Prem Rawat's Teachings about His Glory - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat, or Maharaji (meaning Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he was known for decades , often quoted a saying attributed to Kabir in which he bemoaned the fact that his own Glory was so great that it couldn't be sung, praised or written down. He was a humble Perfect Master and Ultimate Ruler and so he often spoke of the glory of his Knowledge and the glory of his Holy Name and the glory of God as well His own glory, the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji. His devotees living in his ashrams rejoiced every morning and evening singing "Arti" to his picture on the altar (it was obligatory). Arti is a long prayer that begins with: "Jai Gurudev Maharaj Ji, Your glory fills the world"
Of course many people don't think he's glorious and that's understandable because even his wife who was one of his most devoted worshippers had to admit:

Durga Ji, Prem Rawat's wife, Guru Puja Festival, Miami Beach Florida, 30th July 1977.
We might think Guru Maharaj Ji might make a mistake. Guru Maharaj Ji might be giving satsang and say a word that we think, "Oh, it isn't pronounced like that." But to me that wasn't a mistake, because look what we do. Then our minds jump out and, "Oh, Guru Maharaj Ji made a mistake. So what was the reason for that?" Guru Maharaj Ji is that force, that power, that perfection. And Guru Maharaj Ji is also that power in a form, in person. And I have no idea, I will never, actually I will never be able to see his glory.
Golden Age, March 1978 Number 43 and Divine Times January/February 1978 Volume 7, Number 1

A History of Hans Jayanti
If God is omnipresent, He cannot leave. The Perfect Master is His embodiment; he also cannot leave. Hans Jayanti is a celebration of the soul. It is a festival of worship for that spirit which is continuous upon the earth, that energy which is bound by neither birth nor death, the life force of the perfect Master.
It is Shri Hans Ji Maharaj (Shri Maharaj Ji) in whose honor the Hans Jayanti Festival is held. Late in 1966. Shri Maharaj Ji left his mortal body, having dedicated every breath to spreading the Knowledge of God. The time had come for that perfect energy to manifest in full power and glory. It chose the body of an eight-year-old boy, Balyogeshwar Shri Sant Ji Maharaj, son of Shri Maharaj Ji.
And It Is Divine, Millenium Edition, November 1973

Hans Rawat (father of Prem Rawat and his Satguru)
O my Satguru, all praise to You, all glory to You! O Lord of the Universe, source of all creation, supreme personality bestower of salvation, friend of the humble and the poor,
only by Your blessing can this powerful illusion be dispelled, as the sun's rays dispel darkness.
Hans Yog Prakash

Alta Loma Terrace, Hollywood California, August 15 1971
How much, how much, how much, how much, how much He has given this humanity, nobody can tell. So much, you can't put a full stop. Kabirdas said that "If I convert this Earth into paper, whole Earth, and ocean into ink, all the woods into pen, and then start writing, the ink will finish, the paper will finish, of all the woods nothing will be left, but even then, much, much and much and much and much will be left to describe about Him." …
How can I describe His praise when great intellect can't describe? I am not qualified. I am uneducated. How can I describe His Grace, His
glory? Tulsidas was not able. Many and many people were not able to describe just His glory. Just glory. So much glorious! …
He is the Savior of whole world. He has to save. He will save us. So remember, we can't describe it; we have got very small intellect. We just sing some glorious songs
about Him, and some words, some words, few words, and we think that is the glory that we have sung. Not at all. That is not it. We can't sing His glory at all. The writers, when they just thought about Him, they left their pencils, paper, and just -- they were amazed to see His glory in this world. So much glorious! …
How many people want Knowledge? (many raise hands) Yes, okay. So you have understood the glory of Guru?
Élan Vital, Volume 1, Issue 1, November 1972

Patna Bihar India, December 25 1971
The reason for this is that it has been proclaimed that there is no Knowledge without Guru Maharaj Ji, and without
Knowledge, a man cannot be detached from this universe. All the holy scriptures sing the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji, and
say that without devotion to Guru Maharaj Ji there can be no peace and happiness.
Élan Vital magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 1977

