Prem Rawat's Teachings about Satsang - In His Own Words

In Divine Light Mission's official publications 'Satsang' was defined as: "the company of truth. Satsangs are spiritual discourses about the Knowledge and in praise of the Perfect Master. To tell someone about Knowledge is called "giving Satsang."

Prem Rawat when he was the young Guru Maharaj Ji made exceptionally strong claims for satsang: Satsang destroys all our sufferings effortlessly.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, November 1963
Why is it that we all seek peace and happiness, yet due to our ignorance of the right path to attaining peace we are unable to find it? We do not know who to ask for direction; we are ignorant that happiness and peace is the result of true devotion to God and His Knowledge. This devotion and Knowledge is not acquired without satsang and the Satguru. All scriptures unanimously declare that to acquire Knowledge, the shelter of a true master must be sought. Today the world does not search for a true Guru, but is rather engaged in whatever devotion it is attracted to. … If He is not met, if the mind is not engaged in Him, then of what value are these practices? They are all useless."
Volume 2, Issue 7, And It Is Divine Magazine

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

July 29, 1966, Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India
Christ spread the Knowledge of God in his time; what was that Knowledge? In many places, temples have been constructed, but in each temple the worshippers see the statue of only a single Saint. When they come and listen to satsang, then we say to them, "The God you worship is our God also." When Knowledge of God is spread through the whole world, there will be one religion. The Knowledge will be spread through mahatmas, because, without these great souls, it cannot be done. … So now, premies, we have to realize how that time is approaching and how we have to do service through which we will he able to understand better how this Knowledge has to be spread to everyone and tell them how beautiful is God's creation and how beautiful is this Knowledge.
And It Is Divine, Millenium Program, 1973 and The Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Delhi, India, October 29 1966
Dear premies, today hundreds of thousands of people have asked for darshan. The Ramayana says that it's only through great good fortune that satsang can be attained. Satsang destroys all our sufferings effortlessly. … Those who don't try to attend satsang during this lifetime will regret it later and will blame time, fate and God for their sufferings.
Divine Times, November 1979, Volume 8, Number 6

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Patna, Bihar, India, December 25, 1971
If you have got the Knowledge of that Word, then meditate constantly. Do service under the Lotus Feet of your Lord, and listen to satsang patiently. It is written in the Ramayana that when a man is very fortunate, only then does he find satsang, and when he finds satsang and attends it, he is liberated without any effort. Again, it is said, "Have darshan of Guru Maharaj Ji." Why? Because it is written in all Vedas and Ramayanas to have darshan. So touch the Lotus Feet. "Lay yourself down in the vast, unbounded ocean of Mercy underneath. Bathe and swing on the waves and sink inside. Drink the nectar of Mercy and Grace and Blessings, and be free from all sins."
Élan Vital magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 1977

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Johannesburg, South Africa, 29 April 1972
Every satsang is a discussion on one subject, and that is the true Knowledge which brings peace of mind. Many great saints got fantastic experiences from this wonderful Knowledge and just wanted to spread it to all people. In every age a great saint like Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Mohammed, and Christ has taken birth on earth for this purpose, to give this Knowledge to other people, because, in their time, the truth had declined, spiritual understanding had been lost. As far as spiritual matters go, they were ages of darkness.
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

