Prem Rawat's Teaching about The Heart

In Prem Rawat's theology "the Heart" is a combination of all those feelings and thoughts that accept what he says, believe what he says and try to obey him. He assured his followers that if they prayed to him from the heart, he would listen to that prayer and that they should pray, from the heart, and he would save them. According to Rawat, the Heart is the source of all good and is the opposite of the Mind which is akin to the Christian concept of Satan. While Rawat has removed most of the magical and mythical ideas from his public presentations he remains a Manichean in his teaching.

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

Yogiraj Param Sant Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj (father of Prem Rawat), Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India
However, the inherent quality of the Holy Name of the Almighty is to make the heart sacred and pure the moment that it is known and realized. The case of Ratnaker can be cited as an example of the power of the Holy Name. He was a ferocious bandit but as soon as he received Knowledge of the Holy Name he was transformed and became a great saint. People have been made to believe that names like Ram, Krishna, God, Om, Elahi, Jehovah and Akhbar are the real Name of God and that He can be realized by uttering these names. This is also a delusion - a mere deception, for these names only signify His attributes, they are just adjectives. They are not His real Name.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 6 and Hans Yog Prakash

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

Sydney Lower Town Hall, Australia, 6 October 1972
What is the fundamental or basic thing that the whole world exists on? Energy. See, when we take the smallest particle of anything, the so-called atom, and when we divide the atom, energy breaks out. And the definition of energy which scientists describe, you'll find, is that energy is never created and never destroyed. Energy is the thing which is everywhere, supporting everything. We are existing today, let's say we are breathing, that's why we exist. But breathing is not the only thing. If our heart stops, then what will happen? The heart is not the only thing. There is still something and then there is still something, then there is still something. We think that the heart, the breathing system, and the eating system make us alive. But if you dissect a dead body, you will find all these things there. So what is this thing that makes us alive? What is it? Doctors have been trying to search for this thing for years and years and years. They have never been able to find it. The day they will find this thing, they will be able to make a dead man alive. But they are still searching.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 8, May 1973

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

The Sayings of Guru Maharaj Ji
I have a plan for world peace, you see. And if we all work to it, I'm sure we can get It. I can see how its going to work out. It wasn't very hard reaching the hearts of six million people, right? So it's not going to be hard for six million people to reach the hearts or one person each -- and that makes it 12 million.
The Sayings of Guru Maharaj Ji, published 1974

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

October 10, 1979
To pray to Guru Maharaj Ji from the heart - sometimes even we get down to pray and you know where we get stuck in our prayers? "Hey, is Guru Maharaj Ji going to listen to us? Is Guru Maharaj Ji really going to listen to this prayer?" And really the only answer to that is, "Are you praying?" If you are praying then Guru Maharaj Ji is going to listen to that prayer.
Affinity 1980 Number 2

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

Lima Peru, 7th February 1981
I'm the one who has to open up and just admire, just admire whatever is happening around me and admire why Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world. Just admire that glory and follow it. Cause if I can just see that, if I can just even look at that it will bring me so so so so so much inspiration. Let us see every day and in every, every place that glory of Guru Maharaj Ji just unfold and unfold and unfold and unfold to every human's heart that touches this flower. Because the heart just blooms out, the heart just reaches out because it is, it is such a fantastic thing. Here we are, we're involves in something that I know some day all we'll be able to do is read books about it.
Lima Peru, 7th February 1981 audio tape

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

Festival Of Knowledge, Brussels 9th December 1989
And all of these people create, create their own fanciful situations and try to fill them. "Oh yeah. Okay. I've got. My kundalini, you know, lights up." I mean I could never understand this kundalini business. I'm almost 32 years old, I haven't got this one licked at all and you know I understand why because I fig uh I you know a moment flashes in my head, what is this thing? I know I have a spine at any time anything starts going up and down the spine I want a massage. If it really gets severe, go see a doctor because ideas, whole bunch of ideas. I was talking to a guy once and he was really into yoga and he said "Yoga is the answer" and I said "How about a guy who has no arms and no legs what he gonna do? You mean he's had it. He can't enjoy life." Didn't think of it I guess all the people who came to him had arms and legs. I mean you know when somebody has his place call says yoga instrucsh instructions available why would a person without arm and legs wasting his time going there? He ain't going to be able to do any yoga. So what is it? Oh, eat right, eat healthy, exercise every day. That's good for your blood pressure but it doesn't touch the heart.
Festival Of Knowledge Audio Tape transcript