Pacific Guru Puja, Capitol Theatre, Sydney, Australia, October 18, 1975
You know, Guru Mahaji. They have a hard time pronouncing it. But don't relate to that pronunciation. Relate to what is behind it and to understand and to realize more of that glory of Knowledge. To understand more of the glory of the revealer of that Knowledge, we all assemble to worship him, to pray, to understand more because there is never enough of this stuff. There's never enough of satsang, there's never enough of that beautiful blissful experience that we all want to experience. So premies, it's like, it's so beautiful that this Pacific Guru Puja has been held here, you know, and it just shows us that we are just coming together more and more and more and more and more.
The Golden Age Number 24, November 1975

Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando Florida, Evening November 9, 1975
So when Lord comes to us, accept Him. And Lord is here. He has always been here. How can we make a statement, "The Lord is gone," and then turn around and say, "Lord is omnipresent"? We are contradicting ourselves. He has always been here. He has always been saving us, but it's us who pull out of His shelter. It's us who leave His home and go out and wander in the woods and get lost. But even when we do, He comes along and He saves us, He protects us. Well premies, that's the glory of Him. I just want to caution you about something. Because the way He is, the way He does His things, He just might decide not to go around lookin' for you. And if He does, you have had it. That's it. It's called "finito."
Divine Times, December 1975 Volume 4, Number 10

Swaziland Africa, November 23 1976
All I can do is sing the glory of Knowledge. And that covers about the whole span area. Because just singing the glory of
this beautiful Knowledge, singing the glory of this understanding, of this love, of this process -- it's completely
incredible. It's completely beautiful. I've given so many satsang programs and there are so many, so many scriptures in
this whole world -- and they're just trying to sing the glory of
this Name. They're just trying to sing the glory of this Word. It's -- well, gorgeous is an extreme understatement.
And It is Divine, Volume 4 Issue 1, Spring 1977

Atlantic City New Jersey, December 19 1976
To come together and beat the drums, the drums of this Love, of this devotion, of this dedication, into all beings, so they can once realize the glory of their Lord, the glory of their Master, the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji, and really understand what this Knowledge is. So it's completely up to us, and it's now; it's now or never. And it's now; it has to be now. …
Because this greatest gift, really, is so incredible that nobody - not even me - can sing the glory of this Holy Word, can sing the glory of this Knowledge. It's so incredible; it's so incredible. But we can realize it, and that's what we have to do: We have to realize it, and realize it now.
Élan Vital Volume I Issue 2 Winter 1977

Kansas City Kansas, January 22 1978
And it's just like, okay, so far you are scratching that sand, your clothes are torn, and you're crying, "Water! Water! Water! Water!" you're quite normal. But the premies aren't crying, "Water! Water! Water! Water!" They're not crying that. They're not crying that desperation. But they're singing the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji. They're singing the glory of Knowledge. They're singing the glory of Grace.
Divine Times, January/February 1978 Volume 7, Number 1

Shower of Grace Festival, Malibu California, June 10 1978
But the most important thing is, you look at it, and so many new premies are receiving Knowledge. So many old premies are coming back. And like this Hans Jayanti that we have already started to plan for is a really incredible thing. Because not only do we want it a five-day Hans Jayanti; we want a seven-day Hans Jayanti! Not only are we looking at only 15,000 premies which were there last year in Rome; we are looking at 20,000 premies! So I mean, it's just growing, and it's incredibly growing. And 20,000 is a round figure; it's a good round figure, rounded off. Twenty-one, twenty-two thousand premies, by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, could come together from everywhere, and just merge into that beautiful Glory of Guru Maharaj Ji himself, of that Knowledge "himself."
Golden Age August 1978 Number 47

Shower of Grace Festival, Malibu California, June 11 1978
So we can keep on trying to say, "Is it this much? Is Guru Maharaj Ji's perfection this much? Is Guru Maharaj Ji this much?" And Guru Maharaj Ji keeps on saying, "No." 'Til we come to a point, everyone … And I mean, maybe it's funny, but to me it's not. Really! Because it's serious stuff, that we keep on saying this and Guru Maharaj Ji keeps saying, "No." And then everyone of us starts doubting that. "Well, wait a minute. How can Guru Maharaj Ji's glory be more than that? But that's as much glory as I have! That's more than what I know! That's impossible. That's beyond my concept." And we all go through this.
Golden Age August 1978 Number 47

