Prem Rawat's Teaching about Jesus - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat has often spoken about Jesus Christ and taught that Jesus revealed the same Knowledge as himself, his father and all the other Perfect Masters including Ram(a), Krishna, Buddha, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Swarupanand (his father's guru) and others of that ilk. All were able to inspire their followers with the same Grace to experience the pure energy of God but that only a living Master can help a living person. He taught that not only that Jesus taught this Knowledge but that in receiving this Knowledge you'd be realizing who Jesus was. Maharaji explains it straightforwardly: "there was a time when Jesus came into this world. Yes, there is something like incarnation … Jesus came as Guru Maharaj Ji for those devotees, revealed that Knowledge to them, gave them that experience … Guru Maharaj Ji is Guru Maharaj Ji. Guru Maharaj Ji always will be a Guru Maharaj Ji … Anybody just cannot become Guru Maharaj Ji. It is Guru Maharaj Ji himself that is Guru Maharaj Ji."

Shri Sant Ji Maharaj, July 29, 1966, Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India
Christ spread the Knowledge of God in his time; what was that Knowledge? In many places, temples have been constructed, but in each temple the worshippers see the statue of only a single Saint. When they come and
listen to satsang, then we say to them, "The God you worship is our God also." When Knowledge of God is spread through the whole world, there will be one religion. The Knowledge will be spread through
mahatmas, because, without these great souls, it cannot be done.
And It Is Divine, Millenium Program, 1973 and The Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Hollywood, California, August 11, 1971
This is the Knowledge that Jesus Christ gave, that Guru Nanak gave, that Krishna gave, that Ram gave, that Mohammed gave. And I am giving it. Supreme Knowledge. It is sacred. Top sacred! And it dwells within all of us. All human beings. And we are unable to know it without the help of the true Master. That is what I am teaching. Yes?
Élan Vital, Volume III Issue 3, Autumn 1979

Boulder, Colorado, August 18, 1971
What is the difference between a Satguru and an Avatar?
Same. What is the difference between H2O and water? Some people say "Mercy," "Lord of Mercy." Some only say "Lord," some say "God," some say "Lord Christ." Same thing.
Élan Vital, Winter 1977, Volume I, Issue 2

Boulder, Colorad, August 28, 1971
Remember, Jesus came to reveal the Truth - not to write scriptures or not to do anything else, but to bless the people living in these countries, to bless the people of these countries, to bless the human beings
existing on this plane. And so, even now a Holy Master has come here to give you something. If you want something from me, I can give it to you.
Krishna says, "Receive this Knowledge, by all means, but have a guileless heart. Have a heart filled with a keen desire to know it, filled with real love to know it."
God created sufferings. But He couldn't bear it when He saw how the people were suffering on this plane. He Himself created suffering, but when He looked, when He peeped through, He saw
that all the people were suffering. He couldn't bear that. For we are His sons and He is our Father, and it is impossible for our Father to bear it when we are suffering. And He came onto this Earth to protect us.
Élan Vital magazine, Fall 1980. Volume IV, Isssue 3

Questions and Answers, October - November 1971, London
If Jesus Christ wasn't crucified nobody would have respected him. Everybody can remember Jesus Christ because he was hanging up on the cross. And that was the crucification, and if that crucification had not taken place nobody would have respected Jesus Christ.
Q: Are they going to respect you?
A : Yes, I'm going to be strict about it
Q: But the Bible, The New Testament, tells that Jesus is living now.
A: So Jesus is living, right! Jesus is living. Ram is living now, Krishna is living now, Buddha is living now, but they all have been united. All their powers have been united into one very, very, very, very powerful power. And then this power
spreads it's hand, you know, like this, something is going to happen. All this, all the things that are going on wrong in this world are going to be abolished.
Affinity, June 1979, Issue 52

Los Angeles' Embassy Hall, 1972
See, people were waiting for Jesus to come before. Before he came they were waiting for him as anxiously, or more,
than we are waiting today. But when he came and was standing on this place, and people were passing by, some said,
"Oh, we believe he's the Perfect Master," and some said, "No, he can't be Perfect Master." Because you see, so far we
say, "Perfect Master is going to come." This is an intellectual thing. Because we think he isn't here, and he is going to come.
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 10, August 1973

