Maharaji: Discovering More DVD/06V2-DMI-D, 2005
This DVD and attached booklet became the spearhead of the outreach for Prem Rawat, also known by the honorary title Maharaji, in 2005. On September 23rd in Melbourne he said: "If you have any questions it is quite clearly spelled out in Discovering More. The process of being able to receive the techniques, or being able to receive Knowledge is simpler than its ever been. It is incredibly, incredibly simple."
In association with the Keys, Maharaji now had a completely impersonal process to take new, interested people, re-educate them through an intensive course of 6 months of daily viewing of a required minimum of 60 hours of videos his speeches (which he had personally selected) on DVDs before the techniques of meditation would be revealed unto you. There would be no personal input from existing devotees apart from a referral to this process. To be able to talk about this Knowledge was a privilege which had once again been revoked.
Rawat's understanding of people, of his personal charisma, of his talents and judgement was about to be tested without the burden of his followers of 35 years f**king it up. Over the nex 25 years, the answer was always the same. Only in less successful and sophisticated societies could he make any headway. In Los Angeles, New York, Paris and Rome he was a nobody, beneath notice. In Havana, Abidjan, Dubrovnik and Ranchi he might not seem so lame and passé.
This video is comprised of 7 topics which Maharaji obviously considers is the best and most convincing way of persuading people to "discover more."
- people hear the word peace and they become sceptical - when they hear Maharaji use it, yes, they understand his motives are questionable, they're suspicious
- in this world we are judged - Maharaji is paranoid about being judged. Understandably so. After 1999 he spoke about judgement twice as often as before.
- working on one to one not um a group of people, just one to one - Maharaji certainly has chutzpah. Creating a course of 60 hours of identical videos which every person must follow is impersonal, is mechanical, has no interpersonal communication, is one-to-many, is not on-to-one
- you begin to entertain certain ideas - Obviously if you watch his 60 hours of videos, you might … they used to call this 'brainwashing' but hey, its your brain
- when you see exactly what you are - when you interpret everything à la Rawat, then you'll see what he tells you to see, can everybody else be wrong?
Maharaji: Discovering More DVD/06V2-DMI-D, 2005
Voiceover: Welcome to Discovering More. Maharaji brings a message of hope and peace. What you are looking for, he says, is within, your truth is within, your peace is within and I can help you get in touch with it. There is more to his message than words. He offers a practical way to experience peace within. This video provides highlights from Maharaji's addresses where he presents the possibility that he offers and how to make the most of it.
A lot of people hear the word peace and they become sceptical. What is he talking about? What is peace? How can it be that we have alienated ourselves from such a beautiful thing? And I can understand, alienating ourselves if it existed outside. But peace is fundamentally within us. As our capacity to see, as our capacity to hear, as our capacity to reason. We also have the capacity to feel peace. For so many people this is an elusive goal. For so many people. This is something you really don't think about till it's the right time in your life. But I'm here to tell you that now is always the right time for peace. Now, and whenever this now happens to be because amazingly enough tomorrow there will be a now too. And whenever that now comes is the right time to be fulfilled. It is the right time to be content. And why? For that you need to feel your own thirst, for that you need to understand you. Not a philosophy. Not an idea. But you. Because whenever it comes down to that point of being content, of being fulfilled. It's all about you. It's about your life.
I'm not here to tell you what you are missing. I'm here to tell you what you have within you. You have the thirst and within you you have the well and within you runs the water. Within you are the questions and within you are all the answers. Within you is the need for the joy and within you is the joy. Within you is the desire to be fulfilled and within you is the fulfilment. For me I try to make one thing possible. What I offer is Knowledge.
A lot of people get caught up with what is Knowledge? Knowledge is something very beautiful. Four techniques. A way to be able to connect with the feeling that is within us. Now this is of course an analogy. Sometimes we need a mirror to see our own face. We have these eyes. They can see everything else. And lot of times there is also a connotation about help. And for a lot of people it's like I don't need any help. I don't want any help. I want to do this on my own. The reality of the situation is very simple and it's very beautiful because as we need a mirror to see ourselves, we need something that can take this focus and put it inside. So there are two different distinctly different things.