Hans Jayanti Festival, Kissimmee Florida November 8, 1978
If all these concepts that Mata Ji used to have about throwing a dime … Every time she would drive by this temple, coming and going, she would open the window and throw money out. And just after that I was thinking about this, and it was like - so incredible. Shri Maharaj Ji, who had every power - the person, the liberator on this Earth - says to her, "Why don't you give me the money instead of throwing it out the window, and I'll liberate you?" I mean, that's the most incredible offer anybody could have ever gotten.
One saint says that you can take all the trees down and make pens out of them, take the whole ocean and turn it into ink, take all of the Earth and turn it into paper; you will never be able to write the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji. You will run out of the ink, you will run out of the paper, you will run out of the pens, and still the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji would not be completed.
Élan Vital, Volume II Issue 4 Winter 1978

Hans Jayanti Festival, Kissimmee Florida. Thursday afternoon 9th November 1978
That satsang, that river of satsang, that's said can make a crow - when the crow dives in the river of satsang, it comes out like a swan - that river of satsang is flowing: I mean from
8.30 on. It just has short interruptions for the two bands here. And even they try to sing the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji: "I Love You" or "I Need You" or whatever their songs say. But what are
we going to do in our lives?
Hans Jayanti Festival, Kissimmee Florida. Thursday afternoon, 9th November 1978

Hans Jayanti Festival, Kissimmee Florida, Afternoon November 11 1978
People don't know what the true pleasure of Guru Maharaj Ji is. People don't know in this world that what Guru Maharaj Ji gives us is, in fact, the true pleasure. What they think is the true pleasure is not the true pleasure. They have been born in this world. They live in this world. They're going to probably die in this world. And, "0, Guru Maharaj Ji. All I can do is just pray. Sing his glory." I mean, what else can a human being do except to sing the glories of their Guru Maharaj Ji? "0, Guru Maharaj Ji, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I mean, even "thank you" isn't the word. Thank him for what? He's given you everything.
Élan Vital, Summer 1979, Volume III, Issue 2

Denver Colorado, 25 February 1979
What else can we ask from Guru Maharaj Ji? Nothing. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that we deserve, or can ask,
or know about. It's nice to put things into lines and statements, this and that, and concepts and ideas and "Oh, it's this
way. 0 Guru Maharaj Ji thank you," and this and that. "I do my service." God, you don't do anything.
Kabir said that if you take all the earth and make it into paper, take the entire ocean and make it into ink, and take all
the trees in this world and make them into pens, you cannot write the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji.
What has he said? Do you really think he computed how many pens all the trees in the world would make, or how many
gallons of ocean water would be made into ink? He said it as a "top-of-the-line thing" that we can relate to. And what
he means is that there is no way you can sing the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji.
Divine Times, Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Holi, Miami, Florida, 8 April, 1979
And how much is this Knowledge really dependent upon everything else? A lot. If we feel tired, then
we want to go to sleep, not really sit there and meditate. If we feel tired,
then it's just like, "Let me relax, and I'll do service after I feel
little bit better." There is a new thing. By the time Arti starts, I guess
people get pretty tired. And so they are like this, doing Arti. "Your
Glory fills the world. Protector of the weary and the (cups hands over mouth)
weak." They go like this and yawn, and then bring their hands back down.
What are you saying? Do you understand what you are saying? "Jai Gurudev
Maharaj Ji, Your Glory fills the world." Forget about the world. If
there's an initiator giving satsang or what have you, and everybody's doing
their number, and all of a sudden the emcee barges out and takes the
microphone, and everybody's tired, eating their apples or bananas and
somebody's yawning - I mean, everybody's doing their number, sort of giving an
ear to the initiator - and that even happens when I am giving satsang. People
will just look around, and do this, or all of a sudden just yawn. And I mean
all this is happening and this satsang is a reality. It's not a fake.
Divine Times, May/June 1979, Volume 8, Number 3

