Prem Rawat's Teachings about the Knowledge of God - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat or Maharaji (the Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's says he is the one and only living Perfect Master teaching the Knowledge, the Knowledge of God, the only way to achieve an experience of God, to become united with God the energy that is keeping you alive, the Creator. He now refers to himself as "the Master" or "the Teacher", vaguer descriptions which are less controversial. There has no been no change in his teachings about himself and his Knowledge (sometimes referred to as Self-Knowledge) but only in the language he uses. He stresses that this is the same Knowledge of God that all the Perfect Masters such as Jesus and Krishna and Ram and Mohammed and Guru Nanak and Kabir and his own father, Shri Hans Ji Maharaj also taught, the exact same Knowledge of God.

A History of Hans Jayanti
If God is omnipresent, He cannot leave. The Perfect Master is His embodiment; he also cannot leave. Hans Jayanti is a celebration of the soul. It is a festival of worship for that spirit which is continuous upon the earth, that energy which is bound by neither birth nor death, the life force of the perfect Master.
It is Shri Hans Ji Maharaj (Shri Maharaj Ji) in whose honor the Hans Jayanti Festival is held. Late in 1966. Shri Maharaj Ji left his mortal body, having dedicated every breath to spreading the Knowledge of God. The time had come for that perfect energy to manifest in full power and glory. It chose the body of an eight-year-old boy, Balyogeshwar Shri Sant Ji Maharaj, son of Shri Maharaj Ji.
And It Is Divine, Millenium Edition, November 1973

Hans Rawat aka Param Sant Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, Prem Rawat's father and predecessor
In the beginning mind does not get hooked easily to the Divine Word and so one is required to practise this again and again. When the mind is settled in the Word, then automatically it gets detached from the external world. But, how to know this Divine Word? We have to strive to know it. We have ten organs - five organs of action and five sensory organs - eleventh is the mind, twelfth is the intelligence. That Word cannot be known through any of these twelve organs. In the eightfold path of yoga, meditation is the seventh step and union of meditation, the Meditated (Divine Word) and the meditator is known as 'samadhi'. Knowledge of God is acquired in that state. This is to be experienced.
Manav Dharam website downloaded on 1st April, 2009

Hans Rawat aka Param Sant Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj at Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India
Truth can be realized and peace established by the realization of Divine Light and the Holy Name of God, but this is only possible through the help and guidance of the Satguru of the time and by no other means whatsoever.
… Permanent peace can be achieved when lust, greed, hatred and fear are overcome by people en-masse. But this is only possible by the control and concentration of mind. Only Knowledge of God's Holy Name and realization of Divine Light enables man to gain the concentration necessary to achieve eternal bliss.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 6

July 29, 1966, Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India
If man had brought the Knowledge with him, then he would have taken the Knowledge and gone directly to the Kingdom of Heaven. But no, a man must find that Knowledge of God. This is the highest religion. Time should not be wasted. …
Christ spread the Knowledge of God in his time; what was that Knowledge? In many places, temples have been constructed, but in each temple the worshippers see the statue of only a single Saint. When they come and listen to satsang, then we say to them, "The God you worship is our God also." When Knowledge of God is spread through the whole world, there will be one religion. The Knowledge will be spread through mahatmas, because, without these great souls, it cannot be done.
And It Is Divine, Millenium Program, 1973 and The Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Peace Bomb speech, New Delhi, India, November 8, 1970
Some say I am a smuggler. Yes, I am such a great smuggler that there may not be another like me! You smuggle cars and tape recorders and escape duty, but I smuggle the Knowledge of God which saves everybody. … Had I liked sleeping on a luxurious bed, I would have been doing so by now and enjoying it, but I do not want pleasure or rest. I only want to devote every moment to propagating the Knowledge of God.
The Golden Age, Issue 49

Hollywood, California, August 11, 1971
My age is so little, my body is so small, I can't serve you as a military officer. I can't serve you as a police constable. The only service I can do is to help you by giving that Perfect Knowledge which you are now seeking in materialism. Every materialistic thing is perishable and after they have perished how will you know the God? You will perish one day, you should know such a thing, that is imperishable, never will perish and that is the Holy Word, the Holy Knowledge of God and that is within you.
Élan Vital, Volume III Issue 3, Autumn 1979

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, November 24, 1971
Buddha Bhagwan said, "I would like to have a glimpse of that Holy Knowledge." And thus, Sujata revealed that knowledge. If this knowledge were available without a Guru, then Buddha Bhagwan himself would have kept quiet and would have continued sitting. As soon as he took knowledge, as soon as he was enlightened by Sujata he started making his disciples and he started telling them, giving his agya (command) to them to go and spread this Holy Word of God.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise, 1972

Fulham Old Town Hall, England, September 3, 1972
But what is the real religion? Real religion is the realization of God through this Knowledge. This is the one point that I want to make everyone understand. These days it is my main point. People come to me and they talk about 'your' Knowledge, and I say, "It is not my Knowledge. It's God's Knowledge and it's your Knowledge, because it's in you, it's inside you. It's present within every soul, and it has to be understood."
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?, Bantam Books

