Prem Rawat's Teaching about The Mind
In Prem Rawat's theology "the Mind" is the equivalent of "the Devil" in Christian theology. His off-the-cuff speeches are long and rambling and can contain contradictory messages and it can be difficult to discern a clear line of teaching but there is a definite tendency to Manicheism in his speeches in which the Mind is an infinite eternal source of evil forever fighting for the hearts, souls and minds of his devotees. Sometimes he gets carried away and speaks of things like the "Concept Bomb" which destroys the mind, once and for all in a fraction of a second, leaving clear sailing in the boat of the Lord. At least once he prophesied that the Mind will be cleared out at the next festival: "In Guru Puja I intend to get this mind straightened out. Out of almost everybody who comes to Guru Puja. Because it's getting heavy each day. If Guru Puja goes the way I have it planned in my head, by the time it's over the mind should be out. I mean out." Maybe he was practising divine deception to get people to attend? To clarify his teachings about the Mind it is necessary to examine longer sections of his speeches as his concepts cannot be contained in short quotes as he often tells little stories to explain how devious it is.

Yogiraj Param Sant Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, June 1961, Prem Nagar, India
In the same way, the divine Light which is self-existent in all beings is God without physique, whereas the Satguru of the time, or the realized soul, is God with the physique. Submersion of the mind into the divine light; obedience and service to Satguru together with supreme love for Him; consecration of body, mind, and all activities to Him; together with a great anguish for the slightest forgetfulness of Him, constitute sublime devotion.
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?, 1973

Hans Rawat aka Param Sant Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, Prem Rawat's father and predecessor
In the beginning mind does not get hooked easily to the Divine Word and so one is required to practise this again and again. When the mind is settled in the Word, then automatically it gets detached from the external world. But, how to know this Divine Word? We have to strive to know it. We have ten organs - five organs of action and five sensory organs - eleventh is the mind, twelfth is the intelligence. That Word cannot be known through any of these twelve organs. In the eightfold path of yoga, meditation is the seventh step and union of meditation, the Meditated (Divine Word) and the meditator is known as 'samadhi'. Knowledge of God is acquired in that state. This is to be experienced.
Manav Dharam website downloaded on 1st April, 2009

Alta Loma Terrace, Los Angeles, August 15, 1971
Now He took a form to refine this whole world. Jesus came. He was trying to do all that in Middle East. But now He has taken a form to refine this whole world, from one corner to other corner of the whole world. He has come. And what does He do? He gives people such a technique, such a method, which is perfect, and gets them away from sufferings, the causes of sufferings of this world. God made the mind, but He never made a stoplight. And when He saw that "There is no stop in this mind which I have made," He was very sorry. He had to take a form. The form of Guru is nobody but Himself, the whole that you want to see. The whole power is now in the form of a body. That is the body which is Supremest of all, and its duties, works are not like those of humanity. … He came, and He is curing people, giving that technique through which mind will be completely stopped. Where mind will be completely stopped, people will be saved. That's why His first nature is to save people. When He comes into this world. He saves people. People don't want Him, because mind goes, "No! Don't want Him! Don't like Him! He will stop you, stop you, stop you!"
Élan Vital, Spring 1978, Volume II, Issue 1

December 10th, 1971, Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India
If you want real satisfaction it is the mind that has to be conquered; it is the mind that has to be satisfied. And the means to do this is by using a special Knowledge, a special way, a special system, and this is the system that has been described by all the saints. … "This fly was broken; in the same way the mind has to be broken. First of all, man will have to close his carnal outer doors. He has to beat hard with his devotion, that is the stick. And with his devotion and meditation he has to kill this crazy damn fly. So, the same way, mind is too strong, you know it is very big. To him it seems very pretty but then, of course, it is a fly. It is no good. Same way, the minds of this Kali Yuga (today) are very strong. Very, very strong."
And It Is Divine Magazine, Volume III, Issue 4, Winter 1976 and Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?