New York USA, 10 June 1972
And today there is something very beautiful that everyone must realize. And that is that once a man takes the Knowledge - and five million people have taken Knowledge - very naturally he wants to tell other people about it. And no doubt if these five million people really try and bring two people each day to the Knowledge, in two days how many people will be there? There's no doubt in this way we can bring this Knowledge to the whole world. It is not a dream. It can be real. Many people ask me this question again and again, because they don't believe that there is going to be a Kingdom of Heaven or that this Knowledge is going to spread. For them it is not possible. But, if you try, it is possible. Because if this Knowledge belongs to God and if it is really God's Knowledge and it is true Knowledge, then there is nothing in the world that can stop it reaching the people. So do satsang. Give them open-hearted satsang. Give them this feeling that what you want to tell them is not a new religion, is not a new way, it's not a new thing. That's why I am so concerned about all the activities of the Divine Light Mission.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 4, January 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Jamaica, West Indies, March 17, 1974
This is what happened in America. It started out with three people. And they used to give satsang in the morning, and every night, in Los Angeles. And it's like, people were just coming. And they had never listened to satsang before. Just maybe a word or so. And they just poured in! You know, it was like, first day maybe five. The next day, you see ten. And the third day you see fifteen, and we ended up having, right from three people, to fifty people within a week. And it was completely incredible, because people were just pouring in. They wanted to listen to what was going on. … And those fifty received Knowledge and they went out, and then they went out, and you can't imagine. It's like in a year we were having the Guru Puja function there. There were thousands of people assembled.
And It Is Divine, Summer 1977, Volume 4, Issue 2

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Cosmopolitan Hotel, Denver, Colorado, 28 April, 1974
You are alive! There is some purpose for it. God is not a fool who gave you this body just like that. There is definitely some purpose and now that we have realized this Knowledge, the purpose is to go and tell people about it, to make 'em understand, to make 'em realize and premies if you need to become stronger because I understand some premies do need to become stronger before they can go out and do whatever I am saying. I am gonna hold programs every night, from seven to nine. Every night till I am gonna be here and if you want to come, there will be satsang there, I'll come and satsang will go on every night and if you don't want to take privilege of it, look, there is so much sweet water in this world that you have no idea but if you are not with it, it's gonna do you no good.
The Golden Age Number 6, Thursday, May 23, 1974 and Audio Tape

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Denver, Colorado, 8th July, 1975
This is what people should understand, if anything, and this is what people should do: you can do more service to humanity by realizing this Knowledge, propagating this Knowledge, giving people satsang about this Knowledge, than by doing anything else. Even if you become emperor of this whole world! Because who is Guru Maharaj Ji? Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect. And this perfect Lord doesn't come down Himself one day, grab everybody by the throat, and say, "You better realize Knowledge, otherwise I am going to chuck you out into hell." He doesn't do that. He even comes down into this world, bears that physical body, bears the pains, bears the suffering of this physical planet, and gives Knowledge. But if you look at Him, He is the ultimate. He doesn't need to come into this world. He has got so much power, He could manifest Himself in front of everybody in this world and ask everybody personally a question, He wouldn't even have to come down into this world. All He would have to do is come down out of the clouds and speak loud one day, and say, "People who are not going to receive Knowledge are definitely going to hell." He never does that, because that's just the way it is.
The Golden Age Number 39, July 1977

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Guru Puja Festival Caracas, Venezuela, July 23, 1975
Because it's really something like this whole world one day - and this is what I am working on, that this whole world one day would realize Knowledge. And this is not a high hope, or a big dream. But I really think its possible. Because it's like bringing water to thirsty people. And if we can get them convinced that this is water, you have no idea how fast they will really come to it. And this is the reason why I go around giving satsang. And we have these programs, and this is the reason I ask for so many premies to go out and tell other people about this Knowledge. Because I know this is not only my dream, and not only is it possible, but it can happen. And it can happen now. It can happen in this century, while you and me are alive. It can happen now. And this is the time that we have to really open up to let other people smell it. Because we know that we can fill this whole world with the beautiful smell that is within inside of us, as soon as we open ourselves up.
Élan Vital, 1978, Volume II Issue 2

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Pacific Guru Puja, Capitol Theatre, Sydney, Australia, October 18, 1975
You know, Guru Mahaji. They have a hard time pronouncing it. But don't relate to that pronunciation. Relate to what is behind it and to understand and to realize more of that glory of Knowledge. To understand more of the glory of the revealer of that Knowledge, we all assemble to worship him, to pray, to understand more because there is never enough of this stuff. There's never enough of satsang, there's never enough of that beautiful blissful experience that we all want to experience. So premies, it's like, it's so beautiful that this Pacific Guru Puja has been held here, you know, and it just shows us that we are just coming together more and more and more and more and more.
The Golden Age Number 24, November 1975

