Prem Rawat's Teachings about The Ultimate - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat's full title is Param Sant Satgurudev Shri Sant Ji Maharaj which means the Highest Saint and Divine Revealer of Truth, the Lord, Sir Ultimate Ruler. He calls himself simply Maharaji ("the Ultimate Ruler."

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

London England, Prior to 1975
But anyway, can you imagine the bliss that will be there when this whole world receives the Knowledge? I mean it's gonna be so fantastic, so beautiful. And Listen, the most beautiful thing about it is that it is very, very possible. It's very, very possible. This whole world can receive Knowledge and be in that ultimate bliss in this century. I mean if we try, if all the premies try hard, really, really hard, I don't see it as being impossible for everybody to receive Knowledge.
Brotherly Love, May 1975

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

Denver, 8th July, 1975
Because who is Guru Maharaj Ji? Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect. And this perfect Lord doesn't come down Himself one day, grab everybody by the throat, and say, "You better realize Knowledge, otherwise I am going to chuck you out into hell." He doesn't do that. He even comes down into this world, bears that physical body, bears the pains, bears the suffering of this physical planet, and gives Knowledge. But if you look at Him, He is the ultimate. He doesn't need to come into this world. He has got so much power, He could manifest Himself in front of everybody in this world and ask everybody personally a question, He wouldn't even have to come down into this world. All He would have to do is come down out of the clouds and speak loud one day, and say, "People who are not going to receive Knowledge are definitely going to hell." He never does that, because that's just the way it is.
The Golden Age Number 39

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, 18th September, 1977
And to me, my explanation for all those explanations that man has, is because he does not understand. Because if man - if the human race today really understood what the purpose of this life is, if this whole human race really understood the essence of this life … I mean, it's very clearly - like it's stated in Gita: This is the Raj Vidya. This is the Knowledge of all the knowledges. But to me, what makes sense is when this one person realizes Knowledge in his life, instead of saying, "This knowledge and that knowledge," it's just flat: "This is the Raj Vidya. This is the ultimate Knowledge. This is the Knowledge of all the knowledges." Because it is!
Divine Times - September/October 1977 Volume 7, Number 6

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

Hans Jayanti, Rome, Italy, Night, 9 November, 1977
Of course, today, in body, Shri Maharaj Ji really doesn't exist within us. But yet we know, and we can feel it, and we can understand, and we can really - well, quite clearly see, that the reason why he came in this world, the reason why he even got born into this world, the reason why he went from place to place, spreading this beautiful Word, spreading this very beautiful message to all people of the world, had no distinction. He had no reservations. He went to everybody, door to door, just telling them that they have this human life, and that in this human life it is possible to realize the purpose of this human life, to realize the goal of this human life. It is possible to merge with that oneness, to merge with that incredible thing, to become one with that ultimate.
The Golden Age Number 42 and Divine Times - September/October 1978 Volume 7, Number 6 and The Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

Holi Festival Miami Beach, Florida, April 7, 1979
What does Guru Maharaj Ji mean? Guru -- the revealer of Light. Gu -- darkness; ru -- Light. One who takes us away from the darkness and brings us to Light is "Gu-ru." Guru Maharaj -- maha: the ultimate, raj: the ruler. The ultimate ruler. Guru Maharaj. And Ji is like the expression "sir."
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 2, Summer 1979

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

Holi, Miami Florida, April 8, 1979
And in the same way, when we surrender to Guru Maharaj Ji, when we accept Guru Maharaj Ji, when we try Guru Maharaj Ji, automatically Knowledge starts pulling through for us. But when it's only Knowledge and no Guru Maharaj Ji, it just doesn't click. And to have faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, to believe Guru Maharaj Ji, and to have that devotion towards Guru Maharaj Ji, is to me the most ultimate experience of this Knowledge. … You have to have that endless faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, in your self, in your heart, in you. Unchanging love, constant love, constant faith. Not the one that goes up and down depending on the weather, depending on the day, depending on what happens in this world. No. No, no, that can't happen. But a constant faith.
Divine Times - May/June 1979 Volume 8, Number 3

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

Miami, June 1979
How will you establish peace in this world? Through Knowledge, which is the experience of one's real self and harmony with the ultimate, which is inside of all of us. When one can really understand the purpose of existence, then there is no doubt. All pain and suffering from one's self disappears and hence the Kingdom of Heaven is established. It is tranquil and peaceful. … My work in this world comes from my understanding of its necessity. It comes from my commitment to establish peace in this world. Maybe in some circumstances, to some people, positive or negative publicity may have an effect, but my commitment is above that. Due to a certain lack of understanding, some people may not see what this work is all about. And therefore, out of ignorance, present a negative view. And yet, for the millions of followers who have seen and experienced for themselves (In 1979 Rawat no longer had millions of followers and he still does not have millions of followers)
Miami Magazine June 1979

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

Cancun, Mexico - January 16 1980
That's why when Jesus came he couldn't function in this world in that sense. He had to resort to those people who were open to him, to those people who could be the devotees, who could have that devotion, who could have that understanding. That was it. To other people it doesn't even make sense. That's exactly the thing with devotion. Devotion is that connection that all those devotees at that time of Jesus had to him, that Arjun had to Krishna, that Hanuman had to Ram. It's that link between what that Master comes in this world for and what we are here for. It's that ultimate link. That's the devotion. That is devotion.
Affinity, June 1980