Guru Puja, Montrose, Colorado, July 27 1972
The mind has an automatic acceleration on it and you can't control it. Only one man can control it, the man who built it, who mastered it, who is a doctor on it! Only He knows how to find the acceleration screw so he can loosen it up and take it out, so that the proportions of the mixture will be set properly.
I'll tell you what is wrong with people's brains today.
Perfect Master Tape #003 and and It Is Divine, Volume I Issue 8

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India, November 1972
So understand how subtle the mind is, and how subtle this Knowledge is which every Master has been revealing in His own time. Jesus did not preach Christianity. Krishna did not preach Hinduism. They preached the true Knowledge of the self, they gave self-realization to their devotees. Rama did not preach Hinduism: He gave self-realization to His devotees.
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 9, July 1973

Ignorance is only created by the mind, and the mind keeps the secret that you are something divine away from you. That is why you have to tame the mind
first. The mind is a snake and the treasure is behind it. The snake lives over the treasure, so it you want that treasure, you will have to kill the snake. And killing the
snake is not an easy job
Satguru Maharaj Ji booklet

On Service, Denver Colorado, 26th September 1973
it is service anyway and we are hooked up to service not to what we are doing because we, this, this human body, this mind is absolutely crazy and if we hook ourselves to this little computer which we want to all the time and that I'm, I'm sorry about that but (laughter) I wish it wasn't possible anymore and we, this, this little crazy computer and all the time we do is take this little cork and put it back again and this little computer is freaked out completely and it makes us little freaked out too and this is the way that - service is the only way, you realize it. I cannot tell you how, I cannot tell you how. I 'm doing a service and I'm doing a service and this is a service that has been given to me by my Guru Maharaj Ji for me to complete in this world and I'm doing it and I tell you, I'm the happiest person in the world, (laughter) at least one of them and because in my life I have realized one thing and then have I realized the meaning to that thing and that's what I want you to realize.
Well one of the solution was Knowledge which has been given to you, now the best part of it if you want to come ahead, do it because you will be helping the whole world to get peace what I think we should do and it's the most practical method of doing it because if we try to do it by ourselves we were so crazy we couldn't find God that's why we have go to somebody who can show us God and then again with the same freaky mind we try to accomplish things in this world tell me how will you able to do it? You know, it's like, it's like you have got broken headlights in the daytime and you're trying to use it at night time. How will you use them? It's all broken, they don't work so that's why the condition is. We've got this old freaky mind and this was all freaky, we couldn't decide, we couldn't find God so we go to a Perfect Master and he shows us God and he shows us the Knowledge, he shows us, he reveals us the secret and then we turn back again and start using the same mind for other reasons. The same old freaky mind is gonna guide us hanky-panky take us I don't know where but if you realize that perfection, if you realize the depth of and then follow it to that man who can see it more clearly, our destination that's much more better because he can see more clearly our destination we have to reach than we ourselves can ??? understand.
Perfect Master Tape 006

Los Angeles, April 20 1974
Try to realize one thing at least and remember this, that you have no idea, you have no idea, how many tricks the mind can play on you. They are countless, they are completely countless. Plus it's such a enemy of a human being. It's always mean not from now, it's always, always, always mean. It attacks you at a point where you are weak and like if a human being has really has just received Knowledge and is going probably a little ways or has received Knowledge a little while ago and is going and he feels weak about something, right then and there mind comes and he says, "Oh! I think I must do this. Yeah. I strongly feel." Now where is the feeling from? He doesn't know where the feeling is. Can be from mind or it can be from within inside of him. "But oh I strongly feel that I should do this." But look, first make sure, first really, really make sure that that feeling that is coming inside of you is from where you want it, not from your mind and it's really hard to tell, too but if you are meditating, if you are trying to realize this perfect Knowledge more and more and more and more and more and more, it's no big deal.
Perfect Master Tape 012 and Direction of Love

Phipps Auditorium, Denver Colorado, 2nd May 1974
And it's the Grace that brings us there, the Knowledge which brings us there and I can tell you one thing right now, that in Guru Puja I really, really intend to get this mind straightened out, out of almost everybody who comes to Guru Puja. Because (Bolie Shri Satguru Dev Maharaji Ki Jai from crowd) because it's getting pretty heavy each day and the way, the way we will set up Guru Puja will be better than Montrose, the one we had in Montrose, will be a lot more beautiful and it's like there'll be Arti two times, and everybody will receive Holy Breath, everybody will receive Darshan, who hasn't and there will be Arti two times, one in the morning and one just before satsang program and it's like if this Guru Puja goes the way I have planned it in my head, by the time it's over, the mind should be out, I mean out (enthusiastic Bolie Shri Satguru Dev Maharaji Ki Jai and Hooray from crowd) and so I want, that's all I want you to do is to get the word around that ah how important it is, how fantastic it is, really.
Perfect Master Tape 014

