knowledge and that's it. Somehow from there every little thing that on the side starts to become important. How I do this and how I do that and how I come to this conclusion and how I come to that because I see it all around me, got assigned their different services, and I'm sure this affects every premie in the whole world. That that premies who are fine in service and they've got their ideas how they're going to do service. And how they are gonna accomplish something. To me that's not the way to get around it. That's not how you do something in this Guru Maharaj Ji's world. First of all, first of all you have to find yourself as a premie. If you're not a premie, if you don't have that experience, what are you gonna do? There's gonna be no difference between you and a motor home that I drive? Maybe motor home has more feelings, you know, and it just otherwise it's no different. But then it can become a really beautiful experience because what? You are not associated with the job that you are gonna do. It will come around. It will manifest. It'll happen. Because for so many of those premies that are assigned services, their job. It becomes not anymore. It's not finished anymore. It becomes a job and when it becomes a job it loses that beauty, it loses the consciousness and most of all it loses the Grace of Guru Maharaj Ji to even do it. Then you run around in a circle. Say "Oh my God, how come this isn't really happening?" You know. "How come this isn't coming together? How come this isn't manifesting?"
I've seen it so many times in a program. The people just have got it all figured out. This is the way it's gonna happen this time. And they spent maybe nights on on there from there on you know their plans and their drawings and the person is gonna do what. You hammer that nail and you hammer that nail and maybe they've got 20,000 people and one nail, you know, for every person to hammer and and they've got it all sorted out and they've got it all figured out, when it comes to it, everything just goes poof in the air and all of a sudden no meals are being driven and the stage isn't even ready and Guru Maharaj Ji is on his way and "Oh God what's going to happen?" And then maybe for some of them their heart opens up and says "Guru Maharaj Ji help." That surrender comes in, the Grace comes in and for so many reasons I I can't, you know, I can, I really feel sometimes the premies do something and it's really beautiful, and I really feel like turning around to them and saying thank you but I know it's the Grace that did it, you know, the premies will use tools that try to do it and it didn't work out, then they let go, then the Grace come in and did it. (laughter) So the players are very nominal in it to begin with. You know from the slightest this little thing to the to the biggest little thing I've seen this happen.
So we just have that experience consistent, have Guru Maharaj Ji consistent in our lives then our experience will be consistent in our life and if we have the experience consistent in our life then the experience of Guru Maharaj Ji will be consistent in our life. Goes both ways because Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world to give us that experience and he comes and he says, all the time, every time Guru Maharaj Ji has come in this world he said "Surrender to me." Now surrender, according to the American language dictionary, is a poor choice of word. It isn't really 'surrender,' according to the dictionary, that Guru Maharaj Ji asks you to do. Surrender. It says 'surrender' means you know that you, are you imprisoned or that you are, you you you give up to your soul or or something like that. No, what is surrender? I mean that's a big one, isn't it? Everybody asks that question. What is surrender, how do you surrender? Well, what is surrender? And it is just accepting Guru Maharaj Ji? Maybe this is how simple it is. Maybe this is how uncomplicated it is, to just accept Guru Maharaj Ji in my heart. To take away what I have in my heart my doubts and my egos and my problems and and everything and to just bring it to a beautiful point, just to bring it to a beautiful centre and accept Guru Maharaj Ji. That's it. I don't have to actually go and go "I surrender." You know you don't have to raise your two hands up and say "I surrender. I give up." You don't have to write me a note and say "I surrender to you." But surrender is again a very, very beautiful experience. Surrender is something that we just let go to Guru Maharaj Ji. How? By accepting him. This is how you can. This is how everybody can. Including something Guru Maharaj Ji in our heart instead of accepting Guru Maharaj Ji and trying to place Guru Maharaj Ji on a stage that is completely made by our concepts. By trying to place Guru Maharaj Ji in that stage, in that field, in that in that area where we have constructed by our concepts, by our by our ideas of what it should be like.
How many of you came here expecting that first darshan is gonna happen and then darshan is gonna happen. Well, it didn't happen like that. First darshan happened. And now something is happening, you know, for so many of us. Why couldn't it be that we're having a program on Friday. As I understand it, Fridays aren't the days off for people. It's Saturdays and Sundays. When is Saturday ?Tomorrow. We're having the program today. How long is the program? Well it's only one day. Why can't we have a three day? Why can't we have Saturday and also Sunday? Well, you can have it for three days. I won't. (laughter) And there's a big difference. (laughter) But you know that is the way.
Because when Jesus went smashing through the market, did he get confused? Did he go to the end and say, look back to everything and say "Oh my God. (laughter) What have I done? Jesus! (laughter) You know and I can't remember. (laughter) No. Surrender was absolutely nothing confusing about it. To all the rest of them there was.
