A Unique Reflection, Prem Rawat as Maharaji, June 11 2006, Marseille France
Quick Quibble: Lions don't live in the jungle. In India, lions live in the Gir Forest, a dry deciduous forest. In Africa they live on the savanna plains.
This speech is based on a story of his father's as told to Prem by Sampu, his only friend in India. Another time he said it was a story told by a friend's father. This story was published in ADI magazines, his book The Greatest Truth of All, his Lockdown Chronicles, WOPG News, the TPRF Inspire electronic magazines and Voice of Maharaji website, the YPI net the last three now defunct
He is in full rabid rat mode, shouting and whispering, squeaking and chittering. He appears totally self-confident, he may not know everything but he knows more than everybody else though his English is still flawed though he's been speaking and thinking in it for 35 years in the West. I was shocked when I got to the end and realised he assumed he had some people on their first hearing of his spiel. We know from internal statistical reports that the Elan Vital "push" of the late 1990s - early 2000s was a failure despite the remarkable amount of time, organisation and money that his premie volunteers volunteered and this speech is a prime example of the old saying "You can get a horse to listen to Maharaji once but you can't make him to do so again.
He makes an interesting point. Not many people will argue against the proposition: "the source of peace is within." But there are a gazillion interpretations of what that actually means or might mean. Rawat's interpretation is indeed unique because his interpretation requires that He, Himself, Maharaji aka Prem Rawat is the source, the teacher and the inspirer of His unique "special peace." Peace cannot exist as Rawat defines it without Him and Rawat defines His "peace" as being above and beyond any other actual experience of peace. All other "peaces" are inferior. This implies that His peace is direct experience of God as he did claim pre 1984.
Jane Seymour believes peace is within but does she know the Third Technique of Maharaji's Knowledge? Does she have an 'experience' of the Holy Name or the Word or the Energy that is Keeping You Alive?
The quality of the video picture is first class but it seems they have elongated the vertical axis so Maharaji appears slimmer but with a head too long. This may be an artifact caused by a Macintosh video being played on a HD PC. In 2006 Rawat wasn't yet 50 years old and age hadn't begun to slim him down. His face was full with fat and under the lights he was glistening like the proverbial fatted pig. Parts of this speech were published in the Prem Rawat Foundation's Inspire electronic magazine and the Voice of Maharaji Website. Whether Guru Maharaj Ji, Maharaji or Prem Rawat, he has always been an Anaphoric but in this speech, he does not really cut loose.
- Maharaji loves to create a pretend paradox in his speeches and acts as if he is saying something controversial and edgy
- A slight story: The Lion Who Thought He Was a Sheep is the basis of the speech
- He uses his favourite way of showing his historical and philosophical chops. He quotes Socrates, "Know Thy Self." He really knows nothing about Socrates.
- Rawat contrasts the normal changes of life with a spurious "joy that never ends" that is always the same. His Energy that is Keeping You Alive, the breath
- Peace and prosperity. Rawat and his Western followers already have both peace and prosperity. Rawat's concept of 'Peace' is not necessary for both to exist
- "We see the technology and we get very proud of ourselves" - Rawat thinks everybody has his tech-obsession and that we know no history
- There are very few people who will actually argue that peace is not within
- Maharaji's peace was experienced in the First Iraqi War - the happy premies have not been identified
- Rawat was a very unhappy student. In this speech he goes ga-ga remembering one time "I got it."
- Astonishingly this was supposevly an introductory speech.
A Unique Reflection, Prem Rawat as Maharaji, June 11 2006, Marseille France
Introductory Voiceover
Prem Rawat who formerly called Himself Guru Maharaj Ji and then Maharaji, has been travelling the world for more than 30 years bringing a unique message if his importance as the Perfect Master and Lord of the Universe whose Knowledge is required to attain Peace. He sat on His father's stage at the age of three looking cute and by the age of thirteen he was responding to invitations to speak in the United States and Great Britain. His message is a combination of false promises and spurious omniscience. His followers arrange to have him speak at tiny organisations such as United Nations Association of Malaysia which is not the actual United Nations. Through the Prem Rawat Foundation he also spearheads significant public relations spin aimed at improving his public image at the least possible financial cost of charitable grants to people most in need. From large cities to remote villages millions of people around the world come to him for inspiration and guidance as he inherited the role of Satguru from his father. His audience is a fraction of the one he inherited from his father but he still makes the same spurious claims "Give me your love and I will give you peace."