John F. Kennedy High School, Denver Colorado, May 12 1974
But what service we do after Knowledge, to Guru Maharaj Ji, to spread this peace into this world, to bring that love, to bring that joy that we all have been waiting for,
to work in that direction is called service and then the second thing comes, agya. Because the mind is so strong, a human being from the beginning is unable to determine that
whatever next thing will I be doing, will it be a real service to the spiritual path or not. …
But in the whole, to eliminate this problem from the whole world, we have to fight the mind and mind is like now has become our enemy because he is misguiding us,
he is doublecrossing us. He comes in one point and says, "Ssh-ssh! I love you," and goes to the other and says, "Drop in the hell, I don't care" and this is what it is doing to
everybody and that is why you cannot judge. This is where you make the mistake, saying, "How can this guy teach, take me to hell?" You know, he just came and said, "Hey listen,"
but it does. Because it's mind. It's really, really strong. It can play any way it likes and that's, like that's the thing. So premies, what we have to understand,
what we have to fight today, is now mind and once we eliminate that mind, that problem, that'll be for once and all and, it's like, little service, very, very little service,
that I tell you probably a little kid could do, even counts, even counts towards the victory of mind, to defeat the mind, even that little service.
Perfect Master Tape #16 and Brotherly Love Newsletter, November 1974 and The Concept Bomb

Denver, 8th July, 1975.
What we are trying to make people understand is that Truth is within inside; it's not outside. I want to teach people Truth, not divert their attention into this false, false world. So premies should be involved in giving satsang to people and making people realize what's happening here, that the Knowledge is revealing itself and everything is getting more and more beautiful. This is what should be done. This is what's most important that should be done. I just wanted to clarify this, because we've seen the mind play some weird tricks on people. You know this is what mind does. It's like, you receive Knowledge and the mind starts freaking out because it's got no chance. So you fight it, and it fights you. Then it comes to a point where the mind just can't do it, so it dies off and you really start experiencing everything. But then the mind comes and says, "Look, I can't get this guy the straight way, because he doesn't believe me anymore. So why don't I hook him up in a different way, so that he'll believe me, and then I can get him?" That's what it does. You're feeling really beautiful inside. You're feeling just love and Grace, because mind is not working, and then slowly this thing starts going on inside of you. You know Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect, He is everything; you know Knowledge is perfect and is everything. You believe it because you know you have experienced it at one time. But then, bingo!, things start happening. To convince you of something, mind will do anything. It manifests in any way it
can. It will come in your dreams. … The mind manifests the most simple things to prove to you that this or that is right, but this is where you really have to have the firm determination that, "No, I don't want the mind. I want to realize for myself." Though it sounds very selfish that we should only realize this Knowledge for ourselves, and try to understand this within our hearts, it's not. Because if we can get into it, and merge into perfectness, we are one less thorn in our Master's way. One less thorn is one less problem, and then it's so beautiful because the speed with which the Perfect Master is coming through this world becomes faster.
Golden Age, Issue 39

Guru Puja Festival Caracas, Venezuela, July 23, 1975
And this little thing is mind. And let me explain to you a little bit about mind, because it'll help you. This is the enemy;
and we all get our troops together, and our weapon that we fight with is this Knowledge. So let me tell you about mind.
Because if I do not brief you about . mind, then you are going to say, "Well, Guru Maharaj Ji never told us about mind,
so how are we supposed to defend ourselves?"
Well, listen! This mind is something else. This is the definition to it: that really there is no definite
definition to it except one explanation, and that is "something else." It can get you at the place you least expected it; it
can get you in a way that you least expect it. And it can do something to you that you least expect it to do. It is
something else. It really is.
And so premies, one thing you should really watch out about is the mind, is the crazy, crazy mind. Because that is the
enemy. And let me explain mind to you. It is not the brain. It is not the thing that tells us two and two is four. It is not the thing
that tells us, "Since we are going to turn left, we should turn on the left indicator." That is not mind. That is our brain, that has been given to us to function,
to be able to judge ourselves, to be able to reference ourselves in this world, to be able to sustain and do activity. But there is something besides that brain that drives us nuts,
that drives us crazy, that drives us wild. And that is mind. And that is the greatest enemy that we can ever have.
Élan Vital, 1978, Volume II Issue 2