Imperial College, 9 Sept 1972
Why did He come here? Because He knew He was the Son of God, and of course God would have told Him, "You're going to be crucified sonny, so don't go there." And He wouldn't have come here. So why did He come, after the Old Testament and the Ten Commandments were there? And so many other things were there, so why did He come here? He came to make people understand the practical Knowledge of God, because it is not theory that can make us understand, it's only the practical thing that can make us understand.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1972

Sydney Lower Town Hall, Australia, 6 October 1972
I am offering you a way. There is no money that can be charged for it. It does not cost anything. Because if I start wealth of the world ten million times it will not be worth a single penny, a single cent, in comparison with the worth of this Knowledge, because it is Knowledge of God. How can you cost that? it is energy. You cannot put a cost to it. You cannot put it into money. This Knowledge is free for you.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 8, May 1973

Hunter College, New York City, October 8, 1971
So if you want to find the true Knowledge of God, no problem at all. No difficulty at all. Go there, and seek that Knowledge. If it is true Knowledge, it will give you Peace. It will give you enlightenment. It will give you a point there where your mind will rest. It will be a headrest for your mind. And if not, your mind will still wander around. Your mind will still wander around if it is not the true Knowledge. So this is how you will really know what is the true Knowledge.
Élan Vital, Volume I Issue 2 Winter 1977

Boulder, Colorado on June 28, 1973.
Because the greatest person you believe in, Jesus, came into this world for this purpose. He didn't come here to see you, or to show himself to you. He came here to reveal the Knowledge of God. That's what he came here for. And that's what he did. That's what people praise him for. There were people probably more intellectual than him at that time, but why do we praise him? Because of the Knowledge he was preaching to us. That's why we love him. He did a great thing to us. He saved us. And that's why we love him. And we can love him. We have to love him, because he did do a great thing to us.
What is the Real Thing?

A Letter From Guru Maharaj Ji, Bonn, Germany, September 31, 1973
In the world there is suffering, hatred and dissatisfaction. That fact does not need proof. It is understood by all that the world is passing through a great moment.
No one has satisfaction of mind nor can they find the solution to this. The world is looking for the Perfect Master to come and reveal the Perfect Knowledge of God.
There is a supreme energy constantly vibrating in everything making it survive and all the Perfect Masters come to reveal this Knowledge to people.
We can attain all materialistic things and still not have peace, for peace lies inside not outside in materialism.
As you all know Millenium '73 is being prepared for now. This festival has been organized by Divine Light Mission each year since 1967, in the memory of the late Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaji on His birthday. This year the most Holy and significant event in human history will take place in America.
'Special Millenium '73 Edition' of the English Divine Times, October 27, 1973

June 1974
People who just like to read story books and happen to pick up a scripture and start reading it only for that, they won't be confused. But a person who is sincerely seeking
Knowledge of God, of Truth, he will certainly be confused. Because the build-up is correct, it's truthful, but where does it go? Where does it last? There is all this Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge … Word, Word, Word Holy Word, Holy Breath, holy this and holy that … but where is it? It's just not there, not in words
And It Is Divine Magazine, Volume 2, Number 1, June 1974

Proclamation For 1975
I still sincerely think that this Knowledge, the Knowledge of God, the Knowledge of our Creator is our solution. …
I do not claim to be God but do claim I can establish peace on this earth by our Lord's Grace and everyone's joint effort.
The Golden Age, Number 17, January, 1975

DUO Directors' Conference, Guru Puja Festival, Essen Germany, August 30, 1975
Organization is organization. Do it that way. It is for the benefit of people. It is for the benefit of people understanding and realizing this Knowledge. This organization is a channel through which we can propagate the Knowledge of God. That is our definition, and we have to understand that. So don't space out. Don't go around doing whatever your head tells you to do, that is really crazy.
The Divine Times, Volume 4, Number 9, November 8, 1975

This is not something that I can take out of my pocket and pin on you like a medal. It is already within you. If you want it, you can have it. If you do not want, do not take it, and that is all right, too. Perhaps at this time you do not see a necessity for it. Perhaps at another time you will. It will still be there, within you, the Knowledge of God, waiting.
People from all walks of life pursue Happiness … Introductory Pamphlet 1982
Guru Maharj Ji's message has, from the beginning, been supremely simple, and some say simplistic. No ritual or theology adorns it. "I am simply offering an experience of life. God is in you. You can experience the Knowledge of God, you can enjoy it. It's a practical thing. Incredible. Life. And there's an experience to it. There is love of the Creator to enjoy." There is God's magnificence to enjoy." To qualify for receiving the "Knowledge" initiation, one need only be sincere, be truly thirsty for God and not just experimenting.
Hinduism Today 1983
Once a person knows what the Knowledge actually entails Rawat's claims are obviously ridiculous and the reasons for keeping this information secret are no longer mysterious.