Prem Rawat's Teaching about Clarity - In His Own Words
Since the 1990's one of Prem Rawat's most commonly used words is 'clarity'. In Rawat's teachings 'clarity' means agreeing with everything that Prem Rawat teaches, having no doubts about anything to do with Rawat, feeling good about your involvement in Rawat's methods and organisations and making donations of time and money. That is having 'clarity'. In the 1970's and 80's, it meant adherence to the tenets and practice of Rawat's religion which, really, it still does. It's meaning has evolved into one of a grandiose, unrealistic, indefinable, unattainable 'experience' that Rawat promises is available in an attempt to inspire his followers. In his speeches, 'clarity' has become so absolute, ultimate and limitless as to be meaningless.

Mahatma Jagdeo (close disciple of Prem Rawat and notorious paedophile), interviewed on the meaning of Guru Puja
While getting into books and scriptures, and reading the stories of the past, many types of translations and misinterpretations will be found. And instead of clarity, they will give us confusion. But what is the
Truth right now? The Truth right now is revealed to us by our Guru Maharaj Ji. He has revealed that true self. He has revealed himself -- that universal self which is present within all of us. And so, for that clarity
about who we are, what mission we have in life, what purpose there is to be in this human body, we turn to Guru Maharaj Ji.
Divine Times, June/July 1978 Volume 7, Number 4

San Francisco, California, 17 July 1976
So premies, let's just all really come together, let's really all become clear, so we can really do what we want to do, so we can really, really, be clear. Not confused, not completely have this whole life figured out by
hours and seconds and minutes, or figured out by our concepts, but really be open and really just experience what this life is, really be clear for once. Because it's so beautiful. I mean, if you've never been clear, I
guess you don't know what the experience of being clear is, but if you've once been clear, it's really beautiful. And be clear, everybody has to really understand. Understand what? Not understand Hindi. Not try to
understand Sanskrit. Not try to understand economics. Understand what you are all about, understand what this Knowledge can really do to you to bring forth that determination and clarity so you can understand the
experience of your life, so you can experience the experience of your life yourself. That's all I want. And then everything will be really beautiful. This is what is happening and I just want to insure that this process
keeps on going and doesn't just puff up like a balloon of hot air and then go down. I want this to keep on going, because this is what I promised you. This is what I want, and this is what you want too. And so, thank you
very much.
The Golden Age, Number 34, November 1976

Speech to Community Coordinators in Denver, Colorado, February 21, 1977
And that's the risk that all of us take as individuals. And yet, is it really worth taking? And yet, forget about that question. It's even a wrong question: "Is it worth taking?" Of course it's not worth taking. And yet,
that's not even the way you want to put it: "Is it worth taking?" It's more like, "Should you really do it? Are you really supposed to be doing it? Are you really meant to do it?" And the answer is: obviously not. You are
not supposed to be doing that. You are supposed to be in this world. And that is why tons and tons and tons and tons of clarity are being provided every time we become unclear. Every time that risk narrows down, a
Perfect Master comes in this world.
And It Is Divine, Summer 1977, Volume IV, Issue 2

Holi Festival, Miami Beach, Florida, April 8, 1978
But what I'm talking about is even if it might be just as simple as initiators coming to your town. People look at each other: oh, you are responsible for that. Oh, you do this. Or you do that. No. It should be a joint
cooperation. People have to understand. You are a premie, too. How do you make them understand that? By being a premie. By not bootlegging them around. But by being a premie. That is the kind of groundwork we have to get
together. We have to have that clarity, have to have that love flow from the premies, so just automatically, just beautifully, the prachar goes on. And what they talk about is that true experience. Not get into like,
"Maharaj Ji speaks 34 languages," or stuff like that. Not to show outward and visible signs of that.
Élan Vital, Fall 1978, Volume II, Issue 3

Hans Jayanti Festival, Kissimmee, Florida, November 11, 1978, afternoon program
People don't know what the true pleasure of Guru Maharaj Ji is. People don't know in this world that what Guru Maharaj Ji gives us is, in fact, the true pleasure. What they think is the true pleasure is not the true
pleasure. They have been born in this world. They live in this world. They're going to probably die in this world. And, "0, Guru Maharaj Ji. All I can do is just pray. Sing his glory." I mean, what else can a human being do
except to sing the glories of their Guru Maharaj Ji? "0, Guru Maharaj Ji, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I mean, even "thank you" isn't the word. Thank him for what? He's given you everything. "You are everything. In you
I dwell. In you I live. In you I have found myself. And you are everything to me: my world, my life, my friend, my everything. "And yet without you, I can't even take a step. Oh, I might think I can take a step. But give me
that strength, give me that clarity so that I never think that, 'Oh yeah, I can do it.' I want to rely on you more and more and more. I want to surrender to you more and more.
Élan Vital, Summer 1979, Volume III, Issue 2