Pacific Guru Puja, Opera House, Sydney, Australia, October 19th, 1975
You see how simple it is but believe me or not - maybe you won't believe it, but this is how simple it is - right now your mind is controlling you. Our aim is to control the mind. This is exactly what we have to do to and then we become one with that self consciousness. Because then there's nothing on top of us, then there is nothing to prevent us from being one with that vibration, one with that self-efflugent (sic), beautiful light, that experience and there's nothing that can block us and we then can really experience.
PMT 041 Perfect Master Tape 041 and And It Is Divine, Volume III, Issue 4, Winter 1976

Sao Paulo Brazil, 4 January 1976
Let me explain to you a little bit about mind. See, the way mind works is that before you receive Knowledge, mind is totally driving you totally crazy. Then when you receive Knowledge it's a big blast for you, it's a big change for you, it's a big thing. The mind says, "Well what's this?" And you say, "Well, this is your medicine, Mr. Mind. This is gonna take care of you forever." The mind says, "But I don't want it." You say, "Well, you are gonna get it anyway." and that's where the determination comes. "You are gonna get the medicine anyway. We are gonna wipe you out anyway."
So the mind goes away for a little while, and that's when premies who have just received Knowledge are very blissed out. They go, "Oh, this is just so beautiful." That's when they write me letters saying, "Oh Guru Maharaj Ji, thank you. This is just so gorgeous, this is just so beautiful. Thank you for this Knowledge; thank you for everything." And that's when they move into the ashram, that's when they start doing service. Because there is no mind there, there is no mind to interfere.
Well then, after a little while, mind sits back and says, "This is very, very bad. I cannot function. I, I, I mean, this is very, very bad. This man is controlling me. This person is controlling me, while I am supposed to be controlling this person." And so the mind says, "Well, let me have another try on this guy." So it comes, it starts freaking you out, and you say, "Mind Ji, Jai Satchitanand, go on your way. Forget about it. It just won't work." And mind goes away. Then you feel really blissed out and you feel really confident, "Oh, this mind came and I got rid of it." But, you see, it just so happens that mind won't give up so easily. So it sits and it designs; it plans the most perfect way - just about perfect - a very, very good way, that it can get you.
One morning, while you are sitting under your meditation blanket, it comes up to you and says, "Premie Ji, Jai Satchitanand." You are sitting all by yourself in your room, everybody is doing meditation, and immediately you take your covers off and look around. "Who said 'Jai Satchitanand?' " You put your covers back on and start doing meditation. Then the mind says, "Premie Ji, uh … don't you think you have been doing service for a very long time? Don't you think you have been sitting for meditation now for about five minutes? That's a very long time. You have been sitting here for five minutes. And you have been doing service for two days now. That's very bad. You know, you don't need to do this. Everything is okay; now that you have Knowledge, everything is okay. You don't need to do service, you don't need to do satsang, you don't need to do meditation."
You say, "Man, I sure do feel tired. Yes. I have been sitting for meditation for five minutes now, and I have been doing service in the ashram for two days. What do they think I am anyway? I am not gonna do any satsang, I am not gonna do any meditation, I am not gonna do any service." Then you chuck your baragon out the window, throw your blanket away, and you walk out of the ashram. And mind just got you. That was it. That's all it took.
The Golden Age Number 30, June 1976

Mendoza Argentina, 11 January 1976
Without surrender, you cannot really realize this Knowledge. Without surrender, you cannot really listen to satsang. Otherwise, you are listening to satsang and your mind is going, "That was a wrong spelling. That's not the way you pronounce that word," or, "Is she translating right?" or, or, or, or … Mind just runs and runs and runs and runs and runs. But when we are surrendered, it's very difficult for the mind to run while satsang is going on, because we have surrendered ourselves, we have given ourselves to him, we are one with him. Then it becomes very hard for the mind to run. Only then does the mind stop running about all over the place. What is man right now? Man is a servant of mind. He has surrendered himself to the mind, and whatsoever mind tells him to do, he does. We just have to change the story a little bit; instead of surrendering to mind, surrender to Lord, our Creator, whom we are supposed to surrender to.
The Golden Age Number 29, May 1976

