Prem Rawat's Teaching about Life Without Him As Your Master
- In His Own Words
Prem Rawat or 'Maharaji' ("the Ultimate Ruler") as he likes to be called was far more likely to talk about himself and his followers than talk about the overwhelming majority of people to whom he was unknown or vaguely remembered as the 14 year old leader of a controversial 1970's cult. His ideas of normal life in the West seemed to be based on TV cartoons and sitcoms but when he discussed "the world", he invariably denigrated normal human life, a life where he and his "Knowledge" were not the main focus and as he said "I mean we can live in this world without the inspiration of Knowledge, sure, but that life is quite meaningless, that life is very purposeless." He says of those people who have tried to live without him, "They have wasted their lives completely" and that people who do not recognise him should be ashamed of themselves and that they spend 80% of their time lying and there will come a time when those who don't want this Knowledge will die of their craziness.

Swiss Alps Festival, August 26, 1972
Because we have got perfect Truth to give to people, people realize it. And there will come a time when the whole world has realized it, and those people who are crazy will be dying because of their craziness. They won't be in this world when everyone has this Knowledge, because they'll be so crazy. They don't want to receive Knowledge, they don't even want to see Knowledge, they don't want to hear about it. Their egos are so strong that they have been chained up in them. Well, sometimes it's easy to break the ego, sometimes it's difficult.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 4, December, 1972

December 10, 1976, Guru Maharaj Ji's birthday, Malibu mansion
Knowledge is infinite, and we finite, so we need a bridge, we need a
translator, who is infinite and finite at the same time, who can really bring us together, and that is Guru Maharaj Ji. In my realization of Knowledge, I know that if it hadn't been for Guru Maharaj Ji, Knowledge alone
wouldn't have done wonders for me, because the wonders that Knowledge was doing already existed - I was alive! After that it was going to go nowhere. I was alive, I was breathing, playing around and so on, but when Guru
Maharaj Ji came into my life, everything became different, it became real. I couldn't lose the importance of Guru Maharaj Ji at that point and say, "Well, maybe I can just do it on my own." Because it's literally impossible
to do it. A lot of people have tried to do it, and a lot of people have tried to do it the other way around, without going through Guru Maharaj Ji at all, just going back to nature. Trying to be tuned with Knowledge in this
whole life, but I can tell you one thing, it doesn't work. They have wasted their lives completely. That's just not blunt advice, because Guru Maharaj Ji is here, and that's what makes it real for all of us. Because we can
all come together and have that huge gap covered.
The Golden Age February 1977 Number 36 and Guru Maharaj Ji's World booklet, 1980

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Saturday, 26 August 1978
Without Guru Maharaj Ji, you can never be on the right track, no matter how hard you try. As a matter of fact, without Guru Maharaj Ji, there is no right track. As a matter of fact what it basically boils down to is without
Knowledge, without the Grace, without that Guru Maharaj Ji there is nothing. There is nothing in this world. This world is empty without it.
The Golden Age, June/July 1978, Number 46

Geneva, Switzerland, September 8, 1978
And without that peace, we all are suffering. Without that understanding of Knowledge, what is our destiny in this world? What is our path in this world? Where are we going to go?
The Golden Age, December 1978, Number 50

Telephone speech from the Malibu Residence, California, 31st December 1978
What has this world given us? Just imagine what this world has given us. This world has given us itself, and what is it? What is that? What is that? Craziness, misery, suffering. Look at it. If you were to make a world for yourself, what would you make? If you had two cents worth of brains in your head above your shoulders screwed on right, what would you create: a monster? Would you create misery? Would you create suffering? Would you create craziness?
The Golden Age, December 1978, Number 50

Malibu California, January 7 1979
Well, it's very fortunate to be be able to be alive, to be a premie. That's what I
think. One of the, I mean you look at this world, you know, and it's really not coming to any better end. You look at this world and it's really not coming to any place that's
even worth talking about. And yet and and and and at every step, of course, there's all these traps built in for man to just come over and eat it, eat it you know and get trapped
in it. And it happens so much, you know, you just look, you just look at this world and it's just like,"Wow" it's really amazing because people don't have any goal, people don't
have any motivation, people don't have any real understanding of what is the purpose of this life or what you can do with this life. …
But we have, we have to really, we have, we are premies, look there's nothing to be ashamed about, you know and the purpose and the goal and the and the everything that we have to do I mean what tell me one thing that we have to be ashamed of in this world? We, if we are premies, you know, then the world should be ashamed. Those people should be ashamed who are not premies, not us. We should be proud we are premies not ashamed that we are premies or be shy in any manner that we are premies. We premies of Guru Maharaj Ji and that's our realization! You know, so we should be proud and what we have to do in this world to spread this Knowledge in this whole world is nothing to be ashamed about it is the greatest thing that that can ever happen and recognition of Guru Maharaj Ji is nothing to be ashamed about, it is the greatest thing that ever happened to this world. And you know that every time a Perfect Master comes that is the greatest thing that ever happens to this world. And every time a Knowledge is spread into this world that's the greatest thing ever happens to this world.
Malibu Ashram video transcript

Rome, Italy, 25 June 1980
"I mean we can live in this world without the inspiration of Knowledge, sure, but that life is quite meaningless, that life is very purposeless and Knowledge brings us that
inspiration home, brings us that contentment in our life through which we can live life. Through which it has a meaning, through which it has a purpose through which it has a reason, through which it can motivate us inside
to exist for a purpose. It brings us love because without love, life itself would be quite meaningless. And yet, where does that love come from, that can truly inspire us within. Where does that love come from?"
Because when we come in this world, we come for a reason. We live, we exist, we breathe, we have this entire world around us to give it all a meaning, to give us a meaning, to give us a purpose, to give us a motivation. And
when we get into all these different trips, the true essence, the true meaning is lost and then all that exists is a very barren life. I mean I, you know, you see so many people out there. What do they do every day? They've
got their routine, they get up, get into their routine, come back home and their whole life is just a routine, there is no deviation from that routine, it's just one simple thing, that's all. They don't enjoy it, they
can't enjoy it and nobody who else around them enjoys it either. You know it's like, you know, it becomes such a, it can become such a devastating experience and we have to recognize that opportunity in our lives which Guru
Maharaj Ji gives us to have a meaning, to have a purpose."
Ashram Members Satsang Video

Portland, Oregon, Questions and Answers, March 19, 2001
Track 2: Why does it require sincerity? Because in this day and age we have become so convoluted, in our perspective, you know, we, it's like you're speeding, an officer pulls you over and immediately your first thought is "What are you going to tell him?" (laughter) Obviously, you're not gonna say, "Yes, I was speeding." We get into the whole tanglement of what is truth and what is a lie. 80% of the time we're sitting there lying, lying, lying, lying and then we say "Oh yeah, I know the truth." Sure you do.
Visions International CD #AC0722EN