Everybody was really confused. They were going "Jesus. What's going on here?" Yeah, here he is, come to distribute the love and peace and harmony and he is wrecking the whole place." So for the ones that had placed him in that stage of that concept. It happened. It all broke down. It all shattered, you know, it all just disappeared. But for the ones that they hadn't played that Perfect Master in that concept. There was nothing to shatter. There was nothing to break. It was very simple. There wasn't another thing involved. It was just them and him, them and their Perfect Master, surrender is a beautiful thing, surrender is an easy thing when it's placed in that context. It can happen automatically when it is placed in that context of not ideas and not the big philosophies and not this and not that but just simply h"Here I am and here comes my saviour. What am I gonna do? Come up with all my thoughts? Come up with all my questions?" The process is not to eliminate my doubts.
My doubts will be eliminated when I am saved. My doubts exist because I'm not saved. Here I am. I'm screaming. I feel agony. I feel pain. Why? Because I'm hanging from the cliff. The one that one come. Maybe it's very humble because you is somebody, just imagine them hanging from a cliff with one hand. Cold wind is blowing and they're cold and maybe they're a little hungry. Maybe they're high blood pressure is up. Maybe they're sweating at the same time and cold at the same time and their bags just about ready to fall and somebody comes them to to serve them what are they gonna say? "Give me a Valium? (laughter) Take my blood pressure." "What? What are you saying?" They'll say "Oh save my bag. It's just about ready to fall. Give me a blanket down here." No. "Save me." Because what we are saved, those things become automatic. That warmth flow comes ,that that blood pressure would automatically go down and you wouldn't even need a Valium for it. This is the way it is with doubt. The doubts occur. Why? When we cannot see, when that experience isn't there. What is that experience? What is it replaced by? It is replaced by those doubts.
Guru Maharaj Ji comes, gives us that experience. Will you stop that experience? If you're thirsty and somebody offers you a glass of water, will that take your thirst away? No. When you drink it then your thirst will become. Well, that drinking process is to accept that experience that Guru Maharaj Ji is giving us and having that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji. And this is the thing. This is the difference I wanted to just talk about, the difference. The whole world says have faith, have faith, have faith, but there's nothing to have faith in. There's no experience to have faith in. You know, there is there is nothing substantial that I can believe in. How agonising can it be that here I am, not seeing the light and I am reading that there was a there is this light within inside of me. How agonising would it be to say there is music inside of me and yet I don't hear it. You know, how agonising is it to know that there's a there's a well that of of that supreme nectar of that potion that can really free me from this world and not being able to have it.
And yet Guru Maharaj Ji doesn't just come and say have faith, just have faith. Faith in what? And yet he says have faith in me because I give you this experience. This is no blind faith. This is a faith that's about as real because it is based upon upon the experience of that's real. It's based upon the truth. It's based upon that fact, that very thing that we are a part of. Nobody's concept and its nobody's philosophy.
Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world and he doesn't hand us a Bible and he doesn't hand us the Koran and he doesn't hand us the Gita. Do you think when Krishna came he handed everybody a Gita? When Ram came he handed everybody a Ramayana, saying read this, this will tell you everything about me. He could have it was written before him. When Jesus came, did he say here, you know, instead of distributing this bread to everybody, take these Bibles and distribute them everybody will find out who I am. Of course, it could have been done. It was there. Old Testament in the New Testament right or the New Testament came after I think and the Old Testament was there and so it's like here just distribute this and everybody will know about me. No. When Mohammed came there wasn't like that too. So here's the here's the Quran and this is like everything he's all about.
But a practical and a true experience is given to us now. In one sense, in one sense all Guru Maharaj Ji's saying when he says have faith in me, he's saying open the doors to the chamber of your faith because in that Master, when that Master comes, when that experience is revealed to me, I cannot but help to have faith, whether I like it or not and yet I can shut myself off and this is all I have to do is open myself and that faith will automatically flow out of me. That faith will be there and everything that faith will bring me an experience, that Grace will bring me an experience and my whole life will be filled with experience. This is my, I mean this is what I have experienced and when I try to say "You know it it's gonna be like that and it could be like this and it could be like that. It's like sure. But is it? Or when I can have that experience of surrendering to my Guru Maharaj Ji, accepting my Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, then it becomes a beautiful experience for me. Then it becomes so real for me because in the same process that I'm having an experience. I'm also accepting my Guru Maharaj Ji. I'm understanding a little bit more in that moment of my Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace. I'm understanding a little bit more in that moment of Guru Maharaj Ji. I'm in that moment in fact opening my heart up a little bit more to Guru Maharaj Ji and that's what I need to do every day of my life. It's all very simple to me and I know it's all very simple for you too. It can be because what do I have to do?
