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Prem Rawat - March of Shame

Instead of doing something that might conceivably promote peace, Maharaji continued to do exactly what he always had done. Fly around the world, in as expensive a jet as his followers could afford, and give them the same old speeches he had been giving since he was 6. However, where possible, he would also give speeches in rented rooms at prestigious universities. His minions could then create false reports of these speeches, who invited him to give them, who listened to them and what he said. They merely had to omit the parts that referred to His claims that he had a unique role and that He and his Knowledge were required to attain peace and also not to mention his past.

He was also able to be involved in various Cultural Forums where a person who can bring a crowd and a film crew and cost the organisers nothing while also being in a position to help with expenses will always be welcome.

They also took advantage of the existence of United Nations Associations. These non-government organisations were begun in 1946, probably at the behest of the KGB rather then the CIA, as independant non-government organisations to raise public awareness of and promote the United Nations. They are invariably small, self-important and can easily be influenced by Rawat's followers with members and donations. Rawat's minions have flooded the internet with stories of Prem Rawat apparently associated with the United Nations but only one or two are accurate. For legal reasons dealing with rules for charities Maharaji must always be invited to attend any event. In all these early PR spin bogus events the invitations originally came from himself.

These are two lists of actual full transcriptions of speeches made by Prem Rawat and recorded on video or DVDs. After Prem Rawat's public title and persona change in 1983/4 most speeches were no longer published in print. His printed speeches had always been edited and only actual transcripts reveal what a terrible speaker he was.