Prem Rawat's Teachings about the Supreme - In His Own Words

supreme: adjective, - highest in rank or authority, highest in degree or quality
the Supreme Being, the Supreme: noun - God

Prem Rawat or Maharaji ("Ultimate Ruler") as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's declared himself, and was declared by his devotees, the Lord of the Universe and the Perfect Master ("as a matter of fact, I am the Perfect Master") and taught he was going to usher in a millenium of peace on earth in this Kali Yuga through his Supreme Knowledge and that he was the Supreme Master. His father used the word so often it is pointless trying to collect his 'supreme' quotes, simply read Hans Yog Prakash or Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Almighty

Mahatma Gurucharanand, 1973
But unfortunately most people of the world do not understand this simple fact and miss the opportunity of receiving his true Knowledge which leads man to perfection. Many great souls came in the past but people did not recognize their glory. But now once again the almighty Lord has incarnated in human form to reveal to us the fundamental truth within ourselves. So let us not repeat the same mistake over and over again, and let its take the full advantage of his supreme Knowledge.
And It Is Divine Magazine Millenium Edition (November 1973) Editorial

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Manifesting

Mahatma Gurucharanand
The supreme Lord knows human weaknesses, therefore He manifests Himself in the form of Satguru to reveal the mystery of His own Divinity and to give to His devotees the opportunity of performing service at His Holy Lotus Feet. Those who have been blessed with the Divine presence of Satguru will undoubtedly be saved and never be abandoned to the clutches of birth and death. Such devotees are always in peace and attain the state of immortal bliss. … Let us beg Him sincerely to grant us His devotion and love and nothing else. Really blessed are those devotees who have bathed in the intense love and the unalloyed devotion of the Lotus Feet of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji, who is the highest manifestation of God and the embodiment of truth, love and compassion.
Divine Light magazine, Volume 1, Number 5, February 1972

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching Constant Meditation

Yogiraj Param Sant Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, June 1961, Prem Nagar, India
In the same way, the divine Light which is self-existent in all beings is God without physique, whereas the Satguru of the time, or the realized soul, is God with the physique. Submersion of the mind into the divine light; obedience and service to Satguru together with supreme love for Him; consecration of body, mind, and all activities to Him; together with a great anguish for the slightest forgetfulness of Him, constitute sublime devotion. Hence perpetual peace, eternal bliss and salvation within the lifetime are ensured. There is absolutely no other way to achieve them. This is universally substantiated and experienced by every saint, no matter where and when he lived. It is written in the scriptures, "One who desires to have happiness without Bhakti (devotion) is a great fool. To reach real happiness by other means is like trying to cross the ocean without a boat. Bhakti is a most precious diamond. One who has this diamond in his heart knows not even the slightest misery."
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?, 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - His Incarnation

July 29, 1966
So many times, Guru Maharaj Ji has come to this world. There have been many, many Perfect Masters and each one has revealed the very same Knowledge. You have not understood. Each Divine Incarnation has gone away and still you have not realized the Knowledge he brought. Now, if you want to know the Truth, then get that Supreme Knowledge, because this body will be destroyed one day. You have got to get Knowledge as soon as possible, otherwise the shop will be closed. This Knowledge will grow more and more expensive; it will not remain cheap. Today you people think that Guru Maharaj Ji is not here. Again you have not understood his true form, but I will explain everything to you. If you do not realize God within, then Guru Maharaj Ji, the Perfect Master, will manifest again and again in this world and you will see him in the form you like. When a Perfect Master comes, he cannot be bound by the rule of government, but we know that if we have to explain this to the world, people will not understand. Even when people of this world see a true saint, they do not recognize him. Every time the Perfect Master comes, some people think that he is true, some think that he is false.
Millenium Issue, And It Is Divine Magazine, November, 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Supreme

Exeter University, England, July 9, 1971
A 13-YEAR-OLD boy told an audience in Exeter yesterday: "I can give everybody the inner concentration of mind that everyone in the world is searching for." Guru Maharaj Ji; whose followers say he was born to bring God into men's heart's, added: "I know the technique by which you can obtain the inner concentration, the peace of mind. If people come to me I can tell them the supreme technique so that they can find the supreme joy". The Guru was speaking at Exeter university. He was dressed in white robes and sat on a large chair which was draped in white cloths and surrounded by flowers. He is touring England to propagate the teachings of a religious order called the Divine Light Mission. Before his 20 minute address two of his followers spoke for an hour-and-a-quarter.
Express & News 9 July 1971

