Prem Rawat's Teaching about "Becoming One" - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat's English is and was poor and very idiosyncratic. When he was still calling himself Guru Maharaj Ji in the 1970's he referred to himself as the Perfect Master or Satguru and explained that there was only ever one unique person alive on Earth at any one time who was the Perfect Master and that this Perfect Master comes in(to) the world time and time again since time immemorial to reveal to humans the Knowledge that allows them to realize God. Since around 1990 he has referred to himself as "the Master" rather than "the Perfect Master" but he is still the unique source of the Possibility of Peace in the world today through the techniques he reveals that are "more than meditation" and that only he can inspire. He has developed his own vocabulary where some words have a unique meaning. He still talks about "Becoming One" through the practice of the techniques of meditation that he teaches and through staying in touch with him by attending his speeches and to bow before him and kiss his feet as part of this "Knowledge." Naturally enough there are times when "become one" is used in its normal sense as in the first section quoted here from his speeches. The meaning is always obvious from the context. Click here to see excerpts from the same speech where he uses both meanings. The 2nd excerpt is from a speech by his wife, whom he had proclaimed the goddess Durga Ji (Marolyn Rawat nee Johnson) in which she explains what he has personally taught her about the meaning of human life and Prem Rawat's mercy.

Hans Rawat teaching about Becoming One

Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, India, February 1964
Devotion is much greater than reading or writing. If you think that everything is in books, then point out to me even one man who might have acquired the true Knowledge or gained salvation by reading books. When the object of devotion, act of devotion, and devotee become One, then there is salvation, liberation, and by no other way. It is not attained by reading scriptures, by going to temples, bathing in religious places or donating offerings. Salvation is attained by Knowledge, constant devotion and regular remembrance of the Holy Name.
The Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Marolyn Rawat teaching about Becoming One

Durga Ji (prem Rawat's wife), Guru Puja Festival, Caracas, Venezuela, July 25, 1975
But what Guru Maharaj Ji does is he shows us that we're really the ocean. We're really the whole sea, and somehow we were taken out by Grace to become a raindrop, only to realize that we really are the ocean. Then when we fall into the ocean, there's nothing to be afraid of. We become one with what we really are. So, it's really a gift, premies, to be in the form of raindrops, to be in the form of a human body, and realize our source, realize our Father. And that is Guru Maharaj Ji. Guru Maharaj Ji has said many times, and especially recently, that we really aren't of this world. This world is not our home. We're here for a time, we're born, we take our first breath, and we keep breathing, we keep living, we keep experiencing this world, and then we die. That's something we all have in common. We have a beginning and an end in this physical form. But that doesn't mean what we truly are has a beginning and has an end. Because it doesn't. It's infinite. When we realize that infinite thing is within us, and that we can concentrate on it through this meditation, then we realize that we really aren't this body. We are something so, so fantastic, so beautiful. We realize that Guru Maharaj Ji, out of his mercy, has come in a raindrop form, in a body, to say, "Hey, all of you, I'm here to show you something. Something very beautiful. So you don't have to be afraid anymore."
The Golden Age Number 23, September, 1975

