Prem Rawat's Teachings About The Competition - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat or Maharaji (Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself teaches he is unique on this planet at this time and he reveals the only true spiritual path and can reveal God, the energy keeping you alive and infinite bliss and joy and the purpose of life. These days there is a free market in spirituality and religion and the competition is fierce and unfortunately Prem doesn't have what it takes to be successful in this marketplace. There was a short few years where he thought it was all coming true and all he had to do was make a few speeches, have his feet kissed on occasion and accept the donations and he would bring Prem to the world. Well he's still doing those things (not too much public foot kissing though) and his real problem now is just getting enough new followers to replace the ones leaving or dying and keeping the followers he still has
How does he cope with the competition? He has redefined his own methods as being neither religious nor spiritual though he acknowledges people could easily make that mistake of believing they were and he does what comes naturally to him. Rudeness, nastiness and lots of shallow sneering about what the competition is offering. He often comments on religions and what they teach, how religions have perverted the teachings of past Perfect Masters with their scriptures and he laughs at the ridiculous teachings of other spiritual paths. Well actually he laughs at what he says religions teach and what he says are spiritual paths. The people involved in them certainly wouldn't recognise the picture he portrays. He uses half-truths, quarter-truths and statements that don't even get close to truth. He also derides extreme sports and challenging pastimes like mountain climbing and hang-gliding. This is probably typical sour grapes caused by a lifetime of 5 foot high obesity.
Rawat mentions the famous story of Swami Vivekananda finding Paramhans Ramakrishna. He gives full credence to Ramakrishna being a bona fide true Perfect Master teaching perfectness and yet Ramakrishna does not fit into the parampara or lineage of Rawat's acknowledged predecessors. In fact, Ramakrishna did not suffer from colds, as does Prem Rawat, so it was never suggested that Ramakrishna was not a Perfect Master because he got colds. One of Rawat's bedrock doctrines is that there is only ever one Perfect Master on the planet at one time. Yet Ramakrishna was born in 1836 and died in 1886. This was a time when Param Hans Dayal Sri Adwetanand Ji (1840-1919) was the Perfect Master according to the lineage of Shri Swarupanand, Hans Rawat's Perfect Master and predecessor.

Hans Rawat (father of Prem Rawat)
As his message spread, Maharaj Ji would give open Satsangs, especially near the bank of the Jamuna River. Maharaj Ji had his own natural and novel way of speaking to the people.
He was against all outward show and shunned the pomp that many 'Sadhus' and 'Mandaleshawars' would indulge in. He never posed to be a religious man. He simply lived religion.
He opposed all outer forms of worship such as counting of prayer beads, penances, fasting and the like.
Once, when he was coming back from the Jamuna River followed by some of his admirers, he saw a Mauni Baba sitting on the sandy bank with crossed legs, answering the questions put to him by writing
on the sand. Maharaj Ji approached and sat before the Mauni Baba. He folded his hands in prayer, raised his eyes to the heavens and spoke, "Oh God, Thou who art omniscient and all powerful,
perfect and the creator of all, I see that even Thou can make mistakes. For why have you given this Baba a tongue when it seems as if he has no need of it?"
At this, all were startled and the pretensions of the Mauni Baba collapsed into anger as he shouted, 'What ! What is this you are saying?' At once all the spectators broke into laughter.
Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj

Central Hall, Westminster, London, England, November 2, 1971
I agree it can help you in a physical help, or something like that, or something like that, or something like that. But is it the perfect and the pure meditation? I can do yoga. I can do yoga and, you know it, well I can be in perfect health or shape but is it-I can, I can believe that yoga can help me to a limit, but is yoga the perfect and the pure thing? If suppose today I have my legs, my hands, my body is perfect and I am doing yoga and tomorrow I have an accident and my hand is broken, my leg is broken, then how will I be able to keep my leg on my neck? (Muted laughter) How will I be able to move my hand back? How will I do that? And you know the perfect meditation should be continuous. It, it shouldn't have a break in between. How I will be able to do that? So realize such a Word, brothers, that it may regularly go on. Never stop. There should be non-stop meditation. It should always going on in you. Realize who you are. Realize the aim of your human life.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on June 4, 1972
Of course, we know that there are many gurus, and they all claim to show the Light, to reveal Light. People even go to them, but they don't get anything there, and the search is still going on. People are searching, and those people who have searched and have not been able to get anything are so frustrated, so upset, that ultimately they just draw the idea back that they can ever find God.
And It Is Divine magazine, Volume 1 Number 7, May 1973

