Prem Rawat's Teaching about Bliss - In His Own Words

'Bliss' is defined as perfect and heavenly joy and it's obviously not an ordinary state of being. The promise of bliss is the mainspring of Prem Rawat's recruitment and he makes extreme claims about the possibility of bliss available to his devotees. He has said it is divine bliss, that he experienced it always, he said he was always in divine bliss. He said it was constant, not the marijuana of sadhus but the marijuana of Shiva, the marijuana of Knowledge that provides divine bliss, built in LSD, 24 hours a day and that it's very, very easy to be there, constantly blissed out! An infinite bliss! A bliss beyond your wildest imagination! A river of bliss from the incredible ocean of Knowledge. In a split of a second, you can be merged with infinite, indescribable bliss similar to what the characters in Gilligan's Island feel on hearing an aeroplane fly over nearby. Similar to how you feel on receiving an Aston Martin on your 19th birthday and racing down the highway fantasising you're James Bond. He can show people this path to bliss. He has no problems with this, he has no doubt about this, he can show people, he can bring bliss and joy into peoples' lives. Rawat's followers even have their own slang phrase "blissed out" which they used to define what they believe is their special, unique Knowledge-based happiness and excitement. Of course, if there were thousands of people going around in a state of constant bliss the rest of us would soon sit up and take notice.

Unfortunately by 2012 the bliss seems to have worn thin and Prem Rawat now says, "I would be a hypocrite to sit here and say to you 'Oh yes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, I am in complete bliss.' I'm not going to tell you that, because that's not true. Things happen. I am not going to be a hypocrite and tell you that it is all the time"

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

"Peace Bomb" speech, 8 November, 1970 in front of 1 million people at India Gate, Delhi
I declare that I will establish peace in this world. Just give me the reins and let me rule and I will rule in such a way that even Rama, Hariscandra, Krishna and other kings could not have ruled like that! That day is fast approaching. So arise, awake, open the ears of each man and tell him the time has come! Do not tell him that there was a festival. No! Make them understand He has come to reveal the Knowledge, that He has come to show us the True Path, and if you truly give me the reins of your life, I swear by Guru Maharaj Ji, I take an oath on Guru Maharaj Ji, and I swear by my mother who has give me birth, that I will give you peace. If with a true heart you give me the reins of your life, place them in my hands, you will be saved. So, dear premies, if you want to merge yourself into that bliss like Mira did, you can. Do not think that time has passed. Now the time has come when people will see that a greater devotee than Mira has manifested. I do not want any praise for this. I do not gain any pride by doing this, I do not want to have a name for it.
The Golden Age November 1978 Number 49

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Central Hall, Westminster, London, England, November 2, 1971
Then there is a very jumbo function in Delhi. 1,500,000 people will attend. 15 laks of people are expected. Then there is again a function in Bihar, Patna, where we expect the same amount and more. We have booked three grounds and if you want, you can make an airport there they are such big grounds, and people are going to stay on these grounds. They are going to experience this divine bliss. So, if you are interested in this knowledge please come tomorrow from 9 a.m. or 10 a.m. onwards. Then come and you can realize this Knowledge.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise, 1972

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Question and Answer Session, Portland, Oregon, June 29, 1972
When you become Lord of the universe, you become a puppet, really! Nothing else; not "you." Not "I," not "you," no egos, no pride, nothing else. One with humbleness; servant. Very, very beautiful Always in divine bliss. Creating your own environment -- wherever you go, doesn't matter. Like my friends used to play and I used to sit right in the corner of my ground and meditate (laughter)
Even 10,000 times more far out experience you get when you are divinely blissed with the Knowledge. Then Knowledge just takes you, and takes you into an environment never thought of; never thought of, beautiful. When one can really get into the Music, get into the Word, get into the Light, it's so beautiful; so blissful. Just grand, you know! When someone has mastered it, really very far out! So that's what I tell premies: "Meditate, and get somewhere." Yes? Élan Vital, Volume II, Issue 2, Summer 1978