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Questions & Answers, Phoenix, Arizona, January 21, 1974
And to start it with the mark, just like that (makes infinity sign), is the answer and the equation and the beginning and the end of itself. So where will you start it from? Where will we end? Forget it, you know. It's like, that's why it cannot be written down. Otherwise if there would have been something like that, we probably could have written the equation down. And what really, for man, what infinity is, is "G" plus "M" is equal to infinity. When God and man become one, that's infinite. Because man is finite, and God is infinite. When finite is completely merged into something that is infinite, it's equal to infinite. Yes?
Élan Vital, August 1977, Volume 1, Issue 1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Guru Puja Festival, Caracas, Venezuela, July 25, 1975
Like I was saying yesterday, we don't want to be related to God at all. That's an extremely bad thing, to be related to God. Suppose somebody sits down and says, "Oh God, I want to be your brother." But one thing we know is that we are not his brother, because we want to be his brother. But God tries us out, and he says, "Okay. I'll accept you as my brother." And us being as imperfect as we are, we really blow it one day. So he says, "Get outa here. Forget it." And there we are. We are all by ourselves again. But you see, the trick behind it is, if we become one with God, become one with the Truth, then we cannot be separated, because we are the Truth, we are that vibration, we are that love, we are that everything that we want to be. So, premies, realize it.
But let me tell you what Kabirdas thinks of this. He thinks that by diving in the holy river, you cannot be liberated. The reason why you cannot be liberated is because fish stay in that holy water all the time, and they never ever get liberated. So what's so special about you that you dive in and get liberated? He thinks that peacocks have very long hairs. They never get liberated by having them. What's so special about man that if he has long hair he will get liberated? He says that the woman who cooks all day long in the fire and gets ash all over her body, she never gets liberated. So what's so special about you? But, he says, the people who realize this Holy Word, who become one with that vibration, always get liberated, always get to the point that they want to be.
You've got to become one, so that wherever that perfection goes, you'll go, so that you can always be in that vibration.
The Golden Age Number 23, September, 1975

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando, Florida, evening, 9 November, 1975
I really don't know when I'll have the next opportunity to see you. I don't know which festival it will be. But what I have told you, I hope you remember. Because it's important. You see, I have realized Knowledge. I have experienced that bliss, and I have become one with it. And I want you also to become one with that bliss, with that true consciousness that you have realized, like I have, so that you can be in that stage which I promised you, so that you can be in that perfection that I promised you. This is reason why I want you to go ahead and do satsang, and service and meditation. And when mahatmas come along and give you satsang, listen to them. I am pretty sure that we have sorted out the right bunch of mahatmas, and I hope they'll cooperate with you. Of course, nobody knows about mind, what it might do.
The Golden Age Number 25

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Durga Ji, at a surprise visit to the Sunday Community Meeting, Denver Indian Center, Denver, Colorado, 7 December, 1975
We have to just keep practising this Knowledge. And that means making that time, sitting down in the morning, and practising meditation. When I sit down in the morning and practise meditation, or in the evening, it's like this time has been given to me by Guru Maharaj Ji. And it's such a precious time, premies, when we have that opportunity to really do meditation. Because Maharaj Ji's given it to us. It's time when we can really become one with our Lord. You know, this whole world is into this thing like, "Oh love … Love is the way, not war. Make love, not war." You talk about making love, but who's making love all the time? Who is the maker of love? It's Maharaj Ji. Maharaj Ji is always making love - pure love. And when we sit in meditation, premies, we can really make love with Maharaj Ji. We can make love with him, be one with him. And that's a very, very precious time.
The Golden Age, Number 26, February 1976

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Development '76 Fundraising Conference, Executive Towers Hotel, Denver, January 25 1976
Is it possible for us to stay in constant contact with that God who is omnipresent, to be constantly in contact with the source?
Maharaj Ji: Well, the thing is, we already are.
I mean, consciously.
Maharaj Ji: Then there's a difference. And the difference is, if you want to know consciously, "I am doing meditation, I am doing meditation, I am one with God, I am one with God," then you won't be one with God. You will be one with something else. See, those things are so tricky because they sort of look like they come on at the same angle, but they don't; they are quite a bit different. We can always be in that Holy Word. And if we are one with that Holy Word, why would we want that to pause and another idea to come in telling us constantly that we are one with God or one with that omnipresent power? It's just that, when that happens, we know it. We know it. We don't even have to make an effort to try and figure out, "Am I doin' meditation or not?" We are doing it. I don't sit down and say, "Am I doin' meditation?" or even try. Because, so far as I am doing meditation, I'll know I am doing meditation, and it won't be with my mind knowing it. It's just because I'll feel it, I'll really see that. When you become one with it, you'll find out the way it works. It's very tricky, because, see, we are always used to our external perceptions: "Is it cold or is it warm?" But when it's the perfect temperature, just that right temperature, which is not cold and not warm, then what do we say?
Divine Times, Brotherly Love and Sacred Journeys