Atlantic City, 19th December, 1976
I ask you, is a simple thing, it very, it very definitely says at least, least minimum one hour of meditation. How many premies, I mean I don't want you to raise your hands or say me or you or whatever or answer me right now. And how many premies, this is, you don't have to answer me, you can answer that yourself, how many premies really meditate one hour? A lot of premies meditate one hour. Tell me one thing, how come you only meditate one hour? That's the minimum. It says so. The minimum of an hour. How come you only meditate one hour? Are we trying to cut short? What are we trying to do? And are we meditating for one hour? It's a good question. Cause it's like Raja Ji was explaining yesterday in his satsang we sit down and first of all the mind says, "Uh,uh, it's too uncomfortable underneath this." You bring a pillow. And then you sit down and it says "Uh uh you're too thirsty to sit down and do meditation. Go get yourself a glass of water."And you, just like an obedient servant, ever devotee of the infinite mind, the very finite mind that is, you just get up and go get that glass of water, that's it. Just, no questions asked and no answers said. You just get up and get that glass of water. That's it and then you come back and sit down "Oh boy, you drank too much. Go burp it out." And it just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on.
Divine Light Mission 'Birthday 1976' film

Atlantic City, 19th December, 1976
And you know, it's, that's the way this mind works, it just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on. In that, in that one hour of meditation, so what are you meditating on,
more you're meditating on mind than you're meditating on, on the Knowledge that has really been revealed to you. So listen, it is a very simple process but when you have to fight with mind constantly, it isn't so simple because you have a fight on your hands and my suggestion to premies is don't fight it, a lot of premies have tried to fight mind, don't fight it, it's very powerful, it's a very strong absence, don't enter it. First of all you have to be more present, you have to be more stronger than your mind to fight it. If you can't fight it, don't join it either, don't acknowledge it, let it happen, let it do it's trip, let it just, let it do it, let it get tired, don't acknowledge it. When it says "Go get the glass of water, don't, don't say, "Huh, I'm really thirsty" and you probably finished a whole 5 gallon bottle of water an hour before that or 15 minutes before that. Then you'll be thirsty, then you'll be hungry,
then you'll be thirsty again. And you know the mind just throws you around and around and around in a loop but don't acknowledge it, just keep on going you know just keep on having that sincere try, just let it keep on going and really come and become simple and for once experience satsang, service and meditation in our life, let us pick up, you know just, just let's all come back home, there's nothin' out there, you know we just said, "Huh, I'm gonna pack up my bags and I'm gonna get out and I'm gonna see what's out in this world. And a lotta people did that,
a lotta people packed their bags and say "I'm gonna go out and see what's in this world." But they went out in this world and next thing you know you get a call from a hospital and you say "What's the matter with the guy, what's the?" He got robbed, he got beaten up and everything else happened. Not in the sense of really getting robbed and beaten up but the mind just robs you of your experience that you have, beats you up and puts you right back into the hospital and that's it. There goes that experience.
Divine Light Mission 'Birthday 1976' film

Atlantic City, 19th December, 1976
Why does Guru Maharaj Ji have to manifest himself in an human life and come into this world, and be here, and stay here, and try to guide premies? Because there is an incredible necessity of guidance. Listen, rev understanding this Knowledge, experiencing this Knowledge, having this Knowledge revealed to us is just one part of the game, the rest of the game begins after that. That's just the dice to throw if you can even really begin, if you can really begin in this game and after that is when the game begins and after that is when the fight begins.
Right now, mind isn't gonna bother you, it's too powerful, it doesn't see any threat. It doesn't see Knowledge as being any potential threat to it. So, it takes it easy. What has it got to bother about? But once you do realize Knowledge and once the mind realizes that wait a minute, this Knowledge is an incredible amount of potential threat to him through it, well (snaps fingers) that's when the big battle begins. So if you think you got, you got a bullet through the door, that's nothing and that's when you need your general, that's when you need your Guru Maharaj Ji to take you, in this battle, of you and mind, to take you through all these trips and to, to bring you where he is, where his experience of Knowledge is.
Divine Light Mission 'Birthday 1976' film

