The "Teachings" of Prem Rawat aka Maharaji (formerly Guru Maharaj Ji)

The major and virtually only source of teachings, doctrines, etc in Prem Rawat's career as a "Master" are his speeches. These are mainly impromptu though they are very repetitious and have evolved greatly since he first began speaking to audiences as the empowered incarnation of God. However, they maintain one constant idea, Prem Rawat is the only source of real peace and happiness in the world today and he is the last and greatest in a line of "Masters", he formerly called "Perfect Masters", that includes Jesus Christ and Krishna who taught the same "Knowledge" he now teaches. The language has evolved (though when in India he uses the same concepts that are no longer discussed in the West) but the message remains the same. Whether that is deliberate deceit or a growth and maturing in exposition is a matter of debate though it is difficult for most people to accept that claims of being the Ultimate Ruler and Supreme Divinity can be laid aside while maintaining any shred of credibility.

This is a partial collection of his speeches or excerpts from his speeches listed according to date. They are named by some of his unsung heroic followers who wade through the turgid banalities to try to extract a meaningful and inspiring title for each speech. In Rawat's early speeches he openly proclaims Himself to be the Perfect Master, God Incarnate on the planet, come with more power than ever before and about to initiate the Golden Age of humanity but he always avoids answering a direct question like "Are you the Perfect Master?" Go figure.

Its not easy to change from being long haired and openly proclaiming your Divinity, calling yourself a Perfect Master and Lord of the Universe, and then becoming a man who deserves respect and adulation only because of his unique and innate talent to inspire the possibilty of peace, his top gun pilot skills, his wealth created by astute investing and his renaissance man, artistic talents so it took a while for his new persona to evolve. The short hair cut was done quite quickly.


1986 - 89



Excerpts from the Thank You CDs 2001 - 2007