Prem Nagar, India, 16 November 1972
I met one of these in Bombay, one of these sadhus. You know who these sadhus are, they wear saffron clothes, they have long hair, they smoke. And near Bombay there are some very beautiful caves with some elephants there, near these eaves, and there in the foothills a sadhu used to live. And once I was just walking around there and I came across this sadhu, and you know what his position was you won't believe me - but you know what his position was? There was a swing there I think this is practised by twenty per cent of all the sadhus in India - there is a swing, and in this swing he was resting his arms, right? And one leg was like this around the tree and the other leg was like that. So he was going to stand all day like this. He had been standing since sunrise and he was going to stand till sunset and then he was going to go and rest.Probably this kind of thing is not just done by these yogis, it's probably done by some other people. You know who I mean? I mean the guards on the gate, the guards on duty. They do the same thing, they stand all day in one position. Not on one leg, they stand on both legs. They don't just give pain to one leg, they give pain to both legs. They just stand there on the gates but I think that standing on the gate is probably better than standing on that swing because standing at the gate for twelve hours is at least giving them a practical result and that is that it's getting them some money! But that standing with a swing that the sadhu is doing is neither giving him any money and is neither giving him any peace of mind, which is the thing that he's looking for, it doesn't give him anything. It doesn't give him either of them.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 6, March, 1973

Millenium '73, Houston, Texas, November 9, 1973
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the point exactly with our lives. We have all these scriptures, but still we have to go to a priest. Why? And the priest has to go to a bigger priest, and then finally there is the Pope. And even the Pope is connected with some higher power. What is that power?
And It Is Divine magazine, June 1974, Volume 2, Issue 1,

Copenhagen, Denmark, July 3 1974
There are so many people who are doing yoga. They get up at three in the morning and they just completely swirl themselves around. But with all these things, they still cannot get Peace. Now one thing people have not tried is this Knowledge. And I'll tell you one thing. It's so strange. Because people who have tried it have received Peace. They have Peace.
Élan Vital magazine, Volume III Issue 1 Spring 1978

Holi Festival, Miami Florida, March 20, 1977
And to really accomplish what we are here for - to me, a lot of people say, "Well, if we lead this kind of a lifestyle we will reach peace, we will accomplish peace." Lot of people say, "Well, if you live naked …" There's sadhus there who live in the Himalayas, who live in jungles; they are completely naked and they think they will attain peace. A lot of people practise yoga, they will say, "Well, we will attain peace." Just recently I was watching the Barnum & Bailey circus and they were swinging, they were doing all these acrobatic things. And these acrobats, these, these people were really fantastic! How they could mould their body completely around, and I said, "Wow! This is, this is something that maybe a lot of yogis can do, but will they achieve peace, will they attain peace in their lives? No!" I mean, to maybe a lot of people that yoga is a way to, to get into that peace, to get into that true satisfaction of mind. To these guys, it's their profession! This is how they live, this is how they earn money! But would they receive peace? A lot of people go down in the Ganges and so on and so forth, to take a bath in the Ganges and say, "Okay, well, by doing this we will receive peace." And one of the saints says, "There are fishes that live in that Ganges, do you think they will attain peace? They haven't attained peace so far, how do you think they're going to do it?"
The Golden Age May/June 1977 Number 38 and Divine Times - April/May 1977 Volume 6, Number 4

