Prem Rawat's Teaching about His Lotus Feet - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat aka Maharaji (the Ultimate Ruler) aka Guru Maharaj Ji's flabby and half-naked dancing and his followers' mania for lining up and passing by and bowing down to kiss his feet seem strange but even stranger was the adoration of his feet that were considered especially divine and were called the Lotus Feet. Photos of his feet (just his feet) were sold and were very popular for placing on home altars. Maharaji did not discuss his feet all that often, understandably enough, who does after all except to a podiatrist or in a shoe shop, but something so incredible needs to be referred to occasionally. I'm a little surprised that I was able to find any times he sppoke about his Lotus Feet, I mean, puhlease "I'm not God but I have Lotus Feet."

In the ashrams the song Arti was sung every morning and every night by the thousands of his most devoted followers to a large photo of Rawat on an altar and it often ended the nightly satsang meeting that all devotees of Prem Rawat were meant to attend. It was sung at all festivals or large gatherings of his followers to him in person while he sat on stage often dressed as Krishna. One verse advised that everything, especially wealth, should be given to Maharaji's Lotus Feet:

sacred_lotus (36K) Mine, Thine, Wealth, Health
Give them to the lotus feet of love
Give them to the lotus feet of the Lord
Give yourself to Satguru
Sacrifice yourself to Satguru
Be united with the blissful Truth
Jai Dev, Jai Satgurudev

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About His Lotus Feet

Mahatma Gurucharanand
The supreme Lord knows human weaknesses, therefore He manifests Himself in the form of Satguru to reveal the mystery of His own Divinity and to give to His devotees the opportunity of performing service at His Holy Lotus Feet. Those who have been blessed with the Divine presence of Satguru will undoubtedly be saved and never be abandoned to the clutches of birth and death. Such devotees are always in peace and attain the state of immortal bliss.
Let us beg Him sincerely to grant us His devotion and love and nothing else. Really blessed are those devotees who have bathed in the intense love and the unalloyed devotion of the Lotus Feet of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji, who is the highest manifestation of God and the embodiment of truth, love and compassion.
Divine Light magazine, Volume 1, Number 5, February 1972

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About His Lotus Feet

"Peace Bomb" speech, November 8, 1970
Mira did not hesitate. When she was given poison to drink and was told it was nectar, she drank without suspicion, so trusting was she in the Grace of Guru Maharaj Ji. If Mira had hesitated, definitely she would have been killed; but she was not at all troubled by pride or how her social position would be affected. She had sacrificed her whole life at the Lotus Feet of Guru Maharaj Ji, and this is why she did not die.
Shiva Ji left that place, doing his pranam to Guru Maharaj Ji and saying in his heart, "O Guru Maharaj Ji, you are all powerful. What can you not do? You can do anything. I surrender myself at your Lotus Feet. Protect me, please," as you should pray in your heart when you do pranam before Guru Maharaj Ji or His picture.
Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About His Lotus Feet

Hollywood, California, August 11, 1971
Let Satguru guide that will, where it should be. Because he is the man who can see what the formula of this whole world is. He is the real man who can see it, think it, realize it and take us into the perfect place where it is really good for us. We can't go ourselves. That is why many scriptures have said that one should dedicate one's life to the Lotus Feet of the Perfect Master of the time. Dedicate. Then he will take you to that right place. Because you have dedicated your life, you are no longer anything and you belong to him, so he is responsible for taking you.
Élan Vital, Volume III Issue 3, Autumn 1979

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About His Lotus Feet

Prem Rawat's mother, Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India, November 6, 1971
All those who enter the gates of Prem Nagar become Jivan Muktas (liberated souls). This is the divine ashram, the 10th door. Enter the ashram, the 10th door of the body. This is the time to do the service of spreading Guru Maharaj Ji's knowledge to unite this whole world in a garland of unity, brotherhood and love. If you want to become a mango fruit, you must dedicate yourself at the Lotus Feet of Guru Maharaj Ji, at the dust of the Lotus Feet, just like a seed must be buried in dirt. Be joined with others in a mango full of fruit for the world.