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Indian Centre, Denver, Colorado, February 19, 1977
As I said before, this world was not made for problems. Therefore there are no solutions. This world was made for one reason. And there is only one reason. And the reason is for every individual to come together, to come into one, to become one, to really understand this Knowledge. Tell me one thing. People might say, "Well, why would God create such a fantastic earth? Why would a Creator create such a fantastic environment just for people to come together?" Tell me, what did Jesus do when he came? Tell me, what did Krishna do when he came? Tell me, what did Ram do when he came? Bring people together through Knowledge. Through this experience that he gave, he brought people together.
The Golden Age Number 41

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Holi Festival, Florida, March 20, 1977
I was watching a cartoon in Los Angeles, and it was "Bugs Bunny" cartoon. …
So every concept, every imagination that we have in this world, and that one goal we have in this world, we have to really find out what that goal really is in our lives that we have to accomplish. And that goal so far I have understood there's a lot of ways to explain that goal of our life, of our lifetime. But it's to complete one cycle from where we were born, from where we originated, from where that inner strength, that inner force came unto us - to go back to it, to become one with it, to me, is the goal of our life. And of course, you can break it down into a lot of different topics, and I'm not talking about birth. But no, birth into that life that never begins and never dies. I'm talking about birth into that eternal eternity, where there is complete harmony, where there is complete satisfaction.
And the only method that is most successful, and the only method there is, is satsang, service, and meditation. And to give it all a super dose, there is darshan, and these programs, the way they're happening. So premies, let us all really come together, let's really become one in that bond, one in that tie, one in that love, and go ahead. There's no power in this whole world that can stop us from experiencing what we want to experience. Not even mind, if you're strong enough. There's nothing. No power in this world, that can stop us. Just - all we have to do is have faith in Guru Maharaj Ji. Have faith in me. I'm here to help you, and I will help you. But sincerely have faith in me. Not in some, not in some way, not in some manner, or particular manner, but just have faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, period. And let it all happen, let it all begin.
The Golden Age, May / June 1977, Number 38

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Munich, Germany, April 10, 1977
But to me, it's surrender. It's devotion to Guru Maharaj Ji. Because so far we keep … keep this string tied to Guru Maharaj Ji. Keep our - keep ourselves surrendered to Guru Maharaj Ji. He will take us, and He won't let us wander. But the day we stand on our own feet and start to walk our own way, we're going to fall, because we have every time we have gotten up. And this is the first time in our lives somebody came along and lifted us up and said, "I'll take you." And when we leave that hand, we're bound to fall again. And it's just like, okay, mind and trips and so on and so forth. You can look at it any way you want; but to me, satsang, service, and meditation are food, you know? To keep me alive, when Guru Maharaj Ji is my life. So, if I leave Guru Maharaj Ji, and I keep on eating, then it's like a corpse trying to eat food: what would be the point? But if my life, if I could stick to my life, then automatically those things will be provided. Because what I'm dealing with here, what I am trying to realize in my life, what I am trying to become one in my life with, is a far more superior person, and is far more superiority there; that omnipotent, omnipresent; and omniscient - so what is a piece of apple, you know? What is a piece of banana? What is this and what is that? And everything can manifest for me; it has, you know? And this is why I'm here. This is why my realization is where it is at, is because I've surrendered myself.
The Golden Age, Number 39

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

London, England, April 19, 1977
That's not the purpose of that power that has been given to this man in this world. As individuals, the purpose of this is to really reunite with that Almighty, with that all-graceful thing, and become one with it, and enjoy that power source. Enjoy what - the reason we are here for. Enjoy the purpose of our life what we are here for. Enjoy the meaning of our life … And why is it important to know the goal of this world? Why is it important to know the goal of this human life? Is so that we can fulfill it. That's so that we can accomplish it. And premies, it is so wonderful to have that opportunity in this lifetime, now, via that Knowledge that has been revealed to us, through which we can fulfill, through which we can accomplish the goal of this life.
The Golden Age, Number 39 and Light Reading, June 1979

