Prem Rawat's Teachings about Singing His Praises - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat, or Maharaji (meaning Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself, often quoted a saying attributed to Kabir in which Kabir bemoaned the fact that the Satguru's Glory, ie Prem's own glory, was so great that it couldn't be sung, praised or written down. He quoted the Ramayana saying even Ram could not sing the praises of his Holy Word. His wife said she couldn't sing his praises, the praises of Guru Maharaj Ji and his father said all the scriptures sing the praises of devotion to the Perfect Master. His devotees living in his ashrams rejoiced every morning and evening singing "Arti" a prayer that twice includes the line: Heavenly hosts sing Your praises, "Scriptures sing Your glory, Heavenly hosts sing Your praises, Your virtues are ever true, Jai Dev, Jai Satgurudev"

Mahatma Gurupujanand usually known as Ira Woods 1978
I just don't even know what it means to worship Guru Maharaj Ji. I guess it's just where our whole being is just merging into him, our whole being is just serving him, loving him, because he is our life. It's not even a matter of singing the praise of Guru Maharaj Ji, because who can even sing the praise of Guru Maharaj Ji? We're just seeing that he's so much more infinite -- so much more than what we can ever comprehend. And whatever we say about him almost brings down the experience of Guru Maharaj Ji.
Because what can we do? We can build a stage, but how can you build a stage for the Lord? He's almighty, and he's so perfect and so beautiful. And what he's done for us -- you know, no stage in this world could ever adorn him, or glorify him, in any way. Even if we built a stage the size of this entire world, it wouldn't be enough for our Guru Maharaj Ji.
Divine Times, June/July 1978 Volume 7, Number 4

Durga Ji (Marolyn Rawat nee Johnson), Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 10 1978
Over and over we all come up here and say, how can we sing the praises of Guru Maharaj Ji? And yet … we must. We must. Just like
this breath that comes into us, we must let it go back, we must give it back. …
Yet Guru Maharaj Ji's mercy, Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, is so above, so high above. You can talk about mind but then you just have to let it go and sing the praises of Guru Maharaj Ji.
The Golden Age, February 1979, Number 51

Hans Rawat (father of Prem Rawat)
No one can reach God without devotion to Satguru. He alone can give Knowledge of the Supreme.
Only by devotion to Satguru can you receive Knowledge of the Supreme. All scriptures sing the praises of devotion to the Perfect Master.
Hans Yog Prakash

Alta Loma Terrace, Hollywood, California, August 15, 1971
Whenever a Satguru has come, He has asked for devotion. … I haven't got any words -- how can I describe Him? How can I describe His praise when great intellect can't describe? I am not qualified. I am uneducated. How can I describe His Grace, His glory? Tulsidas was not able. Many and many people were not able to describe just His glory. Just glory. So much glorious! So much, so much, so much glorious! … So if you also love Him, He will save you. He is the Savior of whole world. He has to save. He will save us. So remember, we can't describe it; we have got very small intellect. We just sing some glorious songs about Him, and some words, some words, few words, and we think that is the glory that we have sung. Not at all. That is not it. We can't sing His glory at all. The writers, when they just thought about Him, they left their pencils, paper, and just -- they were amazed to see His glory in this world. So much glorious! … How many people want Knowledge? (many raise hands) Yes, okay. So you have understood the glory of Guru?
Élan Vital, Spring 1978, Volume II, Issue 1

Hunter College, New York City, October 8, 1971
Then in the Bible, John says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And Mohammed says, "Pak Nam," Holy Word. So every scripture has described about a Word. There Krishna also says, "Avekto akshar" - a Word that cannot be spoken. Not "words" - a Word. A Word that cannot be spoken by mouth. Ramayana also says about the Word, that "till where I should say the praise and the glory of that Holy Word? Even Lord Rama Himself cannot sing the praise and glory of this Holy Word." So that Holy Word - we have to realize it. And that is the point, that is the Word which is Truth, which is real Truth. What you are seeing now - do you think it is real?
Élan Vital, Volume I Issue 2 Winter 1977

Guru Puja Festival Caracas Venezuela, July 23 1975
If you look in any scriptures, they really don't go in very much detail about this Knowledge. Ramayana is this
thick a scripture, and even at one point it just comes and stops and says -- this is the line, it says -- cannot, I can never
sing the glory, sing the praise of this Holy Word. Or to what extent should I sing it? Lord Ram himself cannot sing it." And it just goes on a little bit, and
then that's it. And in Bible, it's the Word, it's the Knowledge, and that's about it. In Gita, there is just a little bit of
explanation, and that's about it. And the reason for that is that you can never verbally really describe how beautiful, how
perfect, this Knowledge is.
Élan Vital, Volume II, Issue 2, Summer 1978

Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 1, 1977
This band, of course, a lot of people would consider it, "Wow, they've got nice groups," or so on and so forth. But there is only one purpose of this band. And that is, not to rock out. The purpose of this band is, not to just do a concert in a way where, there they are, you know, just, doing it to it. But the one purpose is, is to harmonize, and sing the praises of Guru Maharaj Ji. To sing the praises of what this whole path is. And it's a completely different story. But the world still doesn't understand it. And, maybe the world will never understand it. But at least, we understand it. And if that is where it has to rest, that's beautiful. Wherever it is. And by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, hopefully more and more, more and more people will receive Knowledge.
The Golden Age, Number 39

Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 11 1978, afternoon
People don't know what the true pleasure of Guru Maharaj Ji is. People don't know in this world that what Guru Maharaj Ji gives us is, in fact, the true pleasure. What they think is the true
pleasure is not the true pleasure. They have been born in this world. They live in this world. They're going to probably die in this world.
And, "O, Guru Maharaj Ji. All I can do is just pray. Sing his glory." I mean, what else can a human being do except to sing the glories of their Guru Maharaj Ji? "O, Guru Maharaj Ji, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I mean, even "thank you" isn't the word. Thank him for what? He's given you everything.
"You are everything. In you I dwell. In you I live. In you I have found myself. And you are everything to me: my world, my life, my friend, my everything.
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 2, Summer 1979

North American Convention, Miami, Florida, July 5 1986
I know there are people who talk about how bad things are. Sometimes I wonder whose side they're on. The more they talk about the chaos, the worse it seems. And yet, that's not the case. I know we sometimes do things that are very naughty or slightly strange. But I also know in my heart, that the power I speak of has compassion for us. I have absolutely no doubt the power could end it all any time it wanted to. And yet, here we are, having an opportunity to be able to witness and understand the beauty in all of us. That power is not going to change our goods and bads. It's not going to change our book. But it will give us something better to look at than our goods and bads. it'll give us something like ourselves to look at. That's where that power has put the trust. The power, the beauty, has put the trust in you. So you can glorify it. So you can love it. So you can sing the praises in your own little way.
In View - Spring 1987

Festival Of Knowledge, Brussels 10th December 1989
You can say things, you can express things and you can sing the glory of your Creator like it has never been sung before in this format you can feel contentment like it has never been felt before. In this format you can rise above the rest and witness with these very eyes the incredible wonders that that Creator has created for you. With these ears you can hear the softest, the subtlest, the most beautiful sounds that not only reside within you but around you and with this tongue you can taste the sweetness, with this nose you can smell the most delicate of the aromas and with this consciousness you can appreciate the most wonderful of things. Without it, you have nothing.
Festival Of Knowledge Audio Tape transcript

Long Beach California, Morning Session December 7 1996
Welcome to the World of Knowledge. Welcome to the World of Knowledge, not doubt, not some stupid explanation but to the world of Knowledge in which every human being is invited to experience for themselves. Come and see for yourself. Experience for yourself. Be fulfilled for yourself. Be in that joy for yourself. And when the heart is fulfilled, there is something that happens. When the mind is filled with you know what, it complains about everything. When the heart gets full, it praises. It sings the glory.
Event News, Long Beach, December 1996
In the late 1970's and early 1980's Indian-Hindu cultural trappings became more important in Divine Light Mission and it's music. The main impetus of the organisation was encouraging devotion and worship of Prem Rawat as a divine omnipotent guru and Indian bhajans became the dominant musical form at meetings. The Holy Jesters, Mahatmas Gurucharanand and Padarthanand and Initiator Arthur Brigham who had been Mahatma Mahatma Param Premanand, sang at festivals and released an audio tape in 1982. They mainly did translations of Indian bhajans such as "Glory Of My Master" and this inspired One Foundation to write and perform songs highly influenced by these bhajans. Bhajan songbooks (Click here and click here and click here for examples of songbooks of bhajans) were printed and used at nightly satsang meetings. Song titles such "The Glory Of My Master Is Endless," "Boundless Is Your Love And Glory," "Glory To Maharaj Ji," "Glory to the Lotus Feet of Guru Maharaj Ji" are evidence of Prem Rawat's glorious megalomania.
Holy Jesters
Listen, Listen
I Have Seen Such A Great Wonder
Court Of Love
Please Fill Me With Your Devotion
Glory Of My Master
In Your Hands Lies A Jewel
My Master Blessed Me (With Such An Eye)
Life Is Passing
I Am In Love With You My Lord
Don't Let Me Loose Hold
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