She later learnt that only bitter fruit grew in the dust of her youngest son's feet so she pulled the weed out of the ground.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About the Bridge

Hans Jayanti Festival, New Delhi India, November 1971
In the same way, my dear aspirants, after taking this Knowledge, if a man doesn't meditate on this it is of no use to him. When the Western people are initiated they are told to meditate constantly. Then they say, "What is this business of meditation?" Because they are so lazy they have become ashamed of meditation. They can't do meditation. But those who are really eager for Knowledge, they do meditation. Now you see that 360 of them are sitting before you. By whose might and power did they come here? Did they come only to enjoy the flight on a 747? No. There are many 747's in their countries and they can travel on them easily. They have come here to listen to the glory of that Knowledge more and more. They have Knowledge, but now they have come here to hear the glory of that Knowledge in holy discourse. Because they know that by seeing the Lotus Feet of Guru Maharaj Ji and by hearing his nectarful voice, serving under his Lotus Feet, all the sins of lives together are washed off. I have made it clear about these things already.
Divine Times, November 1979, Volume 8, Number 6

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About His Lotus Feet

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India, November 26, 1971
First of all we should understand where the defect is in our car, in our machinery, in this computer. To understand the defect of our machinery, in this computer, you place your memory under the Lotus Feet, or under the disposal of the true Master of the time. Then the true Master of the time has many types of computers. All the computers function equally. Their function is only to show where the defect is, and when we find the defect we try to solve the problem. When we have to solve the problem, we place it under the other computer which will solve the problem. This computer is placed under memory, and again memory is placed under satguru. Again Satguru has many types of computers which can cure that machinery of that defect. By the help of this knowledge, of this pure Name of God, the holy Name of God, surely and certainly he will be able to cure us. Not only us, but he has cured thousands and thousands through this Name, through this Knowledge.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About His Lotus Feet

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India, December 10, 1971
So be perfect, be in love, do meditation, run smoothly, have a good life; enjoy yourselves: Be one with Him who has created you, who had created you, and who will create you. Because this is what you have to find in the world. There are many paths. Many, many paths. One is blue, one is red, one is green. All seem beautiful. But there is one path which we hardly can look at because it is so bright. People who are really people, people who are really humans, walk on it. And people who are not humans but are cowards walk on the green, red, yellow paths. But the man who walks on that bright shining path always gets brightness. And God handles him, and he handles the Lotus Feet of Satgurudev. I'll explain you this. Lord Ram governed Hanuman, but Hanuman goverened the Lotus Feet of Ram. Because Hanuman did so much meditation and tied the Lord in love, so much love, that whenever Hanuman wanted, Ram was ready to go. Whenever the Lord comes, He is hungry of love. He wants nothing. He has created money, He has created gold, He has created silver, He has created diamonds, He has created the whole universe. Whatever He wants is no surprise to the Lord. It is not a surprise for Him because He has created it. But the only thing that can be surprise for Him is your love, that is sincere, that is from your heart, which comes right from the depths of your heart, which shows light, affection, devotion, and real love which is perfect - perfect and lasting love. So that love God requires. Nothing else. God created love, no doubt, but He distributed it. And no love is left. And God is only hungry of one thing now. He wants to collect love, love, love, and love. That's the only thing He wants. But those people are only able to give love who are determined to shed their forehead on His Lotus Feet. Nobody else. People who have pride go to that imperfection from where they never return. But the guy who is determined to shed his forehead on the Lotus Feet goes to that perfection from where he never returns.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About His Lotus Feet

Patna, Bihar, India, December 25, 1971
Only the Supreme Lord, Saint of all saints, Omnipotent and Almighty, can close the mouth of the whole universe and shower the Knowledge of self-realization. Otherwise, the small whistles are not heard in the midst of such big drums. Therefore, my dear aspirants, what is that Word? Know that. If you have got the Knowledge of that Word, then meditate constantly. Do service under the Lotus Feet of your Lord, and listen to satsang patiently. It is written in the Ramayana that when a man is very fortunate, only then does he find satsang, and when he finds satsang and attends it, he is liberated without any effort. Again, it is said, "Have darshan of Guru Maharaj Ji." Why? Because it is written in all Vedas and Ramayanas to have darshan. So touch the Lotus Feet. "Lay yourself down in the vast, unbounded ocean of Mercy underneath. Bathe and swing on the waves and sink inside. Drink the nectar of Mercy and Grace and Blessings, and be free from all sins."
Élan Vital, Autumn 1977, Volume I, Issue 1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About His Lotus Feet

Montpellier, France on April 3, 1977
And we have to understand one thing. And that is the purpose, the meaning of this life. And like I was saying yesterday, for me, I have experienced a lot in this world. And maybe what I have experienced is worth nothing, and maybe what I have experienced is not enough. But I have understood one thing in this world: that devotion, the essence of devotion, that total surrender, that total getting into satsang, service, and meditation and having faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, and that really putting aside in their own categories the things that belong there, but taking your whole self, self as you are, not as individuals, not as categorized as 'John' or 'Steve' or 'Duke' or whatever names you have, but that self, that inner self, that who you really are, what you really are, taking that, and putting it at the lotus feet of Guru Maharaj Ji, is it.
Divine Times, June 1977 Volume 6, Number 5

