Prem Rawat's Teaching about the Word, the 3rd Technique - In His Own Words
The 3rd technique of the meditation methods Prem Rawat teaches is Holy Name (satnam), or the Word. This is the basis of his Knowledge, he claims that once he teaches you that concentrating on your breath is the method then through this technique you can experience the energy within inside each living thing that is keeping you alive which is the primordial vibration, the power that creates and sustains the universe. It is the source of every breath we take, it is the life that God breathes into man, and the spirit that all religions speak of and it is God. This Holy Name (shabd, satnam, Ram Nam) or Word (logos) was there before time began as recorded in the Gospel of John and it is the source of everything according to Prem Rawat. Rawat's father and previous Perfect Master also preached about the Word on innumerable occasions. It's easy to understand why new recruits have been hard to find once Rawat change the name from "Holy Name" and "The Word" to "Third Technique".

A History of Hans Jayanti
If God is omnipresent, He cannot leave. The Perfect Master is His embodiment; he also cannot leave. Hans Jayanti is a celebration of the soul. It is a festival of worship for that spirit which is continuous upon the earth, that energy which is bound by neither birth nor death, the life force of the perfect Master.
It is Shri Hans Ji Maharaj (Shri Maharaj Ji) in whose honor the Hans Jayanti Festival is held. Late in 1966. Shri Maharaj Ji left his mortal body, having dedicated every breath to spreading the Knowledge of God. The time had come for that perfect energy to manifest in full power and glory. It chose the body of an eight-year-old boy, Balyogeshwar Shri Sant Ji Maharaj, son of Shri Maharaj Ji.
And It Is Divine, Millenium Edition, November 1973

Hans Rawat aka Param Sant Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, Prem Rawat's father and predecessor
In the beginning mind does not get hooked easily to the Divine Word and so one is required to practise this again and again. When the mind is settled in the Word, then automatically it gets detached from the external world. But, how to know this Divine Word? We have to strive to know it. We have ten organs - five organs of action and five sensory organs - eleventh is the mind, twelfth is the intelligence. That Word cannot be known through any of these twelve organs. In the eightfold path of yoga, meditation is the seventh step and union of meditation, the Meditated (Divine Word) and the meditator is known as 'samadhi'. Knowledge of God is acquired in that state. This is to be experienced.
Manav Dharam website downloaded on 1st April, 2009

Hollywood, California, August 11, 1971
My age is so little, my body is so small, I can't serve you as a military officer. I can't serve you as a police constable. The only service I can do is to help you by giving that Perfect Knowledge which you are now seeking in materialism. Every materialistic thing is perishable and after they have perished how will you know the God? You will perish one day, you should know such a thing, that is imperishable, never will perish and that is the Holy Word, the Holy Knowledge of God and that is within you.
Élan Vital, Volume III Issue 3, Autumn 1979

Hunter College, New York City, October 8, 1971
Then in the Bible, John says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And Mohammed says, "Pak Nam," Holy Word. So every scripture has described about a Word. There Krishna also says, "Avekto akshar" - a Word that cannot be spoken. Not "words" - a Word. A Word that cannot be spoken by mouth. Ramayana also says about the Word, that "till where I should say the praise and the glory of that Holy Word? Even Lord Rama Himself cannot sing the praise and glory of this Holy Word." So that Holy Word - we have to realize it. And that is the point, that is the Word which is Truth, which is real Truth. What you are seeing now - do you think it is real?
Élan Vital, Volume I Issue 2 Winter 1977

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, November 24, 1971
Buddha Bhagwan said, "I would like to have a glimpse of that Holy Knowledge." And thus, Sujata revealed that knowledge. If this knowledge were available without a Guru, then Buddha Bhagwan himself would have kept quiet and would have continued sitting. As soon as he took knowledge, as soon as he was enlightened by Sujata he started making his disciples and he started telling them, giving his agya (command) to them to go and spread this Holy Word of God.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise, 1972

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India, November 27, 1971
You have been hearing about this ancient goal, this ancient mystery of life, the definition which summarizes all the definitions of all the scriptures, the Gita, the Ramayana, the
Bible. This is the definition that the mystery of life, of the human life, is the cosmic unspoken Word which dwells amongst all the human beings. The Word which dwells amongst all is the
most cosmic and ancient one. Through this Word we are able to survive. We are able to be alive because this Word is fully functioning in us and this Word is vibrating us in a direction, in a
way, and thus we are alive. In the same way this Word vibrates in the earth, sky, air, and it is said by Saint Guru Nanak that this whole earth and this whole universe is entirely fixed upon
the Word, upon the Shabdh, or upon the unspoken Word.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise

Questions and Answers, October / November 1971, London, England
Sometimes when I try to do things it makes me upset, but when I try not to think of anything except the Name and try not to do a certain thing, then it seems much more peaceful. Yes, because you are doing nothing there. You are just idly sitting down there. You like to rest, so don't do anything,
just sit down and try to remember the Word, it is really comfortable! But the thing is this, a man has to get into practice
with this thing. And then that is more comfortable than sitting around. There are many people who can't sit idle. They
sit idle and they get sick. So, just try to remember the Holy Word, no don't try to remember it, just remember it, you
know, don't try to remember it. You know it is the most essential thing. You should be always with the Word. There is
no question of trying. It must be there, it is a must. And once you are remembering the Holy Word all your work will be
carrying on very nicely, you know, very beautifully.
Affinity, June 1979

