Prem Rawat's Teaching about "Peace On Earth" - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat's English is and was poor and very idiosyncratic but some things are easy to convey in simple and straightforward language. One of these is "Peace On Earth" though Rawat with his poor and idiosyncratic grasp of English more often used the phrase "peace in this world" or the millenium. As he said in 1975 after his mother had disinherited and deposed him: "nobody else has taken the responsibility of spreading it and bringing peace to the world but me." This is my duty. And that's why I am sticking to it." Rawat's grip on reality (or his tongue) was so poor that he even claimed he could bring world peace before he was 25 years old if his premies would just cooperate with him. . For many years he claimed he was going to establish this peace not only individually but for everyone. He first made this claim over 40 years ago in 1970 and as of 2014 he is 58 years old and still hasn't got his students to cooperate and time seems to be running out for him.
Hans Rawat aka Param Sant Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj at Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India
In fact, peace can be permanently established on this earth if the right efforts are made in the right direction.
Peace is not simply the negation of war, but it is the negation of the warring tendencies in man. War exists in the mind of man and
it is from there that it must be uprooted. Man can be cured of his warring tendencies by infusing his mind with the vision of God.
… Truth can be realized and peace established by the realization of Divine Light and the Holy Name of God, but this is only possible through the help and guidance of the Satguru of the time and by no
other means whatsoever.
… Permanent peace can be achieved when lust, greed, hatred and
fear are overcome by people en-masse. But this is only possible by the control and concentration of mind. Only Knowledge of God's Holy
Name and realization of Divine Light enables man to gain the concentration necessary to achieve eternal bliss.
… If the people of the whole world acquire this Knowledge of the Absolute Truth and concentrate their minds on the Holy Name of God, their gross nature will be transformed and man will look upon each
other as brothers and not as objects of hatred and suspicion; there will remain no cause for unrest and fear and not only will permanent peace be established on earth but the earth will be turned into heaven
Divine Light magazine, Volume 2, Number 6
Shri Mata Ji, Montreal, May 16, 1972
My son is such a great power that He has come to save the whole universe. But who will believe me?
From the age of seven Guru Maharaj Ji has openly proclaimed, "Come to me and I will give you peace.
I have come in this universe to establish peace and tranquility for all time."
Divine Light magazine, Volume 1, Number 4
"Peace Bomb" speech, India Gate, Delhi, India, November 8 1970
I declare that I will establish peace in this world. Just give me the reins and let me rule and I will rule in such a way that even Rama, Hariscandra, Krishna and other kings could not have ruled like
that! That day is fast approaching. So arise, awake, open the ears of each man and tell him the time has come! … I swear by my mother who has give me birth, that I will give you peace.
…Give me your love and I will give you peace. Surrender the reins of your life to me and I will give you salvation. I am the source of peace in this world. Many times I have come but this
time I have come with more power than ever before. … I declare that I will establish peace in this world. …
Therefore, dear premies, the time has come. See how peace will be established in the world. There will be peace on earth. That peace which disappeared shall prevail again. It will come, and once again
the world will understand. So listen to me and act accordingly. Bow down before Guru Maharaj Ji!
… Therefore, dear premies, the time has come for restlessness to be destroyed and the Kingdom of Peace to be established. Whether you take it as my prophecy or anything else, the Kingdom of Peace will be
established soon.
