Prem Rawat's Teaching about Chakras - In His Own Words
'Chakra' is a concept that features in tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. It's meaning varies considerably depending upon the school of thought by which it is used. Prem Rawat or Maharaji (the Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's rarely used the word except in 1978 when he used it frequently - mainly to ridicule it.

Shower of Grace, Malibu, California, June 11, 1978
One more step for us to go. And that's complete surrender. When we surrender completely, then our cycle of three steps
is completed, and he has traveled 3,000 miles to be right there with us. And then all the chakras of karma die. Gone!
Finished! Because to me -- in a lot of satsangs
it's very obvious -- they say there's 8400 million things that you can become. You can become an ant. You can become
a pig. You can become a donkey. You can become an elephant. You can become a crow. You can become all these
different things. And then so you look at it and say: Okay, the way this whole system is set up is there's two tubes. There's two long things. And in one tube there's the 8400 million things that you can become, right? And in one tube, it is obvious there
is something called salvation, liberation, where you get out of those chakras, where you get out of that in-and-out,
where you get out of all those states of being, and you become one being, in which state of being there is no being! You
merge. You become one. Because to start with there is no identity, and when you end there is no identity. And so you
complete the cycle of being born again and again and again.
And Guru Maharaj Ji says: Come! Come to me. Take those three steps, and I'll take my 3,000, and let's complete the cycle. Let's go beyond, become one, and go beyond all these chakras, go beyond all these imaginations, go beyond all these concepts, and merge with what reality really is, merge with what Truth really is, merge with what we are supposed to merge with. And yet, so many scriptures have been written. So many people believe in these chakras of 8400 million things that can happen to you, and for such a long time. And maybe some people don't. And I'll come to that later maybe, and try to tell you that there is no difference if you believe in that or you don't believe in that. It doesn't change the fact that you have to become one with that reality, if you want to become one with that reality!
Divine Times - June/July 1978 Volume 7, Number 4

Guru Puja, Tucson Arizona, Sunday, July 16, 1978
There's a new book out, and it's quotes from Guru Maharaj Ji. Arthur put it together. If I told Arthur, "Arthur, you did a lousy job …" Say if I said that to him. I can see him; he's turning very red. Here is the practical example. Can you ask him why he is turning red? It is not his body that did a lousy job. None of it. It is not his life that did a lousy job. And as a matter of fact, there is no lousy job done. And yet when I say, "Arthur, you did a lousy job," he gets all red in the face! That association is meaningless, senseless, aimless, worthless in our lives. And yet that's what we live with. Hansi-boy. You ask him, "Whose is this?" He looks at his helicopter. Instead of saying, "mine" (he hasn't gone to that point yet), he goes, "Hansi-boy's." So premies, if we come away from that chakra, that wheel of "you-me" … "Me." What's "me"? What's "you"? You Michael, or you Arthur, or you Jagdeo, or you Raja Ji. "Me." When we come away from all this "you" and "me," when we come away from the circle of ego, when we come away from anything that has to do with mind and ego, we come to a stage where there is only experience. Everything is generated by experience.
The Golden Age No. 48, September/October, 1978

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Saturday, 25 August, 1978
You see, when I first came to America, a lot of people had a lot of concepts about Guru. It was quite unfamiliar:
Through Guru - you've been with Guru five years and you become so-and-so - and then you can just wiggle your finger
and it's like, bippity-boppity, bippity-boppity. A little bit of imagination, a little bit of cartoon-watching, and a little bit
of mysticism put together made a great soup for them. And people used to come and receive Knowledge thinking that one day it'll be really like bippity-boppity,
bippity-boppity, and everything will start to come together. It'll all happen. They wouldn't have to pick a glass up with
their hand, they could just wiggle their fingers and it would come over. I mean, it's just like hopes and expectations and
everything. They could be flying through. And then a lot of people just really had that concept that, "Oh, someday, man, we're going to be sitting on a golf course.
And then this golf ball's going to come flying at 1,000 miles an hour and hit us right at the chakra-start - where the
chakras start from - and we're going to hear this loud bing! And then their body is going to elevate. Then they will just
wiggle their fingers and everything will start to happen. I don't know. Maybe that's what some people thought. To them
it was really like, "Oh yeah, we will do service. We will go like this (puts hands together), we will do everything. After
a year and a half you wouldn't have to do anything like that! It'll be all over. It'll be done. Finished." But that's not the way it works.
The Golden Age Number 48, September/October, 1978