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India, November 1972
So understand how subtle the mind is, and how subtle this Knowledge is which every Master has been revealing in His own time. Jesus did not preach Christianity. Krishna did not preach Hinduism.
They preached the true Knowledge of the self, they gave self-realization to their devotees. Rama did not preach Hinduism: He gave self-realization to His devotees.
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 9, July 1973

Third World Peace Tour, New York City, Louis Armstrong Stadium, July 28 1973
See, when a Perfect Master will come to you, he will not be stamped on his forehead saying, "Perfect Master: identified and witnessed by God, signed God." No! When he comes here, we have to realize him.
Today everybody prays to Jesus and says, "Jesus, you are my Lord." What about the time when he came? There were very, very few people who said, "You are my Lord." People were saying, "Oh, no, he just can't be it, it's just impossible for him to be the Lord."
There was a time when Jesus was standing, and many, many people were coming up to him. Some were saying, "Well, we believe he is the Lord, he is the one who is supposed to come." Others said, "Oh no, he can't be it."
Everybody was using their intellect, which again is limited -- is very, very limited. So how do we understand, how do we understand when the Lord comes to us? By the Knowledge he reveals.
John realized Jesus as being his Lord because of that Knowledge. Jesus' coming did not mean anything to other people
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 12, October 1973

Los Angeles California, January 27 1974
So this is it premies we have to do it by ourselves it's like to do it and it'll, it'll give you such fantastic bliss and such fantastic tranquility of mind that you will be completely amazed with it, completely amazed with it and I hope and I think I should tell you that if you want to it's like um if you want to you can really do this meditation, if you really want to, if you really want to you can also receive this Knowledge because where there is a will there is a way so if you want to understand God now there is a way. If you want to be with Jesus now there is a way because where there is a will there is a way. I didn't make it, that proverb was not made by me, it was made by you people and I'm telling it to you people back so if you want to really know Jesus it is very possible now and if you want to know God and be one with God it's very possible now. It's up to you, the rest is up to you. It's like what can, what else can I say to you? What else can I do?
Perfect Master Tape #010

Melbourne Australia, October 29 1974
Really premies, so many religions were formed, so many people came, so many people tried to do it - and never made it. And the reason was because the people were always,
constantly looking towards the wrong person, towards the wrong way and it's like, that's how it really, they really got deluded when Jesus came - how many people really listened to him?
Power Of Love 1974 video

Wembley, London, Wednesday, April 20, 1977
To me, to experience that love, to be one in tune with that love and keep on experiencing that love as long as we live, at least to me is a good enough purpose for this whole world to be created - for every apple tree, every banana tree, every grapefruit tree, whatever you have in this world, to be created. And then on top of it all, to top it all off is this human body created and the grace that I was talking about to you yesterday - that we are here and that we are alive - all those seem for one reason: to just keep on experiencing that devotion, to keep on experiencing that love.
Because what was it? I mean, after John received that Knowledge from Jesus, did he say, 'Well, OK, nice seeing you Lord, I hope I see you again', and took off the other way? Or there are just all these things that have come; and all these people who have realized something in their life haven't just said, 'Well, that was good - the best thing I have ever seen', and just shot off. No, there was more to it, because there is always more to it. But to experience it, the amount of sacrifice, the amount of dedication, the amount of weight it takes is incredible because you have to always stay right on the track.
The Golden Age Number 40

Guru Puja Festival, Tucson, Arizona, July 16, 1978
And we follow Guru Maharaj Ji. We follow Perfect Master. We follow that Knowledge which is within inside of us all, which is …
We do not believe. There's a difference. "Oh yes, I believe in John. I believe in Arjun. I believe in Nanak." No! We do not believe; we experience.
And there is a vast difference between believing, and knowing and experiencing. And we experience.
We experience Jesus. We don't just talk about Jesus. We experience Jesus. Because in fact, who Jesus was was not a physical format.
We experience the Jesus that Jesus talked about. We experience the Ram that Ram talked about. We experience the Krishna that Krishna talked about.
And we experience that Knowledge that all the Perfect Masters talked about. Now. By Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace
Divine Times - August 1978 Volume 7, Number 5