Prem Rawat, widely known by the honorary title Maharaji, has been travelling the world for more than 30 years bringing a unique message of peace. He gave his first public addresses at the age of three and by the age of thirteen he was responding to invitations to speak in the United States and Great Britain. His message is from the heart. He speaks about the possibility of each person to find peace within regardless of circumstances. Addressing a distinguished audience at the invitation of the United Nations Association of Malaysia he recently said "Peace is a fundamental necessity and begins with each individual and yet, peace is possible. Through the Prem Rawat Foundation he also spearheads significant humanitarian initiatives aimed at improving the lives of people most in need. From large cities to remote villages millions of people around the world come to him for inspiration and guidance. Even as his audience has increased Prem Rawat's message remains directed at each individual. "If you are looking for fulfilment and peace" he says, "the solution lies within. If that is what you want I can help."
A Unique Reflection, Prem Rawat, June 11 2006, Parc Chanot - Hall 1 Marseille France
Thank you, well, its good to be in France again and (applause) and what I have come to talk about, it's really simple, because it is about life. It is about existence. It is about peace. But when you think about it, one cannot help but say how can that be simple? Talk about life. Life for people has become so incredibly complicated. It is very hard to envision, what that being really is on the face of this earth. We are all drowning in the Sea of Definitions. Who are you? A question. A simple question is asked. Who are you? And the amount of answers you get is unimaginable. Not too long ago, I was speaking somewhere and there was a statement. Service above the Self. And I said that if there's no self what is it going to serve? There has to be a self. And this is what Socrates said, "Know Thy Self." Know what that self. What does it mean to know? What does it mean to know? Somebody can tell you "Don't touch that. It's hot. It's hot. It'll burn you." And you can say, "OK, I think I understand. And this happens with children a lot. The mother says "Don't touch that. Don't touch that. Don't touch that." But they don't really understand. They really don't know till they touch it and they go "Ouch!" Now they know because they have felt it, they understand. Knowing is complete, not just a portion not just words, not just an idea, not just a concept but knowing really represents the entire circle. I know, Know Thy Self , the self that you are.
I have a simple little story that a very good friend of mine sent me and he also said that this is a story that my father used to tell. One day a farmer was walking across a jungle and he came across a little lion cub, tiny baby cub. who had been lost. So he picked it up, brought it home and put it in the barn with his sheep. And as the time passed on the cub got bigger and bigger playing with the sheep, even grazing with the sheep. Being with the sheep, lolling near. One day, while the sheep were grazing, a big lion stepped out from the jungle. Then all the sheep got scared, started running around and so did this lion too. Got really scared. Started running around and the big lion stopped. Went over to this little lion. It wasn't that little anymore. Said "Why are you scared of me?" He says "But you know I am, I'm a poor little sheep and you will eat me. "You're not a sheep." "Anything you say, but just don't eat me please." "Hello. You're not a sheep. You don't understand. You're not a sheep." He said, "Come with me." And he took that lion and took him to the pond and said "Now look." And when that lion looked in the pond. He was shocked. "I'm not like the sheep. I'm like you." The lion said "That's right. You are not like the sheep. You are like me." Then he said "Now stop mimicking the sheep and roar like a lion should." And the Big Lion roared and the little lion roared. And he began to thank the Big Lion. "Thank you so much." And the lion said "All I did was show you who you truly are. That's all I did. I didn't do anything else. You don't have to thank me. This is who you were even before I stepped out of that jungle. This is who you were. Because this is what you truly are."
We too, lose who we are. What we are, unique, on the face of this earth. No one like us. Similar to eyes, ears, nose, teeth, mouth. Similar but not the same. If you go into a parking lot and you have a black Volkswagen and right next to your Volkswagen is the same exact model and same colour Volkswagen. parked. Will you say "Well, I'll take either one. It's ok." No, they may look identical. but one is yours and one is not. Your key, your key will fit one but not the other. And this is what makes you so incredibly unique. You're a gift that has been given freely. Freely, without any hesitation, without any caveats. Be! Not forever. For a limited time. Be. Exist.