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

Holi festival, Miami, Florida, 1980
What did, you know, what did Jesus say to his devotees when he had given them Knowledge? "Congratulations, you just have received the Knowledge, the ultimate thing in your life. Now you may go back home and relax while I continue this good work." You know. No! He just, he didn't just say, "Give me a donkey and whole bunch of palm leaves and I'll go all over the place and you guys, just relax here, don't hurt yourself, don't bother about it." (laughter) No he said, "Go, spread the word. Get going." you know and that is the way it is, We've gotta spread that word because sitting at home and going (puts hand over mouth) like this isn't going to do anybody any good but don't you know everybody in this world needs Knowledge?
Holi 1980 video, Élan Vital Inc., 1980

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

July 25-27 1980
And yet Saviour comes to save us from everything, give us a new life, give us a new meaning, give us a new hope, give us a new light. Makes us strong because we are weak. We become weak, we become tired in this world. He makes us strong. We become blinded by the obsessions of this world. He gives us the eyesight, he gives us the light. He gives us the energy to walk. He shows us the direction. Miracle, we look for miracles. That is the ultimate miracle.
You Are My Saviour video

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

Guru Puja festival, July 25-27 1980
No, the solution, the ultimate solution is what we all need, the ultimate grace is what we all need. (frenzied) I know that to do I myself do not give up. On my little thing, on my little hanger that I always hang from. I have to come down, I have to give up, I have to understand, I have to let go. I have to come to the Master and say, "Okay, this is it. Give me, take me, take me, let me have an experience. Give me what you have to give me. Take my doubts away
You Are My Savior Divine Light Mission video

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

Olympia, London, Guru Puja 23rd August 1980
Within us lies that ultimate experience. Within us lies that thing called omnipresent, everywhere, present everywhere, within me too and yet I do not know perhaps the way to get inside and that is why I need a Master. A Master who can show me how to connect myself within, that's all. Maybe that's all there is to it, you know, you don't have to study any books and you don't have to, you know, go to any college and you don't have to go to any school and you don't have to do anything. A Master who has the Key, who can help you, who can guide you, because somehow in the jargon of this world which is very truly described as Maya, illusion, we get lost in it.
Olympia, London, Guru Puja video

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

Rome, Italy 1st November, 1981
You experience that bliss, now you know because you experience the bliss that the source of it is the truth and why it's happening is you're conscious because you're alive. And in that you have experienced the entire creation. The absolute infinite. Finite is no more. Finite has been linked, it's like like I was saying, you know, just just don't shoot for the whole perfection, that's the key, if you shoot for the whole perfection, you're really asking for it. Shoot for a pinhead perfection. But if you got the pinhead perfection, you've got it all. Perfection can't be split up into pinheads. You can't split it up, you can't split up infinity into little pinheads, can you? But we shoot for the "Oh we want the ultimate infinity." Hey, infinite is ultimate. We shoot two things, the ultimate, the infinite. Infinite is ultimate and whatever is ultimate is infinite. Guru Maharaj Ji says "No, just shoot for a little bit cause that's very easy to do and yet, when you get it, you get it all. You get every bit of it, every bit of that essence, every bit of that truth, every bit of that grace, every bit of that joy."
Rome 1/11/81 video

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

Miami Florida, 9th December 1983
Why do some why why do these people who experienced something incredible in their lives talk about freedom, talk about this desire, talk about this will to be free because there is something called freedom. Freedom from what we ourselves have created and this is what is so difficult and hard to understand that it that it is in fact us who creates that cube around us, that all of a sudden we are willing to accept the Creator, that incredible energy as the ultimate energy but being ruled and governed by a certain set of circumstances, our unique laws that we make up. God or Lord or whatever we call this incredible energy, it's okay, it's cool, it's beautiful, it's right on except it's limited on me what it can do for us or how we have to be just a certain way for it all to line up, for all to work and then somebody comes and offers this incredible opportunity, this incredible chance to be free, free from that thing because now, perhaps for the first time in our lives we can experience, experience the real beauty, experience the reality because when we say reality what do we mean? What is reality? How many things there are in our lives that we experience?
"Birthday Program", Perfect Master Tape 256

Prem Rawat's Teachings About the Ultimate

Prem Rawat, 2003
It's the amount of propagation that is happening right now has never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever happened before (applause) ever so it really is a very, very special time, a very, very special time though in a sense it's just begun. Keep going, it's ah, it's so much, so many places and I want to make it very certain, you know, in no uncertain terms that I need to go where there is propagation. That, whoever takes that challenge just remember, that is the ultimate human challenge. More propagation is happening now that has ever happened and of course you look around everywhere then there is all these places that I haven't been to.
"Knowledge is a very simple but beautiful thing and it is people who find the attractiveness in Knowledge that allow it to be continued from a generation to generation, from age to age. There is no miracle formula, there is no miracle formula it is just sheer effort that makes it happen and it doesn't matter where the country is, it doesn't matter those people are. Wherever people want to come together and make that effort, anything is possible. And sometimes we forget that, we've got Knowledge, OK, that's it. But if you enjoy Knowledge and any part of it, if you actually enjoy it then somehow it becomes incumbent upon you to let other people know. Let other people know about this simple and beautiful possibility. This is very exciting times, folks, this is very, very exciting times. You really need to be a part of it. It's the amount of propagation that is happening right now has never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever happened before (applause) ever so it really is a very, very special time, a very, very special time though in a sense it's just begun. Where it all goes I don't know but I'm willing to be, I'm very proud to be a part of it, I mean where there is team effort, where there is good team effort, you know this has, this has been very hard but where there has been good team effort the results are incredible. The results are unbelievable."
Thank You 2003 CD