Prem Rawat's Teaching about Mohammed - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat has often spoken about Jesus Christ and taught that Jesus revealed the same Knowledge as himself, his father and all the other Perfect Masters including Ram(a), Krishna, Buddha, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Swarupanand (his father's guru) his father and predecessor Shri Hans Rawat and others of that ilk. Somewhat surprisingly he also includes Mohammed the prophet of Islam as a living Master in this group. Mohammed is an unlikely Satguru as talking about Allah incarnating in a human body would have been rewarded with a beheading in Mohammed's Medina. But if you can't trust the Perfect Master about who were the Perfect Masters, who can you trust?

Hollywood, California, August 11, 1971
This is the Knowledge that Jesus Christ gave, that Guru Nanak gave, that Krishna gave, that Ram gave, that Mohammed gave. And I am giving it. Supreme Knowledge. It is sacred. Top sacred! And it dwells within all of us. All human beings. And we are unable to know it without the help of the true Master. That is what I am teaching. Yes?
Élan Vital, Volume III Issue 3, Autumn 1979

Hunter College, New York City, October 8, 1971
Then in the Bible, John says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And Mohammed says, "Pak Nam," Holy Word. So every scripture has described about a Word. There Krishna also says, "Avekto akshar" - a Word that cannot be spoken. Not "words" - a Word. A Word that cannot be spoken by mouth. Ramayana also says about the Word, that "till where I should say the praise and the glory of that Holy Word? Even Lord Rama Himself cannot sing the praise and glory of this Holy Word."
Élan Vital, Volume I Issue 2 Winter 1977

During the Celebration of His Birthday, December 11 1971, Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar
All the saints of India, even Jesus Christ, even Mohammed, have emphasized love because love is the greatest cord in the world that can unite you and the Lord, Who is perfect, perfect for all.
And he who goes to Him and asks Him for His love, He never hesitates to give this love to him. Maybe he is the lowest person in the world; maybe he is the highest person in the world.
The Lord is the embodiment of love and you must realize Him. Not only realize Him, but be one with Him; because He can create you as many times as you like.
Reflections On An Indian Sunrise, © Divine Light Mission 1972, Price 50 cents

Johannesburg, South Africa, 29 April 1972
Many great saints got fantastic experiences from this wonderful Knowledge and just wanted to spread it to all people. In every age a great saint like Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Mohammed, and Christ has taken birth on earth for this purpose, to give this Knowledge to other people, because, in their time, the truth had declined, spiritual understanding had been lost. As far as spiritual matters go, they were ages of darkness. … I don't mind the difficulties that are being put against me. Whenever he comes to the world the Perfect Master has to tolerate many difficulties. I have come to spread this Knowledge and that is what I am going to do.
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?

Montrose, Colorado, on July 25, 1972
Jesus came into this world and gave this Knowledge to people. Mohammed came into this world and gave this Knowledge to people. Krishna gave this Knowledge to people. Ram gave this Knowledge to people. But now we must look
for a living Master to show us the Light once again. Because the sun comes and goes away and we don't look for the light of the sun which has just gone. We look for the new rising sun. The sun is the same but it
rises in a new way, in a new, beautiful way and we look for that. In the same way, God is the same, but now we must look for His coming and for His Knowledge.
Light Reading, 1980

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India, November 1972
So understand how subtle the mind is, and how subtle this Knowledge is which every Master has been revealing in His own time. Jesus did not preach Christianity. Krishna did not preach Hinduism.
They preached the true Knowledge of the self, they gave self-realization to their devotees. Rama did not preach Hinduism: He gave self-realization to His devotees.
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 9, July 1973

Millenium '73, Houston Astrodome, Texas, November 9, 1973
But there is something more superior, something more fantastic than that illusion. And that's this Knowledge, that's that perfect harmony. That's that perfect peace that all the saints have talked about. No matter who it has been - Christ, Mohammed, Krishna - they have all talked about this perfection, they have all talked about this Knowledge. … and that's what we have to realize now, in this lifetime. Otherwise when? Realize it now and be with perfect harmony, because no matter what we have done till now, the greatest sin, it will all be taken away. Because you will be one with your Lord Christ, you will be one with your Lord Mohammed, you will be one with your Lord Krishna, you will be one with that perfect, perfect harmony. You will be one with it. And then, if you are one with it, what matters?
And It Is Divine, Winter 1976