Ventura, California, 21st January, 1979
So premies, here we are: 1979. I was listening at the residence to the satsang from here, and it was nice. And the whole thing was, that there is a feeling of understanding, a feeling of devotion. There's a feeling of
clarity. There's a feeling of Knowledge, of Guru Maharaj Ji, that has to be very, very clear for all of us; that has to be very alive and very present for all of us.
And what is mind? I mean, what is mind? By saying "mind" it's not the "mind" mind that we all think about: brain. (I guess you've seen pictures of a brain.) That's not it. But that darkness, that absence of Guru Maharaj Ji
in our lives, of Knowledge in our lives; that absence of clarity in our lives, that absence of Truth in our lives: that's what mind is.
And Guru Maharaj Ji says, "Wait and I'll give you the tool. Have faith in me. Believe in me. And you'll have that experience; you'll have that beauty. All your absence will go away. All your darkness will go away. All your
illusions will go away. And nothing but the clarity is what would persist within you."
The Golden Age, April 1979, Number 52

Cancun, Mexico, January 16, 1980
That's exactly the thing with devotion. Devotion is that connection that all those devotees at that time of Jesus had to him, that Arjun had to Krishna, that Hanuman had to Ram. It's that link between what that Master comes
in this world for and what we are here for. It's that ultimate link. That's the devotion. That is devotion. When we try to take our concepts again and somehow monkey it all up, with our devotion - take our concepts, fake
our devotion and try to lay our concepts on top of the devotion - it doesn't work. It doesn't work for any of us. Because, again, it has to be sincere. It has to be the point of surrender. It has to be to the point of
that clarity where you can understand, where you can see, where it's beyond ego, where it's beyond doubt.
Affinity, June 1980

Like The Rain Video, 1996
Awaken the person to even the possibility that becomes a blessing, that, that. It is the blessing that you can accept in your life and if you accept that one more drop on the way to be the mighty river, one more drop, then
the magic. The magic unfolds, that which is difficult is made simple, that which would take a lifetime to understand a person begins to understand in a very short period of time. Time begins to dance, understanding begins
to come, darkness is replaced with light, doubt replaced with clarity, confusion replaced with understanding, sadness replaced with joy.
Like The Rain Video Video, 1998

Nothing Celebrates life … like life, 1998
When every single breath becomes important, when every single moment means something to you, then there is no sorrow or regret. There is just a human being that has been dusted off, and all that exists is
I am talking about your life, about the possibility in this garden of having spring forever. I am not just talking about believing you are fulfilled, but knowing you are fulfilled. I am talking about being happy because you
are happy -- having no doubt because you are saturated with clarity. Where there is consciousness, unconsciousness has no place.
Can I be afraid? Oh, yes. I can paint a frightful picture for myself. I already know that my physical performance level is not the same as it used to be. That aspect of life is changing because it must, but there is
something that has not changed -- that still has the same stamina. It is that joy, that clarity, it feels the same to visit the place within. There, I have found my immortality, my reality
Nothing Celebrates life … like life, 1998

Fulfillment Video, 1998
"What do you, you, you as a human being who has been given this gift of life, what do you want? When you know that this is not the first time that this statement has ever been made that that which you are looking for is
inside of you. It's the oldest statement and the magical thing about this statement is that whenever it is said it always appears to be new. The magical thing about this statement is that whenever it is said it appears to
be like you have never heard it before even though you have again and again and again and again and again. That which you are looking for is inside of you. What does it mean? Then yes, it means that there is something here
which I need to know that my fulfillment is not far away from me, that my contentment is not far from me, that my joy is not far from me, that my simplicity is not far from me, that my life is not far from me. That I carry
within, the key that will unlock all my locks, that I carry within the answer that will answer all my questions, that my understanding is with me, that my clarity is with me, that the shelter that I seek from the
rain of this world is within me and it's not far from me. That my home, my home, home is not far from me and there is no greater truth than that. I have seen it. I have travelled the world. I have gone from one country to
another country where they don't speak the same language, the currency doesn't work, the driving is different, the way they conduct business is different, the way people look is different, the way people wear their clothes
is different. Talk about differences, there is difference, difference, difference, difference, difference. And amongst all those differences I have seen a beautiful simple similarity. And what is similar? That we all yearn
for that beautiful thing (swelling strings, rising in pitch and volume) within us." (fade to black)
Fulfillment Video, 1998

Video Clip, Lisbon, Public Program excerpt, 2001. Rawat speaks about a personal promise:
Nature is incredibly beautiful but more beautiful is peace in this vessel, more beautiful is Knowledge, the little drops of Knowledge as they streak on this vessel. The beauty becomes amazing. That is
beautiful, then there isn't the dust of questions, it's gone, it's washed away. It isn't the dust of doubts, it's washed away and there shines clarity and joy and that innocent smile and that innocent laughter that
should dance on the lips of every human being. It's befitting. Tell me, have you not seen innocence dance on lips of a child? I have and it looks beautiful.
Thank You 2002 CD

Thank You 2005 CD, Track 8
There is my path. That's the path that I have to walk, that's the path that I am going to be, that's the path that I have chosen in mym life. That I want my life to be filled with joy every day, that I want my life to be filled with clarity, clarity every day, that I want my life to be filled with that beauty every day, that I want my life to be filled with that simplicity every day, and then in the most powerful little statement, no matter what. I want my life to be filled with that beauty every day, no matter what!

