Prem Rawat's Knowledge Reviews Prem Rawat Begins Demanding Payment For I.E.® Focus™Reviews 2023
Prem Rawat's "Knowledge" including the meditation techniques he teaches is simple, extremely simple and physical.
Since the early 1980s he has taught that his "Knowledge" is not spiritual. Of course, he also teaches that it is the Raj Yoga and his father, teacher, former Satguru and Perfect Master taught that this Knowledge was the only true spirituality. The techniques can be explained and a person can be taught how to do them in less than a minute or it would take 2 minutes according to Prem Rawat himself but as early as 1971 the boy guru was talking about Knowledge Reviews and Mike Finch tells a funny story about this. It was highly recommended that every premie should do 2 hour long meditation sessions every day. In the ashram these sessions were the minimum and they were obligatory.
The techniques are so simple and yet so boring:
else why the need for regular "Knowledge Reviews" for the next 40 years where the techniques are once again explained and practised?
else why the need for constant requests, exhortations, demands and threats from Rawat for the next 40 years that his followers should meditate?
is why, of course, Rawat has never been seen to meditate for more than a few seconds and when he does these Knowledge Reviews he doesn't sit on stage and meditate along with his devotees. He goes out the back to his luxuriously appointed rest rooms and smokes a Marlboro or two or three.
In the 22nd century Rawat acknowledges that these techniques are no secret but that only if they are taught through him via his accredited methods - which have changed quite considerably over the years - will they have his necessary inspiration and the person involved must continue to go to see him and listen to his speeches else they will not have the necessary guidance.
Rejoice 87 Change of Meditation Techniques
In the late 1980's through a series of meetings he called Rejoice ('87) he taught a revised form of these techniques after claiming he had realized: "that many people were practicing the techniques incorrectly. Some were deviating from the way they were originally instructed, while others were confusing Knowledge with cultural habits learned from early instructors." The early instructors were all Indians and Rawat had called them Mahatmas ("Great Saints") and taught they were necessary to the spreading of his Knowledge. In the main, these Mahatmas lived as celibate monks dedicated to "revealing this Knowledge" and had been recruited by his father and were taught the meditation techniques by Hans Rawat or one of his senior Mahatmas. Exactly what the cultural habits were was not specified but the meditation techniques were simple:
- 1st technique formerly known as Divine Light: stroke the thumb and middle finger of your dominant hand across each eyeball from outer corner to inner, coming to rest with a light but firm touch on the upper inner corner of each eyeball. Your forefinger rests in the middle of your forehead, just above the eyebrow line (your 'third eye'). Concentrate and Look. In the 1970's the mahatmas often used to press the eyeballs very hard but Rawat disavowed this method in the late 1980's.
- 2nd technique (Heavenly Music): each thumb is placed in the ear and the four fingers of each hand rest on the top of your head, with each thumbtip lightly but firmly sealing each earhole. Concentrate and Listen.
- 3rd technique (Holy Name): Concentrate on your breath. The Soham ("sohung") mantra was originally taught but later abandoned.
- 4th technique (Nectar): curl your tongue up to the roof of your mouth and into your nasal passage so that it went behind the uvula and up towards your nasal cavity (Kechari Mudra yoga technique). Concentrate and Taste. In the 1987 Rejoice meetings, Rawat changed the technique so you simply rested your tongue on the roof of the mouth and curled it back as far as was comfortable.
Do these 15 minutes a technique, twice a day minimum and constantly remember Holy Name throughout the day were the instructions through to 1987. Then 15 minutes a technique, once a day and don't try to meditate during the day became the agya. The authorised meditation experience also changed. You were not supposed to have brilliant flashes of divine light and ecstatic highs of wondrous bliss hearing celestial music and tasting the divine nectar of the Gods but only a quiet calmness.
A German Apostate Has a Knowledge Review Anyway
Sometimes you help somebody and you end up doing things you really didn't want to but at least in this case "Wolfie" reviews the Knowledge Review and reports back to us in the real world so we don't have to.