I'm not saying that the experience that is within inside of you needs to be generated or created but I can offer a tool and that tool is what Knowledge is. To be able to get in touch with that experience and that is where the help lies. The rest of the journey is really your very own so that's where the help comes in that really I can help you to access what is already within you and you'll be surprised. Because when you see exactly what you are you will find it to be incredibly beautiful.
A Journey Within
I'd like to just say a few things that may put you in ease with what this is. Because a lot of people come and they listen and there are words and a lot of people get caught up in words. Is it Maharaji? Is it Prem Rawat? Is it this? Is it that? Don't pay any attention to that because that's not what it's about. It's really about you, about this life that you have been given and receiving Knowledge or getting to the point of getting Knowledge is really a very simple process. It's a very simple journey because it is a journey in which you begin to entertain certain ideas like you have never entertained them before. In our lives when something came, it came from outside. Our friends when we were young came from outside. To get our education we had to go go to school. And that wasn't at home, that was outside. And then when we got our first job, that wasn't at home. That was outside. And then when we got our recognition and we had our adult friends that was outside.
And all of a sudden you come to a, well, for lack of better word, a junction in your life. A crossing in your life where somebody is saying look "What you are looking for is within you." Now, as words go, those are pretty simple words. As the impact goes, that's a pretty profound impact and the word sometimes are uttered much quicker than understanding what that really means. Because somebody says "Well what you're looking for is inside of you" and you go "Well that sounds great." So what does that really mean? There is something more in this life. People say we're not born with handbooks. Maybe we're not. And that's a good thing. But maybe we are born with all the proper wants and desires. And maybe we need to look at those and understand them. Rather brushing them off. I do not know what it is to look at them. That is the process of preparing for Knowledge.
Preparing for Peace
A lotta people come with this mentality about Knowledge about "Give it to me. Give it to me." But there is a preparation that is required You have to prepare yourself. Why? Because you have been working so hard at unpreparing yourself. All your life. That's what it's been. One piece out there. So many people say "I just, I need to have peace and quiet. I need to go on a vacation. So I want to go somewhere and then I will have peace and quiet." And here all of a sudden somebody is saying "No, you need to go within you to have the peace and quiet. The real peace and the real quiet is within inside."
So to prepare, it's like the field. The farmer has the seeds and he can say "Well I'll just I'll just throw the seeds." No. Plough. Make that soil ready and how does that happen? How do you become ready for Knowledge? By listening? Because what I am saying to you is listen and think about this. Don't just get it. Actually think about this. Is this something you want? Do you want this in your life?
The Keys
The value of peace, the value of joy, the value of fulfilment, what does it mean to you? And this is an issue even after you have Knowledge because that value has to remain obvious for you so that you will continue to take full advantage of what Knowledge can bring you. So understand the value, once you have understood the value and the value of life is clear than the value of Knowledge will be clear and I'm sure that this is a bit like Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge and what is, what is Knowledge? But that is something that you can find out by receiving it. But to receive it, there is a process of preparation. It's called the Keys and what it is is that you receive, you receive a key and that's, it's like a video, and in that there are certain topics talk about thirst, talk about different different different topics and then you get to hear a presentation on each one of those topics, supported by so many of the talks that I have given over the period of years. So you watch that, you watch that Key and you watch a few of the videos that are associated with it and then once you have done that you move on to the next key.

And you go on like that and then the 6th key is Knowledge itself and it'll be presented to you. Umm. This is going to allow for you to be able to regulate your pace as you desire. So if somebody is really into it they can go through it quicker or if they want to take their time you decide. You decide. You listen. You take your time. This is all about take your time, really make that decision, understand from your basic core, understand that this is what you want and then it will happen. Knowledge is not an issue. This is what I do. I go around the world making Knowledge available to people. So for me not to make it available would really defeat the purpose. So I do that and Knowledge is available. It's very simple. The longest part is going to be preparation, not the receiving of Knowledge. Receiving of Knowledge only takes a couple hours but the issue is you decide. You come from your strength. You walk on your feet to that threshold that says, that joy, that peace, in my life. This decision is yours. This prerogative you will always have. If you like it, love it. And falling in love with it again and again and again and again and again. And let me help you do that. Let me help you fall in love with Knowledge again and again. It is my privilege to do so. So it's really up to you.