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 1, 1977
That doesn't happen. When we surrender - you have to understand - what is the meaning of surrender? And the meaning of surrender is to give yourself. Okay? I mean, that's just the way we would associate: "Well, completely give yourself to Guru Maharaj Ji. Become one." But one of the questions we have to ask ourselves is that: who do we belong to, to be able to give and take, to have a transaction?
This is completely for one purpose, and that is: so that as brothers and sisters, coming together in this stadium, we can realize that one thing that created us. So that we can become one - one with that Oneness. So that we can become one with that energy. And that is the only purpose! That bliss. So that premies can have their food! So the premies can have darshan, so premies can listen to Guru Maharaj Ji's satsang, and listen to satsang. Just one purpose, you know? Different activities, maybe, but one purpose.
And until I see you, whatever you do, stay intact, stay in one piece. And, do satsang, service, and meditation. Realize the importance of it. And really become one with it.
The Golden Age, Number 39

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Guru Puja Festival, Miami Beach, Florida, July 29, 1977
So premies, I think that what we have to pursue is a lot more. You have to go beyond that point. If we receive Knowledge selfishly and say, "I want peace, I want peace, I want peace," then maybe we won't even get it. Because what we are trying to pursue is a reason. And we have to go beyond all reasons, beyond all of what we call logic, or beyond what we call our limitations, and go into this endless depth, the endless height of that reality, where there is everlasting peace, where there is everlasting tranquility, where there is everlasting harmony. And to realize that and to become one with it and to be able to feel that constantly -- because Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace when we can feel it, and Guru Maharaj Ji's mercy when we can feel it, are a lot more and a lot stronger than what we can ever desire in this lifetime. Peace can come and go. Knowledge, of course, will bring us that permanent thing. But Knowledge can also take us one step beyond.
Élan Vital, Summer 1977, Volume IV, Issue 2

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Hans Jayanti, Rome, Italy, Night, 9 November, 1977
Of course, today, in body, Shri Maharaj Ji really doesn't exist within us. But yet we know, and we can feel it, and we can understand, and we can really - well, quite clearly see, that the reason why he came in this world, the reason why he even got born into this world, the reason why he went from place to place, spreading this beautiful Word, spreading this very beautiful message to all people of the world, had no distinction. He had no reservations. He went to everybody, door to door, just telling them that they have this human life, and that in this human life it is possible to realize the purpose of this human life, to realize the goal of this human life. It is possible to merge with that oneness, to merge with that incredible thing, to become one with that ultimate.
That experience of Knowledge is within inside of us, because that Knowledge is within inside of us. But we need Guru Maharaj Ji, we need Guru Maharaj Ji to be able to tune that so that we can hear it, so that we can feel it, so that we can emerge in it. And by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, and only by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, have we already reached to the experience of what we are, of what we have.
The Golden Age Number 42 and Divine Times - September/October 1978 Volume 7, Number 6 and The Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Hans Jayanti Festival, Rome, Italy, Friday, November 11, 1977
What I am trying to say is that, overall, whose Grace is it that ties it together into any possible sense? What people say is that by the Grace of God you have life. Now I agree. He runs His Grace out of you and you've had it. And that's true. But then, what is the purpose of having this life if you can't realize the aim of this life - if you can't fulfill the aim of this life - which can only happen by the Grace of Guru Maharaj Ji? So from beginning to end, it's the Grace of Guru Maharaj Ji that brings us together, that brings us to the point where we can realize Knowledge and fulfill our aim. And only he, only Guru Maharaj Ji, can then turn around and give us enough Grace again to be able to surrender to him, to be able to become one with him.
For each of you as individuals, you have to make that decision that you really, really want to surrender, to be able to become one with Guru Maharaj Ji, to be able to experience the purpose of this life, to be able to accomplish the aim of this life, to have God-realization - you name it - to accomplish that - except materialistic and worldy things. They just don't get accomplished.
Divine Times, November 1979, Volume 8, Number 6 and The Golden Age, March 1978, Number 43