Denver, Colorado, 20 February 1977
And premies, today is the time. Today, in our lives, right at this moment we have an opportunity to put that difference, to put that mind aside and really, really experience Knowledge. This is why Jesus came, this is why Ram came, this is why Krishna came, this is why Mohammed came, this is why Buddha came. I have a practical experience of Knowledge, and I will never deny that. And nobody can come up to me and shatter that experience of Knowledge that I have. And I know it is beautiful. This is not a hypocritic thing; this is not a fake thing, this is a true experience of Knowledge that I talk about - and I want you to have that, period. Why? Because you're humans and you're alive. Isn't that a good reason? That is the only reason: because you're here, you have been born here. And to me, the only reason that we get born here is to plug back into that infinite source, into that infinite energy. So premies, let's just, for this one second, let's put aside this mind of ours. And we all have hope, and we can all really do it, too - really put this mind aside. Well, the point is, the mind is an absence; mind is not a physical presence of anything, mind is just an absent thing - it's darkness.
Golden Age, April 1977, Issue 37

Miami, Florida, April 6th, 1978
For how long is this obscene affair with our mind going to keep on going? Let's put it this
way. We're just going back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth, and back and
forth. And we know it's mind. We know. Because everytime it kicks us, it hurts! And we
know. And we go, "Ouch!" But then we turn around and we put ourselves in exactly the same
position, - that same vulnerable position where we first got hurt. And then we keep making
that mistake again and again.
Divine Light Mission publication, 1978 and Golden Age Number 46

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Saturday, 26 August 1978
Okay, it doesn't even have to be sparks falling from the sky. Just our mind is good enough, is plenty enough. Because look what our mind does to us. It stretches us, stretches us, stretches us, stretches us, stretches us. It reminds me. One time I was watching a movie of the "Little Rascals." Alfalfa had a race with this real snobbish kid on the block. And this kid had a motor boat. And that was a race. Whoever was going to win was going to take this girl. It was a competition. … But we do the same exact thing; Get taken for a ride every time! The mind comes: "Oh come on, come on, come on, come on. I'll take you to someplace better. What's Knowledge? Nothing. You can really go inside the heart of the Knowledge" I mean, if for one second if we had the same faith in Guru Maharaj Ji that we have in our mind, I have no doubt whatsoever that in that same instant … Have you seen that magic? A little bowl, and the magician goes, "Poof!" and this great big flame comes out? Just like that. Just like in that instant you would be where you want to be. You'd be saved, and above and beyond saved. You would be there. You would be what Krishna talks about, what Ram talks about, what Jesus talks about. I mean, it would be there if we just had as much faith in Guru Maharaj Ji as we have in mind. So obviously, you know now that you have quite a bit of faith in mind. And it is! Because what has Guru Maharaj Ji said? What does Knowledge bring us? Joy and true Peace. And what does mind bring us? Ego, which hurts. Hurt, hurt, hurt. Pain, pain, pain, pain, pain. That's what mind brings us. Pain through ego. If somebody doesn't have ego, it brings pain through some other way, pain through some other way, pain through some other way, pain through some other way. But it brings us all this pain. And Guru Maharaj Ji takes away that pain, and brings us the joy of Knowledge. Has mind ever in your life brought you the same experience as Knowledge has brought you? Has ever in your life mind brought you the same pleasure as Guru Maharaj Ji brings you, the same pleasure as you see, as you feel, when you have darshan, same pleasure as when you do meditation? No. Because, mind can come close by doing things. A lot of "bippity-boppity" But it can never do that same experience. And even when that sort of becomes real for us, it disappears.
It's fake. And we become slaves of mind.
The Golden Age, June/July 1978, Number 46

Hans Jayanti, November 5, 1978
But Guru Maharaj Ji says, "Listen! I can take you away from the evolution of life and death. I can take you away from the revolution of pain and suffering. I can take you away from the ferris wheel of all this illusion! But only if you confide in me. Only if you have faith in me. Only if you have trust in me. And then I will take you away from this illusion." … And this constant combat happens between us. But if we have that weapon, if we have that faith, then it makes it all an easy, nice-ending war. Just a nice, clean finish. Grace comes. Your faith comes. Your Love comes. It takes about two and a half seconds. It blows up the mind to little bits. And that's the end of it. That's it! But only when we have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji does that happen in our lives, only when we really let go of what we are hanging on to in this world.
Élan Vital, Spring 1979 Volume III, Issue 1