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

Hans Jayanti festival, November 9 1990
Whenever Masters came, they did not establish any religion. These so many religions were created after they left this world. For instance, Buddhism came into existence after Buddha. So just think of it, how many religions have been created in the name of those Masters! When those Masters left this world, people said, "Oh, all this must continue." So they hatched up these big religions. Has any Master ever advocated that you devastate the creation of God? Has there been any Master who might have said, "You don't respect anything created by God." Was there any such Master? Actually people have forgotten the teachings of those Masters but have given priority to their beliefs. Because whenever great Masters have come in this world, they have always spoken about the heart. And that is what makes all the difference.
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 2 April-June 1991

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, Hans Jayanti celebrations, November 9 1990
Just see, today this word 'guru' has become a ridiculous term, a sort of a joke and people do not know what is a 'guru'. When I fly a plane in India, I often listen to the radio in the cockpit. There are talks going on between various pilots in the vicinity. Somebody would address: "Well guru, how are you?" Because they do not know the true meaning and implications. They don't understand the glory of a guru and Master. Because they have forgotten altogether. They have made such pseudo-guru who have put the whole system to disrepute. … Such so-called gurus have marred the reputation of this institution. It has been ruined. Actually the guru is such a personality about whom it is said: I bow down to the lotus feet of my Guru Maharaj Ji who is the ocean of mercy and is actually Hari (God) himself in human form. And whose words are like sunbeams to disperse the accumulated darkness of gross ignorance. So Tulsidas says that he bows down to such a Guru Maharaj Ji, the Master, who is really Hari (Supreme Power) in the form of man. So the main thing to understand here is that he bows down to the feet of that guru whose utterances, whose expressions are able to illuminate. And what is that which is illuminated by his words? It is the heart which is illuminated. His words are able to sever and dispel the spidery web of illusion, infatuation and ignorance.
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 2 April-June 1991

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, Vaishakhi Celebrations (Evening Session), 13th April, 1991.
After giving up all the arrogance, pray to him. And pray with your heart. Because the modern students do not want to learn. Rather they want to teach. Why? Because they like to argue and wrangle. Nobody wants to learn. But leaving aside all this, pray to the Master. Pray with your heart, not by your mouth. Pray with the heart: "Oh Maharaji, I don't know, please teach me. Please tell me. Give me proper guidance and power of discrimination and protect me. I don't know what to do. Please give me the capability to understand your warnings. If my attention is diverted somewhere else, O my Lord, please call me back to you. Never abandon me. If I am swept away in the current and forget to call you for rescue, please don't forget me. Just come and save me. Because as I have the tendency to forget, I may forget you. I do not know what is good for me. But you know best."
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 4 October-December, 1991

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

Long Beach California, Morning Session December 7 1996
Welcome to the World of Knowledge. Welcome to the World of Knowledge, not doubt, not some stupid explanation but to the world of Knowledge in which every human being is invited to experience for themselves. Come and see for yourself. Experience for yourself. Be fulfilled for yourself. Be in that joy for yourself. And when the heart is fulfilled, there is something that happens. When the mind is filled with you know what, it complains about everything. When the heart gets full, it praises. It sings the glory.
Event News, Long Beach, December 1996

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Long Beach California, December 1996
Master, to me, is that manifestation of the yearning of the heart. If there was no yearning of the heart, believe me, there would be no Master.

The fact that something within seeks, something within has created the need and the necessity of the Master. So the student is there and the Master is there and it is that the Master begins to show, to introduce that process.

