The Next Perfect Master after Prem Rawat (Maharaji)
Prem Rawat's father was part of what is known as the "Sant Mat" tradition. This is a loosely related northern Indian religious revival that began in medieval times in opposition to the strict
Brahman Vedic religious system characterised by caste and ritual. It was also heavily influenced by Islam and it's most prestigious and seminal voice, the weaver-poet Kabir is considered by both religions to be one of them. For a reasonable and
accurate description see the Wikipedia Sant Mat page.
In its modern forms Sant Mat religions rely most centrally on the doctrine of bhakti (devotion) to a living human master, the Satguru or Perfect Master, who is considered divine. Both Prem Rawat and his father,
Satgurudev Param Sant Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, have taken this doctrine to it's extreme though the living Rawat no longer publicly proclaims it as he did earlier in his career. This position of a divine guru is obviously
a desirable one and modern Sant Mat religions have nearly always have considerable dissension and controversy on the succession of the Satguru after the death of the living incumbent.
(see "Radhasoami Reality" by Professor Mark Jurgensmeyer)
This happened when Rawat's father declared himself the Satguru on the death of his master, Swarupanand, and occurred in Rawat's career when his mother and elder brothers and the Indian Divine Light Mission organisation
decided he was no longer fit to be Satguru and deposed him in favour of his eldest brother.
Prem Rawat has modified his doctrines over the decades and no longer has any "students" considered spiritually advanced enough to be mahatmas ("great souls"), initiators or even instructors.
There have been some ex-followers of Rawat's who have proclaimed themselves teachers and even Satgurus but these are considered wildly heretical if not mad by Rawat's followers and vice-versa. Since the late 1990's the only follower of his who appears to be "special"
is his daughter Dayalata who is the main singer at his functions and she would appear to be the next Perfect Master in waiting. She practises regularly to ensure
her fitness for this role and often spends time with her father's most senior devotee, the former Mahatma Gurucharanand. Ladbrokes are not offering odds on the succession.
The incredible struggle of Prem Rawat to overcome his inferiority complex by stuffing himself with food and booze and drugs
is obvious in his bloated appearance and enormous jowls. His eyes are nearly covered with fatty pouches (and this was 2010).

With his health in tatters and an early death looming there is one great hope to bring an avalanche of World Peace!
His Death And The Incarnation Of The First Perfect Mistress!

Click Here to See them Sing in the new Millenium:

Daya Rawat practises regularly so she can be fit to take over her father's onerous duties when he dies and she is always ready to learn at the feet of the Mahatma where you can really let it go.