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Sao Paulo Brazil, 4 January 1976
But, you see, it just so happens that mind won't give up so easily. So it sits and it designs; it plans the most perfect way - just about perfect - a very, very good way, that it can get you. One morning, while you are sitting under your meditation blanket, it comes up to you and says, "Premie Ji, Jai Satchitanand." You are sitting all by yourself in your room, everybody is doing meditation, and immediately you take your covers off and look around. "Who said 'Jai Satchitanand?' " You put your covers back on and start doing meditation. Then the mind says, "Premie Ji, uh … don't you think you have been doing service for a very long time? Don't you think you have been sitting for meditation now for about five minutes? That's a very long time. You have been sitting here for five minutes. And you have been doing service for two days now. That's very bad. You know, you don't need to do this. Everything is okay; now that you have Knowledge, everything is okay. You don't need to do service, you don't need to do satsang, you don't need to do meditation." You say, "Man, I sure do feel tired. Yes. I have been sitting for meditation for five minutes now, and I have been doing service in the ashram for two days. What do they think I am anyway? I am not gonna do any satsang, I am not gonna do any meditation, I am not gonna do any service." Then you chuck your baragon out the window, throw your blanket away, and you walk out of the ashram. And mind just got you. That was it. That's all it took.
The Golden Age Number 30, June 1976

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Mendoza Argentina, 11 January 1976
Without surrender, you cannot really realize this Knowledge. Without surrender, you cannot really listen to satsang. Otherwise, you are listening to satsang and your mind is going, "That was a wrong spelling. That's not the way you pronounce that word," or, "Is she translating right?" or, or, or, or … Mind just runs and runs and runs and runs and runs. But when we are surrendered, it's very difficult for the mind to run while satsang is going on, because we have surrendered ourselves, we have given ourselves to him, we are one with him. Then it becomes very hard for the mind to run. Only then does the mind stop running about all over the place. What is man right now? Man is a servant of mind. He has surrendered himself to the mind, and whatsoever mind tells him to do, he does. We just have to change the story a little bit; instead of surrendering to mind, surrender to Lord, our Creator, whom we are supposed to surrender to.
The Golden Age Number 29, May 1976

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Montreux, Switzerland, 21 May 1976
And in the same way, because Knowledge is a beautiful experience, for people who have not really put their everything into it - because this is something that you have to put your everything into - those people almost wish somebody had to sit there and do satsang, service and meditation for them, because they don't want to do all that, they just want that beautiful experience. But a person who really puts his whole self into it is going to get that experience. That ultimate experience, that ultimate love, is only one love. We try to imitate it by doing this and by trying to do that, but there is sincerely only one love, though we have, of course, found lots of methods to imitate it. But that one sincere love is towards Knowledge, is towards that truth and we have to really experience that, we have to really realize that, and start putting ourselves into it.
And It Is Divine, Volume 3, Number 3, Autumn 1976

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Paris, France, June 8, 1976
Because the last example I gave was like, satsang, service and meditation are like this -- there's this gap in our lives, in the whole system. There's Knowledge and there is us, and there's a vast gap in between. And this gap is because Knowledge is infinite and we are finite. And the two things just can't go together so good. Because one is infinite and one is -- one is perfect and one imperfect. So there's a vast gap, and a bridge has to be built over it. And this bridge has to be built by this cement which is called satsang, service and meditation. Meditation itself is the cement, it is the cement -- without that you can't do anything. All you'll have is water and a stir stick, and about all you can do with that is just stir a lot of water. Nothing's going to happen And then satsang is the water, and service is the stick. And the better the proportion of those three, and the better they are mixed, the right amount of water, and the right amount of cement will make an excellent base to build the bridge with. When the bridge is completed, then the gap is completed. The gap is finished.
Élan Vital Magazine, Autumn 1977, Volume I, Issue 1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Hans Jayanti Festival, Los Angeles USA, November 9 1976
You know, I have built a little bridge. If you have read my satsang that I gave on the European tour, the satsang said that a person can build a bridge all the way from one corner of the world to the other corner of the world but right in the middle of the ocean leave three feet of space undone, unfinished. You definitely will be able to drive just about from one corner of the world to the other corner of the world. It takes a lot of time and it takes a lot of energy, but I have just completed the three feet of the missing gap for all the premies. To a lot of premies it's like, "Okay, great. Maybe that's the answer to all my confusion. Maybe that's it. That's what I've been looking for for such a long time. Maybe I didn't exactly need all those Knowledge reviews I had, but this is it." Looking back at it, I have to see, I have to feel, that when I wanted to drive the pilings in the water, in the sand, I discovered that I didn't need to. They were already there. So that means that the beginning of the bridge over that gap was always there. And so, if anybody really attempted it, they could have always built that bridge for themselves.
Divine Times, November 1979, Volume 8, Number 6