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Supreme

The first discourse by Shri Guru Maharaj Ji in America, Los Angeles, July 17, 1971
So now - now we are just saying that we should know God, we should realize Him, we should do that, we should do that. But when you realize, then somebody will ask you what you have done, "Oh, I have realized that Supreme Being, that Supreme God." So, you have to realize God and there is a special technique, that Raja Yoga - not yoga - Raja Yoga: yoga of mind and not of body. Of mind.That yoga of mind which I teach, Krishna taught to Arjuna. Krishna says, "Arjuna, this is the Raja Yoga and every yoga started from it." Every yoga started from it."
And It Is Divine magazine, Volume I, Issue 1, November 1972

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Supreme

His first U.S. satsang (filmed), Los Angeles, July 17, 1971
"We have this human body but we have to even realize why that Supreme Being, that Lord has given us this human frame."
Élan Vital 'Passages' video, 2001

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Supreme

Alta Loma Terrace, Los Angeles, August 15, 1971
But now He has taken a form to refine this whole world, from one corner to other corner of the whole world. He has come. And what does He do? He gives people such a technique, such a method, which is perfect, and gets them away from sufferings, the causes of sufferings of this world. God made the mind, but He never made a stoplight. And when He saw that "There is no stop in this mind which I have made," He was very sorry. He had to take a form. The form of Guru is nobody but Himself, the whole that you want to see. The whole power is now in the form of a body. That is the body which is Supremest of all, and its duties, works are not like those of humanity. Humanity does everything for stomach -- selfish purpose. But He is not selfish. He does whatever He does for the good of public, good of people. He came, and He is curing people, giving that technique through which mind will be completely stopped. Where mind will be completely stopped, people will be saved. That's why His first nature is to save people. When He comes into this world. He saves people. People don't want Him, because mind goes, "No! Don't want Him! Don't like Him! He will stop you, stop you, stop you!"
Élan Vital, Spring 1978, Volume II, Issue 1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Almighty

Patna, Bihar, India, December 25, 1971
Only the Supreme Lord, Saint of all saints, Omnipotent and Almighty, can close the mouth of the whole universe and shower the Knowledge of self-realization. Otherwise, the small whistles are not heard in the midst of such big drums. Therefore, my dear aspirants, now that you know that Knowledge of Self, fulfill your aim. That is the only aim; that is the only goal. If a man knows that goal and recognizes it perfectly, he can come in perfect contact with God Almighty, his own Supreme Father, whom he has forgotten.
There is a great necessity for Guru Maharaj Ji. In any field, such as in the military or in a school, you need a guru (teacher). So for this Knowledge, which is the highest object, you have to have a specialist Guru. Other gurus cannot touch even the shadow of this Knowledge. This specialist Guru is one for His own time. He is the one for the present, commanding the entire age. He is the Supremest Lord of the time. Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj said in His own time, "People of the world, always remember that one Supremest Eternal Power who alone is permeating water, earth and all the creations. Do not remember any other who is in birth and death." You don't have to remember others. You have to remember the One who is really One for the whole universe.
Why do you have this human body? To know this, we will have to take the shelter of Guru Maharaj Ji. Guru Maharaj Ji knows all. Guru Maharaj Ji is Brahma (Creator). Guru Maharaj Ji is Vishnu (Operator). Guru Maharaj Ji is Shiva (Destroyer of illusion and ego). And above all, Guru Maharaj Ji is the Supremest Lord in person before us.
Therefore, my dear aspirants, what is that path? What is that medium which, if we adopt it, we can know that Supremest God, we can know that Creator of this universe, we can know our Father who, though He is omnipresent, is the secret of all secrets, is everywhere, is actually not secret. And you can know Him only by the Grace and Blessings of Guru Maharaj Ji.
Élan Vital magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 1977