Golden Age, Number 49, November 1978 and Satguru Has Come, Shri Hans Productions film, 1972
New York USA, 10 June 1972
And today there is something very beautiful that everyone must realize. And that is that once a man takes the Knowledge - and five million people have taken Knowledge - very naturally he wants to tell other people about it. And no doubt if these five million people really try and bring two people each day to the Knowledge, in two days how many people will be there? There's no doubt in this way we can bring this Knowledge to the whole world. It is not a dream. It can be real. Many people ask me this question again and again, because they don't believe that there is going to be a Kingdom of Heaven or that this Knowledge is going to spread. For them it is not possible. But, if you try, it is possible. Because if this Knowledge belongs to God and if it is really God's Knowledge and it is true Knowledge, then there is nothing in the world that can stop it reaching the people. So do satsang. Give them open-hearted satsang. Give them this feeling that what you want to tell them is not a new religion, is not a new way, it's not a new thing. That's why I am so concerned about all the activities of the Divine Light Mission.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 4, January 1973
Tokyo, Japan, October 3, 1972
The greatest problem all around the world today, whether in America, Japan. China. Russia, India, or anywhere else in the world, is that people are not in peace. People want peace. Today, if two people fight, the government is supposed to settle them down. But when governments fight, who is going to settle then down? The only one who can settle the governments down is the Perfect Master, the incarnation of God Himself, who comes to Earth to save humankind. …
And these Masters always come into the world to give and give and give and give. So if a man is losing, he can get what he needs from the Master. And if you can't find the Master I can show you God because I have realized Him!
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 9, July 1973
DUO Proclamation April 1st 1973
I challenge this to the whole world, that by Divine United Organisation, and by the grace of Almighty Lord, and
the power of Knowledge, the bliss of the Knowledge, peace in the world can again be established, in the same way as people have dreamed of and the Kingdom of Heaven on this earth will be possible, and is possible if you
work together, with cooperation and in the manner of Divine United Organisation that I have explained to you.
The sayings of Guru Maharaj Ji, © Divine Light Mission 1974
Chicago Illinois, August 7 1973
Well according to me I believe that before we can know anything we must first understand the reason the cause for the things out there and I believe because everyone is confused in this world because they do not know what is the aim of the human life they are so much confused and the only solution to it (starts laughing again) is uh that we understand the aim of this human life what is it so that we can also, also understand that who we are and what we are really doing of course because if someone is drowning in a river and uh he goes to rescue and that is also drowning, two drowning people cannot rescue each other. In the same way because the whole world is confused the world tries to satisfy itself it cannot because everyone in the world is confused so there's got to be a Perfect Master in the world who can bring peace in this world so that he can establish because he will be perfect and he won't be confused as we are and then it's very easy, he will be able to establish the peace and the internal communication within inside of us.
PMT #008: The Practical Solution Studio Rehearsal
Interview with John Wood of the Boston Globe Interview in 1973
Reporter: You were saying before, that you expect to see peace on earth in your lifetime.
Maharaj Ji: You will be able to see peace in this world on people's faces. This is one thing a London newspaper wrote, that if you see a well-dressed man who has got a glow on his face, if he's really shining, it means he's from Divine Light Mission. They have realized peace, and peace can't hide itself. It just comes out. And when everybody is going to realize it, it's going to be -
Reporter: Will everybody realize this then?
Maharaj Ji: It's not a hard job. For sure to the people who see this world and see us, it might seem a hard job because they only see five or six people around me. But that's not it. There's six million people reaching at least. It's not hard for one man to reach two people a day - you understand? And six million people are reaching two people a day - how much does that count to? That's it. That's how we are growing so fast.
Light Reading, published June 1980
Millenium '73, Houston, Texas, November 9, 1973
Dear premies and most respected ladies and gentlemen, we have assembled here today in the Astrodome to talk about something called peace. It might sound like a funny word to you, but not to us. The word peace is something that this world needs to realize. As you can see, many people have promised to bring peace, but for some unfortunate reason, they haven't been able to. What peace really is, we have to understand. …
Because what I am saying, that's what matters. What anybody else says about me, that doesn't matter. I am telling you the facts. If you want to see the truth, if you want to recognize the truth, if you haven't recognized the truth and if you do want to, come to me and I can show you the truth and I can establish peace in this world. I can. It's very possible. It's just too easy to accomplish peace, just give Knowledge to everybody and do it.…
It's not my Knowledge, it's Almighty Lord's Knowledge and people who have understood it, they know. It's like a little joke for them. Because what I am saying to you now, I said to them before they received it, and that's the little joke I am playing. For them it's a little joke because I am talking about the same thing that I talked to them about once and they realized it and they all know how fantastic it is. But you also have to know and realize how fantastic it is. So, for my sake, for the sake of Almighty and for the sake of peace on this earth, please, will you realize this Knowledge?