London, England March 4th, 1978
So, dear premies, we just had a six-hour darshan line, and of course, as usual, it was completely incredible. … And then you see so many premies go by -- it is such an incredible, incredible experience to just be there, to just see what a strong connection there is, what a strong joint that is, what a perfect adaption, what perfect bridge-up it is, from that finite to infinity -- to what so many people in their lives have tried to accomplish, written books about it, gone to Himalayas, climbed into caves, gave up everything. What they couldn't even accomplish: You see this premie walk by in front of you who has perfectly accomplished that thing. And this is by the Grace of Guru Maharaj Ji. It's just so incredible. You just run out of words at this point.
DLM publication, 1978

Shower of Grace Festival, Malibu California, June 10 1978
I was just remembering something that came from an old proverb: that the karma of a yogi gets slashed away the more he does the yoga. And the karma of a bhogi - and bhogi is opposite to yogi - the karma of a bhogi becomes worse and worse and worse and worse, as he gets into the materialistic things. But whatsoever happens to the karma of a devotee? And it's an incredible answer. It disappears! A yogi can start his yog, do this and do that, but for every ounce of karma, to slash it away, he has to do so much. Then maybe chunks and chunks will fall off, and then maybe he dies and everything is not gone yet. And when we really become devotees … That's the most incredible thing, that Guru Maharaj Ji is here. Guru Maharaj Ji is always here. And it is just our effort away, our effort away to realize that perfectness. It is our effort away to merge one with that experience that zillions and zillions and zillions of creatures that have born and died (and I mean, including insects and donkeys, and elephants and lions and tigers, according to the karmic revolution - that they become tigers because they did something wrong, they become elephants because they did something wrong), all of them come and go to realize that Perfect Master. Including human beings! And this is what I was talking about: That a devotee's karma, his action completely gets absorbed by Guru Maharaj Ji.
Golden Age August 1978 Number 47

Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 11 1978, afternoon
"And yet who am I to even ask you, 'Please do it to me? But I know that you have the compassion to maybe somehow listen to me. Someday, somehow, will you please find it in your heart -- if you ever do, Guru Maharaj Ji -- to save me from this world? Take my mind away. Take me and put me into your feet where you really are."
And you know, this is the incredible thing. All that sounds great. But when we truly pray to Guru Maharaj Ji, from our heart, he does blink. He does move his little finger and it all does disappear. That's the fantastic part of it, the incredible part. All that: Guru Maharaj Ji does dissipate that darkness. Makes us humble. Takes our ego away. Binds it into him. Our boat is on the other side! Completed our greatest destination. Completed our greatest journey. That's it. What even the saints, what even these sadhus, what even these people who sat in the caves for ages couldn't do.
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 2, Summer 1979

Hans Jayanti Festival, Kissimmee, Florida November 11, 1978
And these questions are really intense questions: "How does this whole array of liberation work?" "What is this whole chakra of this kundalini, this chakra that sits here to this place to that place, and by doing this you can open this chakra so that you can open up the realization through the chakras, and open up the top one …" Like some kind of a hydraulic valve job. And I don't know what happens with chakras. I never studied all that -- never cared to -- whether this chakra has to open before that will open. It's like this whole immaculate electronics. To me, there's only one valve, and that's mind. Get rid of that valve and it'll all flow. Because Guru Maharaj Ji is all-giving. And all we need is to accept.
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 2 Summer 1979