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Supreme

Johannesburg, South Africa, 29th April, 1972
We read the scriptures without understanding what they are saying. Indian people read the Bhagavad Gita and in this Lord Krishna, the Living Master of His time, said clearly, "Don't recognize me by my external appearance for this is perishable. My true form has no beginning and no end. Believe it or not, the fact is that God is supreme and pure: The people are lying on a bed of ignorance and dreams and doubts. They expect God Himself to come (they pray for it, they ask for it, they announce about it) but when He comes, they fail to recognize Him. And not recognizing Him in His physical form, they cannot recognize Him within themselves.
The Golden Age, July 1979, Number 54

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Supreme

Delhi, India, 8th April, 1972
"What we have to do is to put a divisional sign. We have to divide our desires by two. Half to complete the needs of the body; the other half to give to the Supreme Master for the realization of God. For that realization.." "I am an agnostic," I interrupt him. "I don't believe or disbelieve in God. I simply say, 'I don't know'. What is more, I don't think whether there is or there is not a God is very important in human affairs. There are many people like me." "Are you not seeking for something?" he asks. "No." "Then why are you here?" he asks, pointing his finger at me. "Because I am curious." "Curious? Curiosity is a vacuum. You have a vacuum in your mind and want to fill it. That's why you have come to see me." He snaps his thumb and finger triumphantly. I maintain my ground. "No! Curiosity is my profession. I am a journalist. I have come to see you to find out what you have to say and what your followers get out of you." An uneasy silence pervades the room.
Gurus, Godmen and Good People

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Supreme

Third World Peace Tour, Louis Armstrong Stadium, New York, July 28, 1973
There is Knowledge, there is that supreme energy within all of us which we have to realize, and then there is the realizing of that energy, actually understanding that energy within inside of us. That's what we have to do, and that's called Knowledge. What I am talking about might have different interpretations to it. Everybody who is sitting here might be understanding it differently. But understand this: we are talking about one thing that is common among all of us.
And It Is Divine Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 12, October 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Supreme

Public Program, Boston, Massachusetts, August 4, 1973
Now, I have realized, and six million people have realized, this inner Peace, this inner Knowledge that is within inside of us all, this primordial vibration, this supreme energy, this kinetic energy that is also making us alive. You see, what I see life as is: When kinetic energy enters, it becomes life. Because what this body is -- its a potential body. And then there is some kinetic energy that is within inside of us making this The world has been searching for Truth for such a long time. And they think it's just not available. So they go, and they are sitting, and then somebody comes to them and says, "Do you want Peace?" And they say, "What? Now beat it; don't joke with me. It's nothing doing. This Peace is just not available." But when somebody reveals this Peace, this primordial vibration, this supreme energy within inside of us, then it is something. It's really something. Because it's right there but we do not know it. We do not have the proper method to realize it.
So understand, my friends, that what I am trying to tell you is that there is this Knowledge. I'm trying to explain to you that there is this supreme, supreme energy within everybody.
I have to find something in this world that I can concentrate all my attention into that thing, into that supreme energy which is always there, which can never be destroyed, and which can never be created. It's always there. And that's the definition for the energy that is within inside of us. And that's what we have to realize today. And this is all I can promise you.
Élan Vital, Volume II, Issue 2, Summer 1978

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Supreme

A Letter From Guru Maharaj Ji, Bonn, Germany, September 31, 1973
In the world there is suffering, hatred and dissatisfaction. That fact does not need proof. It is understood by all that the world is passing through a great moment. No one has satisfaction of mind nor can they find the solution to this. The world is looking for the Perfect Master to come and reveal the Perfect Knowledge of God. There is a supreme energy constantly vibrating in everything making it survive and all the Perfect Masters come to reveal this Knowledge to people. We can attain all materialistic things and still not have peace, for peace lies inside not outside in materialism. As you all know Millenium '73 is being prepared for now. This festival has been organized by Divine Light Mission each year since 1967, in the memory of the late Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaji on His birthday. This year the most Holy and significant event in human history will take place in America.
'Special Millenium '73 Edition' of the English Divine Times, October 27, 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Supreme