Now, are you not curious as to your nature? Are you not curious as to your nature? All the things, you feel joy? Yes! And do you feel pain? Yes! Doesn't this fascinate you? Doesn't this fascinate you that inside of you, your very nature, your very core. You have the capacity. The capacity to feel joy and the capacity to feel pain, Two things. Two things. And when you feel joy, you don't mind. Nobody goes to a church. Nobody goes to a temple says "God. I've had way too much joy. Please end this. I cannot take this joy anymore." No! People go "I've had enough pain in my life and end this. Nobody in this world has ever committed suicide with a suicide note, "I was way too happy. Goodbye. Happy world." No, it's always the other way. "I cannot take the pain anymore. Goodbye. Cruel world." You should be intrigued by this fact. Your ability to feel that joy is unique and this is what makes you so unique that you can feel that. Understand that this is your nature. That this is just a part of you. Aversion to suffering, aversion to suffering, aversion to suffering and an attraction to joy.
Then find in your life the joy that never ends. Then find in your life, a joy that you cannot leave behind. Then find in your life, a joy that you carry with you wherever you go. Then find in your life, that serenity, that contentment that doesn't change with time that does not change with time. Let me give you an analogy of what I mean by changing time. People, It makes my point much clearer if I give you a good analogy. Imagine you have a boat. A little boat and you want to tie it off to something. Because you found a perfect little harbour and you found a perfect little place. Beautiful little beach. Nice clear water and you want to spend a little time there and have a little picnic. But the wind is blowing and there's rocks and you don't want to smash your boat on the rocks. And you brought with you a rope. And you also brought with yourself, on the boat, a big block. Big block of styrofoam. Styrofoam is something that floats on the water. And you tie your boat to it and you're happy, smiling. Boat is secured to the styrofoam. Everything is OK. No problems. Big problems. The boat is going to drift because the styrofoam is going to drift. If you want the boat not to drift then you must find something that doesn't drift. Because if you tie the boat to something that drifts, same problem. That's why people bring with them an anchor. And then they throw the anchor. They set the anchor and then they pull out the anchor to make sure it is caught. It is caught on something. But specially the little ones. It is caught on something. It doesn't happen. What is in your life that does not drift? Everything is going to change. You're going to want it not to change, but it is going to change. Your face is going to change. Your ideas are going to chang. The way you view things is going to change.
The other day I saw this man driving like crazy on the highway. And I looked at him and he was really young. Young kid driving. Crazy. Just zooming in, out, driving really, really fast. And I said to myself, sitting in the back, he's crazy. He's young and he's crazy. Then I started thinking. I used to drive just like that. And in those days if there was a old man driving on the road very conservatively, you would say he's crazy. Now the tables have turned because the tables will turn. This is the nature. This is the world you live in. This is the world you live in. That is its nature. It is bound by time and time changes everything. Time changes everything. And you are looking not a drift. So what is it that does not drift? And to find that answer you need to be able to know your true self because the true self does not drift. In thought the lion was a sheep. In thought, the lion was a sheep. But when the lion could see the reality it understood it is not a sheep. That is the reality. Your reality is simple. The want to be fulfilled has always been there. That is not new. The want to be content has always been there. That is not new. And this want will be there till the very end. It is there from the beginning. It is there to the end. Because that reality of wanting to be in peace does not change. Does not change. That thirst to be fulfilled does not change. Anchor. Anchor then yourself to that reality and you too will not drift. Anchor then to that beauty that is inside of you. Then you will not drift. Everything else will change as it always has. As it always will. But you work to preserve. There is one, that is that work to destroy but you work to hold on to, there is something that is trying to take it from your fingers. Yes. As it has always been said. "Empty handed you came and empty handed you will go." But you hang tried to hang on to what you tried to possess. It's not yours. It is not yours. Never was, never will be.