Durga Ji Teaching About His Lotus Feet

Guru Maharaj Ji's and Durga Ji's satsang by phone to a New York Knowledge Session, on October 25, 1977, Durga Ji's birthday
A lot of things have happened. But I can just smile through all of it because I know that he's just holding me so closely and just so dearly. And by his Grace, I'm experiencing that. I can look around and see that the premies in the residence are also experiencing that. And it's just so beautiful that we don't have to have those frown marks between our eyebrows that so many people in this world have because of the situations that come their way. They completely destroy the Peace and the peacefulness that is lying within. You look at a baby, and there's never any frown marks on a baby because it's so pure. But I look at Guru Maharaj Ji and there's not one - there never will be a frown mark on Guru Maharaj Ji because he is that lotus that floats through life, and no matter what situation comes his way, he's just on top of it all the time because of his experience within. And he's giving us this same gift. He's giving us this same opportunity to just be with him, just be at his lotus feet. Because he does have lotus feet. His feet are just above it all. If we cling to those lotus feet then we, too, are able to just be out of the heaviness of this world. It's a beautiful experience for us. It's beyond any experience that the world has to offer.
Divine Times, December 1977 Volume 6, Number 9

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About His Lotus Feet

Dortmund Germany, September 30, 1978
And that's why we need that protection. That's why we need the shelter of Guru Maharaj Ji's grace so much. Because how many … can you name the things in this world that can disattract you from Knowledge, from Guru Maharaj Ji? I can't. Too many. Too, too, too, too, too, too, too many things. I mean, it would take … I don't know if it's even possible. But we have to, in this lifetime, conquer all those things, and put ourselves at the Lotus Feet of Guru Maharaj Ji, put ourselves at Guru Maharaj Ji's mercy, put ourselves at Guru Maharaj Ji's grace, so that Guru Maharaj Ji can take us and give us that fulfillment that we really want. And it's not difficult. As a matter of fact, it's possible by … I mean, it could happen just like this. Just like that. Snap your fingers, and that's it! It could happen in million years; it could happen in three million years. Oh yeah, it could happen in zillion years, but, it can happen just like that! And that's what we have to shoot for. Not three zillion years. Who knows who is going to live three zillion years? We don't know if we are even going to live a hundred years. Talking about three zillion years. And when you see that, this life has to become Guru Maharaj Ji's now.
Guru Puja '78, Dortmund booklet

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About His Lotus Feet

Holi Festival, Rome, Italy / June 25, 1980
I was standing there on the steps, listening to the song (Leaving Your Lotus Feet, Where Would I Go?). It's starting to become one of my favorites. I know it really has to be true for me. My experience of Guru Maharaj Ji, my experience of Knowledge, has to be real for me. If it isn't real for me, then who am I kidding? What am I trying to do? What am I trying to accomplish? … There is even a feeling that, "Maybe someday I'll become just like a lawyer, where you go to school, you study and then you quit. That's it." No. I'm going to always need my teacher. I'm going to always need my Guru Maharaj Ji. I'm always going to need that Power who'll always be filling my heart with love. In Him, in His Feet, I'll find my salvation, find my liberation. What is liberation - to be liberated, to be freed? And as it says, "Who else has the Holy Name to free me from maya? Who else loves the weary and the weak? Where shall I go, leaving your Lotus Feet? Where would I go?" Because that's it.
Élan Vital, Fall 1980, Volume IV, Issue 3

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About His Lotus Feet

Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, Hans Jayanti celebrations, November 9 1990
Just see, today this word 'guru' has become a ridiculous term, a sort of a joke and people do not know what is a 'guru'. When I fly a plane in India, I often listen to the radio in the cockpit. There are talks going on between various pilots in the vicinity. Somebody would address: "Well guru, how are you?" Because they do not know the true meaning and implications. They don't understand the glory of a guru and Master. Because they have forgotten altogether. They have made such pseudo-guru who have put the whole system to disrepute. … Such so-called gurus have marred the reputation of this institution. It has been ruined. Actually the guru is such a personality about whom it is said: I bow down to the lotus feet of my Guru Maharaj Ji who is the ocean of mercy and is actually Hari (God) himself in human form. And whose words are like sunbeams to disperse the accumulated darkness of gross ignorance. So Tulsidas says that he bows down to such a Guru Maharaj Ji, the Master, who is really Hari (Supreme Power) in the form of man. So the main thing to understand here is that he bows down to the feet of that guru whose utterances, whose expressions are able to illuminate. And what is that which is illuminated by his words? It is the heart which is illuminated. His words are able to sever and dispel the spidery web of illusion, infatuation and ignorance.
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 2 April-June 1991