Guru Puja, Miami Beach Florida, Saturday, 21st July 1979
Kabir says that you can take this whole ocean and turn it into ink and you can take all the wood and turn it into pens and you can take all the land and turn it into paper and you still cannot write the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji. Why not? Because what Guru Maharaj Ji is, is opposite of what you think he is. Guru Maharaj Ji cannot be … this is the problem. This is the problem you have every day. Your mind can't figure out what Guru Maharaj Ji is. Your mind can't. You can - by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, by Guru Maharaj Ji's blessings - you can figure out when you make that effort. When you merge with Guru Maharaj Ji that's the day you'll figure it out - for one second - and then you'll be merged. And yet your mind can't figure it out.
Golden Age magazine, October 1979, Number 55

Milwaukee Wisconsin, October 10, 1979
And for so long we come to that point and just stop. And that's where Guru Maharaj Ji picks us up. That's where we
have to let Guru Maharaj come in our life. Now. For how long are we going to be lost? Guru Maharaj Ji is offering us
that opportunity for which the saint says that you can take all the pens -- all the wood in the whole world and turn it
into pens -- and take all the oceans and turn them into ink, and take all the earth and turn it into paper and try to write
the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji: you cannot!
Affinity magazine, February 1980

Hans Jayanti Festival, Kissimmee Florida, November 9 1979 - Afternoon
This one premie came up to me one day and said, "How come these guys have been candidates for such a
long time while other guys have become initiators so quickly? It doesn't really matter. It has nothing to do with it. It's
not relative because the more they open up … and it's not as if they're going to understand anything more, or they're
going to understand anything less, or they're less stupid or they're more stupid than any one of them sitting there. It's the
same boat. It's the same exact boat. And it's the same exact ocean that they all have to cross. Some here have been
initiators for a long, long time. There's all these "oldies." And yet they can't stand up and try to explain the meaning of
Guru Maharaj Ji. They can't explain ever the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji.
Affinity magazine, February 1980

Holi Festival, Rome Italy, June 25 1980
Tulsidas said that even his book cannot describe that incredible power. One saint said you can make all the wood into pens, make the whole ocean into ink, make all the earth into paper, to try to describe the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji, and you won't be able to. If that is really the case, then "Guru Maharaj Ji" obviously is a very shorthand and handicapped word to try to put it all in. But nevertheless, for the matter of speaking English, Hindi, or Greek, or Gujerati, or whatever have you - I know that there is a Power that exists that's superior to me. There's a Power that exists that sustains me, that operates me, that governs me. And to that Power I have to surrender.
Élan Vital, Volume IV Issue 3 Fall 1980

Lima Peru, February 1981
I'll be leaving pretty soon, go to Sao Paulo, also there, people need to be saved there too, Brazilians aren't any better than anybody else, you know, they need to be saved, everybody, everyone, every human being, the ones that are saved, that think they're saved need to be saved, the ones that don't think they're saved they need to be saved, the ones that don't know about being saved, need to be saved, the ones that think they're too much saved they need to be saved, everybody needs to be saved, everybody's heart needs to be touched with that glory, with that perfection, with that experience. So with that thank you very much and good night (applause).
Message Of The heart video