I was giving this analogy in India about a house. You build a house and you say this is mine. But the house doesn't say this man, this person is mine. So much for you. Somebody else will move in and after them somebody else will move in and after them somebody else will move in and they will call it mine and they will call it mine and that has been called mine mine, mine, by very many people and it never said to anyone this house, you are mine. Never. Are these things good? Are these things bad? That's not the point. I'm not here to dictate to you what is good and bad. That would be throwing another definition in the Sea of definitions. It really doesn't make any difference. If somebody is drowning in the ocean and you brought one bucket of water with you and threw it in there. What difference is it going to make? It's not going to make it drown any faster. It's not going to make it drown any later. Just isn't going to make any difference. But I'm not here for that. It's not about good and bad. I'm sorry. And I'm not here to define the right and the wrong. It's already too many definitions of right and wrong. This is and what is the result of all this? Read a newspaper? Lately. Anything in like for past 5 years, 6 years. Hello. This is what the world is fighting about. We are right. You are wrong. The other side said "No. We are right. You are wrong." This is the result of right and wrong. This belongs to me. No. This belongs to me. No, you were here. Just its like this way. Little children. The only difference is after maybe 15, 20 minutes the children stop. But these children will not stop. Day after day after day. Night after night after day after day, it just goes on and on and on and on and on.
Let There Be Peace And There Will Be Prosperity - Western Followers, and Rawat Himself, Already Have Prosperity
And the idea of peace. Peace and you know it's not, it's not a mistake when it has been presented, how it has been presented. Peace and prosperity. Not prosperity and peace. Peace first, then prosperity and the bar (shows height with his hand) was established. What should be the standard for humanity was established a long time ago. You know that they have a bar and then there are people who try to jump at the bar in sports. They have a bar and the comedians, you know what the comedians do? They don't try to jump it. They go underneath it. The bar was established.
Let there be peace and there will be prosperity. Peace and prosperity. This was the bar that was established. The entire humanity. Not one person has been trying to jump it. Everybody's going underneath it. And the end result is no one is laughing. Bad comedy. I mean, you think if we can go to the moon, take pictures of outer space and the camera and the remote satellite. A telescope on a remote satellite way out into outer space that we could at least make a venture towards peace. Make some gesture! You said you said people go to war. Oh it's just somebody's war till you were there and you're caught in it. It's not funny anymore. And the idea of peace is like "that would be nice." Shocking. And why? Because of these definitions that we have. Ideas. When we have lost touch with ourselves so much that we do not even recognise. Do not even recognise another one. Similar to us. Similar. To say "You are like me. You are like me. You too desire to be happy and hate sadness. How far apart are we?" On this ship, on this journey of life. How far apart are we in our fundamental desire to be content? How far are we? How far are we? So similar. So similar. So unique and so similar.
Focus In Your Life On That Contentment, On Seeing Your True Nature
Then focus. Then focus in your life on that contentment, on seeing your true nature. And if it takes every day, this is what it takes sometimes. Something takes every day to go see your reflection in the pond. Do so. Do so that you never make the mistake that that lion made. He was so full of fear. Fear. When he could have to roared right along. Know thy Self. Important. Socrates didn't just say that because he's like "Now, let me think of something nice that I could really drive the whole world crazy with. Something that they can definitely never achieve. But if I just say it then everybody will keep trying and trying and this will really drive everybody insane." Insanity already existed, believe me, he did not need to make anybody insane. This he sees as a solution. This he sees as a solution to the problems of peace, no different than today. Wandering, poor, rich, wars, ignorance, beliefs, disbeliefs, ideas, no ideas, wrong understandings, discontentment. You think discontentment has changed. No. This remains exactly the same.
Spread This Technology to Every Land, To Tell Them Our Lord Is Here
We say. We look around. We see the technology and we get very proud of ourselves and we say now we live in a different world. No we don't. No we don't. Step on a banana peel. Then it does not matter if you are wearing a $300 shoe or a $2 shoe. Sheeoo. And when you fall, take my word for it. It will hurt exactly the same way as it hurt a Greek 4000 years ago. 2000 years ago. Thousand years ago. Doesn't change. Ignorance is ignorance. Darkness is darkness. Exact. Believe it. Exactly the same. Enter you know all the electricity goes off. We get pitch dark. It looks exactly the same as it did 4000 years ago.