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Kansas City, January 21, 1978
Premies who are really practising Knowledge; it is really manifesting in their lives. It really is manifesting in their lives. Maybe it's slow, or maybe it's fast; but it's such a wheel, such an infinite wheel. Because there is such a barrier in one way. And actually it's not in one way, it is, it is a barrier, and it is different. And there is this river of infinity flowing. And a lot of times I've given this example, and yet, however many times you give it, it's not enough. And it's just, there is this infinite river. And we want to join this infinite river. Now what do we expect? Is this infinite river going to come to finite thing? Because if it does, if all that attempt is not necessary, and it's just that finite river comes to the infinite river, then that river that's infinite is not going to stay infinite anymore. The only way to merge with that infinity is if the finite thing goes and actually merges with it; becomes one with that. Not the finite coming down to the infinite.
But that experience of Guru Maharaj Ji - yes, maybe one day the physical manifestation of Guru Maharaj Ji has got to go because it's physical. And yet that experience that we experience in darshan is not physical, and therefore it's never got to go, and it never goes away! It's the same experience, it's the same joy that all the saints have described in seeing Guru Maharaj Ji and experiencing darshan. And okay, of course, "darshan" is a Hindi word. You might have a different interpretation to it. Now, what are you going to use? "Homage"? What are you going to use? Anything. I mean - and yet, simple enough: "Darshan," if you can understand the meaning of it. Because it really is an experience. And when we experience that, we realize. Then it's very, very clear to us. And we have to be open for that. And yet, to be able to experience darshan, we have to be open to Knowledge. Because without Knowledge, darshan is nothing. And how does the Knowledge in itself grow? How does the Knowledge in itself manifest? How does that satsang, service, and meditation in itself manifest? And that's the most important thing in our lives now. Because that's the point that we have come to: To know what satsang, service and meditation is. And to completely merge with it, to completely become one with it, with that satsang.
Divine Times, November 1979, Volume 8, Number 6 and The Golden Age, March 1978, Number 43

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Kansas City, January 22, 1978
And through this body we can fulfill something - the time, the space that has been given, this one wish that has been granted. And really, it comes down to that point: "Okay, forget about imaginations, kid. It's real." Forget about all those things that you dream about, but to come to that point of just really letting yourself go, to make that one wish come true, of surrendering to Guru Maharaj Ji, of actually realizing the Knowledge, of becoming one with that reality, of becoming immortal. Or getting liberation, or having peace, or however you put it. To make that one wish happen, to make that one wish manifest - what does it take?
Divine Times, November 1979, Volume 8, Number 6 and The Golden Age, April 1978, Number 44

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Malaga, Spain, March 26, 1978
And yet there exists a thing that's completely infinite. Past all the universes, past all the stars, all the galaxies, all the Milky Ways, all the moons, all the suns, lies an incredible experience, lies this incredible energy. And that energy is experienced. The experience of that energy, by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, is possible, now. And that is what's being rendered to us. That's what's been given to us, to be able to experience that perfection, to be able to experience that bliss, to be able to experience that incredible beauty that lies within all of us. What makes us premies? What makes us understand that we are all premies? It's that Knowledge. Because we all share the same secret that keeps every one of us alive. Okay, so you don't know what the other guy's wardrobe is like. Or what kind of watch he wears. But it doesn't matter. Because we all know one thing, and that's that Knowledge. And we know that that Knowledge keeps you alive, keeps me alive, keeps everybody here alive. And then, by knowing that, it automatically becomes a beautiful, beautiful garland, in which we completely just merge, and become one, and then experience that great oneness that just doesn't end! It has no end to it. And so that's the point that we have to come to.
Divine Times - Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Memorial Day, Malibu, California, May 28, 1978
And by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, every second, every moment, every inch of the way, things keep manifesting and manifesting and manifesting. And when we let go to that Guru Maharaj Ji, when we let go and surrender ourself … Because who are we? Before that we were nothing. After that we are nothing. But we become one when we accomplish the purpose of why we are really here in this world. So premies, I hope I'll see you very soon. Until then, again, keep doing satsang, service and meditation. And just flow with that experience. Because without that experience, we're lifeless. With that experience, we become who we are. Not Joe Blow. Not Smith, not Kathy, not John, not this, not that. But we become who we really are. And if we forget who we really are, if we let go of Guru Maharaj Ji and really forget who we really are in the true sense of the word, then that's almost like commiting suicide, that's almost like dying.
The Golden Age, August 1978, Number 47