Lima Peru, 7th February 1981
I'm the one who has to open up and just admire, just admire whatever is happening around me and admire why Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world. Just admire that glory and follow it. Cause if I can just see that, if I can just even look at that it will bring me so so so so so much inspiration. Let us see every day and in every, every place that glory of Guru Maharaj Ji just unfold and unfold and unfold and unfold to every human's heart that touches this flower. Because the heart just blooms out, the heart just reaches out because it is, it is such a fantastic thing. Here we are we're involves in something that I know some day all we'll be able to do is read books about it.
Lima Peru, 7th February 1981 audio tape
Birmingham, 17th MARCH 1981
Here is our time, here is our moment, here is our opportunity to discover something really beautiful for ourselves, something we can always enjoy. Make that love permanent. Make this connection permanent. It is our hope. This is that answer. We know it. There's no doubt about that. When we see that, when we glimpse that fire, when we feel the warmth of that fire, those questions and doubts are not there. They don't have any place there, because the glory of that Knowledge can and does completely fulfil our heart. And when that happens, when it really becomes real, then truly love prevails. That's when love starts to become real. That's when love can be felt. And whenever that happens in us, it's always just so warm - not our external concepts and not our external ideas, but it is the love that comes from Knowledge that's so warm.
Maharaji, 30 Years in the West
Miami Beach Convention Centre, July 24-26, 1981
Maharaj Ji offers us the gift of his love every day of our lives. In this three day festival with him, we can realize the true beauty of that gift: the glory of the giver himself
"Devotion is the greatest relationship between Guru Maharaj Ji and a human being. Devotion. Nobody can touch it, nobody can alter it. It's the mightiest, its the greatest, it is the most indestructible relationship that a human being can have with a Perfect Master. And in fact, it is the only relationship." - Maharaj Ji
Festival Pamphlet
Interview with Johnny Young, August 4 1981
Nor am I talking about any new kind of religion. Certainly, we have heard much too much over the course of history that "God's like this" and "God's like that" and "Everybody's wrong about God except me." I am not suggesting that, by having everyone practice a certain ritual, we would all suddenly be in contact with God and removed forever from God's blacklist of sinners. Not that I am arguing against anybody's perception of God along those lines, but I am saying that the glory and the perfection that I see are far, far different. That difference for me is rather like the difference between what a medical student learns in textbooks and what he learns in the actual practice of medicine after he has studied the textbooks. All of a sudden, now it makes sense. All of a sudden, the theoretical becomes the practical. All of a sudden, the mystery disappears and the Knowledge is truly revealed. Put quite simply, the distinction is between believing because one is taught to believe and believing because one knows.
People from all walks of life pursue … Happiness Pamphlet
Public Program, Manchester, 28th September 1981
In that life have I, have I really become one with that Creator, have I really become one with that reality, have I seen my God? Have I touched my God? Have I felt my God … He's one, He's everywhere, everywhere, He's omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. He's in this microphone, He's in this carpet, every little molecule of this hall, and it's hard to believe that, isn't it? Very, very hard to believe, "How can He be there? How can He be in this microphone? Goodness, you know, this microphone was just a piece of metal lying in some metal shop till the, till the guy took it, placed it out to these little specifications I mean how can God be in this little sponge here? (laughter) You can squeeze it, (laughter) but believe you me He's in there ha." (laughter) He's in that little sponge too. He's in me, He's in you. And and this is, this is I guess where the whole table turns because what I say to people, I say to you is "But don't take my word for it. See for yourself, see for yourselves that He is in you too. See for yourself that He exists completely within inside of you and He is the one that is that is that energy, that is that perfection, that reality and that reality was never, was never, is, never is going to be away from you and yet you're gonna miss out on the complete heaven that you've been looking for outside which was all all the time inside of you." Completely miss out on it. Saying every morning you know "Our father which art in heaven" and in my heart and in my soul and in every little molecule of me too and your kingdom is wherever you are wherever you are wherever you are just giving that magnificence, grace and glory to every single creature and how every single creature is taking that magnificence and turning their eyes away from it.
Public Program, Manchester, 28th September 1981 transcript

Not that I am arguing against anybody's perception of God along those lines, but I am saying that the glory and the perfection that I see are far, far different. That difference for me is rather like the difference between what a medical student learns in textbooks and what he learns in the actual practice of medicine after he has studied the textbooks. All of a sudden, now it makes sense. All of a sudden, the theoretical becomes the practical. All of a sudden, the mystery disappears and the Knowledge is truly revealed.
People from all walks of life pursue Happiness … Introductory Pamphlet 1982
Time is too strong, and you are trying to beat it in virtually everything you do, but you cannot. It's got you. No one has ever been able to beat time. Yet, in you is the quest for immortality, because the immortal is within you. The door is within you. Open the door and live life in its glory.
LOOK FOR THE FEELING THAT IS INSIDE YOU. Be in peace with yourself, because on your field, the greatest battle is raging; and on your field, that most precious thing is
being decimated. No war compares to the battle that rages within a human being. Lifetimes are destroyed in this battle. Moments are sacrificed in this battle. Total decimation can take place.
Nothing Celebrates Life … Like Life
Brussels Belgium, Opening Address, December 8th 1989
To be loyal, never to betray and if one power that we ever can be loyal to or should be loyal to is our Maker because yes, there is something inside of us that wants to wag our little tails, that wants to jump up and down and sing that glory. Some of the most magnificent pieces of music have been written for that glory and inside of all of us and yet have we been loyal? Hardly. Hardly, gone completely the other way and yet do we continue to go our own ways? Yes.
Do we ever stop and say "Wait a minute, my Creator made me. I mean I am who I am but I am only because I was created through whatever system I don't care, whether it was how Darwin says it or whether it is how somebody else says, I, that's really quite irrelevant.
Festival Of Knowledge video
Brussels Belgium, Morning Address, December 9th 1989
If you need to be honest with somebody you need to be honest with you and don't buy it and don't buy all reasons and the rationales but be wise and see, see through it and know and one step at a time grow and grow in that learning. Feel that love, feel that preciousness, feel that glory and sing within, sing, sing within yourself, you don't have to sing out there but sing within yourself and ss hear the song and yes, there is a rhythm inside each one of us. Don't change the rhythm, sing with it, be it with it, flow with it and learn to admire you don't know how to admire. We know how to judge, we don't know how to admire and we look at something we say "Oh a strange color, strangely shaped, dirty, too clean." Don't judge, learn to admire, to see and, and receive all of so many gifts that are being given to you as they are and yes you will begin to feel that happiness.
It was very interesting what Padarthanand was saying. This woman said "I don't want to be too happy. I don't want to be too happy because that upsets my husband." When it comes to happiness folks, if it, if it upsets somebody, it's their problem (clapping) not your problem.
Festival Of Knowledge video