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Atlantic City, 19th December, 1976
And you know the mind just throws you around and around and around in a loop but don't acknowledge it, just keep on going you know just keep on having that sincere try, just let it keep on going and really come and become simple and for once experience satsang, service and meditation in our life, let us pick up, you know just, just let's all come back home, there's nothin' out there, you know we just said, "Huh, I'm gonna pack up my bags and I'm gonna get out and I'm gonna see what's out in this world. And a lotta people did that, a lotta people packed their bags and say "I'm gonna go out and see what's in this world." But they went out in this world and next thing you know you get a call from a hospital and you say "What's the matter with the guy, what's the?" He got robbed, he got beaten up and everything else happened. Not in the sense of really getting robbed and beaten up but the mind just robs you of your experience that you have, beats you up and puts you right back into the hospital and that's it. There goes that experience.
Divine Light Mission 'Birthday 1976' film

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Holi Festival, Miami, Florida, Friday evening, 18 March 1977
So premies, this is really an opportunity for us. We have no barrier. I and you have no barrier, simply because you're my premies and I'm your Guru Maharaj Ji, and there's only one reason why we are here. You might have a lot of different reasons, I might have a lot of different reasons. You might be able to explain them, I might be able to explain them. But when it comes to Knowledge there's something we have really understood to be as true as it is; in this world there is only one reason. And that one reason why we are all here is because we love each other. Is because I love you and you love me is the greatest reason in this whole universe to be here, and to always show up again and again and again, in time immemorial, as Guru Maharaj Ji and devotees, 'til there is the blue sky, until there is a brown earth, until there the ocean roars. So premies, let it go on, let it flow. It always - all the premies in the whole lifetime have wanted to have satsang, have wanted to have darshan. Well, we went through a lot, well, we're back again, and we're back again home. I'm here and you are there. I don't want anybody in between, and I'm pretty sure you don't want anybody in between. If you want to unite with me, you have now an opportunity to do so by satsang, service, and meditation, and by the opportunities provided by these satsang programs to you now, premies.
The Golden Age, May / June 1977, Number 38

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Holi Festival, Florida, March 20, 1977
I was watching a cartoon in Los Angeles, and it was "Bugs Bunny" cartoon. …
I'm talking about birth into that eternal eternity, where there is complete harmony, where there is complete satisfaction. And the only method that is most successful, and the only method there is, is satsang, service, and meditation. And to give it all a super dose, there is darshan, and these programs, the way they're happening. So premies, let us all really come together, let's really become one in that bond, one in that tie, one in that love, and go ahead. There's no power in this whole world that can stop us from experiencing what we want to experience. Not even mind, if you're strong enough. There's nothing. No power in this world, that can stop us. Just - all we have to do is have faith in Guru Maharaj Ji. Have faith in me. I'm here to help you, and I will help you. But sincerely have faith in me. Not in some, not in some way, not in some manner, or particular manner, but just have faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, period. And let it all happen, let it all begin.
The Golden Age, May / June 1977, Number 38

