Prem Rawat's Teachings about the Lord Of The Universe - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat or Maharaji (the Ultimate Ruler) as he is known by his students or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's was also called the Satguru Maharaji, the Perfect Spiritual Master, the Light of the World and Perfect Lord of Love, the Prince of Peace, the Perfect Master and Lord of the Universe by his followers. He has even referred to himself (I guess that should be 'Himself') as the Lord of the Universe. He also claimed to be nothing more than a humble servant of God so he called himself the Lord of the Universe in the humblest possible way. His followers sang "The Lord of the Universe has come to us this day" and he listened and he liked it. His followers made a movie about him and called it The Lord of the Universe and he naturally enough starred in it as the eponymous lead. A documentary was made about him and his self-declared most holy and significant event in human history and the most appropriate title they could come up with was also The Lord of The Universe.

Hans Rawat (father of Prem Rawat)
O my Satguru, all praise to You, all glory to You! O Lord of the Universe, source of all creation, supreme personality bestower of salvation, friend of the humble and the poor,
only by Your blessing can this powerful illusion be dispelled, as the sun's rays dispel darkness.
Hans Yog Prakash

Hans Rawat (father of Prem Rawat quoted in Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj)
The Arya Samajists did not believe in the principle of Avatar Vad, while Maharaj Ji had full faith in the principle of the incarnation of God.
The unmanifest God can only be realized through the grace of the manifested one. He often used to quote the Gita, "Whenever virtue subsides and wickedness prevails I manifest myself.
To establish virtue, to destroy evil, to save the good, I come from Yuga to Yuga." "Fools deride Me in my manifested human form, without knowing My real nature as the Lord of the universe".
Such is Shri Krishna's declaration in the Gita on incarnation.
Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj

Boulder, Colorado, August 18, 1971
What is the difference between a Satguru and an Avatar?
Same. What is the difference between H2O and water? Some people say "Mercy," "Lord of Mercy." Some only say "Lord," some say "God," some say "Lord Christ." Same thing.
Élan Vital, Winter 1977, Volume I, Issue 2

Questions and Answers, October - November 1971, London
Gopies were meant to cry. They were meant to cry, that's why the Lord of the Universe leaves them, you know.
The Lord of the Universe leaves them. First of all He makes friends with them, you know, saying, "Oh, gopies, oh
gopies, oh gopies!" And then they become quite a friend of His and then He says, "Well, I'm leaving you" and off He
goes. So what can they do now? They recognized that He is the Lord of the Universe, and He is just everything and He
is their friend, and they are all happy. And now when they see that He is leaving, how can they say to their eyes, "Don't
weep?" They just start weeping; the gopies were meant to weep. And that's why they always weep. When Krishna was
there, when they saw the lilas of Krishna, they used to cry in happiness. And when Krishna left them they used to cry in
sadness. And you know this is a very beautiful description.
Affinity, June, 1979

Questions and Answers, October / November 1971, London, England
Guru Maharaj Ji, what do you owe to your father?
I won't tell you what I owe. If I took all the birds, the sun, moon and everything that exists in trying to repay my father, I wouldn't even be able to repay a single pennyworth. You know He has given me such a lot. Such
a lot that He has made me king of the whole universe. So how can I repay Him? As a Guru. I regard Him as my father because He is my real father, and He is my Real Father. Real father and Real Father, real to Real. He is my
real father because He has given me birth, and He is my Real Father because He has shown me the path. How can I repay Him for this real thing He has given me?
Affinity, June 1979

Los Angeles' Embassy Hall, 1972
So it's just like this. that Knowledge is spreading so fast in the whole world, you know, and now the premies have to get
up and start, start doing something. Because it's your nature, and you won't be able to help it, you won't be able to.
Because supposedly some premies like the song, "The Lord of the Universe," right? And suppose it comes on the radio,
what will you do? (Voice in audience: "Sing it!") Sing it, and you will start to increase the volume on the radio. This is
a natural thing. I've tried to ask many people, why does this happen? If your favorite song comes on the radio, or on the
record player, you just start to pull up the volume. And nobody knows why this happens, but this happens.
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 10, August 1973

Question and Answer Session, Portland, Oregon, June 29, 1972
Guru Maharaj Ji, what does it feel like to be the Lord of the universe?
What should I tell you about it?
Just what it's like.
What it's like? Nothing. Because you are not in yourself; something else; somewhere else; one with someone else.
How is it to be like a puppet?
You don't know. … Do you? When you become Lord of the universe, you become a puppet, really! Nothing else; not
"you." Not "I," not "you," no egos, no pride, nothing else. One with humbleness; servant. Very, very beautifuL Always
in divine bliss. Creating your own environment - wherever you go, doesn't matter. Like my friends used to play and I
used to sit right in the corner of my ground and meditate (laughter).
Élan Vital, Volume II, Issue 2, Summer 1978