Melbourne Australia, October 29 1974
Really premies, so many religions were formed, so many people came, so many people tried to do it - and never made it. And the reason was because the people were always,
constantly looking towards the wrong person, towards the wrong way and it's like, that's how it really, they really got deluded when Jesus came - how many people really listened to him?
Power Of Love 1974 video

Indian Centre, Denver, Colorado, February 19, 1977
This world was made for one reason. And there is only one reason. And the reason is for every individual to come together, to come
into one, to become one, to really understand this Knowledge. Tell me one thing. People might say, "Well, why would God create such a fantastic earth? Why would a Creator create such a fantastic environment just for
people to come together?" Tell me, what did Jesus do when he came? Tell me, what did Krishna do when he came? Tell me, what did Ram do when he came? Bring people together through Knowledge. Through this experience that he
gave, he brought people together.
The Golden Age Number 41

London, England, April 19, 1977
I just want to say that it is so beautiful to be able to come together to understand something far greater, far more superior, something so fantastic, something so beautiful which the Lord
Himself comes - time and time again, on this Earth - to reveal. I mean. there has to be something worthwhile for Lord to come again and again. You have to look at it that way. Christ came.
There had to be a reason. Krishna came. There had to be a reason. Mohammed came. There had to be a reason. Ram came. There had to be a reason. And of course, logically, we can try to look at
every reason why but we can't understand even one reason why God is there. We can't understand that yet. People are still working on that.
Light Reading, Volume II, Issue 1, June 1979

Kansas City, January 22, 1978
Like Perfect Master after Perfect Master after Perfect Master, this is what has happened. When Mohammed came, that's what happened. He came to this world, and he gave, he imparted that Knowledge. He talked about that Light. He talked about that incredible vision. And he imparted to the people who were ready to receive. And it wasn't like they just received it, but they had been searching for it. And they really had to, in one point in their lives, sort of take a dive to understand what coming up really means, what coming up really is like.
The Divine Times January/February 1978

Miami/Florida, Sunday, April 9, 1978
But it's like, that's what the people were saying when Christ came. They were saying, "You're
crazy! We don't want to know what You want to say." When Mohammed came and He sent
His messengers to people, to the kings, what did they tell Him? "Who is Mohammed to tell
us what we should do?" Not like, who is Mohammed to tell us we should accept the Lord,
accept the Creator, as the Supreme Lord, and not have yourself, but - not like that, not that
attitude of, "But who is Mohammed to tell us?" (Well, I guess at that time, to them, it was
nobody.) But now, today, those people go through rituals after rituals after rituals, just like
Christians go after rituals after rituals after rituals, Hindus go after rituals after rituals after
rituals. … Because there is a great difference between the Hindu religion and Mohammed religion, the
Islam. And the Muslims say that they don't want to have to do anything with the Hindu
religion. And Hindu religion says, "Look, we don't want to have anything to do with you!" But to me, I'm not talking about those wars. I'm just talking about the reason why
Mohammed came, why Krishna came, why Jesus came, and why we are here
Divine Times Volume 7, Number 3, April-May 1978

Guru Puja Festival, Tucson, Arizona, July 16, 1978
Because one time Mohammed Sahib was in Mecca, and he was sleeping with his feet towards the holy place. And so the big honcho came down and said, "Hey, you! Don't point your feet towards the God." He said, "Well, then, why don't you move them to a place where there is no God?" And the guy was probably stunned a little bit, or something like that. But that essence of all those things… Because, I mean, obviously Mohammed Sahib was saying something there.
Divine Times - August 1978 Volume 7, Number 5

Guru Puja, Geneva, Switzerland, September 10, 1978
Wasn't Jesus Christ judged, whether or not he was the Perfect Master? Wasn't Mohammed judged? Wasn't Krishna judged? Wasn't Ram judged? Wasn't Shri Maharaj Ji judged? All the Perfect Masters have been judged, as though if we are the real smart cream of the crop of this entire universe, that we have the capability of judging the Lord of the Universe when he does come. Obviously not. But anyway, we judge. And our judgement is based upon different concepts. …
One time a lot of so-called intellectual people came up to Shri Maharaj Ji and they said, "What are you trying to do? What are you talking about?" …
You can imagine these guys who are thinking that they're heroes, people of the people, yet they didn't know they were talking to the Lord of Lords. I mean this is stupidity.
Geneva '78 booklet

