Prem Rawat's Teaching about Being Perfect - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat or Maharaji (Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's has no compunction stating he is a unique person with power possessed by nobody else alive. However, despite declaring himself, and being declared Balyogeshwar Param Hans Shri Sant Ji Maharaj (born Lord of the Yogis, Highest Soul and Saint, Revealer of Light and Dispeller of Darkness), the Satguru the the Perfect Spiritual Master, the Light of the World and Perfect Lord of Love, the Prince of Peace, the Lord of the Universe and the Perfect Master ("as a matter of fact, I am the Perfect Master") at the age of 8, he seems to feel some reluctance to publicly declare himself to be perfect in every detail. From 1971 to now he has occasionally denied his divinity and perfection in public but there are times when the truth just has to come out, especially if your brother and your wife can't keep the secret.

Raja Rawat, elder brother of Prem, Porchester Hall, London, W2., 5 Jan 1972
Guru Maharaj Ji is a Prophet; he is perfect; He can do whatever He likes. We can't interfere in His affairs, they're His own affairs. Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect, and if you think or I think or all of us think
that He's not perfect, it doesn't make any difference, because if I say this is a mike or this is a ring, and I think this is not a ring, this is not a mike, it still doesn't make any difference because it is a ring and it
is a mike. So in the same way, Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect, we may think He is perfect or not, but he is and what He is He is, we cannot say anything that will make any difference. So the main point here to
understand is that we should gain His Knowledge and then we will actually see that Guru Maharaj Ji can do whatever he likes and that he is perfect, but He doesn't do it that way. He could have made hundreds of Guru
Maharaj Jis like Him. Suppose there are a million people in this world, He could have made a million Guru Maharaj Jis and every Guru Maharaj Ji could have gone to every person making them understand what the problem is. …
the propagation is really the most important thing and because Guru Maharaj Ji's Knowledge is perfect there's nothing bad in saying that Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect. So we should propagate this Knowledge, this Holy
Knowledge. Some people call it Spiritualism. All the religions in the world say they lead to one thing, one Truth, to God, but what's that God? To see God we need a passage, and that passage can only be shown to us by the
Grace of Guru Maharaj Ji. It is His perfect Knowlege, a special Knowledge, not worldly knowledge. We respect the teacher who gives us our education more than the books, because he is the person who is giving us knowledge
and if he wants to lead us the wrong way he can lead us wrongly, but we have to believe in him. In the same way we have to believe in Guru Maharaj Ji and follow Him. Guru Maharaj Ji's Knowledge is God, and Guru Maharaj Ji is explaining God to us, so we should believe in Him and, in the same way, give Him great respect. Now that Guru Maharaj Ji, our Saviour, is here, we should respect Him very, very much, as much as we can, because the
Knowledge He's got, the Light he shows us is everything we need.
There is only one Perfect Master and we can't compete with Guru Maharaj Ji. Just as there is only one principal in a school, so in the same way Guru Maharaj Ji is the only one. There can't be two principals in a
school, if they had two there would be something wrong. Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect and if we try to compete with Guru Maharaj, well …
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 6, March 1973

Durga Ji (Marolyn Rawat nee Johnson, Prem Rawat's wife), Guru Puja, Geneva, Switzerland, 10 September 1978
We know Guru Maharaj Ji, we know that Guru Maharaj Ji's perfect, we know Guru Maharaj Ji is perfection. We know Guru Maharaj Ji is our Creator. And if we know and have experienced that Guru Maharaj Ji is our
Creator, is the Creator of everything, we are a part of his creation, then just like someone was saying, "What do we do? " When we come to that point of realization, what can we do except bow, bow our heads and pray
to Guru Maharaj Ji. Worship him, adore him, like we're meant to do. What an incredible gift that is, to us, that Guru Maharaj Ji has given us himself. It's so beautiful. Guru Maharaj Ji, he's just too much. How can you
say … he's too shy of his own beauty. He'll say something so incredible like … Oh, I can't even tell you. I feel like I can't even tell you because it's too much … He'll say … Oh, I don't know how to tell you. Like
he'll just say, in the most humble and beautiful way you could ever imagine, he'll just say something like: "Well, I'm not handsome." We'll be talking about something and he'll say, "Well, yeah, but they're beautiful, but
I'm not beautiful." It's like, "Oh Maharaj Ji, God." And yet, I can't even imagine how really Guru Maharaj Ji must be to Guru Maharaj Ji. He's perfect. And that perfection knows perfection. But still it's like he can
look at me and say, "Oh yeah, you look beautiful," and then he'll just look down and goes, "But I have too big of a tummy," or something like that. And it's like, "Maharaj Ji, you're perfect. Please let me see your
perfectness, always. Please let me always be loving you."
And we can either try and do it ourself and make a mess, or we can just allow Guru Maharaj Ji to take our hand and just do it for us and experience the perfection, his creation. I mean, look at his creation -- it's just
giving us the smallest clue of how perfect Guru Maharaj Ji is.
Guru Puja, Geneva 1978