Embassy Hall, Los Angeles, 17th June 1973
So it's, it's just like this that prachar is spreading so fast in the whole world, you know, and now the premies have to get up and start, start doing something. Because it's up, it's to you, it's your nature and you won't be able to help it, you won't be able to because just supposevly (sic) premies, some premies like the song, "The Lord of the Universe," right? And if supposevly (sic) it gets on the radio, what will you do? (Voice in audience: "Sing it!") Sing it, and you will try to increase the volume on the radio. This is a natural thing. I've, I've tried, I've tried to ask many people, why does this happen? If supposevly (sic) your, your favorite song comes on the radio or on the record player or anything, you just try to pull up the volume and nobody knows why this happens, but this happens and once we have really realized this Knowledge, then we have to, we have to tell about this Knowledge to other people, that how far out it is, how blissful it is, how peaceful it is and that we have to get it and then people maybe don't understand.
Perfect Master Tape 005

Seattle, Washington, February 12, 1974
There was that beautiful song, Lord of the Universe, going on, and everybody got up and started clapping and started
singing, and everybody was blissed out. But if there was a person who was deaf, to him everybody who stood up and
danced would seem crazy. Because he wouldn't hear anything. All he would see is people suddenly getting up, and clapping.
In the same way, to a person who has shut himself off from understanding the perfectness, to go to him and to try to
make him understand about that immortal perfectness, about that subtlest thing in this whole
universe, to him that whole explanation will be exactly like the birds, the donkey, the deaf, and the blind. All that it
would do for him is nothing.
Élan Vital, Volume I, Issue 1, Spring 1977

Denver Colorado, February 15, 1974
It is like this that I clap and I want to ask you a question like if somebody sings a song here, a really beautiful song or something like "Lord of the Universe" very popular (laughter) most of the premies will get up and start clapping and if I ask a person and say "Why are they clapping?" and they can ??? their answers because they like this rhythm and they want to play to this rhythm so they're clapping and because they-you want to clap that is why you are clapping and what is making you clap is the rhythm because you like it and you want to sing to it and you want to play to it but then there is something behind it which it that person does not even know about because it does not come into our, into our sense.
Perfect Master Tape 011: "The Missing Link"

Denver Colorado, September 11 1976
You see, Guru Maharaj Ji really plays an important part in every individual's life. Of course there are a lot of people who go out and say, "Well, Guru Maharaj Ji is just another ordinary person." Or, "Guru Maharaj Ji is the Perfect Master." Or, "Guru Maharaj Ji is the Lord of the Universe." Well, let us not speak for everybody, because we're not everybody, anyway. As I said, we're all individuals. What is the importance of Guru Maharaj Ji, is also as individual as the experience of Knowledge, because Guru Maharaj Ji reveals the Knowledge, and the more you can understand and experience the Knowledge, the more important he becomes. When you realize that this is really beautiful, that this is really important, and it is really important for me never to get stuck and to keep on truckin', in those situations … You see, the more adventurous you are, the more doctor you need. You need somebody to take care of you, for certain, because it sometimes boils down to that. But that is an individual experience. If you haven't experienced Knowledge, then there is no importance to Guru Maharaj Ji either, because what is Guru Maharaj Ji? I look like an ordinary person. Maybe I am an ordinary person. But I have something to offer to the world, and I would like to offer it. I've offered it to you guys, the premies, that's what makes you premies. If you don't want to experience it, then you don't experience my value either.
Divine Times, October 1976 Volume 5, Number 9

Guru Puja, Geneva, Switzerland, September 10, 1978
Wasn't Jesus Christ judged, whether or not he was the Perfect Master? Wasn't Mohammed judged? Wasn't Krishna judged? Wasn't Ram judged? Wasn't Shri Maharaj Ji judged? All the Perfect Masters have been judged,
as though if we are the real smart cream of the crop of this entire universe, that we have the capability of judging the Lord of the Universe when he does come. Obviously not. But anyway, we judge. And our judgement is based
upon different concepts.
The way Shri Maharaj Ji, of course explained it and the way the saint puts it, says, "Oh Guru Maharaj Ji, you are to me like the stick, like the cane is to the blind person, is to the blind man. (Maharaj Ji says the
verse in Hindi.) "You are to me, Guru Maharaj Ji, everything."
One time a lot of so-called intellectual people came up to Shri Maharaj Ji and they said, "What are you trying to do? What are you talking about? " I mean these people who said, "Ha, ha, ha, we are the heroes because
we are trying to feed people. We're trying to get clothing for people. We're trying to give education." Ha, ha, ha to them too. Because Shri Maharaj Ji, the answer he gave was perfect. These people say, "Why are you
talking about peace? How do you think people can have peace if they're hungry in their stomach? Guru Maharaj Ji said, "Listen, I can give them food today, but they'll be hungry tomorrow. If I give them food tomorrow, then
they'll be hungry the other day. And if I give them food the other day, then they'll be hungry the other day." He said that, "If I give them clothing then after a little while they will wear off. What kind of clothing do I
give them? For summer, winter or rain? If I give them clothing in the summer, they'll freeze to death in winter. If I give them clothing for winter they'll bake and that's it." Then he said, "Education," he said you can
give somebody an education and he might forget it tomorrow. "But the kind of food that I give, once anybody has eaten it, never gets hungry again." You can imagine these guys who are thinking that they're heroes, people of
the people, yet they didn't know they were talking to the Lord of Lords. I mean this is stupidity.
Geneva '78 booklet