Guru Maharaj Ji Morphed Into Prem Rawat

Despite appearances to the contrary, nothing much changed when Prem relinquished his Perfect Masterhood and his Guruship. He still went on stage to make speeches to his loyal band of followers.

The stages were not so high in the clouds …

Prem Rawat on Stage

nor so grandiose as a diamond-skinned UFO

Prem Rawat on Stage

They were more like Prem himself - mundane.

Prem Rawat on Stage

Like his early-alter-ego Guru Maharaj Ji, Prem Rawat sits on stage alone but in less flamboyant chairs dressed more conservatively.

Prem Rawat on Stage

Then, as Now, He is the Sole Source of Authority

Prem Rawat on Stage

He Displayed a Talent for Interior Decoration and Designed This Very Chair and Stage Setup

Prem Rawat Designed Throne

But there'll be no more photos like this after 1983

Prem Rawat on Stage

It Turned Out That Prem Rawat Really Didn't Really Want Devotion from His Followers After All - He Wanted Respect from Everybody Else
And He Was Prepared to Pay For It