Denver, Colorado, 25 February 1979
Look, this is what I understood. You know, what I speak today is my experience of this Knowledge. I have not read
scriptures. A lot of people are very amazed to see me. They think, you know, that since I am an Indian "guru," I
shouldn't shave my beard. (I don't have very much of it, anyway.) I shouldn't have hair cuts. Why do I wear a suit? And
I'm always supposed to be sitting like this (hands folded in lap) with my legs crossed, too. Looking straight ahead. And
once in a while standing on one leg. And for about a couple of months, not eating. On the contrary (pats his stomach). And
never tell a joke: "The serious guru." Never wear these suits. I'm always supposed to be just in this little grass hut. All
hand-painted, handmade, in this little room, sitting on top of my bed sheet like this, in saffron clothes. Always looking
out. With incense burning on one side. And that's it. No cars. No watches. Nothing. And the devotees come and they
all sit down outside. And they're about as dumb as their guru: drop their lower lip, just look in. And they all come out and they all sit down and they listen to him, understand a little bit. The rest doesn't reach their ears. It was all beautiful. It was all great. You know, he spoke in Chinese and all you can understand is Greek. And when is all over, they all get up and they go
away. Then you go back in your room and you sit down. So I'm not like that. So what?
Divine Times - Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Royal Albert Hall, London, May 28, 1979.
A lot of people have this attitude, "Why do we need a guru?" You don't need a guru. You don't. Because if you are saying; "guru" in the connotation that you have home-brewed, then you don't need that person. Obviously a lot of people think that guru is a person who has a beard, long hair, is old, has wrinkles on his face, and lives in the Himalayas. On every sixth full moon in the year he drops down, sits under the banyan tree, stays there for twenty minutes and then goes back to the Himalayas. If that's your translation of a "guru" then you definitely don't need a guru. Then you need a Perfect Master. And whatever your head says, "This is what it is. This is what it is. This is what it is - Perfect Master …" A lot of people have asked that question over a period of time, "Are you perfect? Are you the Perfect Master? Are you perfect?" There is a vast, vast difference in those questions. Perfect is one thing. The body cannot be perfect. Anything that was created once, anything that had a beginning, anything that once was not, is stamped imperfect and shall never be perfect. Ever. But only that Knowledge is perfect. And the one who can teach us, one who can guide us, is the Perfect Master, the perfect guide, the perfect teacher. And that's what we need in our lives. We need somebody to show us the Light.
Light Reading, 1980

Public Program, Manchester England, 28th September 1981
this is exactly what Vivekanand went through. In his, in his quest for that Creator, in his quest for that, for that love that he was looking for in his life. A place to place he went asking to guru after guru, "Hey, can you show me?" He went to one person, he said "Listen man, you know, this is not the way it goes. You just have the faith in your whole life time that God exists and when you die, maybe you'll see." A very standard story but he didn't buy it. He wanted that experience in this lifetime, he says "Look, if I can have that experience in this lifetime I know God exists and I have something to look for in the future life, if it exists too. But if I'm having a hard time believing Him now I won't even get any any chances in the next lifetime. How I even gonna get to that place, how am I even gonna get to that point?" And yet when he went to that to that true Master, to that Perfect Master who could truly teach him that perfectness, not a Perfect Master that he never got a cold. No, but he was perfect cause he could teach that perfectness.
Élan Vital audio tape?

New York Public Program, 10th November 1982
So that is the situation on one side of the world than there are people who are offering you solutions and who are saying "Look all these desires that you have, to go on in your life, to be something, to be somebody, to have all his careers, to have all these things, this is all completely wrong, that it doesn't matter if you're Lee Iacocca or anybody, just quit, go to the Himalayas, find a nice secluded cave, lock yourselves in it and see if you can find God. Interesting but I'm not sold on that one. What do you do? Go from door to door knocking "Are you God? Are you God? Are you God? Are you God?" Or do you merely look up and say "God, I'm out of a job, I'm over 65, I wanna meet you now, I'm ready." What's 65 got to do with God? What is that, a magic number? I know of people who are much older than 65 and that they are going stronger than the people who are 21.
Perfect Master Audio Tape 253

Brisbane, Australia 1983
No, I'm not a millionaire. I've never seen a million yet. Ha haha ha. It it seems, it all comes off like that that but it really is the love of those people who have had the experience who have some respect for me and this is the way they they don't want me to get stuck in some odd place or something like that and and this is, this is their love. I don't refuse it, I have to admit that. I can't shove it in their face and say "No , I don't want that." It's not my concept that to find peace you have to go live in the Himalayas and only wear one little leaf over here or something. … When I can understand who I am, the thing that I am, the peace the harmony with myself then I can even begin to love myself, love my God who has created me and then that love can flow out of it. It doesn't mean I go around kissing everybody I see but I am in in peace with myself, I am in harmony with myself. I ah love myself, I exist here and I love that fact just I can love anything else that exists in this world. That's my version of love anyway.
Australian Television Channel 9 1982/3 Report