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Guru Puja, Montrose, Colorado, July 27 1972
Many people, many youngsters say okay that when Lord Shiva came, He came with a bag of, of marijuana. And this is not it. He came with a bag of marijuana, but not marijuana was not that you smoke or eat. That marijuana was the marijuana of this Knowledge. When people got it, they really got blissed out. If they just went into it, they really got blissed out. That's what He had, He had not these marijuanas and so on and these - this is not the Word, this is not all the things you are too! Man takes LSD, till he has-he has got his effect of LSD, he is okay, LSD finishes, he is not okay, because he is not in the bliss thing. So what actually he is doing, he is flying over rough, rough weather. He goes up; he goes down. He goes up; he goes down. It's not going to help him. What I have is a constant LSD. It's not LSD, it's a built-in LSD which God provided you with when you were born.You get into it and you're always blissed out. No need to come out from it.
Perfect Master Tape #003 and and It Is Divine, Volume I Issue 8

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Millenium '73, Houston, Texas, November 9, 1973
This Knowledge, it's beautiful, it's fantastic, and you know something? You'd better receive it, you'd better get hold of it, and as soon as possible. And I'm telling that to you for your own good. It's going to help you, it's going to make you rich. Want to become rich? Rich in anything? It's going to make you rich. It's going to make you fantastic, it's going to make you blissful. If you want to know this Knowledge, if you want to recognize it, you are most welcome, ladies and gentlemen, you are most, most, most, most, most welcome. You can recognize this Knowledge, you can realize this perfection and peace in this very lifetime. You can. And if you realize it once and you get into it, I don't even want to say what's going to happen to you next because you'd better figure it out for yourself. It's just fantastic, it's just so blissful
And It Is Divine magazine, June 1974, Volume 2, Issue 1,

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Chicago, 18th February 1974
That is why we must go to a person who has and who is the source of this infinite bliss of the, the infinite Knowledge, of this perfection we go to him, ask him and he reveals us that truth then that is the perfect bliss that we are searching for, that we are looking for and this is why it's like there are so many people going around in this world. … You see and that is, that is the main reason that why this world is not reaching a point of satisfaction and that is why always a Perfect Master comes from time to time to time to time to time to time. Comes into this earth and reveals people, shows people that perpetual, that perfect movement which is inside of us, that beautiful, beautiful vibration and he shows us, he reveals us that and when he reveals the bliss that he has experienced with that is completely, completely unbelievable because it's perfect. It's like a man has never experienced perfectness before and instantly, in a split of a second, the next thing he knows that he is merged with infinite and the bliss of there is I can't even describe it to you because it's completely fantasticIt's like you have seen that uh series Gilligan's Island (laughter) and when they see a aeroplane nearby (the guru can hardly stop from laughing) how, how, it means how blissful they feel about it and this just again from one kind of misery, from a kind of misery you are going to the b kind of misery but it's still the same you know it's like it's still, still the same, it's completely still the same and so how blissful it is going to be for actually a human being merges into a complete infinite and the complete bliss because you see when there is a drop of water in the dropper it can be identified as a drop when it is put into a glass it is no more a drop it is the whole glass of water and when there is water in the glass it can be identified as a glass of water, glass in the water or in measurements but once it's poured into the ocean then that identity, that little drop of a glass of water is no more a glass of water, it's the whole ocean because that identity is now merged with the whole ocean.
Perfect Master Tape 019