And It Is Divine magazine, June 1974, Volume 2, Issue 1,
Millenium '73, Houston, Texas, November 9, 1973
This is what we have to understand and recognize in this world today. And if we can understand that little point, that really all humanity is missing is that perfectness, oh boy, I'll tell you something, there is going to be perfect harmony in this world, it's going to be beautiful. I can bet you that, no doubt, because I know what there is gonna be
And It Is Divine magazine, June 1974, Volume 2, Issue 1,
Millenium '73, Houston, Texas, November 10, 1973
But you have to understand it; you have to realize it. I am not claiming anything on top. See, I cannot promise you anything, except one thing -- I can't do promises to you saying, "I'll do this for you, and I'll do this for you, and I'll do this for you." I can promise you one thing: I can promise you World Peace. I can promise you Peace of mind. And these are the things I can promise you. Because I have them, and I very well know I have them. It's no objection about it; it's no problem about it. It's no doubt in my mind about it, that I have it, and I can establish it. …
And this is the way we can establish Peace on this earth, on this very planet, in this very century. We can do it. It's no
problem. It's no big mess up. It's just the way how to go around doing it is the only thing. Otherwise, it's very possible.
And that world of Peace, that kingdom of heaven on earth, is very possible. Because, as I was telling you the other day,
God is not going to come with a purple screen and pull it up on the blue sky and say: "There is kingdom of heaven."
And It Is Divine magazine, Summer 1977, Volume 4, Issue 2,
Millenium '73 Press Conference, November 1973
"The purpose of this mission, the aim of this mission is to establish peace in this earth and we want that we should be helped by all brothers and sisters because if we are humans, if we are real humans, we would very
much like that peace should be on this earth. And thus we would like to help somebody who can establish peace. Well, here I am and I can I say I can establish peace in this world."
I'm trying to accomplish peace in this world. That's what I'm trying to do.
Reporter: Maharaj Ji, are you the Messiah foretold in the Bible?
Maharaj Ji: Please do not presume me as that. Respect me as a humble servant of God trying to establish peace in this world.
Lord Of The Universe video, TVTV production
My mission in this world is to establish peace, but I need cooperation from all. We are very, very fortunate to have received this Knowledge and now it is our duty to spread it throughout the world. The way in which to do this is through Divine Light Mission, because Divine Light Mission is the mission that has been created for the purpose of spreading this Knowledge. It is like if you want to get from one city to another, it is easier to take the road that is already existing than to try to build a road of your own. So, now we must all join together and help the Mission to establish peace on this earth, and not only earth, maybe the universe.
The Golden Age Number 1, Thursday, March 14 1974
Larchmont satsang, Los Angeles, May 30 1974
And it's like, if every premie, you know, really cooperated in their service and directed the service so that I can use it to spread this Knowledge into this world, I'll tell you before I'm 25 this whole world can have peace."
Something In Your Heart Wants To Know, 1975 pamphlet
Amherst Massachusetts, 8 July 1974
I'm doin' my part and I think I'm doin' it pretty good. (Bolie Shri Satgurudev Maharaj Ki Jai!) Now it's like this is what has to be told to the whole world that ??? light understand cause it's beautiful, it's what we need, it's just what we need. You know, once, it's so hard to believe that will there be ever peace in this world? But once we take Knowledge, we say it's not hard at all because Knowledge is something that can really bring peace, Knowledge is peace and it is very possible that there will be peace in this world and this is why we challenge that, this is why we say that that our aim is to accomplish peace in this world and I tell you that's not a small statement at all, that's a mighty big one and we make it because we have something, because we have a key which is a Master Key which opens all the locks. I mean all the locks and so, it's so easy.