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Saturday, 26 August, 1978
And when Guru Maharaj Ji comes, when we open our hearts to Guru Maharaj Ji and let Guru Maharaj Ji in ourselves, then Guru Maharaj Ji takes us away, takes us beyond liberation. Because liberation is a state of being. And Guru
Maharaji takes us to a state where there is no being. He merges you in himself. And by doing that, you leave what you are and you become what you should be. And that's the shortcut to all the chakras in this whole
universe. That's the shortcut to all this "pazzaz" that people put up. That's the shortcut to liberation, if you say it in that way. Or that is the short cut to the Way. Or that is the Way in itself. And that's what we have
to understand. Guru Maharaj Ji is here. That Knowledge is here. And you are here.
Hanuman was asked, "What do you want? Would you like liberation?" Ram said, "I'll give you anything that you want." And he said, "I don't want liberation. What I am going to do with liberation? I want
devotion." Because when Hanuman could have merged with Ram, then it would have been above and beyond any best situation. It's just like that one example where they were building a bridge. (Now when I say this, there's no
certification behind it. It's just, that's the way it goes in Ramayana. And I haven't read that.)
The Golden Age, April 1979, Number 52

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 27th August, 1978
There is the experience that you have experienced in Knowledge. There is that experience you've experienced in service, in
And we have to make that step really happen in our lives, so we get out of that chakra. To me, I would be less bothered
-- I am less bothered -- about anybody becoming a mule. a horse, an insect, or going through the 840 million thousand
-- whatever it is -- forms of life. That's nothing. Oh, I've seen a dog smile. I have! Nellie, at the Malibu residence, smiles. I'm not bothered about that. That's probably
really neat for her You look at some of the dogs -- they travel better than most of the people in this world! Look at Gin-Gin. You look at Nisa.
Traveled in a private airplane all the way: a little cat. I mean, we have the group of Nisa (that's a beagle). Galvin (that's a Siamese cat), and Dudley (a pug dog). This cat (Galvin) has been there for a very long time. And he thinks he's a dog, this cat. It plays with the dogs. Dudley licks Galvin and Galvin licks Dudley. They both go around eating out of the same place. No fight. Nothing. And they have a dandy time. What have they got to bother about? I know of people … I mean, you look at Nisa. She's always in a great mood, jumping around everywhere, doing what she wants to do. Then you look at Bill Patterson who walks into my office sometimes. I mean, he's got more to bother about than Nisa does. And if you call that hell or if you call that a stage of suffering, it's not too bad. It's better than the human life. It really is!
The Divine Times January/February 1978

Hans Jayanti Festival, Kissimmee, Florida November 11, 1978
And these questions are really intense questions: "How does this whole array of liberation work?" "What is this whole chakra of this kundalini, this chakra that sits here to this place to that place, and by doing this you can open this chakra so that you can open up the realization through the chakras, and open up the top one …" Like some kind of a hydraulic valve job. And I don't know what happens with chakras. I never studied all that -- never cared to -- whether this chakra has to open before that will open. It's like this whole immaculate electronics. To me, there's only one valve, and that's mind. Get rid of that valve and it'll all flow. Because Guru Maharaj Ji is all-giving. And all we need is to accept.
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 2 Summer 1979

25th June 1980, Rome, Italy
What we really need, in this life what we really desire, what our true heart really desires what we really should have because satsang is never sophisticated if it's satsang a lot of riff-raff gets sophisticated, liberation and the seven chakras and the eight chakras times squared and the fifth and the fourth goes off and then you know like a fuel injection system so complicated and one little thing goes off and there you have it but a simple, simple, simple thing. Yes we all know what it means, I mean, I know what this world needs, you know it was just this thing, how about doing a public program? And so, you know, so I finding a place where should we do it? I mean should be place where people are really going to be receptive. You know, people are really gonna be ready to understand.
Rome 1980 Ashram Satsang Transcript