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

London, England at the Wembley Hall, March 3rd, 1978
It's very, very simple experience, because there is such a beautiful experience that is within inside of us that has been given, that is there. And unless we open up to it, the experience is not going to open up to us. Because the experience cannot open, cannot close. It's ever-constant. It's the experience of that incredible infinity. It's not some head trip, but that incredible, incredible experience of that Grace, of that Knowledge that Guru Maharaj Ji, by his Grace, has given us. The reason is to come, sit down, and to experience that bliss and that Grace that comes out of that satsang, of that company of Truth, of that what we experience inside when we can let that flow, and to see our brothers and sisters, to see that growth happening within inside of us, to see that bliss and to get blissed out about it. And to have Guru Maharaj Ji's darshan. And to just let go for that one moment.
As we are sitting in this hall right now, I'm pretty sure, people are either getting into trouble, or just doing crazy things out there. And here we are, having a beautiful experience of satsang. That's the power of Knowledge. And that power can make that experience manifest within inside of us all the time.
The Golden Age, May 1978, Number 45

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Holi Festival, Miami Beach, Florida, April 8, 1978
I do remember that all of a sudden, before I knew, I was giving satsang. And yet I didn't know what really it could have been that I was talking about, except that people liked it. And I guess it was more of an amazement for those people to just see a little bitty boy sitting up on a stage giving satsang. People would collect -- all these people wouldn't know what's going on. It would sort of provide a good advertisement, and then Shri Maharaj Ji would come and take over. And yet, of course, there was a feeling. It wasn't like a fake thing. It wasn't just for the fun of it. But there was a feeling. And the feeling was very motivating towards something, wanted to know something, knew that something was greater. And it was like, Shri Maharaj Ji, and just a very, very incredible experience. Just so beautiful, so incredible, so radiant.
You knew that there was something there. And just going to satsang after satsang after satsang … I didn't attend every satsang, because there was Mr. School. But every time I would go, it would be an incredible experience to just see all the premies, and then to just sit down and to listen to satsang, and to see Shri Maharaj Ji.
Élan Vital, Volume II, Issue 3, Fall 1978

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Durga Ji (Marolyn Rawat nee Johnson), Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 10 1978
Maybe to the world, the world would think, those people are angels, they don't do anything. But we know. We know. We're not angels. We know the standard that Guru Maharaj Ji sets. And we can't fool ourselves any more, looking at the world and saying, "Well they drink and they smoke and go to bars and they fight and they have wars. Look at me. I don't do any of that. I try to go to satsang and I try to do service and I do my little meditation. Look at me compared to them. I'm really doing good." But we can't do that. I don't really know what happens, but we kind of get more out there and more out there and then these things start happening, and Guru Maharaj Ji gets very displeased and he'll say, "Gee, what are these premies doing?" And he'll come to me and say, "What are these premies doing?" And I know, at least I feel, that I'm there too. I can't excuse myself. And so it's very, very painful. And maybe it's not even painful to me sometimes. Oh yes, they are spaced out. And then sometimes, oh man, we really are spaced out.
The Golden Age, February 1979, Number 51

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Hans Jayanti Festival, Kissimmee, Florida, November 11, 1978, afternoon program
When Shri Maharaj Ji was giving that satsang he said, "Here I was." And one day he locked his room. (This is an incredible story. And I even have a tape of it. It's an incredible story.) One day Shri Maharaj Ji locked himself in the room and said, "Guru Maharaj Ji, if you are really real, come here and give me darshan." (Not that this is what you guys should try. Absolutely not. I wouldn't recommend it.) This is what Shri Maharaj Ji did. He said, "Maharaj Ji, if you're really real, come and give me darshan." (In this instance "Guru Maharaj Ji" refers to Shri Swarupanand Ji, Hans Rawat's guru and Perfect Master of his time.)
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 2, Summer 1979