Interview at Lucknow, India, April 14, 1975
"It is funny and ridiculous to say they have removed me from office as if it is is a public office to which I was elected or appointed," Maharaj Ji said. "Nobody creates a guru. He is self existent. Nobody can make a guru except the Guru Maharaj Ji himself." However, he declined to answer his mother's charges that he had started drinking alcoholic beverages, had begun eating meat instead of remaining a vegetarian, and had shown too much interest in sex. The guru, who flew into Lucknow on Saturday after a journey from the United States, showed visible dismay when he talked about his mother. "Mothering means caring and loving," be said "If my mother denies that to me, then my goal becomes supreme and takes over. " I am not leaving my job. These accusations have not changed me. These will result in only further perfecting of the perfect master. The guru said he planned to return to the United States soon without going to see his mother. The Divine Light Mission, which has its U.S. headquarters at Denver, Colo., claims 500,000 American followers and eight million in India.
Associated Press Writer, Rangaswamy Satakopan

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Giving Satsang (Making A Speech) Atlantic City 1976

Atlantic City, 19th December, 1976
I mean nobody can say the whole system of government is very super simple. It isn't. Neither is the system of churches. Neither is the system of (thinking, thinking) so-called "God-realization." What other people claim, what other people challenge. That isn't simple either. But to me if we are here to realize God, to realize that love, to realize that supreme authority in our lives then it has to be simple, it will never be sophisticated. And as a matter of fact has to be so simple that we might miss it and just because of the fact that we will be looking in more complicated things for this experience than looking in very, very simple things for this experience.
Divine Light Mission 'Birthday 1976' film

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

Hans Jayanti, Rome, Italy, 9th November, 1977
And what gives peace such a priority to be accomplished is because every Perfect Master, every saint, every Perfect Master, every person even (let's put it that way), who came and who was motivated towards to Supreme Power in any way, has hinted that that's what we have to really accomplish: peace! And that's what makes me so sure. Because it's almost like, I think, within our lives that we all go through, it's almost like a super-miniature world that happens within inside of us, our dissatisfaction.
- The Golden Age, Issue 42

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

London, England March 4th, 1978
But what I'm trying to say is nothing else except what I feel within inside of me. And there's even no question of right or wrong. Maybe there's somebody in the audience sitting and going, "Well, that's a wrong statement," or "His accent is more American." Or, "This is wrong," or "That's right." It's not even a matter of wrong or right. Those things just don't even matter! And it's just to be able to open up to that experience of Guru Maharaj Ji. To be able to, by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, step on his boat, and let him carry us, let him take us to that "Supreme Aboard" (Abode?)where we all want to be. To be with him all the time, 24 hours a day. Not just one second, not just two seconds, not just three seconds, but where there are no seasons, where there is no night, where there is no day, where there are no seasons, where there is no time. To surpass all barriers of anything: time, death, life, imagination; even, to some extent, any barrier that - - if infinity has a barrier -- to even cross that, and to go where that "Supreme Aboard" really is, and just to be there with Guru Maharaj Ji, is the most incredible experience. And that's the experience that I have had.
DLM publication, 1978

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about the Supreme

Guru Puja Festival, 1979
"If you have a Perfect Master you can't do anything but worship him every day of your life. You tell me, if you really have that Perfect Master in your life, what can you do except to worship him every day? Get up and worship him, pray, know, surrender. Every day of your life!"
"Guru Maharaj Ji is that Supreme Power. Is, was and always will be!"
Divine Light Mission 'Guru Puja 1979' video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker The Perfect Master 1981

Montreal Canada, January 1981
(Applause) Peace is eternal. Peace is within you and me and nothing more that an experience of who I am and what I am and nothing more than the experience of that Supreme Thing itself is going to bring me peace and not until every human being is in peace with himself will he be within peace with anybody else either. Cause he has no necessity to. And yet I see that that Creator creates us with such love, such care, such tenderness to bring us, to put us here, give us an experience and what is demanded? No more than to just open up, no more to go that Master, to go to that teacher, to go to that one who has got that realization and to ask and then that realization is imparted to us.
Message Of The Heart video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About the Supreme

Miami Florida, 9th December 1983
So sincerely we are blessed with the most supreme blessing, the most supreme blessing for the mankind to be able to experience in this life, to be able to enjoy in this life, that ultimate freedom for manBecause to me being a human being, you have the supreme blessing and Knowledge is very very straightforward, it really is. There's nothing complicated about it. … I am talking of something that is not of this world, in it but not of it, the supreme experience. That's what I'm really talking about. … and really the only thing we need to do is open our eyes, look and enjoy and experience and then and only then does it become a supreme blessing for us, only then does it become. Done. Only then do we have the capacity to recognize that in fact it is a supreme blessing and not caught up in our ways and then we can be sure that those strings go to the right place and that the govern, the power that is governing me
"Birthday Program", Perfect Master Tape 256