I hope that it is really just fun because this is learning about you. This is not about trying to create a external means of satisfaction. This is about discovery. This is about what already exists and the most beautiful thing is there is no test. Nobody's testing you. Nobody's sitting there. So it really is you taking the step. It really is you standing on one step and then going on to the next step and going on to the next step and going on to the next step. It is a wonderful process when you come on this journey of Knowledge. You have to come home. Come home where you're not going to be tested. I'm not going to judge you. I want you to learn. I want you to understand based upon the very foundations that are within you. All the material for this incredible home is going to come from inside of you. This is about you. This is about your existence. This is about this possibility that exists. In this world we are judged. In this world we have our courses. In this world we have this and we have that and we have to do this and we have to … Change that and begin to enjoy and this is what the Keys are all about. I hope so. You know I work hard putting them together and my, you know, the my criteria was to take a person and prepare them as best as I could so that they could get the most out of Knowledge for the rest of their lives.
That's the criteria I used, working on one to one (applause) not um a group of people, just one to one, like if I there was one person and we would sit down and just we would sit down opposite each other and I would tell this person what they needed to know and then refer them to where they can find out more about it which is from the selection of all the talks that I have given and then when they had gotten a good understanding of that, move on to the 2nd topic and the 3rd topic and the 4th topic. Is all you have to do is listen, think about it. Its all you have to do. Listen to what I am saying and develop the passion. Let the passion grow. Listen to my passion, let it touch your passion. Listen to my heart, let it touch your heart. And then from this listening to this emerges a beautiful sense of understanding. And when that understanding is there and you feel like, yes, this is something I definitely want, that yes, this is something I really am interested in, go out of the phase of curiosity. You see, curiosity, once you get beyond that curiosity, you are certain what you want. That is when you become ready for the gift of Knowledge.
I can help
So yes, Knowledge is possible. Yes, it is easy to prepare for it. Can you do it in your busy lifetime? Yes, no problem. Ah. Is it enjoyable? Yes, it's very enjoyable. Are you alive? You answer that. (laughter) Umm so what? What? This is what. You need peace in your life. Period. Real peace. I can help. This much I can do. I can help. I have helped a lot of people. My apprenticeship goes back to when I was 9 years old. I've been helping people with that. I've been speaking earlier than that. So I can help you. Rest is all up to you. Gift, you have. The thirst, you have. The water you're looking for, you have. Whenever you feel like it. Search if you need to. Look for it. If you find it. Keep it. Peace is a keeper. Believe me. Peace once you get it. Hold on to it. And it is easy because it is within you.

Voiceover: The brochure Discovering More provides detailed information about the keys process. You may also want to visit the keys website If you are interested in learning Maharaji's techniques for finding peace within, the next step would be to watch a video called "An Introduction to the Keys" where he personally presents the Keys process. You can find information on how to obtain this video either at the end of the "Discovering More. Welcome to Discovering More
Voiceover:If you would like to listen more to Maharaji, events take place with him in most regions throughout the year. Information about these events and about materials available for viewing and downloading is available on the following websites.,,
This is our time. I'm alive. You are alive This should mean something. That's the fundamental difference with this message. There is some. There is something real, and it's called Knowledge. A way to access this joy we seek. And it is not just a lot of words. Otherwise these would be good words, but just words. They wouldn't mean anything, but there is the possibility of Knowledge. And that's what makes it real. That's what gives it validity. Learn. Learn about life. Learn about yourself. Learn about things you never imagined you could learn, that you never even thought existed. That is the possibility.
Catchwords: hope, peace, within, truth, help, feel(ing), thirst, fulfil(led/ment), content(ment), joy, beautiful, simple, profound, understand, fun, discovery, home,