Durga Ji (Marolyn Rawat nee Johnson, Prem Rawat's wife), Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 10, 1978
What's making all this that has a beginning, and has an end, what's making all that happen? This is what we have to know. This is where we have to really be in tune. That thing that is forever. That thing that is always,
that infinity. Guru Maharaj Ji. My Guru Maharaj Ji is within my heart. And my Guru Maharaj Ji has taken a form to save me. And each one of us, this is the marvel, this is the marvel - for each one of us it's like
that. Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect for each one of us. Guru Maharaj Ji has come for each one of us. Guru Maharaj Ji is Lord for each one of us. Because Guru Maharaj Ji is within inside each one of us. I feel like Guru
Maharaj Ji is giving us such an incredible feast, of satsang, of service, of meditation, of his darshan - of himself.
When he says "Dear Premies", we can't take that lightly. Because what's he saying? "Dear Lovers!" He's calling us lovers! And in our hearts can we really say: "Oh yes Guru Maharaj Ji, I'm such a good lover to you"? No. We
can't. None of us. Not any of us. And yet, he still has faith in us. And because he has faith in us, then that's the thing that's going to do it. I know that. Because he's planted something within us that is perfect,
that is himself. He has revealed it to us, he is showing us the way to let it manifest, so that we can really become … his lover. So that we can really make love in our heart with Guru Maharaj Ji. Because Guru Maharaj
Ji is making love within our heart all the time. He is always making love within us. He is love. He is making love in this world. He is the only source of love. And so if he is making love within inside of us, that's where
we go - within - to make love with him.
The Golden Age, February 1979, Number 51 and Affinity, Issue 51, January 1979

Hampstead Town Hall, London England, October 31 1971
So just try to be holy and try to be a good devotee, a perfect devotee of that Guru who is Himself perfect, who is really perfect.
Knowledge Kit and You Are Disciples Now pamphlet

Central Hall Westminster, London England, November 2 1971
Then how to find this Word? We have to find this Word by a teacher, by a guide - a guide who is perfect and who can teach this perfect Knowledge to us, a perfect guide can guide us. Like Guru Mahatma Guru Charnanand Ji just told you that you need a burning lamp to light another unlit lamps. So, same way, you need a enlighted (sic) Perfect Master to make you enlighted (sic) and perfect also. If the Master himself is, you know, not perfect, how can he make you perfect? You need a Master.
Perfect Master Tape #004 and Reflections on an Indian Sunrise, 1972

Prem Nagar, India, December 10, 1971
So remember. We have to find that God, that person who is perfect; He is ours and we are His, and we have to find Him. To whom do we belong? We have to find Him, and get together and be one with Him, because if we are two we have got duality. …
So remember: we are part of Him who Has manifested Himself as a Guru and who has come into this earth, and now we have to be one with Him. We have to completely merge and make our souls one with Him because He is perfect, and once we merge with Him we will also be perfect.
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?

Fernbank, London, 14 March 1972
All saints have said that before you go to Satguru to ask for and receive this Knowledge, you must have a guileless heart, a heart filled with devotion and love for this Knowledge.
Ask, request, and if He is pleased with you He will shower His grace upon you and give you the Knowledge, and if not, He will not. He is almighty. He is going to give you the Knowledge.
He is Guru. In Western languages He is called Perfect Master. Who is perfect? He is perfect.
Divine Light magazine Volume 1, Number 8, May 1972

Los Angeles, California, June 22, 1972
Satguru Maharaji Ji, 14 year old Perfect Spiritual Master
He will arrive in LA with legions of light on Thursday, June 22nd,
National Air Lines, Flight 47, 11am
Come Welcome Him and fill your heart with love.
Los Angeles Times, 22 June, 1972

Montrose, Colorado, July 26, 1972
I was an ordinary child. And then I used to come back home, and there was Guru Maharaj Ji, there was my father, who was, as a matter of fact, the incarnation of his time. He was true. He was perfect. And then the
whole company was holy; the whole company was Truth.
Divine Times, September/October 1978, Volume 7, Number 6