Sure, there's problems. There's problems all over the place and there's things are through with problem. Sometimes, there's so many problems that you think this is the end of the world. And yet I know that there is no point in me even trying to tackle the problem. There's only one who can tackle the problem and there must be, it has to be present and I have to accept Guru Maharaj Ji. When I accept, when I accept Guru Maharaj Ji it all changes for me, very definitely, very incredibly it all changes. Because I have to remember that my Guru Maharaj Ji has the power. If my Guru Maharaj Ji has the power to repel the darkness that was in my heart, what can't he repel? What can't he change? If he can change my destiny? If he can change the tonnes and tonnes of karma that I carry around with me, what can't he change? I don't know, in one sense, it's not like even I turn to Guru Maharaj Ji and say, you know, help me out with this or help me out with that. I can't even do that because that's no good. My my my prayer to my Guru Maharaj Ji isn't "Oh Guru Maharaj Ji help me pass my exams." Because I know that's that's so my minute. That's not a part of it all.
When I was in England, there was some incredible time happening there. I was I had a candidate program going and also I was studying for the citation rating and I was also studying for my uh instrument rating. So. I'd get up in the morning, go downstairs, start studying, then I'd go out and fly, then I'd come back and uh study a little bit more and then I'd go and I'd give satsang every night and I'd wake up you know maybe around 7:30 or 8 and I'd go to sleep around 11:00 o'clock and just happening every single day, Saturdays included and Sundays included and and everything and I've given my my exam and the test results hadn't come and I had I was on my way to India, the date to go to India was very much fixed and I was going to leave at a certain day and I wanted to have my instrument rating so that I could have my citation rating and it was like, well it isn't coming and it isn't coming and it isn't coming and to me it was like I don't even know how Pat, you know, because it seems so sure the night before, I seem to know every answer to every question, then that morning and all disappeared. (laughter) You know and if somebody at that moment would have asked me a a question I couldn't have answered them without scratching my head or thinking about it for about 15 minutes and it was just so, such a big mess, in one sense, such a big mess but here I've, you know, wasted so much time if I don't get my, get my pass my exam and it's like okay even if I pass my exam, the results haven't come in yet and even if the results come, is it all going to work out for my (unintelligible).
Will I pass that, will I pass the practical and every day this used to go on every, day this used to go on and then I'd go and have satsang and it was just like, it was so different you know it was so so vastly different so that came the time when it was the ultimate deadline, past tha,t even if I passed it wasn't going to be any good and I just just was walking, you know, and I really started thinking about it. What's going to happen and what's going to happen because it was getting down to the wire, you know, the practical aspects of life you have to think about them, sooner or later, (laughter) you cannot be a hypocrite all your life. So I started thinking about it and more I thought about it I said "No. Don't think about it. If you are a hypocrite for Guru Maharaj Ji, for your lord, for your Perfect Master, for your everything then enjoy being a hypocrite because that's perfectly alright." I would, I would turn to Guru Maharaj Ji, to my Guru Maharaj Ji, to my experience and to me it would never be in the prayers like "Oh my Guru Maharaj Ji I pray to you please make me pass or please have everything turn out alright?" because I never could, because when when I was very first even started there was nothing going on and I had some premies, they were riding in the car. Were gonna help me, you know, study and everything. I just
it was gonna happen at all it's gonna be by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace. I know because without that it can't even manifest. And it was like all everything else and then it's so easy to lose that focus. It's so easy to lose that it's it's going to be by Guru Maharaj Ji Grace. Accept that destiny that Guru Maharaj Ji has for you now because you can believe in the destiny of this world. Well there's only one chance somebody can change it and that's Guru Maharaj Ji. Guru Maharaj Ji can change that destiny and so it's like that's the ultimate, you can't go past that point. G. My destiny of this world has been changed. Guru Maharaj Ji has rewritten the destiny for me and I have to accept. And to me, never it occurred that okay I have to do this or I have to do that. Should I pray or should I not pray? To me it was very, very clear. It's not a matter of praying for these things, pray for yourself. You know, that we all need to be saved in this world, that we all need to have that experience, that is the preciousness of Guru Maharaj Ji, between me and Guru Maharaj Ji how can a (unintelligible) thing like an IFR exam, for a citation rating become so minute, even though I used to get a headache every night after all all the study I would have done because it's fine, you know, it'd be just like somebody drill a big hole right here and stuff all the papers inside your head and then seal it back up.
