Prem Rawat's Not So Holy "Holy Brother" Raja Rawat
*** 2015 *** It was rumoured within the Miami premie community that Bhole Ji provided a substantial financial gift to his younger brother Raja Rawat who had been left without adequate funds by their youngest brother and former Lord of the Universe, Prem Rawat, to maintain the lifestyle he aspired to and this was confirmed when "Shri Raja Ji" began appearing (circa 2015-16) on stage at Hanslok events in India. You've got to hand it to Bhole Ji's Rawat family values (forgiving his apostate brother) or his wish to stick it up Prem's ass.
Raja Rawat was the Holy Family member who seemed to miss out on a spectacular divine super power. The eldest brother was the brains of the universe, the second eldest had all the musical talent in the family, the youngest was the Lord of the Universe and even Greater than God and Raja got to run the World Peace Corps which were the Lord's bodyguards in a reasonably ineffective 70's ex-hippie sort of way. When he first came to the West he was soon as debonair as one of the dowdy Rawats could be but very early on his penchant for booze and dope and guns became an open secret.
Prem Rawat's Shocking Sex Handbook - Better Than the Kama Sutra
In 1976 Maharaj Ji bought a book at a novelty store called the Sex Handbook. It was actually a device that gave an electic shock when opened. Prem spent several days "souping up" the wiring so that it would give a more powerful shock and then he was off to see his beloved brother.
Prem Rawat's Niece Becomes More Famous Than The Lord of the Universe Due to Her Talent and Beauty
Using his cachet as Shri Raja Ji, brother to the Lord of the Universe, he married a beautiful German devotee, Miss Claudia Littmann on Sunday 28th April, 1974 in Denver, Colorado. The marriage didn't last long but it has provided Hollywood with a successful, exotic young actress, Navi Rawat. It is wonderfully ironic that she is already more famous than her uncle whose self-bestowed titles include "Maharaji" or Great King, "Guru Maharaj Ji", "Balyogeshwar Param Sant Shri Satgurudev Ji Maharaj", "Lord of the Universe", "Greater Than God" and "Giver Of The Gift of the Possibility of Peace". It's pretty obvious from which parent Navi Rawat got her looks. Raja Ji had alcohol abuse and other problems and after his wife divorced him his profile within the premie community dropped.
Raja lived in Miami, Florida (2005) and toured around premie communities shilling for money for various of Rawat's needs usually accompanied by a "student" (really a minder), Yoram Weiss, who is one of Rawat's long term followers and chief fund-raiser and to handle the details and keep Raja on the rails.
Here we see Raja Ji, as he was still known amongst followers of Rawat, speaking in Montréal, Canada in June 2008. It is obvious from his speech that he might be a believer in Rawat's Knowledge but not someone who actually practised the meditation techniques regularly and that it is the same for most of these premies in Montreal.
"There is only one Perfect Master and we can't compete with Guru Maharaj Ji"
"because Guru Maharaj Ji's Knowledge is perfect there's nothing bad in saying that Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect. So we should propagate this Knowledge, this Holy Knowledge"
"The real truth is that only He is the Perfect Master, and only the Perfect Master gives perfection."
"He wants everybody, the whole world, to experience this Knowledge." "We are his children, and all we can really do is try and try and try."
"I know, that you know Steve asked me this question, oh which, which place is really happening, you know, what, what is happening out there is everybody, you know, you come here and it's a little bit, he feels it's slow here, you know, probably probably people are just enjoying the summer, probably probably such a cold winter right? Was it bad winter this year?"
Did They Even Believe This Appalling Rubbish Then
"Thank you, Maharaj Ji, for satsang. Thank you for meditation. Thank you for service. Thank you for you, your darshan. Thank you for letting me surrender to you." - Durga Ji
"He's that perfect thing that can show us everything. He's that one perfection. And he's here for us." - Raja Ji
"I've no idea what love is, and all that I can do us just, by his Grace, try to completely, completely focus on him, on nothing else." - Claudia
If They Did, It Didn't Last Long
- The Holy Family
- The Holy Family - The Authorised Version in And It Is Divine magazine - Special Millenium Issue
- The Holy Family Ramparts magazine
- Raja Ji Makes the Cover of the Rolling Stone (a line or two at any rate) Rolling Stone magazine
- Raja Rawat as Maharaji's Ambassador
- Raja Ji excerpts from various satsangs
- Raja Ji's Introduction in Divine Light magazine Volume 2. No. 6
- There Is Only One Perfect Master Satsang of Shri Raja Ji at Porchester Hall, London, W2. 5 Jan 1972, Divine Light, Volume 2. No. 6
- Continuous and Perfect Peace Satsang of Shri Raja Ji, Fulham Town Hall, 11th February, 1973
- Raja Ji speaks at a public program in Minneapolis, Minnesota USA, 2 October 1975
- One Step BeyondRaja Ji's Satsang from the Guru Puja Festival, Miami Beach, Florida, July 31, 1977
- Word By Word Excerpts of Raja Ji's Satsang at the Court of Love Retreat, September 3, 1977 - Divine Times magazine
- Word By Word Raja Ji's Satsang at the Court of Love Retreat, September 3, 1977 - Golden Age magazine
There was a certain amount of confusion in Australia as various members of the Holy Family gave orders
- STOP PRESS Denver, 25th April Divine Light Mission have the pleasure of announcing the marriage of our beloved SHRI RAJA JI and MISS CLAUDIA LITTMANN
- CORRECTION The Golden Age wishes to announce that the stop press news concerning the marriage of Shri Raja Ji, which was printed in edition No. 4, is incorrect
- A Divine Union Guru Maharaj Ji Weds
- Double Wedding The Golden Age, No. 20 May, 1975
- Prem Rawat gives Raja an electric shock with a "Sex Handbook" from "Soul Rush" by Sophia Collier
- Prem Rawat says Raja plays tennis and he plays with model cars "Shower of Grace" Festival in Malibu, California on June 10, 1978
- Prem Rawat talks about Raja playing tennis Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 5, 1978
- Prem Rawat laughs at Raja's gullibility Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 12, 1978