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Denver, 29th April 1974
if he has really come with a sincere heart to realize something, to get something, to gain something, to understand what we are doing he's certainly gonna understand what does the bliss-out mean because once people receive this Knowledge they know the real answer to this life because people today think maybe going to a pub, get drunk, that's getting blissed out or do this or sit in a sunset, a beautiful sunrise getting blissed out. That's none of them blissed out, nothing of it but realizing this Knowledge because it is bliss that's why we say "Jai Sat Chit Anand" truth, consciousness and bliss and that Knowledge which is bliss when we realize it then and then only can we get blissed out otherwise there is just no way and so premies like I was telling you yesterday it's completely, completely up to you how much of you want to realize it and how much you want to enjoy it but I'll tell you one thing I have got two eyes and you have got two eyes, you got a nose, I got a nose and I'm pretty blissed out with this Knowledge. I mean I really feel it 24 hours and I can really feel it working on me and making me alive and I can really, really feel the Grace. Like one day I was talking to this premie in Los Angeles and I was telling him that I do not know that how many premies really feel that it is the Grace of Knowledge that is make, making them alive right at this moment. How many premies there are, I do not know. I think very, very few because really it's the Knowledge that is making us survive right now, that is making us alive right now and premies who have really realized it, understood it and understood the Grace of it they can really see without Knowledge we are down, down, down. There is nothing there because it's a completely different thing how beautiful it can be, how blissful it can be and really all I want to tell you, that's how I start all the time in satsang, that's the first thing I want to tell you, I got nothing more to say but I guess I just ended up giving satsang maybe 15 or 20 minutes because I see premies they like to listen some satsang, I give 'em some satsang but again get to the same point you want to realize something, you want to listen satsang 24 hours a day which you do, do meditation, realize this Knowledge and there's gonna be satsang and bliss and you name it, it's gonna be all there. Really premies what we have come for in this world the aim, the purpose of this life has to be completed otherwise we have come and gone.
Audio Tape

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Phipps Auditorium, Denver Colorado, 2nd May 1974
Don't, don't really try to think. You've got your service, you got what to do, do your service, be blissed out, be there where you want to be all the time and it's very, very easy to be there and I'll tell you, I can really see this world is really, really getting close, really, really getting close to the point where everybody will receive Knowledge. And it's really getting close … I am going to shout it again if I come to the program, "Do satsang, do service and do meditation." So, realize, understand, be blissful, that's where we want to be and really, because you know why I am trying so hard? Because I know that one day you are also gonna be like me, you are gonna have the same realization as I have because that's the way this Knowledge works.
Perfect Master Tape 014

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Los Angeles Meditation Retreat, 1st June 1974
Once we have understood the importance, the significance than like and what it will do to us, what it will mean to us will be just so incredible, so much, so enormous, so, so much that it'll be blissed out completely 24 hours and this is a really good thing that all the premies have started this retreat idea. It's really nice because everybody can assemble then and, and, and really try to experience and really try to understand because see this life has been given to us for a particular purpose. … This is a beauty for us but doesn't become a part of our spiritual life. It be remains a beauty, beauty as a beauty but if we go further and higher than at this situation can take us and that's, that's so beautiful because this is where we want to be. That's where we want to go and when we are there, when we are at that point it's like everything is so blissful so premies, it's like, do meditation, you know, try to understand what this Knowledge is.
Perfect Master Tape 016

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Hans Jayanti Public Program, Fucked Up PMT 36 , 9th November 1975
there is only one thing we can do, to leave ourselves at His mercy and to really realize who He is and to see Him and experience His bliss and His Grace within our heart. Why am I saying that? Well, let me tell you. The reason why I am saying that is because it is possible in this age to realize and to experience that Knowledge, that peace, that satisfaction, that we have been looking for, for ages and centuries now, at this time, in this age, in this century. (applause) It is possible. It's available. It can be done. It has been done (applause) and so premies, our goal, our attempt, is to try to reveal this peace that we have experienced.
Perfect Master Tape 036 and Light Reading 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Argentina, 7 January 1976
For premies who are not practicing this Knowledge, let me tell you. We receive Knowledge and then we are very blissed out. We say, "Oh, beautiful. Oh, Guru Maharaj Ji, thank you." Then we go home and sit down for meditation for five minutes, and our mind is just constantly going … it's like mind is having a heart attack. Mind is just freaking out and saying, "Knowledge! Knowledge! What am I gonna do? This is going to finish me. This is, this is … this is terrible. This Knowledge is no good!" We sit there and we are sweating and we don't know what's happening. Before we received Knowledge, everything was fine, everything was O.K.
And It Is Divine, Summer 1976, Volume 3, Issue 2