Now we have cell phones. Everybody has cell phones. I keep I have a cell phone. I I I left it. Didn't bring it with me. Then I said "Well, maybe I should bring it. For a long time I was without a cell phone. Now I just keep it turned off and keep it in my briefcase. And I see the impact of it on people around me. They've all got different alarms and they've got their phones and the alarms ring and people go "Aa aaagh." And people are proud of these cell phones and 100 years from now, people are going to look at us and go "Those guys were like so backwards." Like when we look at caveman. They're going to look at us and go "They were carrying these things around and they would talk in them and they would make funny noises and everybody wanted their own noise. So they could identify. They were so into noises and then they would then turn, they would actually leave their home and leave everything and go on top of a mountain and where it was very quiet and they will go "Oh, this is so nice. This is" And then they would return and they would turn on their noise.
Technology is changing incredibly fast. Organic LED's have been mated to TFT clear screens. 35:38 Possibilities are endless, amazing, imagine driving, having no instruments and the windshield, all the information is displayed on the windshield, including at night. You're looking out your windshield and you're seeing everything except your headlights are not on. It's just infrared lights, infrared camera looking out presenting the picture real time, and any rocks you'll be able to see, deer you'll be able to see, rails at night ,you'll be able to see. Yes, it's coming. Pilots don't have to look down. They're looking through the windshield flying the aeroplane. They already have that HUT It's called but it's an awkward little device. Very soon it'll be on the screen, colour, synthetic vision. No more clouds for pilots. Synthetic vision. They're flying through the cloud but they're not actually seeing the clouds. They're seeing the ground like it was a beautiful sunny day. Yes. EVS is already there. Enhanced vision system. Sees right through the fog.
See all that keeps changing but you! My friend. You, something you, something about you, does not change. Find the changeless. And tie well this boat of life to the changeless. Then relax. (applause) That's the point of it, isn't it? Wasn't that the point of it? Isn't that why you came into this hardware? Need question. Isn't that why you're here? With this incredible power to enjoy life in hand. Automatic dislike for suffering and automatic likeness for joye. How big a shopping list do you need? This is like somebody comes to Disneyland and says, "I wonder why I'm here?" Look around. Your reality is something so simple. Your reality is something so sweet. Your reality is about you being here, here, having this home on this earth. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful drum of breath is beating. Bringing you every moment a gift of life. A lot of people say "I don't see it that way."
Snails don't see people. They only see people if they are standing still. If they're so slow. Like sometimes we don't see a fly. You know why? Because it's too fast. To a fly we move like this. (slow motion) That's why they're so hard to kill. To see it. It's like you are there standing still and you try to go. This is to you. (quick jerks) To the fly. (slow motion) And the fly what is it doing? "He'll he'll be another minute. Yeah Let me clean myself. You're just sitting there doing your thing. Let me clean. I was OK. Oh he's a mile away. It's alright. He's alright" and you're like, difference of speed.
Slow down and see reality. Slow down and see reality. Basing jogging on this bus of life, back and forth is not going to get you there any sooner. Sit down. Open your eyes and look and see. See your reflection. And then understand what you have been given. People say "You have to do this. You have to do this. You have to become pure." Pure what? Then you say to them "You know but your Creator is inside of you." "Yeah, definitely." So what's the problem? The Creator is inside. What's the problem? All I need is like that pond. Something that can reflect back to see what I look like. Simple. Because in reality, gracious is the sight. I only consider it gracious when things are going my way. It is true. It is definitely true. Believe me, this is true. That things are going my way. It's good. When things are not going my way. Who can I pick to blame? Never myself. I will never blame myself. Let me find somebody who I can blame. There must be somebody in this. Let's start from the beginning here. Let's see how this mess all started so I can find some person who I can blame. And do you know in this world how much blame is placed on God? He did it.
Instead of blaming if they prayed. Maybe something would happen and pray. How do we pray? OK, now we're going to have a special prayer. I mean, what? You just phone God and say "O. K. Here it comes. Be ready at the other end." Within you. What does it mean to be within you? What does it mean that peace is within you? What does it mean to you? What does it mean to you that what you are looking for is within you, that the peace that you need is within you, that the serenity that you are looking for is within you, that the joy that you are looking for is within you. What does that mean to you? Whoo. This is an interesting question.