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Shower of Grace, Malibu, California, June 11, 1978
So it's quite obvious that there is one proof that we are complete idiots, if we do end up taking that track where we don't even have one wheel, or two wheels, or three wheels, but 8400 million wheels to go through, forever and ever and ever! And on one side, a complete salvation, a complete merge, a complete -- complete complete! No more ifs, ands and buts. So what are we going to take? Which one are we going to choose? … And Guru Maharaj Ji says: Come! Come to me. Take those three steps, and I'll take my 3,000, and let's complete the cycle. Let's go beyond, become one, and go beyond all these chakras, go beyond all these imaginations, go beyond all these concepts, and merge with what reality really is, merge with what Truth really is, merge with what we are supposed to merge with. And yet, so many scriptures have been written. So many people believe in these chakras of 8400 million things that can happen to you, and for such a long time. And maybe some people don't. And I'll come to that later maybe, and try to tell you that there is no difference if you believe in that or you don't believe in that. It doesn't change the fact that you have to become one with that reality, if you want to become one with that reality!
Divine Times - June/July 1978 Volume 7, Number 4

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Guru Puja, Tucson, Arizona, Friday, July 14, 1978
That experience when we become one, when we become whole. What is that feeling? I mean it's just like such an incredible feeling. What is that feeling when that baby comes to it's mother? It's definitely true that the child can, in fact, survive without it's mother. That can happen. And yet, that's not it. That's not the problem. That's not the matter. That has no bearing on it. It's just that affection of joy. It's being whole. It's to let go. It's a feeling to be. It's a feeling of joy because you come there and you don't have to do anything. You're safe. You're sound. You're secure. You're there! And there's so many things combined.
And so I mean it's completely obvious. What are we going to do be able to be at that place, to become one, to be where we want to be? And the only way that can happen, the only way that can manifest, is when we surrender.
The Golden Age Number 48, September/October, 1978

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Guru Puja, Tucson, Arizona, Sunday, July 16, 1978
I mean, don't think that someday you will be sleeping, and all of a sudden you're not going to feel any heat nor cold, nor will you see day, nor will you see night, nor will you have hunger, nor will you have thirst. And there you will be, five feet off the bed. And then you will walk. And then you will suddenly discover that you don't have to walk, that all you have to do is desire and you will be right by the door. Then, you go to put the coffee on the pot, and all of a sudden you discover that you don't have to do that anymore. All you have to do is desire, and the coffee just comes out of the can, goes into the coffee pot, and starts to be perked. No! That's not going to happen! I mean, maybe. There's always that one-to-a-million chance. Maybe some freak thing will happen where that might manifest. And in case it does manifest in your life, that is not the indication of surrender. That's not the indication of being perfect. That is not the indication of becoming one with that ultimate.
The Golden Age Number 48, September/October, 1978

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Philadelphia, August 25, 1978
You've got a long way to go. Yes, sir. A long way to go. And we have to do it. There are no substitutes. There are no replacements. Those replacements that people think exist never existed, never will exist, and never should exist. There are no substitutes. We are all alone in this world. We come for ourselves to accomplish the purpose. We come to be able to join that perfectness, to be able to join, to be able to become one with that Knowledge. And we have to do it. Every one of ourselves.
The Golden Age Number 48, September/October, 1978

