Prem Rawat's Teachings about True Love - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat or Maharaji (meaning Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's has always taught that love is purely conditional and disparaged all forms of it, even maternal and family, except the love of his devotees for him and his for them which he says is the only real, true and pure love. The overwhelming majority of his devotees or students have never met him, do not know him and "love" him because he is the Perfect Master, the Master, the Savio(u)r, the Lord, the Living Master, the embodiment and Incarnation of God who manifests in a human body and come(s) in(to) the world and demands their devotion, their faith, their obedience and their surrender.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Darshan

Durga Ji (Prem Rawat's wife, Marolyn Rawat nee Johnson), Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee Florida, November 10, 1978
Because Guru Maharaj Ji is making love within our heart all the time. He is always making love within us. He is love. He is making love in this world. He is the only source of love. And so if he is making love within inside of us, that's where we go within to make love with him. Such a pure love. How gifted we are to have this body, so that we have that place within inside of us that is our heart, our true heart, where that love is being made. This is the source of our breath, so that we can be here with Guru Maharaj Ji, so that we can experience him. Because there is nothing else in this world to experience.
The Golden Age, February 1979, Number 51 and Affinity, January 1979 and Divine Times, January/February, 1979, Volume 8, Number 1 (heavily edited)

Prem Rawat's Teachings About Real Love

Boulder, Colorad, August 28, 1971 Remember, Jesus came to reveal the Truth - not to write scriptures or not to do anything else, but to bless the people living in these countries, to bless the people of these countries, to bless the human beings existing on this plane. And so, even now a Holy Master has come here to give you something. If you want something from me, I can give it to you. Krishna says, "Receive this Knowledge, by all means, but have a guileless heart. Have a heart filled with a keen desire to know it, filled with real love to know it." God created sufferings. But He couldn't bear it when He saw how the people were suffering on this plane. He Himself created suffering, but when He looked, when He peeped through, He saw that all the people were suffering. He couldn't bear that. For we are His sons and He is our Father, and it is impossible for our Father to bear it when we are suffering. And He came onto this Earth to protect us.
Élan Vital magazine, Fall 1980. Volume IV, Isssue 3

Prem Rawat's Teachings About Real Love

London, England, Questions and Answers, October/November 1971
So this is the true and sincere love that they developed through this meditation. Nothing else could develop this love in them, only this meditation. And if you want again to know this true and sincere love you can do so through meditation and service, because they did service also.
Affinity, June 1979

Prem Rawat's Teachings About Real Love

Prem Rawat's Birthday, 10th December, 1971, Prem Nagar Ashram, India.
And all the human beings that have been created and are living in this world, or on any other planet, have to be united in one cord, only one cord. This cord is of love, and that perfect love is only given by the Perfect Master of the time. No one else is able to give that love to you. You think that your wife, your husband, your children will give you love? No. It is the love of selfishness. Baby loves mother because mother gives milk, not because they have a connection. No. Just because of selfish love. In the same way, you love everything because of selfishness. But we love guru without any selfishness. It is pure and perfect love, it is that love which cannot be disturbed by mind at all. So be perfect, be in love, do meditation, run smoothly, have a good life, enjoy yourself, be one with Him who has created you, who had created you and who will create you. Because this is what you have to find in the world.
Whenever the Lord comes, He is hungry for love. Nothing He wants. He has created diamonds, He has created the whole of nature. Nothing is a surprise to the Lord because He has created it. But the only thing that can be a surprise for Him is your love. Love that is sincere, that is from your heart, it comes right from the depths of your heart. It shows light, affection, devotion and real love. It is perfect. Perfect, and so it will last forever. So that love God requires.

Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?, 1973

Prem Rawat's Teachings About Real Love

Delhi, India, December 1972
Man is supposed to be human, but actually he has lost his humanity. That's why there is so much frustration, so much jealousy, and so much hatred between human beings. We have started this mission and it's working very, very successfully distributing love, truth and peace so that the idea of brotherhood can come into the world. All the saints have been trying to give something to people so that they might be in perfect union with God. Jesus came and He gave something. He gave the lesson of love, but He didn't only speak of love, He gave something that put people into love. I am doing the same thing now, giving something to people so that they might be in complete love, so that they might be in the true love which flows towards God rather than the love which flows towards materialism. The love which flows towards materialism is very limited because all materialistic things are limited.
And It Is Divine, Volume I, Number 5, March, 1973