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Atlantic City, 20 December 1976
On my birthday I really got blissed out, because it was so beautiful to just see premies come and was so beautiful to see the togetherness of the premies. But of course, these premies, they never showed up for any other satsang program, it was just because of the birthday party that they showed up there. But this program, it was a fantastic inspiration, so far as inspiration is concerned, because really it isn't like the information that I've been given.
And It Is Divine, Spring 1977, Volume 4, Issue 1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Wembley, London, Wednesday, April 20, 1977
And, you know, like I said in one of these programs - I don't remember which one it was - if I was just a regular premie just like you, who was just wanting to have his Guru Maharaj Ji, have satsang, service and meditation there, to have that bliss, to have that experience that we have at these programs, yes, I would go and have a job. …And I tell you, more and more of these satsang programs are going to happen, and more and more of this bliss is going to be enjoyed by the premies all around and if there are premies who are going to go away into their own head trips, they are going to miss a lot.
The Golden Age Number 40

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Guru Puja, Tucson, Arizona, Friday, July 14, 1978
I, as Guru Maharaj Ji, have an experience for you, as premies. And when you receive that experience, when you feel that experience … nobody tells you to, but you feel that bliss, you feel that harmony, and that's the way it is. There are no ands, ifs, and buts about it. … Just come to this Knowledge, come under the shelter of Guru Maharaj Ji, come under that Grace, and everything will be okay. Everything will be fine. Because look at so many people who were saved by the power of this Knowledge. And not all of them were good-doers. But they were saved. And they were saved because they felt saved, not because somebody went up to them and said, "Hey! Get up! You're saved. It's okay now." But they felt that they were saved, and that's the incredible thing. We can feel this Knowledge. We can feel that bliss. It's not everybody going, "Get blissed out. Get blissed out. Get blissed out! Are you blissed out?" But you feel blissed out. Nobody has to tell you you're blissed out. Nobody has to say, "Get blissed out." You just get blissed out because you are blissed out. And you feel that bliss manifest inside of you when you experience Knowledge, when you experience that Grace come through and just lift you. And that's the practical experience. There is no other practical experience in this world than this experience.
The Golden Age Number 48, September/October, 1978

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Dortmund, Germany, October 1, 1978
No, we all come together to be able to listen to satsang, to be able to share that love, to be able to enjoy the beauty, to be able to be blissed out. What difference does it make how you put it? When that's the idea - to be completely merged in that love. … And now is when you should do it. I very much recommend so. Because, who can wait for that eternal blessings, for that eternal beauty, for that eternal bliss? … Guru Maharaj Ji is that saviour and we have to have that trust, and we have to have that faith. … But now it can happen for you too. You can merge into that river of that eternal bliss. You can enjoy that satsang; you can merge into it.
Golden Age, Issue 51

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

January 22 1980
Because we're all looking for bliss. We're all looking for bliss, but the bliss we find ends so quickly.And what remains of that bliss? This is what Guru Maharaj Ji comes to show us -- that there is a bliss beyond your wildest imagination. A bliss that's consistent, a bliss that's constant, a bliss that you never have to do anything to achieve. Just fall back and you will be blissed out. Let go and you'll be blissed out. And to achieve that is the ultimate state this body can receive -- to be constantly happy. Who doesn't pursue that happiness, to be constantly content?
Light Notes, Volume 1 Number 2 April 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Caracas Venezuela, February 6, 1980
Perhaps we will receive peace by doing all those things, perhaps we will receive bliss. But that's the same thing. You can imagine God. You can think about God. You can think God exists. You can think God is almighty. You can think God is all-powerful. Yet as far as the bliss of a human being is concerned … When truly something comes within our heart called bliss, JOY, happiness, Truth, or God-realization, then we light up too. And the way we light up is that the bliss emanates from us. We feel happy. We feel satisfied. We feel content. Every time a Perfect Master comes, he changes the entire outlook of a being. And a Master comes and says, "Look. You don't have to buy all that. You don't have to be completely stuck in all the sufferings, in any sort of suffering, in any way of suffering. I can alleviate that suffering. I can bring you to the level where all you will experience is joy and peace and bliss."
Guru Maharaj Ji's World, DUO Productions booklet 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Hollywood Florida, April 10 1980
Time and time again what will happen? There will be these people who will be open. There will be these people who will be devotees. There will be these people who will have that chance to understand. And their Perfect Master will come again and again for them and when he comes, he will give them an experience. They will receive the experience and experience bliss. That's the plan. And every single time it's been executed in the same way. There have been those and among them has come a Perfect Master. And that Perfect Master has given them the love, given them that bliss, given them that satisfaction, given them that Knowledge, given them that understanding. And every single time they have enjoyed it. He's absolutely not going to be any different this time. He's not going to be different next time or next to the next time
Golden Age Number 57 May 1980,