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Saturday, 26 August 1978
We're talking about something that is above and beyond any of our concepts. We're talking about something that is beyond any perception that we can have. We're talking about something that's perfect in itself. It's perfect, because it is perfect. And no justification is needed. And that's the Knowledge that Guru Maharaj Ji comes to reveal to us. And upon receiving that Knowledge, upon understanding that Knowledge, upon realization of that Knowledge, we become one with that Knowledge.
The Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Philadelphia, August 28, 1978
You know. Guru Maharaj Ji is the person that gives you a mile. Mind is the thing that takes an inch, and stretches it into a mile. And the thing is, all mind needs is just a little bit of fuel, ever so little, ever so little. Anything can start a conversation. That's seven days of our life. But not "seven days- -- every moment of our lives has to become one with Guru Maharaj Ji. Not 20 minutes. What's the 20 minutes going to do? Why do you only want 20 minutes? Every moment has to become that. Twenty minutes is not long enough. Two minutes is not long enough. Even 100 years is not long enough, to tell you the truth. But one lifetime, even one second, to completely prostrate yourself to Guru Maharaj Ji -- for one second, truly, authentically, to surrender to Guru Maharaj Ji forever -- is enough. Once. Because Guru Maharaj Ji will then take you, put you in his ship, and carry you away.
Divine Times - September/October 1978 Volume 7, Number 6

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Hans Jayanti Festival, Kissimmee, Florida, November 5, 1978
Maybe when I say "purpose of this life," "aim of this life," "aim of this human life," a lot of relays of concepts click on. But really, premies, to realize ourselves, to understand who we are .. if it were our associations and our concepts and all these crazy things that we have … to get away from that and to really understand who we are by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, to me, is the purpose of my life. That's the purpose. And I think that that's every human being's purpose in this world; to have faith in their Guru Maharaj Ji, to love their Guru Maharaj Ji, to see their Guru Maharaj Ji, to do satsang, service, and meditation, to realize who they are, to become one with that most incredible thing! And it can be done.
Élan Vital, Spring 1979, Volume III, Issue 1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Hans Jayanti Festival, Kissimmee, Florida, Afternoon, November 11, 1978
Then we have to go to Guru Maharaj Ji. And Guru Maharaj Ji gives us the solution. But Guru Maharaj Ji says one thing. He says, "Look! It's chancy to come up to me and go, "Come on, Maharaj Ji! Come on, man! Let's do it. Get rid of my mind. My mind is eating me up. Don't you understand that? Do it!" Guru Maharaj Ji says, "Look, that's chancy. Do it slowly and easy. Pray to Guru Maharaj Ji. Become one with Guru Maharaj Ji. Surrender to Guru Maharaj Ji. And then it's possible." So premies, how lucky can we be to have a Guru Maharaj Ji? And now we have to try to surrender. Do satsang, service, and meditation
Élan Vital, Summer 1979, Volume III, Issue 2