Holi Festival Miami Beach, Florida, April 7, 1979
Anybody is not Guru Maharaj Ji. Anybody just cannot become Guru Maharaj Ji. It is Guru Maharaj Ji himself that is Guru Maharaj Ji. And the word is a title for an action. Guru
Maharaj Ji will only be called Guru Maharaj Ji, Guru Maharaj Ji will be only called Guru Maharaj Ji, when he actually does what the word says: reveals the Light and takes away the darkness. Only then. And can you sincerely
call Guru Maharaj Ji, Guru Maharaj Ji? Before that it's not Guru Maharaj Ji. It just isn't. And when that reality becomes real, Guru Maharaj Ji becomes real. But when you can in fact say Guru Maharaj Ji and it is right,
it's because something has happened to you. You have been taken away from that darkness. And the Light has been shown to you. In yourself. And then the one who has done it is automatically Guru Maharaj Ji! And premies, Guru
Maharaj Ji comes into this world, every time. Jesus came. Mohammed came. Guru Nanak came. Shri Maharaj Ji came. Guru Maharaj Ji. For his devotees, everything.
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 2, Summer 1979

Guru Puja Festival, London England, June 21 1979
Truth is everywhere. Look at it. We open the Bible and it says, "God is omnipresent. God is omnipotent. God is omniscient." What is the purpose of going to the church? Why do we go to the church? Why does there have to be a confession booth? Why can't you just confess anywhere? The same thing happened with Mohammed. Mohammed was lying with his feet towards the mosque. Here comes the priest and says, "Don't you know that you're not supposed to put your feet towards the mosque?" And he says, "Well, then, take them and put them where there is no God. Change the direction of my feet if you think that's the house of God - God lives in it. Then put my feet in the direction where there is no God." … People who believe in Ram, people who believe in Krishna, people who believe in Mohammed, people who believe in Christ, people who believe in Buddha, have their own gods in their own different formats.
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 3, Fall 1979

Miami Florida, Christmas Day 1980
Here I am and here is that Saviour who has come to save me. Let me be saved by him. I don't need anything else and I don't want anything else. And look my, my dreams and my fantasies just fade away. Let them. Let them just dissolve, let them just go away for a minute because the experience of even that, isolated completely on this marvellous island, you and Guru Maharaj Ji, you and that experience is utterly incredible where there is no ideas and concepts and dreams and fantasies and this and that. So what I, in one sense, what I am trying to say is that Jesus came as a Saviour and that was really incredible and that was really beautiful and we all agree and we all admit to that and this is why we celebrate him, all the incredible things that happened and yet for whom was it really a true experience. When Krishna came, when Mohammed came, when Ram came, any of those Masters that came for whom did that experience, who really, really did the job.
Audio tape

New York, 10th November 1982
I mean people have this thing "Do I have to give up everything? Do I have to give up my religion?" No of course you don't have to give up your religion. Are you a Christian, go right ahead being a Christian. Love Jesus Christ. One person who never did receive this Knowledge did make a comment to me. He had been with me and then and it and uh uh finally he had to leave and he left and the only thing he said, he said "By being with Maharaji, I am a better Christian now." And he never had this Knowledge that was just being with me so can you imagine I mean it's not like I'm out to to to take away people's Christianity or take away people's Buddhism or Mohammedism (sic) and and all these things this is not my purpose, this is not why I am here. It's very simple.
Perfect Master Audio Tape 253

Miami Florida, 9th December 1983
Don't compare me to Jesus. I am not Jesus. If I was Jesus, my name would be Jesus, I would look like Jesus, I would act like Jesus. I don't look like Jesus, I'm not Jesus, I'm not Krishna, I
don't look like Krishna, I have a moustache, I'm not Krishna. I'm not Buddha, I don't have those curly hairs, I'm not Buddha. I'm not Ram, I'm not Mohammed. You know and don't some people have that feeling of crisscrossing "Wow wouldn't that be wonderful?" I am me. (Applause) I'm not Mohammed and Krishna and Jesus and and if you want to love Mohammed, if you want to love Jesus then love, do something that will make you love Jesus more. Do it whatever it is, do it, if you want to love Jesus cause there's nothing wrong in loving Jesus and there's nothing wrong in loving Krishna and sometimes it helps to just have an idol or a or a picture or something of Jesus around. Look at all day, look at it as many times as you can. Read the Bible in which he, he says so many wonderful things. That they bring so much appreciation about Jesus but Knowledge is Knowledge is Knowledge is Knowledge is Knowledge. Even Jesus talks about it, yes And even Krishna talked about it yes. Mohammad's talked about it yes. Ram talked about it, it yes.
"Birthday Program", Perfect Master Tape 256