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Rome Italy, 1st November 1981
They were miserable for the whole their lives, specially when they started that love and yet is that the same love that Guru Maharaj Ji offers? No, completely different. Joy from the very first day, bliss, happiness from the very first day. … The hatred that one human being has for another isn't going down by any means. And yet Guru Maharaj Ji and the I know on one hand this world is offering us on a platter you know the hate, the fear, jealousy, anger, suspicion, ego, all the nice candies. And on the other hand Guru Maharaj Ji is offering us the love, the joy, the truth, the bliss, the harmony, the light, cause he has it, he has it to offer, he has it to offer to everybody, it fills them up, It's the it's the business of making people happy. … But every all the ingredients are there not to be confused but to be happy. All all the ingredients are there just to really enjoy that bliss, just to really have that bliss in us because it's there too. Every single thing is there, always been there, Guru Maharaj Ji comes and opens it up, makes it accesi Guru Maharaj Ji has now opened the door, he's unlocked it, he's freed it up for you … What does Jaisatchitanand mean? 'Jai' glory be to, 'Sat' the truth, 'Cit' consciousness, 'Anand' the bliss. Glory be to that truth, the consciousness, that's in me, that's me, I'm alive and like I was saying every the truth is everywhere and I'm alive, consciousness is within me and Guru Maharaj Ji has got this connector, a connector we don't have, it's missing and he takes that consciousness and plugs it into the truth, the bells ring, the lights spark, things happen, (hands waving) 'anand' bliss takes over. That's it. That's his way. … What's real is the truth. What's real is the consciousness. What's real is the anand, the bliss and so are you. And you are the one who manifest so forget about the mind, it doesn't exist. It's a void. It doesn't exist but you do so believe in you. Believe in the truth inside of you and believe in that bliss and Guru Maharaj Ji says "Believe in it all because you experience the bliss. Believe in it because you experience that bliss." You experience that bliss, now you know because you experience the bliss that the source of it is the truth and why it's happening is you're conscious because you're alive. And in that you have experienced the entire creation. The absolute infinite. Finite is no more.
Élan Vital 'Rome 1st November, 1981' video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

But I have seen people who have had this experience within themselves come out of it with a greater awareness of the beauty of their lives, of the realness of that beauty, and with more love, more affection. They treat life as a gift, for it is a gift. And so, you have a gift. You are alive. You have the Knowledge of life. Like the old teacher, you can see God close up. It is total bliss, and many thousands of people around the world have experienced it. It is not something I made up, not something I brought with me. All the time it was inside all of those who had the experience, for it is the force that makes them alive. It cannot be forced on people, it cannot be bought.
People from all walks of life pursue Happiness … Introductory Pamphlet 1982

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Hans Jayanti festival, November 9 1990
I have had a great experience in this respect that a human being is not one but there are two entities amalgamated into one. One part is that which gets joy in talking about the supreme bliss and the other one is that part which takes pleasure in all sorts of false worldly things. So there is not one but two personalities in a man. I have noticed this fact that in this world the latter part of the human being which is biased towards falsehood, maya (illusion), lust and such other nasty things, that part is usually nourished and fed and is mostly attended to. But that other part, that other personality in man who needs Knowledge, who needs supreme happiness and is inclined towards nice things, is totally neglected.
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 2 April-June 1991

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, Vaishakhi Celebrations (Evening Session), 13th April, 1991.
So open up your heart. But that too we do not know, how it is done or what we have to do for it. In that case too we have to pray to the Master - "Oh Maharaji, please teach me the process to open up my heart." Not that "Well, I know." People often presume that they know it, but actually they don't know. "So, Maharaji, please let me know the technique to enable me to open this heart. How to understand this process." Only through his grace a man can derive the bliss of Knowledge, otherwise it is not possible.
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 4 October-December, 1991