And you want to know a miracle, you want, I mean here are people people talk about miracle, people want to see miracles, people want to have miracles. Well you know it's true. How can blind see a miracle happening. I just see you must be all blind not to see these miracles happening. For miracles happening, the day that I was born that was a miracle and the day that I met Guru Maharaj Ji was a miracle and the day he accepted me was the greatest miracle. I I cannot demand a better miracle than that and yet everything, every time I trust myself to Guru Maharaj Ji or every time Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace comes and carries me away. It's a bigger and a bigger and a bigger miracle. A miracle that I have no no control over. A miracle that I cannot think about, a miracle that just happened. The world's biggest surprise and that's like it got to the last second. Last second where it was like "Oh I must just call the whole thing off. This is it. You know and the news came through that very night that I had passed, you know, and I got a 97. I hugged my head, "What happened?" you know, it's like I I worked for me. It's like oh if I would have because I was saying, if I pass, I'll barely pass, I'll marginally pass and look I got a 97 and the second thing is everything works out and then the next morning you wake up and things start happening again and the next afternoon you're holding the piece of paper that says IFR rates and Citation type rated. Now you take that paper and you put it in your pocket and that's enough to send you to the moon. You don't know what happened. Who did it? What did it? What happened and what didn't happen.
No for all for that for that moment or for that instance all your worries and all your problems seemed so ridiculous. You could hide your face in your hands. You know it's like go jump in a spoonful of water or something, you know, (laughter) and yet there's that beautiful experience that is that it was up to Guru Maharaj Ji, that is up to Guru Maharaj Ji and I am merely a recipient of that Grace. This is where we all have to be. Not a nightmare, not bound in our concepts, just accepting and surrendering to that Grace, to that experience that Guru Maharaj Ji give us on and on and on till we have that connection with Guru Maharaj Ji. So for many of you the whole thing may seem really sophisticated. For me, in my own experiences, it is the simplest thing to come about. Why? Because my tendencies are every time I I'm here, I am sitting and relaxing in the Name and enjoying the Name of Guru Maharaj Ji's. Enjoying that that divine presence, of that Grace all around me and I want to get away and leave all that. Get away and leave all that. Get up and leave because that's the human nature. And yet Guru Maharaj Ji just tells me, sit down, just sit down. No more and no less. Just sit down and that's it.
To me Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world. Guru Maharaj Ji could come in this world any way he wanted to. Any way he wanted to. And there's even a story when this perfect Incarnation. The test was one devotee, to test this one devotee, that Incarnation came as a dog and here was the devotee just sitting there, you know, eating his his last piece of bread and that Incarnation comes and steals the bread and runs away. And he says, "Wait a minute Lord, let me. butter it for you. It's pretty dry" and one snap, one second and it always seems because we might be once that devotion from us and that devotion we are filled with. All we have to do is let it out.
You know, there was this premie once and Krishna came, you know, and first of all she was eating so she heard Krishna came. She just got up, put on whatever she had and went outside and greeted Krishna, brought him in and sat him down and just kept looking at Krishna and looking at Krishna and looking at Krishna, looking, to her, it was that devotion, she didn't care what was happening or she didn't care what her concepts were. She didn't care what were- just that devotion. It was that love because it's the pure love and it's the sincere love and Krishna said "I'm hungry. You've got something to eat?" She said "Oh yeah." So she picked up some bananas. and she started peeling them and she peeled them looking at Krishna and just lost in that love and lost in that devotion that she peels the banana and hands him the skin (laughter) and he takes the banana and throws it away and yet for even that devotion, for even that devotion, that perfectness bends a little bit because what does Krishna do? He says "You stupid idiot you just threw the banana and you gave me the peel" then he takes the peel and he starts eating it. You know because there has to be that devotion, devotion is that basic fundamental thing, that devotion is that key and Knowledge brings us that devotion and Guru Maharaj Ji can take that devotion. What is that devotion for? That devotion is really for you because when you give that devotion to Guru Maharaj Ji, Guru Maharaj Ji takes that devotion and makes it into that perfect love and gives it back to you, gives it to every human being, you know, who has come, who has able to recognise that correctly.
So in one sense you know it's really really simple. Our thoughts and our ideas and our minute little theories. It's all too sophisticated. It's all too complicated. It's all too philosophical. That's for Guru Maharaj Ji. It's simple for you. That's very simple. And in one sense I don't need to say anymore because it's all there. Every little thing is there, every single little ingredient that we need in this life to make this a beautiful beautiful experience. It's just waiting for us. You know this world that we believe in or that all the things that we want to be so much a part of, they're all gonna go away. You know, because in this, in this world when we leave that door and we turn around we get out. When we start walking away from it all. There's nothing, there's nobody gonna be there calling us back except Guru Maharaj Ji because he's the one we saw at the door in the very beginning and he's also the one who is going to be beckoning us back even when we leave and then even we walk away cause that is the Grace, that is that love, Guru Maharaj Ji comes for human beings, he doesn't come for himself. Guru Maharaj Ji comes for human beings again and again and again and we all are the human beings. So have that trust, have that faith, it's a gift and all we have to do is just enjoy. So thank you very much. Blessings to all the premies.