Thank You 2007 CD, Track 1
In the grand ballroom of life you should not be dancing with confusion, please, you should not be dancing with doubt, you should be dancing with clarity, you should be dancing with serenity, you should be dancing
with tranquil Theeese are the ones that one after another should be lined up in your life so when this dance is over next and next and next and next then life becomes … real.
Thank You 2007 CD, Track 3
The words that touch your heart makes your heart feel good. You wanna listen again and again and again and again and the heart never gets tired of it. Never. Cause it can dance to that beautiful rhythm, the rhythm of light,
the rhythm of clarity, the rhythm of joy, the rhythm of hope
Thank You 2007 CD, Track 7
Those who have understood that relationship with the real, who understand in their lives what clarity means, what serenity is, that truth is not an abstract thing lying folded between printed letters on some book but
truth actually exists in the heart of every single human being. To know, to know, not to believe, to know, to be certain, to be certain.
Thank You 2007 CD, Track 19
Sow the seed of love and you will be rewarded with that most incredible feeling of love dancing in your heart. Sow the seed of understanding and you will be rewarded with understanding. Sow the seed of clarity and you
will be rewarded with clarity.
Thank You 2007 CD

March, 2006
Contentment in your life is very possible. That is your possibility. Recognize it. Understand it. Grow with it every day. This is one of those things that does not stop growing. There is no limit. There is no limit to enjoyment. There is no limit to clarity. There is no limit to joy. There is no limit to truest learning. There is no limit to understanding.
The Voice of Maharaji Website

August, 2006
But when you are in pain, joy is really close. When you are confused, absolute clarity is not that far away. When you are lost, being found is very close. When you are suffering, relief is as close as it can be.
If you want to be in love, begin by loving each breath. Begin by falling in love with understanding, with clarity, with the truest sincerity. These are the angels in your life. When all is dark, they come - all lit, graceful, beautiful with clarity. One second of clarity, and all the darkness vaporizes. There is no limit to clarity. There is no limit to joy. There is no limit to truest learning. There is no limit to understanding.
The Voice of Maharaji Website

March, 2007
In this story, there are swords, but there is one sword that has unbelievable powers - the sword of clarity. Everyone has it but is afraid of it. They're not afraid of the dragon. They should be, because the dragon has only one mission in mind: Food. And if you are not careful, some of your most treasured things will be taken away from you. You are the protector, the knight in shining armor of this story. You have the sword of clarity that can make everything right, but you're afraid to pull it out.
The story should have hope. And hope is tied to clarity. Try to understand what your objective is. Clarity will bring hope. Hope will bring light and make it obvious: "That way."
The Voice of Maharaji Website

August, 2007
This universe is amazing, but the fascinating thing is not understanding the universe, but understanding that what powers the universe happens to be within us right now, and we can experience it. And when you do, you are
filled with peace, with clarity, with joy. This is when you experience the truest, truest happiness. How beautiful is this opportunity to make this voyage of life. What do you need to take with you? Do you need anger?
Do you need fear? No. These have been given to you, but so has kindness. There is confusion, but there is clarity. There is pain, but there is joy. Pain is the absence. Kindness and joy are the presence. Your life is
about absences and presences, and you need to know the difference. To make doubts go away is impossible, but to bring clarity into your life is very possible.
Lighten your load. Carry the essentials; that's all you need. Pack clarity. It will see you through most problems. Confusion weighs a lot; clarity weighs so little.
I'm not here to pass judgment or say what kind of seed you should have sown. I merely point out some of the characteristics. You are capable of making that decision for yourself. You have enough intelligence to choose
from a place of clarity what will benefit you the most. Human beings, given the circumstances that they can see clearly, will make the right decision.
The Voice of Maharaji Website

July, 2008
Can life really be filled with infinite joy? Is that possible? If you doubt this, you don't understand the nature of what resides within you, because what resides within you is complete joy, complete clarity. Think of life like this: It is your opportunity to spend time with the best friend you ever had. It is your chance to be with the ultimate clarity, the ultimate kindness, the ultimate joy. That's what a life is. It's not promised to be forever. But the possibility exists that you get to spend time with that which is the most beautiful. And that resides in your heart.
The Voice of Maharaji Website