Festival Of Knowledge, Brussels 10th December 1989
You can say things, you can express things and you can sing the glory of your Creator like it has never been sung before in this format you can feel contentment like it has never been felt before. In this format you can rise above the rest and witness with these very eyes the incredible wonders that that Creator has created for you. With these ears you can hear the softest, the subtlest, the most beautiful sounds that not only reside within you but around you and with this tongue you can taste the sweetness, with this nose you can smell the most delicate of the aromas and with this consciousness you can appreciate the most wonderful of things. Without it, you have nothing.
Festival Of Knowledge Audio Tape transcript

Hans Jayanti festival, November 9 1990
Just see, today this word 'guru' has become a ridiculous term, a sort of a joke and people do not know what is a 'guru'. When I fly a plane in India, I often listen to the radio in the
cockpit. There are talks going on between various pilots in the vicinity. Somebody would address: "Well guru, how are you?" Because they do not know the true meaning and implications. They
don't understand the glory of a guru and Master. Because they have forgotten altogether. They have made such pseudo-guru who have put the whole system to disrepute. … Such so-called gurus have marred the reputation of this institution. It has been ruined. Actually the guru is such a personality about whom it is said:
I bow down to the lotusfeet of my Guru Maharaj Ji who is the ocean of mercy and is actually Hari (God) himself in human form.
And whose words are like sunbeams to disperse the accumulated darkness of gross ignorance.
So Tulsidas says that he bows down to such a Guru Maharaj Ji, the Master, who is really Hari (Supreme Power) in the form of man.
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 2 April-June 1991

Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, Vaishakhi Celebrations (Evening Session), 13th April, 1991.
As a human being, I don't know how to conduct myself as a devotee. This too please teach me.
The question is from where did you learn? From where should I get those words which may enable me to sing
the glory of my Master. For this also I have to pray to my Master, "Please give me those words too, in order that I may pray to you. Give me that
inspiration, give me that wisdom and refined intellect. You just explain to me how I may get rid of my ego."
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 4 October-December, 1991