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

April 13, 1992 Public program, Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, (translated from Hindi)
But I have found that a human being is not in a position to save himself. His condition is constantly deteriorating in such a way that he cannot save himself. Only when he gets the grace of the Master, he can be able to save himself. But it is possible only when he is ready to listen to him. Because the guide will only show the way, how you can save yourself. He will reveal the techniques to go inside so that you can experience, enjoy and understand that thing inside. So, whatever it was and how it was done but I don't have the least doubt that my Master has showered his infinite grace upon me. He bestowed his grace when he gave me this Knowledge and my Master's ineffable grace is with me all the time - every day and night. And if I accept that infinite grace within my heart and be worthy of his grace every moment of my life, then I know fully well that I can pass my life in an everlasting joy and bliss wherever I am.
Lifeforce, Volume 8, Issue 3 July - September, 1992

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Visions International booklet 1994
The marriage of the infinite and the finite. The marriage of the immortal and the mortal. Fused together. Brought together. Consciousness. Through which I can remember, I can go forward, I can go backwards or I can be in this moment now where I can find pure bliss. Joy. Contentment. Harmony. Happiness. It doesn't make any difference what you want to call it, Me. Time within. When I can begin to experience through my incredibly infinite means, I can start to feel the infinite. And when I do, and I feel something that has no beginning and no end - has no dimension, and is no slave to time - then my heart delights. My brain wonders and my heart delights. To some people, that's an ambiguity. To me, that is the nature of each. It is not in the realm of my brain to understand, which doesn't bother me, because in my kingdom within, I recognize the sovereignty of my heart.
Maharaji's world wide addresses

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Visions International booklet 1998
We look at each other, not with admiration, but to find fault. Pretty soon, it becomes a habit. That is not what this opportunity is. Obviously, if that is your outlook, there is no opportunity. If you have trained yourself to look at the bad, there is no good. If that is your perspective, where is the bliss? Where is the beauty? Where is the gratitude? These things exist. Joy exists.    JOY IS NOT THE PRODUCT OF THE ABSENCE OF SADNESS.    Most people see sadness as an entity, and they think that if you remove the sadness, joy will be there. In fact, it is quite the reverse. Joy is the entity. Without joy, there will only be sadness. People try to remove darkness, but light is the entity. All you have to do is bring light and the darkness will disappear. It is as simple as that
Nothing Celebrates Life … Like life

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Millenium 2000 festival
By putting all the other things aside and focus on the one way, you don't need to run anywhere else, the human being starts to run in that one direction where his Creator truly resides, where his Creator truly resides, where his true bliss is there. He doesn't know what's in front of him, what's behind him, what's above him, what's below him, that person goes to that place, he's in that place where everything is still, everything is beautiful and there's nothing else besides that bliss, besides that peace and the Master (Hindi: Guru Maharaj Ji) has opened that door, opened that path for the person to go to that place. What a beautiful thing, what is the difference? Truly, for that person who has this Knowledge (Hindi: premie) when he realizes that every step is so precious and he makes the effort to try and understand this, the world doesn't even try to understand this but people who have this knowledge can try to make this effort, even a little bit of effort every single day that they want to fulfil their lives. Therefore the Saints and Masters have said "Blessed are those, blessed are those whose focus is in that direction of where there is that truth, consciousness and bliss where there is that Supreme Bliss, where is that, where there is that peace but also walk in the remembrance of that.
The main, that is the main thing and if I can show people in their lives, that path, so that their lives too can be filled with bliss then that becomes my second duty, my second responsibility. Because I can, I can show them this path. I have no problems with this, I have no doubt about this, I can show people, I can bring bliss, joy in peoples' lives. There is this Knowledge and this is the true Knowledge, the true Knowledge. This Knowledge doesn't need any proof. It's not like you need to read all these books, thousands of books to prove this Knowledge. This is one thing that even for those who hasn't, have not read anything will be able to understand this. Sometimes I become upset, so many people come who cannot see but they have seen, those who have, can't hear but they have heard and in their lives too there is this river of bliss flowing. This river of bliss doesn't come from another river on the outside. This bliss, this bliss is from the ocean of Knowledge and the ocean of Knowledge is the most incredible ocean, the most important and precious ocean. We need to move forward, not backward, forward.
Élan Vital '4 Days in November' video, 2000

