Prem Rawat (Maharaji)Teaching about His Students' Appearance - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat or Maharaji "the Ultimate Ruler" as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's has no compunction stating he is a unique person with power possessed by nobody else alive. As well as the possibility of peace, bliss, infinite understanding and being with the Beloved he claims he gives his premies or students the gift of shining from within. To see how you might shine after 40 years' meditation you can click here to see a random selection of faces of students of Prem Rawat taken from Facebook in July, 2009. Most of these people have been meditating using Rawat's "Knowledge" for over 30 years and some for nearly 40 years. A few are closely associated with Rawat in management of his cult.

Shri Hans Ji Maharaj (Prem Rawat's father and guru and previous Perfect Master) in Delhi, India, 18th November, 1963
The Real Name of God is also ever-existent and self-dependent in all living beings. It is the only life generator. The difference between a living body and a dead body is the presence and absence respectively of the Holy
Name. The Holy Name cannot be written in any alphabet nor can it be uttered. It is the eternal and secret sound of a vibration which has to be known, and just as fire has the inherent capacity to burn, so the Holy Name
has the inherent capacity to purify the mind. Hence it changes a man's nature, making him pure and shining with bliss.
The Golden Age May 1978 Number 45

Guru Maharaj Ji, October 1971
Q: What about our external appearance, Guru Maharaj Ji?
Maharaj Ji: I want Divine Light Mission to be like a laser beam, a most shining thing, a most bright thing. And it is not a pretty hard thing to do. You should at least keep your body under control. If you look
smart, you work smart. If you don't look smart, you don't work smart. Anyhow you must create the best impression you can. … Your intellect, your knowledge is lying within you, your love and your devotion is lying within
you and any person who wants to seek it out, dig it up, will have to cross your body first. And the rays are the impressions of our ??? So dress are the first external things which someone sees before he goes in. See?
And if you are smart, then if you are shining then automatically I will shine. If you aren't shining, I won't shine.
Divine Light News, Volume 1, Number 3, September 30th, 1973

John Wood of the Boston Globe Interview in 1973
Reporter: You were saying before, that you expect to see peace on earth in your lifetime.
Maharaj Ji: You will be able to see peace in this world on people's faces. This is one thing a London newspaper wrote, that if you see a well-dressed man who has got a glow on his face, if he's really shining, it means
he's from Divine Light Mission. They have realized peace, and peace can't hide itself. It just comes out. And when everybody is going to realize it, it's going to be -
Reporter: Will everybody realize this then?
Maharaj Ji: It's not a hard job. For sure to the people who see this world and see us, it might seem a hard job because they only see five or six people around me. But that's not it. There's six million people reaching at
least. It's not hard for one man to reach two people a day - you understand? And six million people are reaching two people a day - how much does that count to? That's it. That's how we are growing so fast.
Light Reading, published June 1980

Mendoza, Argentina on 11 January, 1976.
There's no outward sign, though it will project. There was an article written in Denver on premies, and it said, "If you see a young man walking down the street with short hair, wearing a suit, and with light coming out
of his face, if he is beaming with light, he is a member of Divine Light Mission." I mean, a suit's a suit. There are about a thousand Denver businessmen who wear a suit, and have short hair and wear ties. You know? But
Knowledge is not an outward thing. When an initiator gives you Knowledge, he doesn't stamp on your head, "You have now received Knowledge." But then automatically, when you really practise, when you really, really
practise Knowledge, it just starts beaming. When you are at a big festival, you can pick out premies from non-premies so easily. It's just so beautiful, so incredible. It is not supposed to be an outward thing,
but then it automatically does become an outward thing. Because it just starts flowing through you, and you become light all over. If we light up this hall, we are doing it so the hall will be lit. But if we open up
the curtains, then automatically the light will go out too. It's the same way: when we are filled with light inside, somehow it just leaks out. The same thing is true with surrendering, which is a very inward thing. It
takes place inside, but then, if we have really surrendered, it leaks out. You can really, really, pick out a person who has surrendered.
The Golden Age Number 29, May 1976

Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, 18th September, 1977
And so, premies, this is just a part of it. And it's even way beyond the sole experience of Knowledge. Not just its side
benefits or its side effects that we have, that just when we meet another
person … you know, I remember a long time ago there was an article in Denver. And it said, "If you meet a nice,
well-dressed young man on the street, and he happens to be smiling, he's a premie of Guru Maharaj Ji, he's a member of
Divine Light Mission." Because it was like that kind of an association, you know. Well, all the premies at that time were
just getting all their hairs cut, well-dressed suits, and whatever was in vogue at that time. But that was the thing:
"Whoever's doing that, and has a nice, big fat smile …" I mean, that's one of the manifestations of Knowledge.
Divine Times - September/October 1977 Volume 7, Number 6

Hans Jayanti, Rome, Italy, 9th November, 1977
It's like, in Denver a news article once said, "If you see a person, a young guy, with short hair, walking around in a nice suit, has a briefcase in his hand, and a really nice beautiful smile, he is a devotee of Guru
Maharaj Ji." You know? But the thing is, anybody can smile. Anybody can smile. Smiling - I mean, if you get your lips cut, you'll always be smiling. But it's not that smile. This smile that we smile comes from
somewhere within us, somewhere truly within us, somewhere where it really makes that difference, so that we can smile unconsciously. We can smile, truly. We can smile, without having to smile. You know, other people
really have to smile, to smile. But we can smile without having to smile. Because that experience has been opened up within inside of us. And today I know that this prachar is just going to go on. This propagation is just
going to go on. And so many more brothers and sisters in this world are going to receive Knowledge. And why? It's a very simple deduction to me. I mean, what I am talking about, this is what satsang is all about. This is my
experience that I'm talking about, is that this is the only answer. This is the way to focus into that one beautiful harmony that's really within inside of us. This is the way to come home to Guru Maharaj Ji, to that
world of Guru Maharaj Ji.
The Golden Age Number 42

September, 2007
You have an amazing possibility, and that is to reflect the color of the infinite that is within you. Forget green, blue, and yellow. If you are going to reflect a color, reflect the infinite. This color has shades of
peace and hues of contentment. Not questions, but answers. Not ideas, but realities. When you begin to be filled with the color of what is within you, you shine. As long as you're alive, the light is shining. You
need to shine, too. It can happen.
Voice of Maharaji website
While any faces can shine while sweating in the light there are other qualities that can "shine" through a face. Both Prem Rawat or his brother, Satpal Maharaj, claim to be the only empowered revealer of this amazing, incredible and infinite "Knowledge". However their appearance and opulent lifestyles suggest that they are gross, obese and materialistic despite being revealed this "Knowledge" by their father in January 1964 and supposedly meditating regularly for nearly 50 years. Click here to compare them with some Buddhist meditators.

However only two or three people who might read this page fall into that category. To see what you might look like after 40 years meditation you can click here to see
a random selection of faces of students of Prem Rawat taken from Facebook in July, 2009. Most of these people have been meditating using Rawat's "Knowledge" for over 30 years and
some for nearly 40 years.