Holi Festival, Miami Beach Florida, 7th April 1979
What does Guru Maharaj Ji mean? Guru - the revealer of Light. Gu - darkness; ru - Light. One who takes us away from the darkness and brings us to Light is "Gu-ru." Guru Maharaj -- maha: the ultimate,
raj: the ruler. The ultimate ruler. Guru Maharaj. And Ji is like the expression "sir." And you look at it, and by that I mean Jesus was Guru Maharaj Ji. He was! Didn't he take people away from darkness and bring them to Light? So he was Guru Maharaj Ji. Obviously he was Guru Maharaj Ji. And there is a very particular definition. The word Guru Maharaj Ji does not fall into any category of noun, because it is not noun. Anybody may not become Guru Maharaj Ji, period. It is not like Michael. Anybody may be called Michael. Anybody may be called Marilyn. But that is definitely not the case with Guru Maharaj Ji. Anybody is not Guru Maharaj Ji. Anybody just cannot become Guru Maharaj Ji. It is Guru Maharaj Ji himself that is Guru Maharaj Ji.
Élan Vital, Summer 1979, Volume III, Issue 2

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 10 1979, Evening
We really don't realize what an opportunity we have been presented with. It's very sad, in fact, that we don't realize that when Jesus came, I guess his devotees were very blissed out and everything to see Jesus every time he came or to hear
his satsang or whatever. But I don't think they really experienced him as much after he had gone.
Affinity, February 1980

Miami, Florida December 25, 1979
It's very simple because there you are. There's Guru Maharaj Ji, Be a devotee, have the flow of devotion, and that's all. Period. No doctrines, no dogmas, no nothing is involved. That's all that's ever required for you to be a devotee. Guru Maharaj Ji is Guru Maharaj Ji. Guru Maharaj Ji always will be a Guru Maharaj Ji. You, the variable factor, have to stabilize, and become a devotee and stay a devotee.
Because that's all that's left of Christmas. Nobody thinks about why Jesus came into this world. Nobody thinks of that: what's really true of Knowledge, why Jesus came as Guru Maharaj Ji for those devotees, revealed that Knowledge to them, gave them that experience - I mean, a wonderful experience. Nobody remembers that.
Divine Times, January/February 1980

Cancun, Mexico - January 16 1980
That's why when Jesus came he couldn't function in this world in that sense. He had to resort to those people who were open to him, to those people who could be the devotees, who could have that
devotion, who could have that understanding. That was it. To other people it doesn't even make sense. That's exactly the thing with devotion. Devotion is that connection that all those devotees at that time of Jesus had to
him, that Arjun had to Krishna, that Hanuman had to Ram. It's that link between what that Master comes in this world for and what we are here for. It's that ultimate link. That's the devotion. That is devotion.
Affinity, June 1980

South American tour, Sao Paulo, Brazil, January 30 1980
And time and time again a solution to every one of our questions - a solution is offered by a Perfect Master. And the solution that is offered to us is beyond - completely beyond - what we can think of. We can read. We read the scriptures. We can read scriptures.
But the scriptures point out to us, "Yes, there is an existence of something that is incredible. Yes, there was a time when Jesus came into this world. Yes, there is something like incarnation. Yes, there is something like peace and happiness.
Yes, there is something that's called bliss."
Affinity, June 1980

Right now this world is entangled in a mess of religions. You know how many religions there are? I have no idea. (laughter) I think there are more religions than there are people. (laughter) Because some of them do follow two religions, you know. There are definitely people who, who go by a church and will bow down, and go by a temple and bow down and go by a temple, you know, wherever they are, they'll (nods head) go at it. And I see that the core is missing, the basis is missing, it's, it always is missing cause what happens? We all come together, when Perfect Master was there, one, look at the example of Jesus. When Jesus came in this world, you know, he, he, he's born then all of a sudden, you know, he grows up and, and there, there the whole scene starts to happen. He never created a religion, years and years and years after him his disciples got together and said, you know, there was a nice thing going there. How about us doing something about it, you know, years and years and years after him was the Bible written, that's composed some of the thoughts of those disciples of theirs and from the all that, somehow, something happened that Jesus has nothing to do with comes forth a religion.
Holi 1980 video

Australian tour, Melbourne, circa March 24 1982
"I do not ask people to put me on a pedestal," he said. "But I am their teacher and guide and they love me. I love them too. Did Jesus
ask to be put on a pedestal? Of course not. His people were so grateful and loved him
so much that they wanted to do anything for him. Of course I am not saying that I am Jesus."
The Age newspaper, March 24 1982