Central Hall Westminster, London England, November 2 1971
He has got a aim in his life which he has to complete. And once he has completed his aim, he's a perfect man, perfect and what is this aim? This aim is to realize the Holy Word of God. If you take Bible it is written "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." If you take the Guru Granth Sahib, it is written , "[Hindi Quotation which includes 'Shabd', 'Prakash', 'Nam'] There is a Word. Due to that Word sky, earth, sun, moon, everything exists, and this Word is in ourself." And then you take Koran, and in Koran it is written "Pak Nam," "Holy Name." What is that Holy Name? You take Gita it is written, "[Hindi Quotation which includes 'Shabd'] a Word which cannot be described, which cannot be spoken by mouth." Just because this mouth is imperfect. This mouth is not capable. This mou-mouth is not perfect enough to pronounce that Name. So this Word cannot be spoken. Otherwise I would have been glad to speak this Word in front of everybody, in television, in radios, in movies, you know, just in everything, but it cannot be spoken. Then how to realize this Word? And we all know now that this Word is important and due to this word everything exists. Christ, Ram, and just every saint describes about the Word. Now, how to realize this Word then. Because this is the original thing, this Word is the original thing. Now you can just judge it that this was said in Bible about the Word, in Ramayana, in Gita, in Koran, so just imagine about it, that is how original and how ancient this Word is. You can just read the records and you can find it out. How ancient, how old, how, you know, how far-out this Word is which is being brought up by the all the saints. The galaxy of saints to love. But how to realize this Word?
Perfect Master Tape #004 and Reflections on an Indian Sunrise, 1972

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India, December 2, 1971
In the same way, being common to the Word, right from the beginning when the child is born until the end, he is
repeating the Word. The Word, being common to the Word, he acts as if he is uncommon to it. Being common to the
light, he acts as if he is uncommon to it. Being common to the music, he acts as if he is uncommon to it. Being
common to the nectar, he acts as if he is uncommon to it. And this is the nature of the world. Why is the world crazy?
Reflections On An Indian Sunrise

Montrose, Colorado, 25 July 1972
God is only subject to the Knowledge and to realize Him we need to know this Knowledge, we need to know this divine Word. I am not talking about a word that I take out of my pocket and I
am not talking about something which is unique and new, but I am talking about that thing that has been written about in the Bible, that has been written about in the Koran, and that has been
written about in the Gita. In all the scriptures something called the Word has been described. What is that Holy Breath that vibrates in us and makes us alive? What is that Word?
Light Reading, 1980

Embassy Hall, Los Angeles, 17th June 1973
But Perfect Master is always with us. If Perfect Master is God, see, it says, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and the Word was God, and the Word was made flesh." And the flesh was Jesus. And if it was the Word that always had existed, how could Jesus come, and how could Jesus go? He was there with them before, and he is with us now. Why are we waiting for? He, otherwise, he is not Perfect Master, he is not God. He, he cannot do anything to us, or if he does, and if he is perfect, he is with us, now, in our hearts. Because he's the Word. Because it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh." And then the flesh was sent here to us. And if Jesus was the, was the Word, then the Word was God. And God is everywhere at all time. He is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, and with us every moment, every second, of our life. Then how can he come and how can he go? Can anyone explain to me? What we need of him is not the body. We need the Word of him. We need the Knowledge.
Perfect Master Tape 005 and And It Is Divine Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 10

Third World Peace Tour, New York City, Louis Armstrong Stadium, July 28 1973
The whole world wants peace. Everybody wants peace. Now maybe we don't call it peace, maybe we call it peace of mind. Maybe we don't call it peace of mind, we call it
Knowledge. Maybe if we don't call it meet er peace, we call it God. Maybe we don't call it God, we call it the Word. If we don't
call it the Word, maybe we call it the primordial vibration. But it all comes to one point, that we need something. And
that something that everybody is looking for is peace.
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 12, October 1973

Denver, Colorado, 2nd May 1974
Because really, in this world there is something to realize which is more beautiful, which is more fantastic than we think. In this, in this Knowledge you can get to a point where you open up your eyes, and you see nothing except Light. Like, you look, I mean if you even look at bright lights, they don't even exist - all you see is a Light. All you hear is Music, all you can feel is the Word vibrating. All you can, all you can really drink is the Nectar at that time. And it's so beautiful.
Because all what is in our body, that whole energy just comes together completely, just fills us up - and there we are, just so beautiful.
And this is what we all want to achieve, this is all that we want to get. And I'll tell you something - it's not very difficult at all. As a matter of fact, it's one of the most easiest things you can do. It's easier than to drive a car, it's easier than to pick a flower, it's easier to tie a tie, it's easier to wear a glass, it's easier than any of these things. It's the easiest thing.
The Golden Age Number 7, Saturday, June 8, 1974

June 1974
People who just like to read story books and happen to pick up a scripture and start reading it only for that, they won't be confused. But a person who is sincerely seeking
Knowledge of God, of Truth, he will certainly be confused. Because the build-up is correct, it's truthful, but where does it go? Where does it last? There is all this Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge … Word, Word, Word Holy Word, Holy Breath, holy this and holy that … but where is it? It's just not there, not in words
And It Is Divine Magazine, Volume 2, Number 1, June 1974

Montreal, Canada, April 29, 1977
Because at that time - and this is the example; it's very interesting. John met Jesus. Before that he didn't sit down and write anything. He didn't say, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" Now, something happens. And this is the interesting part: What happens? Nobody knows. It's described in very subtle ways. But something happens, and all of a sudden, John changes. Something happens in his life, some experience manifests in his life, where he sits down and writes, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Divine Times, July 1977 Volume 6, Number 6

Holi, Marbella Spain, April 29 1979
In America I was talking to this one priest. I asked him,
"What do you think is the Holy Word?" You know, "In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God
… " I said, "What do you think is the Holy Word?"
Élan Vital, Spring 1980, Volume IV, Issue 1
Once a person knows what the Knowledge meditation actually entails, the reasons for keeping this information secret are obvious.