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Guru Puja, Miami Beach, Florida, Saturday, 21st July 1979
"What's going to happen? My God!" No more airplanes. No more cars. No transportation. "You mean I have to ride that funky bus to my job? What is all this?" There was a time during World War II when people were taking all the gold they had to buy a loaf of bread. All that gold that they hung on to so dearly could only buy them one loaf of bread. That was it. And Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world and he doesn't … Okay, we listen to all the satsang about how miserable this world is. We all know this world is miserable. … And this is what's so different when Guru Maharaj Ji comes. He doesn't offer a silver platter. He just says it very simply, "Come to me. Come to me and I will give you the solution. I will give you the freedom. Knock and it shall be opened unto you."
The Golden Age, October 1979, Number 55

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 8, 1979, Evening
… this really reminds me of Satyalok. It would sometimes be like this. And what would happen is there would be satsang all day long, and Shri Maharaj Ji would be getting furious with the premies for not doing meditation or satsang or service - just really furious. Sometimes there'd be two or three hours worth of satsang that would be a real mind-knocker. You really don't have much option when that starts happening. I know I used to wait for that moment to come when Shri Maharaj Ji would put his crown on. And sometimes it would be very early in the night and he would put it on and then it would go on for hours. Yet it would never be enough. And it was always so incredible. It was always so blissful to hear Shri Maharaj Ji talk about his Guru Maharaj Ji, the Grace, the power and saving. There was only one reason why he would even talk about it, why he would even give satsang about it: so that the people who were listening could open their ears and perhaps somehow respond to Guru Maharaj Ji like that, too. That experience of completely getting swept away in the river and then praying to Guru Maharaj Ji, and Guru Maharaj Ji coming and picking up his devotee and that devotee then being my Guru Maharaj Ji … As Shri Maharaj Ji used to say, "Providing that you're not a gorilla or a crocodile" - and I guess he meant all the animals, but in his satsang he said "crocodile and gorilla …"
Élan Vital, Volume IV, Issue 3, Fall 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Rome, Italy - June 25, 1980
I just see this whole act has to clean up, has to come to a point where the propagation can really begin to happen. Where there can be that demonstration, where there can be that "Yes! Knowledge! Yes! Guru Maharaj Ji!" Where people can see, like I said in the satsang, you know, people are gonna look at me, then they're gonna look at you, and if they see something there, then they're gonna look at me again and say "Can I have your Knowledge?" When people look at me, then they look at you, and they don't see anything, they're gonna look not look at me either. Why should they? There is nothing there. … You know, you've got to somehow quit listening to your mind, you know, all these silly little games that the mind wants to play with you believe me aren't gonna lead you anywhere. Your commitment, that's, you know, that's basically what I have to say nothing new probably to what I said at the last satsang or last to last satsang or last to last satsang. You know. In essence, what I'm trying to say is that when you get up and say "Bhole Satguru Dev Maharaj Ki Jai" mean it! Not just say it because uh 9,000 other people are saying so, so you say it too. You know. And when you sing Arti, mean it. And all that's gonna come from your practice of Knowledge, from your understanding."
Rome Ashram Satsang 1980 DLM video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Miami Beach, Florida - July 25, 1980
So premies, it's wonderful to be here, to have this opportunity. I know "opportunity" is a misused word. These days everything is an opportunity. But this really is something special for all of us. This festival. What it has to signify means something. It's really a festival of premies. I know of course the name Guru Puja started in India, but I find it's really beautiful to know what it means. Just some devotee's wish: a desire to worship, to worship their Guru Maharaj Ji. And it really is a festival in which we - we - can really benefit: through that satsang, through that service, through that meditation.
Élan Vital, Volume 4, Issue 4, Winter 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Satsang

Follow-Up Program, Washington DC, 26th November 1981
Q: Your followers seek to worship you, why do you seek that?
GMJ: Why do my followers worship me?
Q: Why do you seek their worship?
GMJ: Well, I don't seek their worship.

Satsang is a Hindi word okay, now if you like it you can use it if you don't like it you sure don't have to use it but 'sat' means truth, 'sang' means company, company of truth, it's when people come and they talk about an experience which is real period. When are people can come up and talk about a lotta experience.The thing is ah when, it's just a, it's just a word but what happens is not really a worship in many cases. Do I come and sing my own praises when I am in that environment? Certainly not.
Perfect Master Tape #216