Below is a copy of an email sent to British "students" of Prem Rawat in August 2012. Remember that "Knowledge" is: First technique ("Divine Light") involves sticking your thumb and middle finger on your eyeballs (NB: with eyes closed) and your index finger between your eyebrows. Second technique: ("Heavenly Music") poking your thumbs into your ears and listening. Third technique: ("Holy Name") thinking about your breathing (NB: continue to breathe). Fourth technique: ("Nectar") curling your tongue backwards and tasting.
Knowledge Review
London - Sunday 26 August 2012
Those who have been taught Maharaji's techniques for finding peace within are warmly invited to attend a Knowledge Review in London on Sunday 26th August 2012, in the afternoon.
The Knowledge Review will last approximately two hours.
The Knowledge Review
A Knowledge Review provides an opportunity to review the techniques for finding peace within. A DVD will be shown in which Maharaji explains each technique. The Review is presented to the same standard as the Knowledge Session.
Smart Cards
To attend a Knowledge Review you will need a Smart Card, or to have applied for one. It is possible to apply through the Smart Card Website www.smartcardoffice.org However, if you do not have a Smart Card or have difficulty applying for one you are still welcome to register for a Knowledge Review.
Please note that Smart cards are now free of charge; however a contribution is always welcome to help cover the costs.
For those who are unable to apply on line it is possible to leave your name and address on the number below requesting a postal Smart Card Application form.
If you received the techniques of Knowledge through the Keys process, and have not yet applied for a Smart Card, you will need to provide photo ID.
Voluntary Contribution
There is no charge to attend the Knowledge Review. As we are entirely dependent on voluntary contributions to meet the costs, we would very much appreciate your financial support. Based on the numbers expected to attend, an average contribution of £15 would cover the budgeted expenses. Any contribution large or small would be warmly welcomed.
To Register
You need to register for the Knowledge Review either by phone or email by Thursday 23 August (early registration is recommended as there are limited spaces) , in each case providing your name, address, telephone number and Smart Card number if you have one.
Telephone: 0203 609 3858
Email: patsyhowe@talktalk.net
Prem Rawat on Knowledge Reviews:
- Because you are here actually to do some meditation and you must consider every moment as being precious, you should realize how important is every moment of your stay in Prem Nagar. So you shouldn't just roam about. I don't roam about. Why? Because I have realized. That's why I am going to Dehra Dun tomorrow, because I understand how important my time is, so that I will be able to come back and give you Knowledge reviews. So you should try and understand this same thing, how important it is for you to stay here and to meditate. So now I think my instructions are pretty clear. - Guru Maharaj Ji, Prem Nagar Ashram, 14 Nov. 1972
- Because it's like Guru Puja is a point where I want all the premies to come, you know, and bring their friends who want to receive Knowledge and worship Guru Maharaj Ji, worship and meditate and realize more of it. And I also intend to start one more function that should be like everybody doesn't have to come but like even if you decide that there should be a place where everybody should come and do this maybe we can hold 2 days or 3 days or 4 days' program. In a vacation time and we want to call this Shri Hans memorial date so all the premies from everywhere can come and there'll be just like meditation, meditation, everybody can have Knowledge Reviews, it'll be like right in the middle of the year. This would be different to Hans Jayanti but where everybody can receive Holy Breath, can receive Darshan, can receive Knowledge Review, can get rid of the doubts, do a lot of meditation and I mean just a very cool, beautiful, lovely - as they say in English - program. Just a beautiful, just like a premie program and of course Guru Puja is a function where, you know, it's like a really premie's function it's like really a devotee's function so that they can go and worship Guru Maharaj Ji and really I also want to clear you on this point - South High School, Denver, May 4 1974
- there is one thing common to all of those festivals and that is premies from different part of the country, from different part of the world come together, we have satsang, we have Knowledge Review sessions, we listen to satsang, we give satsang, we experience something and we enjoy ourselves in the term, in the view of being blissed out do we enjoy ourselves. - Sydney Opera House, 19th October 1975