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Clarity

July, 2008
Can life really be filled with infinite joy? Is that possible? If you doubt this, you don't understand the nature of what resides within you, because what resides within you is complete joy, complete clarity. Think of life like this: It is your opportunity to spend time with the best friend you ever had. It is your chance to be with the ultimate clarity, the ultimate kindness, the ultimate joy. That's what a life is. It's not promised to be forever. But the possibility exists that you get to spend time with that which is the most beautiful. And that resides in your heart.
The Voice of Maharaji Website

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

To Be Happy, Words Of Peace video
You have searched outside but have you searched inside? This is why this is so different, this is why my message is so different, because everybody points outside, I point inside. I say what you need, you already have. … what makes you as you, is the union of the two, the infinite and the finite, have come together. That one part of you, that always will be, will be, was, was, but wasn't you and will be but it won't be you, you, is those two have come together, and so far those two are together, possibility exists and of all the possibilities, one of possibility that exists is that this finite machine can feel the infinite. … This is not me just saying this but this is what so many have said, so many people have said. Plug this machine, you keep plugging it into the world trying to be happy, it's like walking along and going, try this, try that, try that, try that and you know it brings happiness and then whoosh it fizzles out, brings happiness, fizzles out, brings happiness, fizzles out. Hey instead of plugging into all these things, plug it in to that infinite that's in you and (shouts) fireworks, bliss, contentment, joy, all become yours.
Downloaded April 1 2012 from The Young Peoples' Initiative website video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

The Ultimate Question, Words Of Peace video
So, How are You? Are you thankful? Are you in that state of bliss? Are you enjoying that gift of knowledge? Is your desert, in full bloom? Three hundred and sixty-five days per year, seven days a week, full bloom. That beautiful aroma in the perfume of fresh flowers. Does it really permeate your life? Do you feel blessed? Do you feel content? Accept, and let that grace bring the rain to your desert. Grace to me is just that, those big billowing clouds coming. Grace is that wind, that turned and where it is dry, brings that moisture and then it can begin to rain. To feel blessed, because you are. So, you should feel blessed. You should feel graced because you have grace in your life.
Downloaded April 1 2012 from The Young Peoples' Initiative website video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

The Ability to Be Happy, Words Of Peace video
I ask you, think about this "Does your ability to feel contentment actually ever vary?" Don't get it confused with "Do you feel contentment every day?" No, I know that. You don't, but the ability to feel the contentment, does it actually vary? And the answer to it is no. The ability, the ability to feel that joy in your life does not vary. So let's just stop for a second and go "Hmmm." The ability does not vary but the joy that I feel does vary. I would be a hypocrite to sit here and say to you "Oh yes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, I am in complete bliss." I'm not going to tell you that, because that's not true. Things happen. I am not going to be a hypocrite and tell you that it is all the time and I'm not going to be a hypocrite and tell you the the ability to feel that peace varies because it does not. So what does that mean? It means that I can actually make an effort and feel that joy far more than I ever imagined I could. Just simple, keep it simple, none of this 24 hours' stuff, none of this hypocrisy, just simple that I want to feel a gratitude when I wake up, that I'm alive. That is blessing, this breath is coming in and out of me and in the simple things of life, simple things of life I can find my joy within me.
Downloaded April 1 2012 from The Young Peoples' Initiative website video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Bliss

Bangalore India, February 11 2012
When it comes to matters of the heart, how can you compromise? The heart will not accept it. The heart wants the reality. The heart wants experience. Not somebody sitting there and telling you that you've had food – you've eaten, and it's done. What is done? So, I say that you're thirsty. You are thirsty to experience that supreme bliss. Downloaded April 1 2012 from Words Of Peace Global website