There Are Very Few People Who Will Actually Argue That Peace Is Not Within
But do you know that there are very few people who will actually argue? No, no, it's not within. No, not within me. Just a really good, good thing. Good state. Good quote. Good idea. Yes. What does it mean? It means that I don't have to be lost in this jungle. It means this boat does not have to crash on the rocks. It means that I do not have to suffer in life. It means that what I have searched for all my life, I have always had. It means sit down. Don't pace this bus. You're only going to wear out your shoes. Sit down. Understand. Its okay. That what you thought was so far away? Always, always been so close. That's good news. That is incredibly good news. Don't be bewildered. "Oh my God. I can't believe it!" You know this is what people do. "I can't believe I was looking. I was looking. I was looking. I was looking!" I mean, it's like it's one of those things. You know, they've lost their wallet and they're going around with their wallet I was looking for this. And I was looking. Well, you got it. "But I was looking for this and I was looking and I couldn't find it." But you found it. "Yeah, but you know where I looked for this. I looked up and down and under there and under and I couldn't find it for one week. I couldn't find it." Yeah, you have it. "Me But I couldn't find it." The story has to be told. Reality! Go away. I couldn't find. I want to relive. I want to relive that one week of total pain when I couldn't find, but I couldn't find it. This is what I couldn't find."
Does that lion go and "Come on. That's not me. I don't see a sheep. What did you do with my face? Where did you hide it? I should be looking like them." That would be sad. That would be very, very sad. "If I wasn't the lamb. If I wasn't a sheep, I'd kill you because you took away my face and now you made me look like you. I'm not you. I'm that sheep." This is why reality is a fight. And is his reality better? No. Is his reality sweet? Of course. So now you found it. Make preparations not to lose it again. Nobody's. Nobody is interested in your story. Make preparations not to lose it again. This is what is important. If there is a hole in your pocket, have it fixed. So you don't have to go through it again. Not just going around, "But you know this is what I couldn't find. I could not find this. You should have seen me where I was looking for it, under my bed. I looked 10 times. I looked under my bed. I couldn't find it." Now you have it. Enjoy it. Be careful. Nurture it. nurture it. Accept what has so gracious been, Graciously been granted to you. Accept. Not reject. Who am I? Look in the mirror. I'm fine. Yes, Sir. Everyday. Be true to that reality. Let your heart be filled with gratitude every single day. Every single day.
Peace does not begin with the world. Peace begins with you. With you. Everyone. Everyone on the face of this earth. Perspective. A lit lamp. A little lamp can light many unlit lamps. But an unlit lamp, taking an unlit lamp to other lamps. It doesn't matter how many times you take it around and around and around. It'll never light. Be that lit lamp in this life. So that for your company. You have peace. You have joy. You have clarity. You have simplicity.
Don't be intrigued by all those definitions. They will come and go. I know. (chuckles) I know people who have made them up. They have made them up because really they would have had nothing better to do. Inquisitiveness. Truly a lot of those definitions have derived from not knowing. what they're trying to define. It's what cannot never be in life. Knowing to feel, to understand every single day. To be clear, every single day. To be alive. To really, really, really be alive. That's what the living should be doing. Be alive! Alive. Don't sit there and go "What does that mean?" I'm not gonna tell you what that means. You should know, you are alive. You should know. But it is to be alive. Not rolling in hate. Anger. Lamenting the past moments. The lost moments but be alive every day. Not burdened, not burdened but free. Free, clear, clear. It's what has to be. Anything else is a compromise. Anything else is a compromise.
"The Peace That I Talk About Has Been Experienced In The Middle Of A War"
The peace that I talk about has been experienced in the middle of a war. Yes, there were people who were in just in the Iraqi war [2003->] who have the gift of Knowledge and in the middle of the war, they experienced peace. The freedom that I talk about is the freedom that has been experienced by prisoners living in a prison and they live today. Even today, they experience that freedom even though they are behind bars. That's the freedom I'm talking about. Freedom that no one can take away from you. The true liberty that nobody can take away from you. The true knowledge that nobody can take away from you. The true understanding that nobody can rob you of. The true peace. It is unwavering. Unwavering. Doesn't matter how many waves come and doesn't matter how many storms come but your boat is tied to that anchor. That's the way to be in this world. That's classy. That's classy. (applause) That's really classy. Not while this little raft that you know, one little wave comes and bumps you off and then you try to get back on, takes ages to get back on and then one little wave comes and boom, you're back off and then, you know, then you see these big beautiful massive ships and there they are just. Nothing. Nothing. No no no no bobbing up and down. That's how you should be. Is it possible? Yes. How? People say "How? The $9 million question. Then come with me to the pond. (applause) And let me show you your reflection so you can see who you are. What does that mean? Ha ha ha Everybody is always "What does that mean? What does that mean? What does that mean?"
