Prem Rawat's Teachings about Obeying Him - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat self-titled Maharaji (the Ultimate Ruler) or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself in the 1970's and 80's demanded obedience from his followers or at least that they obey his command to practise his Knowledge and obey any special agya they may receive. This was not just a whim but he required obedience because he was the Perfect Master, the Master, the Savio(u)r, the Lord, the Living Master, the embodiment and the manifestation and the Incarnation of God who come(s) in(to) the world to reveal the Knowledge and save ignorant mankind who do not know the aim and purpose of life. Of course practising the Knowledge included serving him in some capacity, preferably financial.

August 1, 1966, Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India
Dear Children of God, why are you weeping? Haven't you learned the lesson that your Master taught you? The Perfect Master never dies. Maharaj Ji is here, amongst you now. Recognize Him, obey Him, and worship Him.
New York Times, April 8, 1973 and The Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49 and Satguru Has Come, DLM film, 1972 and
Australian Television Channel 9 1982/3 Report

"Peace Bomb" speech, 8 November, 1970 in front of 1 million people at India Gate, Delhi
If you do not obey what Maharaj Ji says, what is the use of your living in this world? Rather you should die of shame! Now Guru Maharaj Ji has come. Whenever He came
before, you did not accept Him. Now I have come again to reveal the Knowledge, and still you do not understand me. So obey my command, or else you will be drowned. … Had I liked sleeping on a luxurious bed, I would have been doing so by now and enjoying it, but I do not want pleasure or rest. I only want to devote every moment to propagating about God.
The Golden Age November 1978 Number 49

Letter To Premies, October 26 1974
It has turned out that Mata Ji, Bal Bhagwan Ji and Bhole Ji (Prem Rawat's mother and elder brothers) have denied in every way to cooperate with Me in doing prachar, spreading this Knowledge. They have refused to obey My agya and have tried to deceive many premies.
This might sound ridiculous but, unfortunately, this is true. I want to warn all the premies because until now this situation has brought a lot of confusion and controversy.
I want that no premie should cooperate with such people, for if they are not following My agya, they just become an obstruction in the spreading of this Knowledge.
The Golden Age, No. 19, April 1975

DUO International Headquarters Conference, Denver Colorado, 19 December 1975
So the first understanding, which is a basic understanding, and if you do not have that understanding you automatically disqualify, is that we are all serving Guru Maharaj Ji, we are all premies. It's our first and foremost duty to have that realization inside of us, to really realize Knowledge, to meditate, to obey agya, and to serve Guru Maharaj Ji to our maximum capacity. That's the first understanding. Doesn't matter who you are, what your service is.
The Golden Age, No. 19, April 1975

Fankfurt Conference, 28 November 1976
Really that drive of premies of why we should be in ashrams, that inspiration, has been really sort of lost. People go out and see movies instead of sitting down and maybe doing meditation. Once a while it's O. K. but it's extensively done. But in the new ashram system it's going to be very very clear, a black and white line, no grey areas. If you are found smoking, found drinking, found disobeying any of the guidelines that are specifically set, you will find you are immediately outside the ashram, and you'll never be able to come back in again.
The Frankfurt Conference, Divine Light Mission booklet

Guru Puja Festival, Miami Beach, Florida July 29, 1977
And then, in the whole conversation where Lord Krishna is trying to convince Arjun that it's okay to fight -- "Just go ahead and do it," and shows him his real form -- he says,
"Look, I'm everything. I'm the doer of everything. I am the maker of everything. I am everything. I am in everything and I am everything. So go ahead and fight."
He says, "It's my agya. Go ahead and fight." Then he also says, "Look, these people are dead, so just go ahead and kill them. It's okay, kid." (That's an exaggeration.)
But why? "Because following me, by obeying me, the Almighty, you will attain peace. I'll give you the Knowledge. I'll reveal you myself. You will attain it."
Élan Vital, Volume IV, Issue 2, Summer 1980

London, England, Sunday, March 5, 1978
And that feeling comes when we really understand our Guru Maharaj Ji. That feeling really comes when we see our Guru Maharaj Ji. That feeling really comes when we obey our Guru Maharaj Ji.
… Why aren't we with Guru Maharaj Ji? Why aren't we with Knowledge? Why, for even one second, can't we obey Guru Maharaj Ji? Why is that mind there?
Divine Times, March 1978

Dortmund, Germany, October 1, 1978
But the thing is, that we all have to be premies. And being a premie is not just being called a premie. Listen, Divine Light Mission doesn't make premies. Premie means lover. And you love what?
What do you love? You love Guru Maharaj Ji. You love that Knowledge, and that's what makes you a premie. And that's what you have to understand. And then Guru Maharaj Ji says,
"Really what makes you a premie is if you obey me."
Golden Age, Issue 51

Holi, 7th April 1979
Our realization of Guru Maharaj Ji, which is Truth, and our obedience to Guru Maharaj Ji, who is Truth, is the way this life should be led, not the way we think this life has to be led.
Élan Vital, Summer 1979, Volume III, Issue 2

Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 5, 1979
And Guru Maharaj Ji doesn't say this path is easy, but this path isn't difficult, either. All you have to do is open your eyes and implicitly obey Guru Maharaj Ji. Let him take you. Just follow him. Don't follow your
ego; don't follow your mind. Just follow him, and it'll be as simple as "A-B-C-D."
Élan Vital, Fall 1980, Volume IV, Issue 3

25th June 1980, Rome, Italy
Unless that happens. Otherwise there's always going to be those questions, well. How do we do propagation? There is no magic word, there is no magic key, there is no magic thing that you can do that's gonna boost up
the propagation. Nothing. Everybody coming together, everybody realizing, is what's gonna do it. Everybody understanding, everybody having that commitment and more than anything else, everybody ready to obey Guru Maharaj Ji's agya and be in
that space.
Rome 1980 Ashram Satsang Transcript