Interview by John Wood of the Boston Globe, Newton, Massachusetts, August 3, 1973
Wood: Do you think that there is only one Perfect Master?
Maharaj Ji: You see - here I want to be very frank - people come to me and ask me about this, and they say, "What's your opinion about a Perfect Master? Is there one, is there two?" I tell them my opinion, that there is
only one Perfect Master. Because perfectness is one, not two, not three. So, there is one Perfect Master in this world. And because he is perfect, that's it. He is perfect. You just can't divide perfect. I think it's
funny saying that; it's just as funny as saying that the car had tires on top, and car had tires on the bottom. That's just like saying there are two Perfect Masters. You are just dividing perfectness into two - you
can't do that. There has to be one Perfect Master, because perfectness is infinite, you just can't divide it. It has to be one.

Interview at Lucknow, India, April 14, 1975
"It is funny and ridiculous to say they have removed me from office as if it is is a public office to which I was elected or appointed," Maharaj Ji said.
"Nobody creates a guru. He is self existent. Nobody can make a guru except the Guru Maharaj Ji himself."
However, he declined to answer his mother's charges that he had started drinking alcoholic beverages, had begun eating meat instead of remaining a vegetarian, and had shown too much interest in sex. The guru, who flew into Lucknow on Saturday after a journey from the United States, showed visible dismay when he talked about his mother.
"Mothering means caring and loving," be said "If my mother denies that to me, then my goal becomes supreme and takes over.
"I am not leaving my job. These accusations have not changed me. These will result in only further perfecting of the perfect master.
The guru said he planned to return to the United States soon without going to see his mother. The Divine Light Mission, which has its U.S. headquarters at Denver, Colo., claims 500,000 American followers and eight million in India.
Associated Press Writer, Rangaswamy Satakopan

Denver, Colorado, 8th July, 1975
You're feeling really beautiful inside. You're feeling just love and Grace, because mind is not working, and then slowly this thing starts going on inside of you. You know Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect, He is everything;
you know Knowledge is perfect and is everything. You believe it because you know you have experienced it at one time. But then, bingo!, things start happening. To convince you of something, mind will do anything. It
manifests in any way it can. It will come in your dreams. It's like the unseen demon in the book 'The Wizard of Earthsea'.
This is what people should understand, if anything, and this is what people should do: you can do more service to humanity by realizing this Knowledge, propagating this Knowledge, giving people satsang about this Knowledge,
than by doing anything else. Even if you become emperor of this whole world! Because who is Guru Maharaj Ji? Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect. And this perfect Lord doesn't come down Himself one day, grab everybody by the
throat, and say, "You better realize Knowledge, otherwise I am going to chuck you out into hell." He doesn't do that. He even comes down into this world, bears that physical body, bears the pains, bears the suffering of
this physical planet, and gives Knowledge. But if you look at Him, He is the ultimate. He doesn't need to come into this world. He has got so much power, He could manifest Himself in front of everybody in this world and ask
everybody personally a question, He wouldn't even have to come down into this world. All He would have to do is come down out of the clouds and speak loud one day, and say, "People who are not going to receive Knowledge
are definitely going to hell." He never does that, because that's just the way it is.
The Golden Age Number 39, July 1977

Guru Puja Festival, Caracas Venezuela, 23rd July 1975
You know, I was in Denver, and I was giving satsang about Perfect Master. And like, a Perfect Master, when we call him a Perfect Master, we have just said something that we really don't sit back and try to understand. When we say Perfect Master, when we say this, this person who is infinite, call him Guru Maharaj Ji, call him Perfect Master, call him Lord, call him anything you want, he doesn't need to come into this world. You see? He doesn't.
Because he is perfect. All he has to do is one day get up and just scream through the blue skies, and say, "You! Everybody! Realize Knowledge. Otherwise I am going to do something to you guys you never dreamed of." And then he could do something that would sort out every person who realized Knowledge and is meditating, and every person who has not realized Knowledge. He could do anything he wants, because we just called him perfect, and he is perfect. And in fact, he could very well do that. He could, with a blink of his eye, make the people who haven't really realized this Knowledge, who are really into darkness, stand up two feet from the ground.
And so you can trace them exactly, wherever they are, and turn them this funny color. And then you can really imagine what a big ego hit that's going to be, what a mind blower that's going to be. Because everybody will be able to see: "Oh, you didn't realize Knowledge, eh? See what you get for that?" But he doesn't do that. He comes into this world, and bears a body just like everyone, and comes in and knocks at everybody's doors. Doesn't pressure anybody, but begs them. Doesn't make a rule, but begs them to realize this Knowledge. Tells them what it can do to them. Tells them how beautiful it is.
Élan Vital Summer 1978 Volume II Issue 2