Perfect Master Tape 021
Sydney Australia, 26 October 1974
All these religions that people are following, I mean, all these religions, were not made today. They were made way, way, way before, way down the line. Yet each generation there have been problems. People have been trying and trying and trying, and they could never solve it. The religions couldn't bring peace in this world, and neither could all the scriptures. It's like, we got four things. We tried one, and that's what man calls religion. Man tried his religion. I mean, it's a fact. Some people don't like my talking like this, but it's a fact. It's almost like a statistic. You can see it for yourself.
The Golden Age Number 20, May 1975
Proclamation For 1975
I still sincerely think that this Knowledge, the Knowledge of God, the Knowledge of our Creator is our solution. Many people might not think so
… I do not claim to be God but do claim I can establish peace on this earth by our Lord's Grace and everyone's joint effort.
The Golden Age No. 17 January, 1975
Jhumri Taliaya, Bihar, India, April 15, 1975
And now for God knows how many ages, people will think of this and realize that yes, it is true that the reason the Perfect Master comes to the earth is not for the sake of his mother, or brother, or family, but only to spread the Knowledge. That's why, even though they claim I've been doing all these weird things, I am still walking the path of Knowledge. Does anybody dare stop me? No! Because I'm truly spreading the Knowledge. They're spreading falsehood and I'm spreading Truth. If anyone wants to stop me, he should go and stop them first. Because I am spreading Truth, and I'm spreading it right now, and I'll go on spreading it as long as there is some life left in this body. I'll go on spreading this Truth because nobody else has taken the responsibility of spreading it and bringing peace to the world but me. This is my duty. And that's why I am sticking to it.
And It is Divine, Volume III, Issue 4
Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando, Florida, Evening 9 November 1975
You see, our dream to establish peace in this world is very slowly, but surely, coming along. It's so beautiful, because the more and more festivals we have, the more and more premies grow. And this growth is so incredible.
Divine Times, Volume 4, Issue 10
Denver Colorado, September 17 1976
That is what Shri Maharaj Ji used to say. He used to say, "There are a lot of people who talk about 'Yes, there should be peace in this world'," and the only difference between what I preach and those people preach is that I not only say that there should be peace in this world, I bring peace in this world. Those people just talk about peace in this world, but have no way to bring peace into this world." And by his grace, this is the job that I'm continuing.
I feel, and this is what I was explaining to a premie in Malibu, that I'm, like, sandwiched. This is the way I feel. On one hand, because I have realized Knowledge, I feel it is my responsibility, just as a premie, to spread this Knowledge into this world, to let the word out that there is Knowledge, that there is something like this in this world.
The Golden Age Number 35, January 1977
Atlantic City New Jersey, December 19 1976
But for some reason, I have this hope. I have this dream. I have this - not an idea. It is not an idealism. But as a service to my life, as the aim of my life - to beat these drums so hard, so hard, that it might break down those barriers that people have placed between them, and that there might be Peace in this world (applause).
The point is, somehow, when I came to United States, that's what I already had dedicated my life to. And it seemed possible at that time. But so much more hope has sprung in between, so much more possibilities have come in between, that there can be Peace on this Earth, and that it is not an impossibility, but it is a very good possibility.
You look at it from any reason you want to see it, any way you want to see it. There can be Peace on this Earth.
Élan Vital Volume I Issue 2 Winter 1977
An Interview with Guru Maharaj Ji, June 1979, Miami Magazine
MM: Guru Maharaj Ji, in your recent newspaper announcements, you are quoted as saying, "I declare I will establish peace in this world." The dictionary defines "peace" as "the absence of war." Is that what you mean?