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

The Storyteller video 1997
To me it always fascinates me how that connection between a Master and a student clicks. It always amazes me because here are two individuals who are so very different and yet they share something not on the surface but they share something very deep within and when they step into that realm of the heart, miracles happen.
The Storyteller video 1997

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

October 2006
Without peace, whatever structures are built, they crumble. The fighting decimates. These conflicts are a disease. And like any disease, they affect anyone involved with them. The solution does not come from words, ideas, debates. The solution comes from within the heart of each human being. This is our humanity. There is a cry from within every single person that has been there since time immemorial, wanting to reach out and say, "Let there be peace." Personal peace. Individual peace. The peace that is for everyone.
The Voice of Maharaji website and Inspire Volume 3, Issue 111, downloaded 29 April 2009

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

20 September 2007
So is peace something innate that resides in the heart of every single human being? Or is it a state that can be manipulated and brought about? When I talk about peace, I mean the desire for peace that has resided within human beings from time immemorial. And it continues. A voice for peace surfaces again and again, however many times it has been ignored by governments and world leaders. Even in the face of that, the voice for peace continues to call. This is what we have to acknowledge, to listen to. This voice does not belong to a group of people or a country. This is within every human being trying to find that peace in their own way. That's how powerful it is.
Inspire Volume 4, Issue 138, downloaded 29 April 2009

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

Thank You 2007 CD, Track 1
The words that touch your heart makes your heart feel good. You wanna listen again and again and again and again and the heart never gets tired of it. Never. Cause it can dance to that beautiful rhythm, the rhythm of light, the rhythm of clarity, the rhythm of joy, the rhythm of hope
Thank You 2007 CD, Track 7
Those who have understood that relationship with the real, who understand in their lives what clarity means, what serenity is, that truth is not an abstract thing lying folded between printed letters on some book but truth actually exists in the heart of every single human being. To know, to know, not to believe, to know, to be certain, to be certain.
Thank You 2007 CD, Track 19
Sow the seed of love and you will be rewarded with that most incredible feeling of love dancing in your heart. Sow the seed of understanding and you will be rewarded with understanding. Sow the seed of clarity and you will be rewarded with clarity.
Thank You 2007 CD

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

Belfast Ireland, May 16 2008
I'm not here to say you should follow this religion or not follow this religion. Do whatever you have to do. Do whatever you have to do but all those things that you do, do this too. Feel the fulfilment. Of all the things you do, also do this one. Accept the blessing that has been given to you, so, so abundantly. This breath, accept it and the day you do, that will be the most incredible worship, you will ever have done. Your heart will be filled with gratitude instantly. And when your heart is filled with gratitude, let me tell you, there is no greater heaven on the face of this earth. Time stops, worries are gone, the heart is filled with gratitude. You know the fulfilment of mind because you've tried it many times, you work hard at it, trying to get gratitude out of your head
Inspire Electronic Magazine, Volume 5, Issues 139 - 164

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

Inspire Electronic Newsletter, 26 January 2009
Let me tell you about a possibility as one human being to another. I propose that what you want in your life does not need a name. You can call it peace, you can call it happiness, you can call it liberation, you can call it joy – not a problem. Why? Because these are just different names for the same thing. When the heart is content, there will be joy. When the heart is content, there will be peace.
Inspire v6 i164

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

Brighton England, June 17 2011
On this journey of life, make sure the heart is fulfilled, experience peace. When you can experience peace, that's when peace will come into your world. People say: "In this world, there needs to be peace." I say: "No, in your world there needs to be peace, because if there isn't peace in your world, there isn't going to be peace in this world." Words Of Peace Global website, downloaded 22 September 2012

Maharaji's Teachings About The Heart

Bangalore India, February 11 2012
When it comes to matters of the heart, how can you compromise? The heart will not accept it. The heart wants the reality. The heart wants experience. Not somebody sitting there and telling you that you've had food – you've eaten, and it's done. What is done? So, I say that you're thirsty. You are thirsty to experience that supreme bliss. Downloaded April 1 2012 from Words Of Peace Global website