Prem Rawat's Teachings About Real Love

Holi Festival, Miami Florida, March 29 1975
You see, it just so happens that every human being has a quest to know, has a feeling inside of him to know that which is completely unknown, that which has never been revealed before, that which cannot be told, that which is completely not perceivable by his human body. Now that can be anywhere from A to Z. It can be love. Because what mankind in these days experiences as love is not true love. It is something else. And that true love he has never seen before, he has never felt before, he has never touched before. That which he wants to know could be love.
And It Is Divine, Volume II, Number 9, March, 1975

Prem Rawat's Teachings About Real Love

Montreux, Switzerland, 21 May 1976
And in the same way, because Knowledge is a beautiful experience, for people who have not really put their everything into it - because this is something that you have to put your everything into - those people almost wish somebody had to sit there and do satsang, service and meditation for them, because they don't want to do all that, they just want that beautiful experience. But a person who really puts his whole self into it is going to get that experience. That ultimate experience, that ultimate love, is only one love. We try to imitate it by doing this and by trying to do that, but there is sincerely only one love, though we have, of course, found lots of methods to imitate it. But that one sincere love is towards Knowledge, is towards that truth and we have to really experience that, we have to really realize that, and start putting ourselves into it.
And It Is Divine, Volume 3, Number 3, Autumn 1976

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Love

Atlantic City, 20 December 1976
And I'd just like to talk a little bit about what this love really is. This love that we all have, that we all experience, that we all share, of course there is a distinction, there is one love is true love but maybe it's projected through the wrong lens, maybe the projector is right but the film is dirty and so you really cannot blame it on the projector. Maybe you are sincere but there are some loves that are just extension of mind but then there is the true love which is unselfish, which is pure, which is constant and that is the love that we wanna talk about that we wanna, we wanna share cause all other loves fail. They're there and then they go away, they're there and then they go away but this one love is not like that, it isn't like it is there and then it goes away, it is always there, it is always constant because it is true love. Because it is that thing, it is that perfection, it is that truth that we all seek. It is the perfection that all the imperfect things in this world seek and it is the great hunt, it is the great search and we all are looking forward to it. And that generates, just that much generates a feeling within inside of all of us, a true feeling, a sincere feeling inside all of us which brings us to be able to brings us to the point where we can really share love. And so premies it is love, that true love that you have for me and I have for you that really brings us together every time. That is the only reason why I am here and you are there.
And It Is Divine, Spring 1977, Volume 4, Issue 1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Love

Atlantic City, 20 December 1976
The same way it's like the experience that I have that I have to give is of this love, is of this Knowledge because Knowledge is love and that is what makes Guru Maharaj Ji love. And that is what makes all of us love and make us makes us all of us understand and makes all of us realize what are we really all about. You know, in our, in our lives, like I was saying, we go out and we do this and we do that and we say OK we have so much but it really isn't worth it. … I mean nobody can say the whole system of government is very super simple. It isn't. Neither is the system of churches. Neither is the system of (pauses while thinking) so-called "God-realization." What other people claim, what other people challenge. That isn't simple either. But to me if we are here to realize God, to realize that love, to realize that supreme authority in our lives then it has to be simple, it will never be sophisticated.
And It Is Divine, Spring 1977, Volume 4, Issue 1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Love

Atlantic City, 20 December 1976
This is the difference between Guru Maharaj Ji and just an experience of Knowledge because the experience of Knowledge is just an experience of Knowledge but Guru Maharaj Ji even takes it a further step away where he, he enables that experience to be constant with you, not just a one time shot but to be constant with you, to be there with you all the time. And like one of the saints in India, Brahmanand says and he describes Guru Maharaj Ji and he describes like how beautiful it is to, to experience that love, to experience that Grace of Guru Maharaj Ji and to go on and on and on and on and on and have that help, to have that guidance, to have that love of Guru Maharaj Ji in our lives and he says, "How can I then ever repay Guru Maharaj Ji?" and he and he and he answers, it's very beautiful, that if I gather everything in this world, everything that there is in this world and multiply it by 10,000,000 times it won't even be worth a grain, one piece of grain, one piece, one piece of penny to what I owe Guru Maharaj Ji."
And It Is Divine, Spring 1977, Volume 4, Issue 1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Love