Are you interested? Curious or interested? If you are curious, that's all. Good, but become interested. And if you are interested, make sure you're not just curious. And when you have made sure that you are not just curious, but really interested. I can help you. That's all it takes. That's all it takes. That's all it takes. That's all it takes. And when that clarity is there then knowing can be started. You know this. Remember when you were in school? And you were not interested in what the teacher was teaching you. It was like, you're sitting there and and you know even, you even looked kind of interested. You weren't interested and you kept going like this waiting for the bell and making all the faces. Nodding. But it wasn't going in here. You weren't interested. You were just looked interested. You were really weren't.
I Got It. I Got It. And Then I Could Take Any Sum Given
And then remember something you genuinely wanted to know. It had piqued your curiosity to a point where it wasn't curiosity anymore. You really wanted to know. And then when the teacher explained, you got it. And do you remember how happy you were? You got it. I don't know if this ever happened to you. Happened to me. Happened to me and when I got it, I was so happy. Delighted. I got it. I got it. And then I could take any sum given. And yes, I got it. And I was. I mean, you know, in my opinion, doing homework was no fun unless the homework was, don't do anything. But that homework was given that was carried and executed immaculately. But there somebody who wasn't even interested in the homework is making up work because I got it. I can do it. I can add this. I can subtract this. I can multiply this. I got it. That's how it has to be.
Seeing the face is simple. That is not complicated. It could be interesting. You know, in your life are you passing time in this college of life? What are you doing? Waiting for the bell? You don't have to answer me, you have to answer yourself. Might be scary but you just answer to yourself. Just waiting for the bell? Are you nodding along with everybody else? Because that seems to be the appropriate thing to do. Or is there something more that there's an aspiration that is waiting to bloom inside of you? Like a flower? Like a seed waiting in the desert for the rain to come. The rain of understanding to come when it is ready to start. Don't wait for the bell, my friends. Don't wait for the bell. That's not what it's about. They can pack your bags and go. That's not what it's about. And it's not about nodding along with everyone. It is about truly learning. It is about understanding. It is about knowing. It is not about fulfilling curiosity. It is about truly, truly, truly learning. Understanding. To be interested. To be really interested. You should be interested in existence. It should be interested every day. You should be interested in today. You should be interested in this moment called now because this is how you manifest. You should be interested. So being interested Fulfil. Fulfil this longing that you have in your heart of hearts.
That's what I came to say. This is what I go and say everywhere, differently every time. So I don't write these speeches or anything. It comes from my heart for you. For you to hear. If through my words, I make a difference of something in your life. I'm glad I can. It's all talk. I'm glad I can. (applause) With you. You can see a little hope in your existence in your life. If I brought you a little bit of, just a little bit of interest to say um um um just a little bit. I'm glad I came. I'm glad I came. If you will look at your life a little bit differently. Little kinder. Little gentler and a little more respect. Then I'm glad I came. If you will consider even for a moment that peace resides within you then I'm glad I came. This is what I do. This is what I've been doing. Bringing a message of hope and peace to people all around the world. If you didn't need it. Great. If you did need it. It's brought you that may be in some bad moment in your life when everything is dark. You will remember one word or two words of mine, what you are looking for is inside of you. That inside you carry a little lamp. With that little lamp you can like so many unlit lamps in your life. You don't have to live in this darl place. Then I'm glad I came and I'm glad you came to hear but I have to say, thank you very much and good evening. Thank you.
Anaphora: the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses. e.g. that what you are looking for is within you, that the peace that you need is within you, that the serenity that you are looking for is within you, that the joy that you are looking for is within you … You have peace. You have joy. You have clarity. You have simplicity.