Festival Of Knowledge, Brussels 9th December 1989
And all of these people create, create their own fanciful situations and try to fill them. "Oh yeah. Okay. I've got. My kundalini, you know, lights up." I mean I could never understand this kundalini business. I'm almost 32 years old, I haven't got this one licked at all and you know I understand why because I fig uh I you know a moment flashes in my head, what is this thing? I know I have a spine at any time anything starts going up and down the spine I want a massage. If it really gets severe, go see a doctor because ideas, whole bunch of ideas. I was talking to a guy once and he was really into yoga and he said "Yoga is the answer" and I said "How about a guy who has no arms and no legs what he gonna do? You mean he's had it. He can't enjoy life." Didn't think of it I guess all the people who came to him had arms and legs. I mean you know when somebody has his place call says yoga instrucsh instructions available why would a person without arm and legs wasting his time going there? He ain't going to be able to do any yoga. So what is it? Oh, eat right, eat healthy, exercise every day. That's good for your blood pressure but it doesn't touch the heart. "Oh you'll feel really good." If tomorrow all the articles started coming out saying running is really bad for you believe me all of a sudden you wouldn't feel so good. "Oh my God I've been running, does it mean I'm gonna die?"
Festival Of Knowledge Audio Tape transcript
Uh? Excuse me! Whats that you're saying about a person without arms and legs and yoga?

Portland, Oregon, Questions and Answers, March 19, 2001
Track 5: Q: ??? Shri Maharaji ??? read satsang about yogis and yoga and I have some questions about um the practice of actual physical asanas in yoga and how that relates or doesn't relate to knowledge?
A: Very clearly, it is described the Knowledge is Raj Yoga, the king of all the yogas because it is the unity, 'yoga' means unity, 'yog'. It actually doesn't mean physical exercise it just means unity, to become one with something and that which puts you to be in one with that essence within inside of you is the King of all yogas. All the yogas that are there, they are for physical benefit, maybe they put you in touch with different elements. This yoga is to put you in touch with the element of life itself. It is not a physical exercise in that you have to put your foot over your back. I mean look at some of the people who have knowledge, including me, it is obvious we don't do that, ha, ha ha ha. We have a hard time getting up from the chair, much less putting, you know, that's not everybody but it's very clear, it's very clear, clearly defined the two in one you do, you know, a housewife cooks or a houseman cooks, in this day and age, umm, but that feeds the stomach but Knowledge feeds something else, a thirst that is much deeper than that and so there is a very, very clear distinction between all these different things and I think to appreciate that difference, I'm not gonna put down anything, I don't need to, you know, umm, be in this world, do whatever do whatever it is that you do and whatever it is that you have to do but don't forget that element, that breath and in each breath there is that is the witnessing, that is the witnessing of that Supreme Power that makes all of this possible, the whole world, the whole universe, so, it's not a paradox, it's simply a very clear division, the two have nothing to do with each other.
Visions International CD #AC0722EN

ADI Magazine #10, created 21/5/2012
But then there have been those others who have said: "Ensure there is joy in your life."What does that mean? Smiling every minute? Is that what joy is? A lot of people look at these people who are "enlightened". They might wear saffron or white robes; they've got nice gray hair and maybe an Indian tilak on their forehead. When I see those "enlightened" people, I want to tell them a joke to lighten them up! Do you know what "lighten up" means? It means "Don't be so heavy." But it could also mean light - as in, lighten up!
ADI Magazine #10, created 21/5/2012 © Words of Peace Global

ADI Magazine #10, created 21/5/2012
But then there have been those others who have said: "Ensure there is joy in your life."What does that mean? Smiling every minute? Is that what joy is? A lot of people look at these people who are "enlightened". They might wear saffron or white robes; they've got nice gray hair and maybe an Indian tilak on their forehead. When I see those "enlightened" people, I want to tell them a joke to lighten them up! Do you know what "lighten up" means? It means "Don't be so heavy." But it could also mean light - as in, lighten up!
ADI Magazine #10, created 21/5/2012 © Words of Peace Global