Holi Festival, Miami, Florida, Friday evening, 18 March 1977
So premies, this is really an opportunity for us. We have no barrier. I and you have no barrier, simply because you're my premies and I'm your Guru Maharaj Ji, and there's only one reason why we are here. You might have a lot of different reasons, I might have a lot of different reasons. You might be able to explain them, I might be able to explain them. But when it comes to Knowledge there's something we have really understood to be as true as it is; in this world there is only one reason. And that one reason why we are all here is because we love each other. Is because I love you and you love me is the greatest reason in this whole universe to be here, and to always show up again and again and again, in time immemorial, as Guru Maharaj Ji and devotees, 'til there is the blue sky, until there is a brown earth, until there the ocean roars.So premies, let it go on, let it flow. It always - all the premies in the whole lifetime have wanted to have satsang, have wanted to have darshan. Well, we went through a lot, well, we're back again, and we're back again home. I'm here and you are there. I don't want anybody in between, and I'm pretty sure you don't want anybody in between. If you want to unite with me, you have now an opportunity to do so by satsang, service, and meditation, and by the opportunities provided by these satsang programs to you now, premies.
The Golden Age, May / June 1977, Number 38

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Holy Name

Montreal Canada, Friday April 29 1977
And I am here to help you, you know? And that's the only reason. And this is the only reason. Because we both are here, and because I love you. I want you to experience what I have experienced: that experience. Because it's beautiful, and I want you to experience it. And I love you, you know? And I don't love you because you look nice. I don't love you because you're great. I love you for a reason that neither you can explain, nor I can explain. But, we both love each other. And it's just very, very simple.
Divine Times, July 1977 Volume 6, Number 6

Prem Rawat's Teachings About Real Love

Denver, Colorado, 25 February 1979
And that language of Love is what we can all talk, we all can understand. But, premies, we have to have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji. We cannot just stand there and say, "Because everybody is singing Arti in this hall, chat along, kiddo." But mean it. Even if Arti changed tomorrow. You know. It is not the matter of just mere words, but it is meaning it in your heart and not going. "You are my mother, and you are my father." But, "Yes, Guru Maharaj Ji! I love you because you have mothered me. And I love you because you guide me. I love you because you are my friend."
Divine Times Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Prem Rawat's Teachings About Real Love

Interview, Miami Magazine, April 1979
MM: What message would you like to give to the readers of this magazine?
This life is such a precious gift, and so far as I have understood, it is the crown of Creation. To be here, to be alive, is such a grace, such a gift, from that Almighty Lord God. And that is all the more reason why we have to realize Him, recognize Him and experience Him within. … I feel I have something through which you can experience the Peace and the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, within and thus experience that love of our Creator, the Almighty who has created us all.
The Golden Age, July 1979, Number 54

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Suffering

Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 8 1979, Evening
"In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer and …" I don't know what-all they say. All the things. And then comes that time when it's, "I hate your guts. Get out of the house. I hate you. You're terrible." Maybe that thing starts to happen in people's lives, like I was talking about that day: a clay mask, rollers in the hair, biting of the nails. All the things getting on each other's nerves. Husband leaves his clothes all over the place and the wife complains about it and the wife leaves her things all over the place and the husband complains about it. All that love only lasts till the honeymoon is over. After that, it's all finished and gone. What people don't do to try to get that love back in their lives! But because that's not even true love … You like a person or whatever. You want to be a companion. That's one thing. But calling it true love and sincere love - because that's one thing it isn't: true and sincere love. How can it be true and sincere love? If you have true and sincere love, it won't even flow towards another being unless it's Guru Maharaj Ji. If it's Guru Maharaj Ji, then that true and sincere love can really flow out of you, from you, from deep within you.
Élan Vital, Volume IV, Issue 1, Spring 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About Family

Cancun, Mexico, January 16, 1980
I mean, look at my children. I love them and it's beautiful. But is that really…? I know that I can't give my sincere love to them because that sincere love, that really sincere love, has already been dedicated to Guru Maharaj Ji. And that's the only thing I can be sincere about. That's the only real thing I can be sincere about. I mean, I hope not, but tomorrow they could come up to me and say "Ciao, pops," which happens to so many people. Then what do you do? What do you hold on to? What is there to hold on to? But the true sincere love, that sincere love, that love that's not because of a reason, that devotion where that love is so sincere - so sincere that it changes its name from love to devotion. I cannot give my devotion to anything else in this world except to my Guru Maharaj Ji, because it's sincere. I cannot have an expectation. What can I expect? That's where I have to learn humility. That's why I have to be humble. I need not be humble anywhere else in this world but I need to be humble when I stand at my Guru Maharaj Ji's Feet.
Affinity, June 1980