Ventura, California, 21st January, 1979
So premies, here we are: 1979. I was listening at the residence to the satsang from here, and it was nice. And the whole thing was, that there is a feeling of understanding, a feeling of devotion. There's a feeling of
clarity. There's a feeling of Knowledge, of Guru Maharaj Ji, that has to be very, very clear for all of us; that has to be very alive and very present for all of us. …
And what is mind? I mean, what is mind? By saying "mind" it's not the "mind" mind that we all think about: brain. (I guess you've seen pictures of a brain.) That's not it. But that darkness, that absence of Guru Maharaj Ji
in our lives, of Knowledge in our lives; that absence of clarity in our lives, that absence of Truth in our lives: that's what mind is. …
And Guru Maharaj Ji says, "Wait and I'll give you the tool. Have faith in me. Believe in me. And you'll have that experience; you'll have that beauty. All your absence will go away. All your darkness will go away. All your
illusions will go away and nothing but the clarity is what would persist within you."
The Golden Age, April 1979, Number 52

Hans Jayanti festival, Kissimmee, Florida, November 10 1979
You know, but the most important thing is that it really is where it should belong. In the experience of Guru Maharaj Ji, not in the experience of each other,
not in the experience of maya, not in the experience of this illusion, not in the experience of this mind. Oh yes, we can sit up here and talk about mind, all the horrible,
miserable things the mind does but yet where will the experience be because that's not what the experience is, the experience of Guru Maharaj Ji. Let's get it there,
let's put it there. Let's bring it there and then ss see the pleasure manifest, then see the beauty manifest.
Hans Jayanti '79 video

Hans Jayanti Festival, November 10, 1979
Have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji so that you can trust Guru Maharaj Ji. Because the tendency of the mind - if you can just imagine the mind being this great wind - you're standing out in the middle of this incredible, huge, gigantic field and this monstrous wind starts blowing. And you feel it. You feel that this wind is going to take you away, this wind is going to shatter you. What can you do? What do you need at that moment? Oh, of course it would be wonderful if the wind just stopped blowing. It'd be wonderful if the mind just stopped. But what you need at that moment is something to hang on to. And faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, trust in Guru Maharaj Ji, is the very pole to which you can cling and be saved. Having trust in Guru Maharaj Ji, having faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, to me, proved every time to be this wrench that could pull me out. Faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, to me, is - if I keep walking into the sand pile, the faith is the wench, this link between me and Guru Maharaj Ji, which can pull me out. Because if I lose faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, then truly I have lost faith in myself. And if I lose faith in myself, how can I even go on? How can I even continue?
Divine Times, Volume 9 Number 1 January/February 1980

Rome, Italy - June 25, 1980
We have to understand that what we have to do is what Guru Maharaj Ji wants us to do not what our stupid mind tells us to do. There's big difference in it. You know, if our faith in Guru Maharaj Ji is not there then obviously the mind's gonna win every single time. You know and I just see this whole act has to clean up, has to come to a point where the propagation can really begin to happen. Where there can be that demonstration, where there can be that "Yes! Knowledge! Yes! Guru Maharaj Ji!" Where people can see, like I said in the satsang, you know, people are gonna look at me, then they're gonna look at you, and if they see something there, then they're gonna look at me again and say "Can I have your Knowledge?". When people look at me, then they look at you, and they don't see anything, they're gonna look not look at me either. Why should they? There is nothing there. … You know, you've got to somehow quit listening to your mind, you know, all these silly little games that the mind wants to play with you believe me aren't gonna lead you anywhere. Your commitment, that's, you know, that's basically what I have to say nothing new probably to what I said at the last satsang or last to last satsang or last to last satsang. You know. In essence, what I'm trying to say is that when you get up and say "Bhole Satguru Dev Maharaj Ki Jai" mean it! Not just say it because uh 9,000 other people are saying so, so you say it too. You know. And when you sing Arti, mean it. And all that's gonna come from your practice of Knowledge, from your understanding."
Rome Ashram Satsang 1980 DLM video

Rome Italy, 1st November 1981
That's it. That's his way. … What's real is the truth. What's real is the consciousness. What's real is the anand, the bliss and so are you. And you are the one who manifest so forget about the mind, it doesn't exist. It's a void. It doesn't exist but you do so believe in you. Believe in the truth inside of you and believe in that bliss and Guru Maharaj Ji says "Believe in it all because you experience the bliss. Believe in it because you experience that bliss." You experience that bliss, now you know because you experience the bliss that the source of it is the truth and why it's happening is you're conscious because you're alive.
And in that you have experienced the entire creation. The absolute infinite. Finite is no more.
Rome 1st November, 1981 video