Long Beach California, Morning Session December 7 1996
Welcome to the World of Knowledge. Welcome to the World of Knowledge, not doubt, not some stupid explanation but to the world of Knowledge in which every human being is invited to experience for themselves. Come and see for yourself. Experience for yourself. Be fulfilled for yourself. Be in that joy for yourself. And when the heart is fulfilled, there is something that happens. When the mind is filled with you know what, it complains about everything. When the heart gets full, it praises. It sings the glory.
Event News, Long Beach, December 1996
Contentment Resides Within video, 1994
I don't go around telling people philosophy is, talking about philosophies, I don't have that problem, I really don't because to me it has to be real. If somebody says to me something that is uncomprehendible (sic) it doesn't jibe with me, it doesn't work for me, it has to be comprehendible (sic), it has to be understandable without doubt. Not ethereal, some concept of something that exists may exist might happen and people find power in that. People find
glory in that. People find joy in that. People find with wissdom (sic) in that. I don't have those
problems because I found the glory not about talking about something that doesn't exist but I
found the glory in talking about what does exist.
Contentment Resides Within video, 1994
What happens in your life today in every moment that's what's important. It's not the 50 years that we have lived or the 60 is that we have lived or the 30 years that we have lived or the 40 years that we have lived. It is this moment that counts because in that moment that's where our glory is, that's where celebration is, that's where this life is and so many of us we come up with our ideas, we come up with our concepts, we come up with our things to lean on in this world and everybody is trying to believe in something, trying to trust something, and then the Master comes along and says you should trust in that one thing that is the most important to you. Don't trust in this world because this world is in transit, it is in motion, it moves, you try to stabilize it and it becomes unstable. Do not put your trust in the ideas and ideals because they change too
Across the Decade video - 2000
Alexandria, Virginia, June 17 2000
By the way, by the way there was a time that the only way you received Knowledge if you was if you were willing to dedicate the rest of your life to it. Mean nothing else. Yes it meant going in a monastery. That didn't sit well with a lot of people and Knowledge was rather rare because it was incumbent upon the aspirant to prove to the Master that they were ready. I don't know if you know the story about Kabir but Kabir wanted Knowledge from his Master. Master just said "No." He ran around ran around ran around chasing "Please please Master." "Nope. No no no no don't even come here. Don't even ask me." Things got so desperate for Kabir that he actually laid down on the steps of that the Master used to take to go down to the river to take his bath. That's how desperate things got and Kabir's Master stepped on him accidentally but knowing he's lying there and the Master uttered something and Kabir said "Okay, that's enough for me that your Knowledge." And Kabir went reciting it cause I think the Master said like"O God" or something and that's Kabir said "That's enough, that's all I need, need something from you." And then when the Master saw him his dedication he said "Oh yeah, I'll give you Knowledge." Do you know that Kabir was one number one critic of Master, any Master. Do you know some of the earlier work that he has written. It is so vile. He writes "Oh all these Masters they're are good for nothing. All these Masters you know they're fake." I mean that's what he wrote and then he receive is a Knowledge and his whole attitude changes and you know then what he writes "If you turn all
the earth into paper, all the wood into pen, all the oceans into ink, it's not enough to write the
glory of the Master." (applause) He did a complete I don't know what more than 180 but you
can't have that more than 180 so it was incumbent upon the aspirant to prove that to the
Master not the Master to say "Okay, are you ready?" No.
Participation Event video
25th November 2004
"What is so special about this instrument?" they asked. The man said, "Let me show you." He cleaned the instrument, and it began to shine. We forget. We only see the dirt on the surface. The person who knows can see beyond the dirt. He can clear away the dust and renew its beauty, its spark, its glamour, its glory. Then he did the most important thing–he tuned it. If the instrument is going to sound good, it has to be tuned. … What is the instrument? You are. In your race for the "new and different," you have forgotten yourself.
Inspire v1 i39, 25 November 2004
In the late 1970's and early 1980's Indian-Hindu cultural trappings became more important in Divine Light Mission and it's music. The main impetus of the organisation was encouraging devotion and worship of Prem Rawat as a divine omnipotent guru and Indian bhajans became the dominant musical form at meetings. The Holy Jesters, Mahatmas Gurucharanand and Padarthanand and Initiator Arthur Brigham who had been Mahatma Mahatma Param Premanand, sang at festivals and released an audio tape in 1982. They mainly did translations of Indian bhajans such as "Glory Of My Master" and this inspired One Foundation to write and perform songs highly influenced by these bhajans. Bhajan songbooks (Click here and click here and click here for examples of songbooks of bhajans) were printed and used at nightly satsang meetings. Song titles such "The Glory Of My Master Is Endless," "Boundless Is Your Love And Glory," "Glory To Maharaj Ji," "Glory to the Lotus Feet of Guru Maharaj Ji" and "The Glory Of My Master Is Endless" are evidence of Prem Rawat's glorious megalomania.
Holy Jesters
Listen, Listen
I Have Seen Such A Great Wonder
Court Of Love
Please Fill Me With Your Devotion
Glory Of My Master
In Your Hands Lies A Jewel
My Master Blessed Me (With Such An Eye)
Life Is Passing
I Am In Love With You My Lord
Don't Let Me Loose Hold

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