Prem Rawat's Teachings About Real Love

Rome Italy, 1st November 1981
Guru Maharaj Ji says "Come with me and I'll show you the garden, I'll show you that life, I'll show you the creation. The creation you've never even seen before. I will show you that love, the love that's limitless. The love that's endless. The love that is not bound by time. The love that is full of grace. A love that is present. A love that's all encompassing." What is there in this world like that? We chase around in this world but what is in this world that can give us that? The real love. The love between two people, the greatest love between two people, makes uh Romeo and Juliet look like amateurs. … That's miserable love. Who needs love like that? People get, people got killed in that love. They were miserable for the whole their lives, specially when they started that love and yet is that the same love that Guru Maharaj Ji offers? No, completely different. Joy from the very first day, bliss, happiness from the very first day. … The hatred that one human being has for another isn't going down by any means. And yet Guru Maharaj Ji and the I know on one hand this world is offering us on a platter you know the hate, the fear, jealousy, anger, suspicion, ego, all the nice candies. And on the other hand Guru Maharaj Ji is offering us the love, the joy, the truth, the bliss, the harmony, the light, cause he has it, he has it to offer, he has it to offer to everybody, it fills them up.
Élan Vital 'Rome 1st November, 1981' video

Prem Rawat's Teachings About Real Love

Brisbane, Australia 1983
No, I'm not a millionaire. I've never seen a million yet. Ha haha ha. It it seems, it all comes off like that that but it really is the love of those people who have had the experience who have some respect for me and this is the way they they don't want me to get stuck in some odd place or something like that and and this is, this is their love. I don't refuse it, I have to admit that. I can't shove it in their face and say "No , I don't want that." It's not my concept that to find peace you have to go live in the Himalayas and only wear one little leaf over here or something. … When I can understand who I am, the thing that I am, the peace the harmony with myself then I can even begin to love myself, love my God who has created me and then that love can flow out of it. It doesn't mean I go around kissing everybody I see but I am in in peace with myself, I am in harmony with myself. I ah love myself, I exist here and I love that fact just I can love anything else that exists in this world. That's my version of love anyway.
Australian Television Channel 9 1982/3 Report

Prem Rawat's Teachings About Real Love

Evolution video 1989
This love that we all have, that we all experience, that we all share, of course there is a distinction, there is one love is true love but maybe it's projected through the wrong lens, maybe the projector is right but the film is dirty and so you really cannot blame it on the projector. Maybe you are sincere but there are some loves which are just extension of mind but then there is the true love which is unselfish, which is pure, which is constant and that is the love that we wanna talk about that we wanna, we wanna share cause all other loves fail. They're there and then they go away, they're there and then they go away but this one love is not like that, it isn't like it is there and then it goes away, it is always there, it is always constant because it is true love.
Evolution video 1989

Prem Rawat's Teachings About Real Love

Visions International booklet 1994
People want to love, but they don't know what love is. People think love is what happens between two people. When a man loves a woman, a woman loves a man, right? Wrong. Love is, by definition, something very different. Love is impartial. Love does not look at the age; love does not look at the habits; love does not look at all the things that we look at. Love is love. We judge. Love doesn't. Love has no reason for exchange; it can only flow in the direction where it can be reciprocated. Love is not a one-way street. You can only love that which can love you back ounce for ounce exactly the same. If you want to call the love between people "human love" as distinct from "the love," I'm game. True love does not change. Human love is subject to everything - from moods, to times of the month, to jobs, to kids, to financial statements, to government, police, dog, fleas, headaches, toothaches, thieves, burglars, bad food, delayed aircraft. Real love has nothing to do with any of that. The amazing thing is that only while you are alive are you capable of feeling that true love. Every human being on the face of this earth can feel it. It does not start from here (indicating head), but here (indicating heart). There is love, peace, joy, hope, but unfortunately, these things only come alive when this (indicating head), goes silent. It has to go silent.
Maharaji's world wide addresses

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Love

The "Effort and Grace" video 1995
And that is the only place where the real love resides. The only place. And that is the place where the Master comes to take you to. And the magic happens again and again and again on the face of this earth.
The "Effort and Grace" video 1995

Prem Rawat's Teachings About Real Love

July, 2008
By our unconsciousness, we allow greed, anger, and fear to overtake the sanity of being alive. If there is suffering on planet Earth, it is brought by the people, for the people. We are the ones that set the expectation of how everything should be. "You should be like this, live for this long, look like this, look like that." Did God create the problems in this world? No. We did. It is about human beings. If you could just know that this life is the chance to spend time with that which is the truest, unconditional love … This is the opportunity for every living being to spend time with the Beloved within, to feel gratitude for life and rejoice.
The Voice of Maharaji Website downloaded April 1, 2010