A Pictorial History of Prem Rawat: Holi Festivals
Holi '83 - The Festival of Light

A combination of some of Prem Rawat's favourite things. His giant water pistol spraying great spurts of coloured water, oodles of technology, very loud music, bright lights and an adoring croud.

Holi 83 Lightshow Holi
Holi 83 Lightshow Holi
Holi 83 Lightshow Holi
Holi 83 Lightshow Holi
Holi 83 Lightshow Holi
Holi 83 Lightshow Holi
Holi 83 Lightshow Holi
Holi 83 Lightshow Holi
Holi 83 Lightshow Holi
Holi 83 Lightshow Holi
Holi 83 Lightshow Holi
Holi 83 Lightshow Holi

One thing for sure there might be more Holi festivals but there'd be no more public foot-kissing darshan lines for the next 40 years, except in India.