Argentina, 7 January 1976
But there is something very, very important in this life. We come into this world just so that we can realize this life, so that we can learn to lead it properly And Guru Maharaj Ji comes, but who is Guru Maharaj Ji? Guru
Maharaj Ji is a person, because he comes in a body, and what he does is show us the way, the path to salvation. So that this life doesn't just end six feet under the ground or in the holy River Ganges or lit up by fire. He
shows us that there is a definite meaning to this life, so that this precious life is not just wasted: that is why Guru Maharaj Ji comes. In one sense, "Guru Maharaj Ji" is just a Hindi name that became very popular. But
you can also calI him "Perfect Master," because he has perfected perfectness, he can teach us perfectness, and he can guide us along those lines. We call the person who teaches us a "Master," and if he teaches us
perfectness, we can call him "Perfect Master." And that's what he is. He comes into this world to help us find the meaning of this life.
And It Is Divine, Summer 1976, Volume 3, Issue 2

Guru Puja in Tucson Arizona on Sunday, July 16, 1978
And only that pure and humble soul can then in fact turn around and surrender to Guru Maharaj Ji. Because Guru Maharaj Ji is that perfectness. Guru Maharaj Ji is that purity. Guru Maharaj Ji is that Knowledge. Guru
Maharaj Ji is infinite. And nothing finite can come into infinite and still stay finite. That finite thing has to become infinite before it can actually merge in infinite. Because how can the finite become infinite and the
infinite become finite? The identity has to be given up: it has to, in fact, change. And then that process happens - when we come away from all that.
The Golden Age Number 48, September/October, 1978

Holi, Miami, Florida, 8 April, 1979, afternoon
Guru Maharaj Ji says, "Look. There's only one thing that is true in this world, there's only one thing that is real in this world." This one saint says that wherever you can see, it's all maya, it's all illusion. That's it. It's all illusion. And what is really real in this world is that Holy Name, is Guru Maharaj Ji. There is one song that goes "Without Guru Maharaj Ji, nobody is going to find the path." And it just becomes so obvious in our lives that, yes, we are made to be dependent on somebody, on that perfectness. We have to rely on that perfectness. We have to be a beggar. And we have to be the "most humblest" beggar. Not just a beggar, but the "most humblest" beggar. Because everybody is a beggar.
Divine Times, May/June 1979, Volume 8, Number 3

Guru Puja Lingfield England June 22 1979
You know this one thing that they have? It's called a hanging mouth expression. Your lower jaw drops down and your eyes sort of pop up and a voice out of your stomach goes, "Huuh?" It's called a dumb expression. The guy is so stupid, he doesn't know what's going on. Now miracle, in the actions of a Perfect Master, of a perfect being, creates the same expression. Lower jaw drops, eyes sort of wide open and a voice coming out going, "Huuh?" Is that what our miracles are? But if we know, if we have surrendered ourselves, if we have joined ourselves, then what miracle can there be? We have understood everything is a miracle and nothing is a miracle. Everything is a surprise; nothing is a surprise. Because everything is then love. Everything then is peace. Everything then is tranquility. Everything is real.
Divine Times - July/August 1979 Volume 8, Number 4

"Peace in this world has become very strange for people. Peace in this universe has become a antique. And if we want to today receive and achieve this point of peace we have to go to him who is known as
Perfect Master. Now why do they call me Perfect Master? See, if someone teaches you Maths, if someone teaches you English, if someone teaches you Science, you call him Maths Master, English Master, Science Master,
respectively. Same way I can teach people peace. Uh now, again I tell this to people that I'm not prophet, I'm not a prophet. I'm just an ordinary human being with two legs, two eyes, and I work and I voluntary put
myself here so that I can reveal this Knowledge to people. I think because people need it, people have forgotten what this Knowledge is and I'm just
teaching them perfectness and that's why they call me Perfect Master."
Mysterious Miracles, Aliens from Spaceship Earth, A Spiritual Odyssey video

Q: "Guru, are you the Perfect Body?"
A: "Oh no." (Sustained laughter)
TVTV Lord of the Universe video