Prem Rawat Teaching About the Supreme

Hans Jayanti festival, November 9 1990
Those who have received Knowledge, they forget this fact after sometime that what a beautiful opportunity, what a beautiful time they have got. What a grace was conferred upon us that we were able to get this opportunity, to have this Knowledge. And so many times I have given satsang from this stage but the basic thing I have always explained is - "Enjoy yourself. The supreme happiness you are seeking, which is so much desired by your heart is before you. Just accept it"

I have had a great experience in this respect that a human being is not one but there are two entities amalgamated into one. One part is that which gets joy in talking about the supreme bliss and the other one is that part which takes pleasure in all sorts of false worldly things. So there is not one but two personalities in a man. I have noticed this fact that in this world the latter part of the human being which is biased towards falsehood, maya (illusion), lust and such other nasty things, that part is usually nourished and fed and is mostly attended to. But that other part, that other personality in man who needs Knowledge, who needs supreme happiness and is inclined towards nice things, is totally neglected. … I bow down to the lotusfeet of my Guru Maharaj Ji who is the ocean of mercy and is actually Hari (God) himself in human form. And whose words are like sunbeams to disperse the accumulated darkness of gross ignorance. So Tulsidas says that he bows down to such a Guru Maharaj Ji, the Master, who is really Hari (Supreme Power) in the form of man.
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 2 April-June 1991

Prem Rawat Teaching About Grace

Public Program, Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, April 13, 1992
Those who have not got this Knowledge, what kind of freedom do they enjoy? Who is the freest of us all? Who is the freest in this world? First of all it has been said about the Master - "He is supremely free; none is above him." Absolutely free! But there is such a miracle in his freedom that whoever enters his realm of freedom also becomes free. And what type of freedom is that? The real freedom of inner self.
'Life Force', Volume 8, Issue 3 July - September, 1992

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker End of the Millenium

Millenium 2000 festival
By putting all the other things aside and focus on the one way, you don't need to run anywhere else, the human being starts to run in that one direction where his Creator truly resides, where his Creator truly resides, where his true bliss is there. He doesn't know what's in front of him, what's behind him, what's above him, what's below him, that person goes to that place, he's in that place where everything is still, everything is beautiful and there's nothing else besides that bliss, besides that peace and the Master (Hindi: Guru Maharaj Ji) has opened that door, opened that path for the person to go to that place. What a beautiful thing, what is the difference? Truly, for that person who has this Knowledge (Hindi: premie) when he realizes that every step is so precious and he makes the effort to try and understand this, the world doesn't even try to understand this but people who have this Knowledge can try to make this effort, even a little bit of effort every single day that they want to fulfil their lives. Therefore the Saints and Masters have said "Blessed are those, blessed are those whose focus is in that direction of where there is that truth, consciousness and bliss where there is that Supreme Bliss, where is that, where there is that peace but also walk in the remembrance of that.
Élan Vital '4 Days in November' video, 2000

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Portland, Oregon, Questions and Answers, March 19, 2001
Track 5: Q: ??? Shri Maharaji ??? read satsang about yogis and yoga and I have some questions about um the practice of actual physical asanas in yoga and how that relates or doesn't relate to knowledge?
A: Very clearly, it is described, the Knowledge is Raj Yoga, the king of all the yogas because it is the unity, 'yoga' means unity, 'yog'. It actually doesn't mean physical exercise it just means unity, to become one with something and that which puts you to be in one with that essence within inside of you is the King of all yogas. All the yogas that are there, they are for physical benefit, maybe they put you in touch with different elements. This yoga is to put you in touch with the element of life itself. It is not a physical exercise in that you have to put your foot over your back. I mean look at some of the people who have knowledge, including me, it is obvious we don't do that, ha, ha ha ha. We have a hard time getting up from the chair, much less putting, you know, that's not everybody but it's very clear, it's very clear, clearly defined the two in one you do, you know, a housewife cooks or a houseman cooks, in this day and age, umm, but that feeds the stomach but Knowledge feeds something else, a thirst that is much deeper than that and so there is a very, very clear distinction between all these different things and I think to appreciate that difference, I'm not gonna put down anything, I don't need to, you know, umm, be in this world, do whatever do whatever it is that you do and whatever it is that you have to do but don't forget that element, that breath and in each breath there is that is the witnessing, that is the witnessing of that Supreme Power that makes all of this possible, the whole world, the whole universe, so, it's not a paradox, it's simply a very clear division, the two have nothing to do with each other.
Visions International CD #AC0722EN