Rome Italy, 1st November 1981
I mean it's just perfect and yet the slightest deviation from that experience, the mind is just sitting there waiting to get us. Which way it will get us? We don't know. How it will come after us? We don't know. How it's going to manifest in front of us, we don't know. In time, in time, I mean it's like we're even naïve to that fact. Human being is even naïve to that fact. And Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world and says "No, wait. There is a mind and it'll get you." It's almost like that's it's service, that's it's job, that's why it incarnates,
to get you. And Guru Maharaj Ji says "I come in this world to rid you from it, from that mind because all that mind will bring you is suffering after suffering after suffering and what I can bring you is that true love, true joy, true peace, true happiness. And you know in this life it's such a paradox, so many times, what to do cause you're helpless against the mind. It's too strong, it's way too strong, it knows, it knows, it knows your nerves, it knows how you talk, how you think and what you are thinking of. It sits there and produces the thought in you, think of this, like a slave, like a robot, think of this, think of this, do this, so that, on off, on off, on off, that's all. And we sit there and we just take it, till there comes the point where we are fried, like now what. And the mind seems to, seems to really take us in a way where it's like "Okay I know everything to do, just relax, I know what to do and it takes us from one point to another point to another point to another point and we say "Wow, this is really incredible. Isn't everything working out for me? Everything is happening, I'm in my mind but huh,
it's all happening." The trouble with the mind is, it gets you to the end of the river where the waterfall begins. Takes you just to the point of no return, right where the the water is rushing so fast that you have no chance of swimming upstream and it's so fast you can't tread water, there's nothing to grab onto, that's where it says "Ciao, see you at the bottom of the waterfall. I'll see you, you won't see me. Love to see you devastated." and then just splits.
Élan Vital 'Rome 1st November, 1981' video

Kepala Batas, Malaysia on April 20, 2009
So, what is it? Am I going to talk about the problem that this world has? Actually I am here to talk about something that Kabir said a long time back. Kabir said, that a drop resides in an ocean, everyone knows. Billions and billions and billions of drops reside in the ocean. Everyone knows that. Thats not news! But he says, that the ocean resides in the drop, only few know about this. So I thought this afternoon would be a wonderful thing to talk about the ocean that resides in the drop because that drop is you. And that ocean is the infinite. It is the one thing that has no description. Cannot be described, so I am not even going to try! It is away from any gender, any concept, any idea. Cannot be grasped by the mind. Can be imagined by the mind, but not grasped by the mind. Its a big difference. And the reason why I want to talk about that ocean because if you decide to discover the ocean inside of you, I can help!
'The First Time' video clip downloaded September 22 2012

Sunday, November 28, 2010
This is your nature, this is how you are. You have a mind, but you don't think it is limited. You think it is unlimited. It is very limited. It can think of incredible things, but can it think of obvious things? Not always. Mind can dream about tomorrow. Mind can remember all those things that happened yesterday. But can mind actually help you live in the moment called now? It can't. It's not capable. Its job, to either go backwards or forward. Its job is not to think of what is now. It's only one thing in you that can understand the moment called now and it is your heart. Not your mind. That's why you have a heart. That one place from where questions don't come but inspiration does. That one place from where reasoning doesn't come but gratitude does. Gratitude and understanding that gratitude. Not reasoning. Mind likes to reason. Mind likes to gloat. Human beings like to gloat.
'Does God Test?' video clip downloaded September 22 2012

Barcelona on 19th Dec, 2010
You have knowledge, incredible source of strength. Why? I will tell you why. Because with this illness, your mind will come and eat you alive. Because this mind, will come and chew you up, at night, at day, every moment, beat you. Anything that can put this much distance between the mind and you is good. And knowledge can do that. Best thing you can do, to beat this disease, is to enjoy every day. Because this is what it takes away from you. This is life. Your objective always has been since day one to enjoy every day that you have been given. No matter what happens in your life, your objective should not ever change. People get divorced, their loved ones go away. Your objective still should be the truest enjoyment of this heart. I strongly believe, thats why you were put here on the face of this earth.
'Conversation with a Cancer patient' video clip downloaded September 22 2012