A: No. To me, peace is really the inner contentment. War is only a by-product of man not being content within one's self. When I say peace, I mean the peace which is within us and which comes when man is in harmony with his Creator, the Almighty Lord God.
How will you establish peace in this world?
Through Knowledge, which is the experience of one's real self and harmony with the ultimate, which is inside of all of us. When one can really understand the purpose of existence, then there is no doubt. All pain and suffering from one's self disappears and hence the Kingdom of Heaven is established. It is tranquil and peaceful.
The Golden Age Special Introductory Issue Number 1, February 1980 and Something In You Heart Wants To Know pamphlet and The Golden Age, July 1979, Number 54
Rome, Italy, Ashram Satsang June 25 1980
All of a sudden these guys really plough into it and they want to make it peaceful. So these guys are flying back and forth from America and the two guys are getting together and they're sitting in these top-secret places and having their negotiations and the Oh everybody is standing on the top of an icicle and just waiting to hear what's going on and they come out and very happy and cheerful and hugging and embracing and getting the Peace Prizes and oh just an incredible show. Nothing has changed, people are still getting killed right and left and they are going to be and now is the question comes well wha-wha-hat's going on? And what this guy didn't keep up his peace promise and I'm not going to keep up to my promise, you know, that's the condition because the the problem stems from a completely different place. The problem stems from that uncontentment, from not understanding what people need in this life, what people need, now.
You can have your concepts, you can have your uh, ideas. Those ideas aren't going to be any good if there isn't some substance that can replace the darkness in everyone's heart. That's what's needed, a real solution, not talk, you know. Oh there's enough talk, there's plenty of talk and what we need is that real solution and always has been, always will be, and is now. Knowledge is the only solution, really Guru Maharaj Ji is the only solution to bring that peace into this world. That's why Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world.
Ashram Satsang video, June 25 1980
I'm very excited because I think peace is a reality in this world. There's too many people to debunk that. That's too ambitious they say. Is it really possible they question but all those people who think it too ambitious
are not of the people who are even remotely trying to bring peace in this world. At least however minor my efforts might be or however great my efforts might be, regardless of that at least I am making an effort. This is not peace that is signed by ink on a piece of paper between two countries saying they won't kill each other. This is not the peace that I am talking about. The peace that I am talking about is a peace that is felt in the
heart of human beings.
Thank You 2003 CD
September 2004
We need peace in this world as we are. We need peace in this world with all our problems. We need peace in this world with everything that goes on. We need peace in this world because our heart desires it. Something very
fundamental wants that peace. There has been an attraction to that peace since time immemorial. When it comes to peace in my life, it begins with being ready and able to stand on my own feet. It doesn't end there,
but it begins there. For too long, we have looked to world leaders. They try, but succeeding is another story. The noblest gesture we can make is to recognize the possibility of peace in our life and to find ourselves to be the source and the resource.
The Young People's Initiative, downloaded 11 July 2009
Brussels Belgium, 29th June 2010
If we can make such a mess out of this earth, if we have that much power, then certainly, we have enough power to bring peace on this earth, too. The question remains whether it is something that we want to do or not.
Because peace begins with every one of you. … It is individual human beings who need peace, it is individual human beings in whom the desire resides, and it is on the individual human being's stage that peace needs to dance. … Determination, understanding, and clarity have to be the fundamental foundations on which this palace will be built. Not exclusion, but inclusion. When our measurements are going to be the similarities and not the differences. That is the day we begin to lay the foundation for peace in this world. …
I always find it a great honor to be in the company of those people who are interested in peace, because they forge the way ahead to the possibility of peace for everyone on this earth.
International Conference for Peace
Brighton England, June 17 2011
On this journey of life, make sure the heart is fulfilled, experience peace. When you can experience peace, that's when peace will come into your world. People say: "In this world, there needs to be peace." I say: "No, in your world there needs to be peace, because if there isn't peace in your world, there isn't going to be peace in this world." Words Of Peace Global website, downloaded 22 September 2012