Inspire Electronic magazine

A Seed That Grows (Translated from Hindi)
The greatest thing in life is that as human beings we can experience supreme joy. For people who want this joy, who want to fulfill their lives, there will be joy and more joy. Just relax and enjoy the journey of life.
Inspire electronic magazine v2 i44, 6 January 2005

Inspire Electronic magazine

Potential for Joy (translated from Hindi)
Every human being is one–no matter who you are, how you are, where you're from. Even in pain or happiness, you're one. You've come here as one and will have to leave, as well. In the life of each human being, there is the possibility to experience supreme joy. The greatest potential is the possibility of that joy in a human being's life.When you experience that supreme joy, your life will be filled with joy. … If we want the story to be that this person understood the supreme joy, fulfilled their life, and spent their life in joy, then that story can be written.
Inspire electronic magazine v3 i93, 5 January 2006

Inspire Electronic magazine

Lake of Joy (translated from Hindi)
If a person wants peace in their life, chanting "peace, peace, peace" won't bring peace. They will have to find something that can actually help them experience peace. To experience the supreme joy in one's life is the best thing, and not to experience it is the worst thing. … Whatever you do, you do it for joy. Within every human being, there is a voice–a desire to be fulfilled, to experience supreme joy. … You want something that gives joy. When you experience that supreme joy, your life will be filled with joy.
Inspire electronic magazine v3 i98, 17 march 2006

Inspire Electronic magazine

The Importance of a Drop (translated from Hindi)
In our life, we are like a drop. We want to unite with the ocean of joy in our heart, but we don't know how to do it. We can be united with such an ocean; the heart is there in all of us. As long as you are alive, you can experience that joy. Life is about experience, not just words. We have a mind, and we think a lot, but we never think that there is something that is beyond this mind and thought. How can we catch that with this mind? That is why we need to have an experience from the heart.
People say, "You come in this world empty-handed, and you'll go empty-handed." I say that you came empty-handed, definitely, but you don't need to go empty-handed. Take something with you. Take that enjoyment with you. Recognize that supreme joy and then go.
Inspire electronic magazine v3 i99, 31 March 2006

Inspire Electronic magazine

Welcome to the World of Existence
Is this reality ugly? No. It is beautiful. Welcome to the world of existence. Welcome to the world of clarity. Welcome to the world of understanding because this is what it is about–the peace that dances in your heart, not the doubts that wreak havoc in your mind. The reality of your existence is supremely sweet. I'm not here to tell you about the good or bad, right or wrong. I'm only here to tell you that what you are looking for is inside of you. And this is not a puzzle. These are not empty words, because I have a way that you can feel the reality that is inside of you, the peace that is inside of you, the joy that is inside of you. In this life. … The good news is that true joy is already inside every single human being. And you can experience it if you want to. Search for peace. And wherever you find it, great. And if you don't find it, come to me. I can make it possible.
Inspire electronic magazine v4 i116, 5 January 2007

Maharaji's Teachings About the Supreme What I am teling you about is what is happening in this moment – that breath has come into you. It's coming and going, and you're alive. And because you're alive, of all the feelings you can feel, there is one that is supreme – and that is called joy. Of all the states you can be in, there is one that is the most supreme – and that is the state of clarity. Of all the things you can have in this moment, there is one that is the most supreme – and that is contentment, peace. That is your reality. This is not an explanation. It is a reality that you feel in your life. And the possibility is to feel it every single day. Not once, not twice, but every single day, every single moment for the rest of the journey.
ADI magazine, Issue #2, 2007

Maharaji's Teachings About the Supreme Bangalore, India - February 11, 2012
When it comes to matters of the heart, how can you compromise? The heart will not accept it. The heart wants the reality. The heart wants experience. Not somebody sitting there and telling you that you've had food – you've eaten, and it's done. What is done? So, I say that you're thirsty. You are thirsty to experience that supreme bliss.
WOPG, downloaded 1/9/2014