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Royal Albert Hall, London, England, May 28, 1979
And yet, that's only a fraction … Everyone's soul in this world, everyone's heart, longs to undo with that reality, longs to unite with that love, longs to unite with that Truth. And truly when that effort is made … Obviously, the relief that the mother experiences is very little compared to the relief of what happens when, inside, this real heart unites with that reality, with that Truth. There are no words. Because it's complete. It becomes perfect. It becomes one, one with that infinity, one with that infinite thing. And then there is no more, no more.
Light Reading, 1980 and The Golden Age, Special Introductory Issue Number 1, February 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Sao Paulo, Brazil, January 30, 1980
even better than any experience of this life we can have, there is something else. And that something else is that Truth that we have to experience. That is our destination: to become complete, to become whole. Instead of being this thing that consistently goes up and down and up and down all life long. To become one. To become one with that which is always one. To become complete by joining, by becoming a part of what is always complete. By completely submerging into something that has no beginning and has no end. Because everything in this world …
Affinity, June 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Holi Festival, Rome, Italy / June 25, 1980
(Normal use of "become one"): I was standing there on the steps, listening to the song (Leaving Your Lotus Feet, Where Would I Go?). It's starting to become one of my favorites. I know it really has to be true for me. My experience of Guru Maharaj Ji, my experience of Knowledge, has to be real for me. If it isn't real for me, then who am I kidding? What am I trying to do? What am I trying to accomplish?
(Rawat's special use of "become one"):There is such a sweet experience. Such a sweet experience of Guru Maharaj Ji, for every one of us to enjoy. We don't have to be in our minds. We don't have to be in a state of misery, when we can have true pleasure. And everything I'm saying is possible. I'm not reading from a book of impossibles. This is my own feeling. I know. Because it is such a home. It's such a home. It's so complete. It's so content. It's so real. It's such a love. It's such a feeling. It's such a joy. It's such a pleasure. And that's what we all - that's what we are made for! To enjoy, to bliss out, in that beauty. Here we are, to become a part of the perfect game - the perfect, most beautiful game. The entire universe waits. Everything waits for us to go home, for us to join, for us to become one - this perfect, most beautiful game of hide and seek. And I know how I can find. If I try to look, I'll get more lost. But if I let go, I'll find Him. I'll really find Him. Yes, I'll really find my home. I'll really find my love. I'll really find what I've been looking for, for the rest of my life. I'll find it. I'll find my answer to my question, my question that I can't even put in a language, my question that nobody in this world has an ability to answer. Because it is that thirst. It only can be quenched. It's a hunger that only can be fulfilled by that food of love. It's only - so incredible. And I wish that every one of you could realize how incredible it is.
Élan Vital, Fall 1980, Volume IV, Issue 3

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, Vaishakhi Celebrations (Evening Session), 13th April, 1991.
The experience too should be practical and living. And how beautiful it is that due to love, we are getting all this opportunity. Take advantage of it. Accept it and imbibe it. Open up your heart. Be a real student, a person who is totally dedicated. Though I know that you have not the capability to become one. So pray for this also that you may become a student. Be a devotee. But I know, you cannot become a devotee. For this too, you have to beg that you may become one. If you want to become a devotee, you can become one. But you do not know that you have to become a devotee. So far you have been a devotee of only one thing and that is maya (illusion). And if you are left alone just for one minute, you will again become a devotee of maya. Apparently you don't know how to practice real devotion. You only know how to practice devotion of maya. You can become a devotee of kali-yuga (dark-age), but if you want to be a true devotee, for that also you shall have to ask, how is that possible?
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 4 October-December, 1991

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about Becoming One

Portland, Oregon, Questions and Answers, March 19, 2001
Track 5: Q: ??? Shri Maharaji ??? read satsang about yogis and yoga and I have some questions about um the practice of actual physical asanas in yoga and how that relates or doesn't relate to knowledge?
A: Very clearly, it is described the Knowledge is Raj Yoga, the king of all the yogas because it is the unity, 'yoga' means unity, 'yog'. It actually doesn't mean physical exercise it just means unity, to become one with something and that which puts you to be in one with that essence within inside of you is the King of all yogas. All the yogas that are there, they are for physical benefit, maybe they put you in touch with different elements. This yoga is to put you in touch with the element of life itself. It is not a physical exercise in that you have to put your foot over your back. I mean look at some of the people who have knowledge, including me, it is obvious we don't do that, ha, ha ha ha. We have a hard time getting up from the chair, much less putting, you know, that's not everybody but it's very clear, it's very clear, clearly defined the two in one you do, you know, a housewife cooks or a houseman cooks, in this day and age, umm, but that feeds the stomach but Knowledge feeds something else, a thirst that is much deeper than that and so there is a very, very clear distinction between all these different things and I think to appreciate that difference, I'm not gonna put down anything, I don't need to, you know, umm, be in this world, do whatever do whatever it is that you do and whatever it is that you have to do but don't forget that element, that breath and in each breath there is that is the witnessing, that is the witnessing of that Supreme Power that makes all of this possible, the whole world, the whole universe, so, it's not a paradox, it's simply a very clear division, the two have nothing to do with each other.
Visions International CD #AC0722EN